How to lower cholesterol without drugs. Unique methods from nature

The complex of health care measures must necessarily include procedures for cleaning blood vessels. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to clogging of the body’s arteries and causes the development of atherosclerosis. This disease entails the development of more serious pathological changes in the heart and leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Not only medications, but also herbs can be used to clean blood vessels. It is not enough to know the name of such herbs; it is important to use them correctly, following recipes and maintaining proportions

Causes of clogged blood vessels

The opinion that clogged blood vessels are typical for older people or those with chronic diseases is fundamentally wrong. Many factors lead to such a pathological change in the condition of blood vessels. Some of them can be easily discarded, since their presence depends on the person himself. And others cannot be avoided.

The reasons why blood vessels become fragile and the walls thicken:

  • negative impact of the environment, poor ecology;
  • unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • presence of bad habits: smoking, alcohol;
  • the effect of chronic diseases on blood vessels.

The human body is a complex system that, like technology, has a program for self-cleaning blood vessels. The program starts at the moment when the accumulation of substances harmful to the body reaches a certain level and the blood vessels become clogged with decay products.

But when such accumulation occurs too quickly, exceeding the permissible level tens of times, independent cleaning can no longer cope. The abundance of waste and toxins that causes vascular atherosclerosis causes the body to signal that it needs help.

Symptoms of clogged blood vessels

Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels are among the most rapidly progressing and dangerous. The symptoms that appear should not be ignored; you should immediately visit a doctor.

It is better to start treating any disease at the initial stage; only in this case will it be possible to avoid global health problems, use herbs in therapy rather than drugs, and save money.

Symptoms of “dirty” vessels:

  • memory impairment;
  • constant fatigue, which manifests itself already in the first half of the day, subject to normal night rest;
  • decreased performance;
  • frequent dizziness accompanied by disorientation;
  • head fights;
  • frequent nausea;
  • hair loss;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased function of vision, hearing, and smell;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • weight fluctuations for no apparent reason.

Taking care of the health of blood vessels is everyone’s task, but for people who have bad habits, examination of the condition of blood vessels should be carried out at certain intervals. It is better to undergo an examination once a year, not limiting yourself to studying only one organ. Particular attention is paid to the vessels of the brain.

How and why to carry out the cleansing procedure

If “growths” are detected on the walls of blood vessels, their cleansing is indicated. The growths are made up of “low” cholesterol, which accumulates in the blood and is broken down as needed. Excess undigested cholesterol leads to the formation of plaques inside the vessels, which can thicken to enormous sizes.

Such plaques interfere with normal blood flow and supply to all organs. Lead to the formation of blood clots, which cause heart attacks, strokes, and deaths

There are many methods for cleaning blood vessels. Serious contamination will require the use of serious medications and a set of measures.

The initial stage, which involves a small level of contamination of the vessel, allows the use of traditional medicine and homeopathy in treatment.

Before cleaning blood vessels, the body must be prepared and the entire lifestyle must be reviewed. It is necessary to exclude those factors that a person can influence independently:

  • giving up bad habits, fatty foods, emotional experiences, and taking certain medications. Without an integrated approach, not a single cleaning of blood vessels will help.

Rules for the cleaning procedure:

  • regularity and frequency. You cannot take herbs that cleanse blood vessels every now and then; the approach to treatment must be serious;
  • the finished herbal preparation should be stored in the refrigerator and not used after the expiration date;
  • You should buy herbs from a pharmacy chain and strictly monitor the expiration date. After opening the package, store according to the rules indicated on it;
  • Before starting vascular treatment, measures are taken to cleanse the liver.

During the treatment of blood vessels, it is necessary to increase the amount of clean water consumed, follow a diet and perform a set of simple physical exercises

Treatment of high cholesterol

The main method of combating high levels of fat in the body is a special diet and normalization of the diet. In addition, it is necessary to abandon a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the development of stagnation in the body and contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Physical exercise and daily walks in the fresh air have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, cleanse them, improve mood and overall well-being.

In addition, cholesterol is reduced with the help of medications and folk remedies. Unfortunately, today there is no universal remedy that, when taken, radically reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Typically, the following groups of medications are prescribed for this purpose:

  • fibrates – affect fat metabolism in the body and make high-density lipids inactive; when taking these drugs, the likelihood of developing vascular complications and acute pancreatitis is reduced;
  • statins - block enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol in the body, the first visible effect is visible two weeks after starting to take drugs of this group; the advantages of statins include the fact that even with long-term use there is no addiction.

Contraindications to cleansing blood vessels with herbs

Before starting vascular treatment, you should consult a doctor about contraindications, the presence of diseases and the possibility of discontinuing medications taken that affect the liver and can cause blood clots.

Although herbs are a natural component, their unreasonable, uncontrolled use can cause more serious harm to health than the disease that is treated with their help.

Contraindications for herbal therapy:

  • the presence of chronic kidney and liver diseases in the acute stage;
  • heart pathologies;
  • pathological changes in blood vessels;
  • ulcerative changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children's age - strict dosage;
  • allergy to one of the medicinal herbs;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Not all of these diseases require a complete cessation of the use of herbs in cleaning blood vessels. The presence of such a disease requires a particularly careful selection of a medicinal plant, studying its effect on the body and individual organ.

Where can I buy

In our store you will find a wide variety of folk remedies and ingredients for making them yourself. We deliver goods by courier throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, and by mail throughout Russia. In the capital, folk remedies for reducing cholesterol can be bought at one of the Russian Roots herbal pharmacies.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

The effectiveness of herbal remedies in cleaning blood vessels

Herbal medicine successfully uses the properties of medicinal herbs in normalizing low cholesterol levels in the blood and lipid metabolism.

The use of herbs and herbs will help prevent the formation of plaques and prevent existing ones from enlarging.

Treatment with medications can be much more effective, but herbs have several benefits:

  • herbs are part of popular and expensive medicines;
  • do not contain synthetic components that are harmful to the liver;
  • allow you to save significantly;
  • herbs effectively fight the cause of the disease.

The formation of cholesterol plaques is typical for people over 50 years of age. But younger people can also use herbal remedies to cleanse blood vessels, for preventive purposes.

Keeping a diet

  • Proper nutrition prevents an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, so it is important to correctly plan your menu.
  • Limit the intake of fat from food (no more than 30% of the daily calorie intake) and replace animal fat with vegetable oils (sunflower, olive and others). Avoid fatty meats and replace them with fish, poultry (without skin) and legumes.
  • Give preference to whole grain and wholemeal bread and porridges made from unprocessed cereals.
  • Eat at least 500 g of vegetables and fruits per day.
  • Limit fried foods. Boil food, steam it.

Carrots for cholesterol. A doctor on how to reduce the risk of heart disease Read more

What results can be achieved

Herbal medicine is a gentle way to get rid of atherosclerosis and more serious pathologies. Using herbs you can achieve impressive results:

  • improvement of general well-being;
  • increased performance;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism, cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • improving quality of life.

It is necessary to start herbal treatment at an early stage or for the purpose of prevention. Herbal medicine is not able to remove existing plaques from blood vessels. This can only be done surgically. Medicinal herbs can prevent the formation of new plaques and inhibit the growth of old plaques.


How to assemble. Pumpkin seeds are prepared and dried under a shed or in the attic for 5–6 days. Drying seeds in an oven at high temperatures is not recommended.

Recipe. Pumpkin pulp and pumpkin seeds are included in the diet for heart disease, atherosclerosis and anemia.

Kuma Pumpkin. Why is porridge made from this vegetable beneficial for heart patients? More details

Herbs for cleansing

Herbal treatment has been practiced for hundreds of years. The experience of herbalists is used by pharmacists in the production of medicines for a wide range of purposes. Often such drugs have a narrow focus, and plants have a broad focus. Each herb has its own “work front”, method of application and the best form of use: alcohol tincture, decoction, tea, etc.


Another name for the herb: sandy tsmin. Rich in substances that can effectively cleanse the walls of blood vessels and the lumen. It has choleretic properties, helps cleanse the liver, and improves fat metabolism.

The herb is used in the fight against atherosclerosis, in therapy for the prevention of heart attacks and recovery after them

The flowers of the herb are used in treatment; they are collected in July. Form of application: decoctions, infusions. It is effective when used in combinations with chamomile, St. John's wort, and birch buds.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: hypertension - increases blood pressure, increased stomach acidity, pregnancy, lactation.

Preparation of the decoction:

  1. a glass of boiling water;
  2. 1 tbsp. spoon of dried flowers.
  3. Simmer the mixture for about an hour over low heat, apply 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day for 3 months.

Clover red

Field shamrock is rich in vitamins and minerals. The main properties of the herb: removal of cholesterol, waste and toxins, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

Inflorescences are used in therapy: fresh or dried. Form: tea, infusion, decoction, alcohol tincture

Clover tea:

  • thermos with hot water (1 l);
  • 1 teaspoon of flowers.

Pour the herb inflorescences into a thermos and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes. Drink tea for 45 days, do not add sugar. Honey can be used if desired.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: rapid blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy.


The plant is rich in vitamin B2, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, phosphorus, and inulin. Properties of the herb: dissolves cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves metabolic processes.

Dandelion is used to prevent and prevent heart attack, stroke, hypertensive crises

In therapy they use: flowers, roots, grass stems. Fresh herbs are used to prepare vitamin-rich salads; decoctions, infusions, juices, and drinks are made. Included in preparations with horsetail, rowan, mint, viburnum, St. John's wort.

Dandelion tincture with alcohol:

  • chopped roots and leaves (5-7 pieces);
  • 500 ml medical alcohol;
  • glass container.

Combine the ingredients in a container and place it in a dark place for 7 days. Shake occasionally. Pass through the filter element.

Use 30 drops three times a day on an empty stomach. Duration of admission – 2 months.


The fragrant herb, often used as a tea flavoring, is rich in essential oil, which is based on menthol. Properties: dilates blood vessels in the head and neck, neutralizing spasms, regenerating damaged cells, cleansing and activating blood flow. Used for effective cleaning of blood vessels.

Leaves and stems of the plant are used. Form: teas, decoctions, infusions, as part of mixtures, as part of a “cordial mixture”.

Tea with mint:

  1. 1 teaspoon of dry crushed leaves and stems;
  2. a glass of boiling water.

Pour hot water over mint and let steep for about 5 minutes. Drink tea twice a day, after meals for prevention.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: hypotension, varicose veins, swelling of the extremities


A favorite seasoning for dishes. The grass is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins and minerals.

Properties: dilates arteries, increases the elasticity of walls, normalizes blood pressure, fights the formation of blood clots, thins the blood, activates blood flow.

Stems, leaves, seeds, roots are used. Form: teas, infusions, solutions, decoctions.

Soothing infusion of dill and valerian:

  1. 1 cup dill seeds;
  2. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground valerian root;
  3. 2 liters of boiling water;
  4. 2 glasses of honey.

Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover with a lid and leave for a day. Add honey. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals, 2 months. Store the herbal infusion in the refrigerator.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: acute pancreatitis, hypotension, inflammation of the gallbladder, pregnancy, lactation


The blue flower is not only a garden decoration, but also a healer. Rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and anthocyanins, tannins. Properties of the herb: dissolves cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, effectively prevents thrombosis.

Shoots and inflorescences are used in the form of teas, decoctions and tinctures.

Lungwort infusion:

  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dried crushed flowers.

Pour boiling water over the herb, cover tightly with a lid, and leave for 1 hour. After an hour, pass through the filter element. Drink 2-3 tablespoons daily for 2 months.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: pregnancy, lactation


The shaggy plant, similar to a spreading Christmas tree, is rich in carotene, minerals, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Properties: removal of cholesterol, waste and toxins. The special value of the plant lies in its ability to remove lead from the body.

The above-ground part of the herb is used to make infusions and decoctions. As part of the composition, it is effective together with dandelion, mint, St. John's wort, red rowan, viburnum, and cucumber.

Horsetail infusion:

  • a pinch of dried horsetail (about 0.5 teaspoon);
  • a glass of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. Drink a third of a glass three times a day, 3 months.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: kidney disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding


Cereals have another important purpose - the fight against cholesterol deposits. Properties: removes toxins, waste, heavy metal salts from the body.

Grains are used, from which they make jelly, decoctions and include them in preparations.

Oat jelly:

  • 3 cups of washed oat grains;
  • 3 cups boiling water;
  • 0.5 cups of honey.

Simmer the mixture of boiling water and grains over low heat for 40 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew. Add honey. Strain through a sieve. Drink for 2 weeks, no more than 1 glass daily.

Contraindications: cardiac, renal, liver failure, pregnancy

Common flax

The agricultural crop, from which clothes are sewn and oil is made, is rich in linamarin, contains more than 20 organic and phenolcarboxylic acids, methyl fat and omega-3. Properties: lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The seeds are used in the form of decoctions, teas, jelly, and as part of herbal teas: with Echinops, viburnum, oregano, licorice, birch buds, rose petals.

Infusion of flax and calendula:

  1. 0.5 cups of washed seeds. Pour in cold water and let stand, drain;
  2. 1.5 cups boiling water;
  3. 1 cup of calendula inflorescences brewed with boiling water.

Pour boiling water over both plants and leave for about an hour. Strain, mix the herbs in one glass container and put in the refrigerator. Drink 3 tbsp. spoons, on an empty stomach. Admission period: 3 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, keratitis, liver cirrhosis, ulcers, intestinal and stomach pathologies

Chamomile officinalis

The flower contains vitamin C and salicylic acid.
Properties: cleansing arteries, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of vessel walls. Chamomile flowers are used in the form of tinctures, teas, decoctions, and preparations.

Infusion from the collection with chamomile:

  • 100g each of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb mixture and pour boiling water. Leave to brew for 20 minutes.

The resulting infusion is divided into two parts. One is drunk immediately, the second is put in the refrigerator and taken in the evening. A fresh infusion is always prepared. Drink until the dry mixture runs out. The frequency of courses is once every five years.

Contraindications to the use of the herb: pregnancy, breastfeeding

Causes of high cholesterol

The main reasons for increased blood cholesterol levels are:

  • hereditary predisposition - if close relatives had high cholesterol levels, then there is a high probability of developing this condition in their descendants;
  • Werner's syndrome;
  • kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, nephroptosis, renal failure);
  • gout;
  • IHD;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • liver pathologies (dystrophy, cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • pancreatic diseases (tumors, pancreatitis);
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate cancer;
  • decreased synthesis of somatotropic hormone;
  • anemia;
  • obesity;
  • chronic obstructive respiratory diseases;
  • poor, unbalanced diet, abuse of fast food and other junk food;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • physical inactivity, lack of at least minimal physical activity.

How to clean the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies

It is necessary to stimulate cerebral circulation as soon as the first symptoms appear, indicating the appearance of cholesterol deposits in the vessels: headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, convulsive conditions of the limbs and others.

Prevention of vascular clogging is important for students, students and those for whom memory is very important in professional activities.

Herbal medicine offers many effective recipes with herbs, the action of which is aimed at cleaning the blood vessels of the brain and preventing ischemic atherosclerosis and stroke.

Young pine cones

Pine cones contain a whole combination of essential oils, iodine, magnesium, silicon, vitamins H, A, E, B groups. The complex of useful substances is capable of ensuring normal metabolism for the human body. In ordinary life, it is difficult to obtain all these elements from food.

The patient is faced with a choice: use vitamin complexes, which often cost a lot of money, or use what nature provides to cleanse the blood vessels.

Properties: thinning the blood, reducing body fat, lowering blood pressure, relieving vasospasm, preventing the formation of plaques in the blood vessels of the brain

Form of administration: decoction, tinctures.

Cone decoction:

  1. 5-8 young medium-sized cones;
  2. 1 liter of water at room temperature;
  3. 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol.

Soak the cones in water for 6 hours to get rid of the resin. Drain the water, finely chop the cones and pass through a sieve. Add alcohol and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Strain through a filter.

Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day, after meals. Take a course of 3 months, annually.

Lemon and garlic

Both natural components contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is actively involved in lipid metabolism. Properties: normalization of lipid and cholesterol levels, increased immunity, removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Form: tincture, tea, decoction.

Garlic and lemon tincture:

  • 3 small heads of garlic;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 liter of honey.

Peel the garlic and grind in a blender. Add finely chopped lemon with peel and pass through a sieve. Add honey and mix thoroughly until smooth. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day. Course 2 months.

Contraindications: persons with an allergic reaction to honey and other components of the recipe, children

Onion peel

Thin golden onion peel pieces are rich in minerals and vitamins. Infusions and decoctions prepared from such a simple natural component act as an anti-inflammatory agent, strengthen the walls of capillaries and protect against ruptures of the walls of brain vessels, and regulate the biochemical composition of the blood.

Form: decoctions, infusions, compresses.

Onion peel decoction:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of grated onion peel;
  2. 100 ml boiling water.

Cook over low heat with the lid closed for 15 minutes. Let cool, strain through a filter. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day. The schedule does not depend on meals. Course – 1 month. A new decoction is prepared daily to cleanse the blood vessels.

The best choice for preparing a decoction is red onion, the peel of which is rich in iodine.


The popular root vegetable is able to speed up the body's metabolic processes, remove toxins and waste, and prevent the formation of excess cholesterol in the blood vessels of the brain. Adding beetroot dishes to your diet will normalize lipid metabolism and make your diet more effective.

Form: dishes, salads, juice, kvass.

Beet kvass:

  • 2 kg of raw beets;
  • glass jar with a volume of 3 liters;
  • hot water, not boiling water (about 70 degrees).

Peel and cut the beets into cubes, place in a container and add water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Then add 3-4 slices of rye bread to the container. The bread should be stale. Kvass is infused for three days at room temperature. Monitor the room temperature, which should not be lower than 15 degrees.

At a lower value, the fungal cultures die and kvass will not work. The finished drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. You should get about 2 liters of finished drink. Drink 50 ml three times a day after meals to cleanse blood vessels

Cloves with cinnamon

The combination of two herbs can protect against the unpleasant consequences of excess cholesterol accumulation. Fibrous capsules, based on converted fatty deposits, can form in the liver. With obesity, not only the liver suffers, but also the arteries and blood vessels of the brain.

Form of application: alcohol infusions, decoctions, teas with the addition of herbs.

Tincture of cloves and cinnamon with vodka:

  1. 2 teaspoons of dried clove buds;
  2. 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  3. 1 glass of vodka or alcohol.

Pour a glass of vodka over the cloves and leave for 24 hours. Then add cinnamon and leave for a week.

The temperature should be between 15-25 degrees. Then the herbal tincture is filtered, poured into a glass container, and stored in the refrigerator. Take twice a day after meals.

No more than 3 courses can be performed annually to cleanse the liver and brain vessels

Herbal medicine plays an important role in lowering cholesterol levels

High cholesterol levels are often among the main causes of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. But he can be “bad” and “good”. The first includes low-density lipoproteins, and the second - high-density lipoproteins.

Implacable fighters

“Good” cholesterol is involved in the formation of cell membranes of red blood cells, liver cells, and gray matter of the brain. It serves as a source of energy for muscles, ensures the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems, and is involved in the synthesis of male and female sex hormones.

“Bad” cholesterol forms cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which, gradually narrowing the lumen, form a blood clot. If it bursts, myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embolism, sudden coronary death and other serious consequences are possible.

“Good” cholesterol destroys sclerotic plaques, taking “bad” cholesterol from them and transferring it to the liver, where it is processed. In fact, there is an irreconcilable struggle between them, in which our lives are at stake.

With age, blood cholesterol levels gradually change. In men under 50 years of age, it increases and then begins to decrease. In women, its concentration is stable and remains at approximately the same level almost until menopause, and then increases. Interestingly, female sex hormones block the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Women of childbearing age with normal estrogen levels practically do not suffer from atherosclerosis.

Heredity is also important. If one or both parents have problems with cholesterol, then with a probability of 25 to 75% the child will inherit this metabolic feature.

With common effort

Herbal medicine can really give good results on cholesterol. You just need to skillfully use the necessary plants, and there are many of them in nature. Some reduce cholesterol levels, others block its absorption, and others effectively remove it from the body. The result is the same: healing and cleansing of blood vessels.

Heather, chaga, roots of eleutherococcus and lure, ginseng, St. John's wort, linden blossom, celery, hawthorn and lingonberry berries, wheat germ, sesame, flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, pistachios, pine and almond nuts, olive oil reduce cholesterol levels.

Slow down the absorption of cholesterol by viburnum and raspberry fruits, dandelion and burdock roots, garlic, walnuts, chamomile flowers and blue cyanosis rhizomes.

Inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol, increasing its utilization, are the roots of ginseng, eleutherococcus, high algae, the fruits of Schisandra chinensis, horse chestnut and astragalus wooliflora, chaga, mantle grass, plantain, agrimony, woodlice, bearberry, Rhodiola rosea, leuzea, hawthorn leaves and gingko biloba.

Centaury, alfalfa, meadowsweet seeds, dill and fennel, rose hips and sea buckthorn, as well as sea buckthorn and sunflower oils speed up metabolism and remove cholesterol from the body.

Herbs can be taken either individually or in collections using the alternating method. But before you start treatment, consult your doctor: each plant has its own characteristics and contraindications. Where to begin

Start the fight against bad cholesterol with a liver supplement:

Swamp dryweed, grass - 15 g Common string, grass - 25 g Great celandine, grass - 10 g Sandy immortelle, grass - 30 g Common yarrow, grass - 20 g Mountain arnica, grass - 10 g Calendula officinalis, flowers - 15 g Dill garden, seeds - 20 g Horsetail, grass - 10 g Corn, stigmas - 20 g Chamomile, flowers - 15 g Tansy , flowers - 25 g Kalgan, rhizomes - 10 g Rowan, fruits - 30 g

Brown rose hips, fruits (crushed) - 50 g
2 tbsp. l. (with top) of the mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer for

30 minutes. Take 100 ml 4 times a day warm. If you are prone to diarrhea, add 10-15 g of galangal root to the collection. If constipation occurs, then 10 g of buckthorn bark.

Cholesterol is excreted from the body through bile produced by the liver. All choleretic agents accelerate the removal of its excess. Therefore, it is necessary to drink decoctions of choleretic herbs, alternating two weeks of intake with two weeks of break. This will not only help improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, but also normalize the blood:

Marsh grass, herb - 20 g Dandelion, root - 30 g Calendula officinalis, flowers - 25 g Great celandine, herb - 15 g Dill, seeds - 10 g Chamomile, flowers - 20 g Wild strawberry, fruit - 20 g Horsetail field, grass - 15 g Corn, stigmas - 30 g Immortelle, flowers - 30 g Brown rose hips, fruits (crushed) - 50 g Coriander, fruits - 10 g Chaga - 10 g Cinquefoil erect, rhizomes - 10 g Silver birch, leaves — 10 g

We prepare and accept, like the previous composition.
In diabetes mellitus, as a rule, the cholesterol level in the blood is increased. This combination is very dangerous, as it can provoke cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, an antidiabetic preparation is recommended as an adjuvant:

Trifid succession, grass - 20 g Blueberry, shoots - 40 g Mountain arnica, grass - 25 g Calendula officinalis, flowers - 15 g Beans, fruit leaves - 30 g Dandelion officinalis, roots - 10 g Elecampane, rhizomes and roots - 15 Horsetail , grass - 10 g Black elderberry, flowers - 10 g Silver birch, leaves - 10 g White damselfly, grass - 15 g Blood-red hawthorn, fruits (crushed) - 30 g Wild strawberry, leaves - 10 g Cinnamon rose hips , fruits (crushed) - 50 g

We prepare and accept, like the previous composition.
As a general strengthening agent to increase the body's defenses, a multivitamin collection is required:

Bird cherry, fruits - 15 g Common blueberries, shoots - 15 g Black currant, leaves - 20 g Licorice, roots - 5 g Galangal, roots - 10 g Small strawberries, leaves - 10 g Cinnamon rose hips, fruits (crushed) - 50 Common rowan, fruits - 30 g Mountain arnica, fruits - 20 g Blood-red hawthorn, fruits (crushed) - 15 g White sweetberry, grass - 20 g , fruits - 25 g Spruce , shoots - 10 g Oats, seeds - 30 g

We prepare and accept, like the previous composition.
You can make healthy anti-cholesterol oil: cleanse

10 cloves of garlic, squeeze them through a press, pour in 2 cups of olive oil and leave for a week.

Don't go to extremes

So, it is imperative to monitor cholesterol levels for people with excess weight, heart disease, hypertension, men and women over 40 years of age. But there is no need to go to extremes. For example, a cholesterol-free diet can lead to decreased libido, menstrual irregularities, and early menopause.

The problem of high cholesterol is also a nutrition problem. The cholesterol found in foods adds up to what is synthesized in the liver. This leads to a dangerous increase in indicators.

Cardiologists say that physical activity (especially running) helps remove cholesterol blocks in the arteries. Both gymnastics and walks in the fresh air will be beneficial. 40 minutes of moderate daily walking reduces the risk of death from stroke or heart attack by 50%.

Make friends with a linden tree

A good helper is linden blossom. Grind dried linden flowers in a coffee grinder. Take the resulting flour 1 tsp. 3 times a day, washed down with water. The course of treatment is 1 month. During this time, cholesterol levels will decrease, toxins will be eliminated, and even weight will decrease (by 3-4 kg). And along with this, your appearance and well-being will improve. At the same time as taking linden flour, you should eat apples and greens every day to have pectin and vitamin C.

A decoction and alcohol infusion of calendula flowers and powder from dried dandelion roots help reduce cholesterol levels.

Herbal recipes

Many herbs are most effective against atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels as part of multicomponent preparations, which contain herbs and plants with different spectrum of action.

Such herbal preparations can solve several problems with blood vessels at once and seriously improve the general condition of the body.

Infusion of 5 herbs for cholesterol

To collect you will need:

  1. 50 grams of dried yarrow stems;
  2. 30 grams of hawthorn inflorescences (it is acceptable to use crushed fruits);
  3. 30 grams of dry mistletoe leaves;
  4. 30 grams of small periwinkle (stems);
  5. 25 grams of dandelion leaves.

The herbs are mixed thoroughly. To prepare an infusion that cleanses the blood vessels of the brain, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the dry mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. You can drink the infusion 1 glass up to once a day. Therapy time is limited to two months.

Contraindications: high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, varicose veins.

Tibetan recipe

The composition of the ancient Tibetan infusion for the treatment of blood vessels is simple and accessible. You only need two simple ingredients: garlic and alcohol. The recipe, invented by a Buddhist monk, has a number of unique properties: cleansing cholesterol plaques, removing fats and limescale from the walls of blood vessels.

Garlic is a powerful antiseptic, has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates metabolism, and prevents cancer.

Garlic in alcohol:

  1. 200 ml medical alcohol;
  2. fresh garlic – 300 gr.

A prerequisite for preparing an effective medicinal composition for blood vessels is freshly harvested garlic.
Only fresh cloves contain the largest supply of useful substances. Garlic is peeled and pounded in a mortar, the pulp is poured with alcohol. The mixture is transferred to a glass or ceramic container with a tight lid.

Leave for 10 days, placing the container in a place with a temperature no higher than 18 degrees. During this period, it is necessary to shake the mixture periodically. The finished composition is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

The infusion is taken before meals. The regimen for taking the medication for blood vessels involves gradually increasing the dose - starting with 1 drop and increasing to 5 drops. After this, they begin to reduce the dose.

Contraindications: age under 18 years and over 70, pregnancy, lactation, epilepsy, exacerbation of gastritis, hemorrhoids, kidney and liver diseases, mental disorders. During the treatment of blood vessels according to this recipe, you should not drink coffee and tea, and increase your water consumption.

Mountain ash

How to assemble. Ripe fruits are harvested. After sorting and removing impurities, dry in well-ventilated areas or in dryers at a temperature of 60–80 °C.

Recipe. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of dried fruits per 1.5 cups of water. Take in 3 doses during the day.

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