How to lower blood pressure in the early and late stages of pregnancy at home, why it is dangerous

With pregnancy, numerous changes occur in a woman’s body, namely, weight gain, hormonal changes, and the formation of a new nascent blood circulation. These changes are often the causes of increased blood pressure (BP). It must be borne in mind that the treatment of a woman in anticipation of a miracle differs from the generally accepted therapy for hypertension. After all, if medications are prescribed for the treatment of an ordinary person, then for the treatment of a pregnant woman, therapy without the use of drugs is preferable.

What is hypertension during pregnancy?

Hypertension in pregnant women refers to a situation of excessive blood pressure relative to the generally accepted norm. Many women find out about hypertension only when they go to an antenatal clinic about pregnancy.

The difficulty is that in such situations it is difficult to determine what causes these deviations and choose the right treatment strategy. In some cases, high blood pressure may be caused by pre-contraceptive kidney disease or other conditions. In this case, the fact of hypertension may not be noticed for a long time, since the patient may feel well. In other cases, the increase is associated with difficulties during childbirth.

Pregnancy and high blood pressure are considered incompatible concepts. Increased fertility during childbirth has negative consequences for both the child and the mother. Every pregnant woman needs to know how dangerous this condition is.

These threats include:

  • narrowing of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the embryo experiences oxygen starvation;
  • Lack of oxygen and nutrients due to impaired blood supply increases the risk of pathologies and neurological disorders;
  • fetal development lags behind normal;
  • the placenta may tear away prematurely.

The latter circumstance threatens the woman with massive blood loss and a real threat to the life of the child. With constant blood pressure of 140 or more, the risk of placental abruption is quite high, which leads to the risk of premature birth and even the need to terminate the pregnancy. Because of this risk, it is impossible to walk with high blood pressure and not take treatment and preventive measures.

Classification of arterial hypertension during pregnancy

There are several types of hypertension during pregnancy. The chronic form is when a woman has high blood pressure before conception and does not go away during pregnancy. Secondary hypertension, which often occurs as a result of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys.

High blood pressure is fraught with gestosis. This condition is dangerous due to dysfunction of vital organs. The most vulnerable organs are the circulatory system and the heart. Severe swelling of the arms and legs indicates the presence of problems.


The main feature of this classification is the presence of “high normal” pressure and a gradation of several degrees of arterial hypertension. According to current criteria, a value of 120/80 is considered normal.

The current criteria for BP are as follows:

optimal – Symptoms of high blood pressure

Hypertension and pregnancy require special attention from the woman and the attending physician. A woman can feel about the presence of a deviation from the norm by characteristic symptoms in the form of problems with headaches.

  • The most common symptoms of high blood pressure:
  • feeling of general deterioration of health;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • disturbance of visual perception associated with the flickering of flies in front of the eyes;

Red dots.

32nd city clinical clinic

Changes in blood pressure (BP) in women during pregnancy are observed quite often, which can adversely affect the mother and fetus. Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of the functioning of the circulatory system in the body. During pregnancy, all organs and systems of the mother work under increased stress, especially the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure to prevent the development of severe complications. At the beginning of pregnancy, blood pressure usually decreases slightly, due to the action of hormones. In later stages of pregnancy, as the fetus grows and the blood flow necessary for its nutrition increases, blood pressure may increase relative to physiological indicators before pregnancy. Arterial hypertension is said to exist if a pregnant woman’s blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg. However, in women with low blood pressure before pregnancy, arterial hypertension may be present at blood pressure levels that are usually considered normal. Therefore, it is important to know your normal blood pressure.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy?

High blood pressure during pregnancy poses a great danger to the mother and fetus. Against this background, vasoconstriction occurs and the blood supply to all vital organs, including the placenta, is disrupted. Due to the lack of essential nutrients and oxygen, the growth and development of the fetus slows down. There is a serious danger of placental abruption, which is accompanied by bleeding and threatens the life of the mother and fetus. High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause the development of a dangerous pregnancy complication - preeclampsia. Manifestations of preeclampsia can also include swelling, large weight gain, and the presence of protein in the urine. Very dangerous symptoms of preeclampsia are: headache, blurred vision (“floaters”, “veils” before the eyes), pain in the upper abdomen. Deterioration of the general condition may be accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, and vomiting. Preeclampsia can provoke a serious complication - eclampsia. In this condition, the pregnant woman loses consciousness and experiences convulsions.

Register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic as early as possible!

A very important feature of arterial hypertension during pregnancy is that often even with high blood pressure numbers the patient feels normal. High blood pressure is detected by chance, during the next visit to the antenatal clinic. The absence of clinical manifestations of high blood pressure does not exclude the development of dangerous complications.

In order to promptly identify unwanted abnormalities during pregnancy and prevent the development of complications in the mother and fetus, pregnant women need to regularly monitor their blood pressure. It is very important to register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic in a timely manner. The doctor will promptly detect changes in blood pressure and prescribe optimal therapy to maintain normal blood pressure. If a woman had high blood pressure before pregnancy and she is taking medications, it is necessary to adjust the treatment and individually select medications that can be taken during pregnancy. To prevent high blood pressure, a pregnant woman should eat a healthy and balanced diet, follow a drinking regime, and monitor weight gain. The antenatal clinic doctor will also give the correct recommendations on these issues. A pregnant woman must follow the recommendations and not violate the prescribed therapy.

What to do if a pregnant woman has high blood pressure?

If a pregnant woman regularly monitors her blood pressure on her own and notices even a slight increase in it while feeling well, she should visit a doctor at the antenatal clinic as soon as possible (before the scheduled next appointment). Self-administration of medications in this case is strictly prohibited. Before visiting a doctor, you can lower your blood pressure by taking a mild sedative based on motherwort or valerian.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance?

If blood pressure rises suddenly, or you feel unwell, urgent hospitalization is necessary, and it is advisable for the patient to immediately call an emergency medical team. Signs that should alert you are: headache, sensation of flashing dots or “floaters”, blurred vision, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, agitation or depression, along with increased blood pressure. There may be a high level of convulsive readiness, which is manifested by twitching of the muscles of the face, neck, upper limbs, loss of consciousness and convulsions are possible.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

First of all, go to bed, if possible eliminate all unwanted irritants (turn off all sources of noise, close the curtains), do not leave the pregnant woman alone, as convulsions may occur and help will be needed. Give it a position with the head end raised. You can take blood pressure lowering medications prescribed by your doctor. If a woman has not previously taken antihypertensive drugs, then she should not take drugs on the advice of others.

If an attack of convulsions occurs, the pregnant woman should be laid on a flat surface, her head should be turned to the side (to prevent aspiration of vomit), protected from injury (covered with a blanket), and not physically restrained. After an attack, clean the mouth with a napkin from vomit, blood and mucus. Wait for the ambulance to arrive!

The ambulance will arrive quickly and provide the necessary assistance. Hospitalization for this condition is mandatory. Only in a hospital is it possible to fully monitor the condition of the mother and child, complete therapy and determine a delivery plan.

We wish you health and happy motherhood!

Physician-therapist at the antenatal clinic of the 32nd city clinical clinic Tatyana Petrovna Shchuko

Blood pressure is normal

High blood pressure in pregnant women does not always have obvious symptoms. Because of this feature, experts recommend regularly measuring indicators while carrying a baby.

A value of 120/80 is considered normal for a normal healthy person. In this case, the top number indicates the systolic value or, as it is more commonly called the top value, the second shows the diastolic or bottom value.

For women before pregnancy, it is not uncommon for the upper reading to be between 90 and 100 and the lower reading to be between 60 and 70.

After conception, it is more correct to focus not on a specific value, but on growth. For a pregnant woman, a deviation of no more than 10% is considered normal. At the same time, if the upper threshold increased by 30 and the lower threshold by 15, this indicates the presence of high blood pressure. Exceeding the value above 140/90 should be a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

  • To obtain correct readings, the following guidelines are recommended:
  • 1 hour before visiting the doctor, you should avoid physical activity;
  • Sit quietly and quietly for 10 minutes before taking the measurement;

During the measurement, relax as much as possible and lean on the back of the chair.

What to do if there is a pressure surge?

Legs should not be crossed, as this impedes venous outflow and distorts the true values. To obtain reliable measurements, the doctor takes several measurements at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

Slight changes in blood pressure are normal during pregnancy. Variations of 30 points or more are considered dangerous.

A reading of 140/90 should be of serious concern to both the pregnant woman and those around her.

A one-time jump does not mean the development of hypertension, but if the figure jumps regularly, this is one of the alarming symptoms. Sudden jumps are also dangerous, so you should know the basic rules of behavior at home in this situation.

  • Basic actions to reduce it:
  • position the pregnant woman horizontally so that her head is higher than her body level;
  • open windows to ensure maximum flow of fresh air;

if fluctuations have been observed previously, a previously used drug should be prescribed.

Associated symptoms

To measure blood pressure, a special device is required - a tonometer. But not everyone has it, so it is important to learn to recognize increased pressure by external signs. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • severe dizziness;

  • general weakness of the body, mood swings;
  • the formation of red spots on the body (they mainly occur in the chest area);
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting, which pregnant women often attribute to toxicosis.

The appearance of at least one of the above symptoms should be a reason for immediate contact with a specialist. These signs cannot be ignored during pregnancy.

High blood pressure in pregnant women

You should not try to lower your blood pressure with new medications. A surge in pressure is always a negative factor for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help and it is better to immediately agree to the offer of hospitalization.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fact of hypertension in pregnant women is detected in a significant percentage of women. Normally, blood pressure values ​​decrease until the end of the first trimester.

Early damage to the vascular wall is fraught with abnormalities of the placenta, which leads to an increased risk of miscarriage.

High blood pressure before the 6th month causes complications in the development of the child and can cause serious deviations from the norm.

  • Other dangerous consequences for the baby include:
  • the presence of placental insufficiency;
  • opening of bleeding;
  • the appearance of chronic hypoxia;

the likelihood of placental abruption.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, a woman may lose her child. The risk group includes women who previously suffered from the problem of hypertension, had pathologies of the cardiac system and kidneys. Factors contributing to hypertension include excess weight and hormonal imbalances. The main therapy for blood pressure surges is aimed at eliminating the causes and correcting the situation.

In the second trimester, compared to the period before conception, the upper threshold decreases by 10-15, and the lower threshold by 5-15. During this period, the presence of pressure often does not affect the woman’s well-being, but negatively affects the baby.

This increase is often explained by an increase in blood volume in a woman’s body, which increases by 0.5 liters.

What are the dangers of high blood pressure?

Even in the early stages of pregnancy, due to hormonal imbalance, sharp jumps in blood pressure with late toxicosis (preeclampsia) can occur. As this disease develops, the placenta actively begins to produce compounds that create small holes in the blood vessels. Through the formed tunnels, protein and plasma can enter the surrounding tissues. This leads to swelling of the upper and lower extremities.

A placenta that has undergone pathological changes cannot deliver the required amount of nutrients to the fetus, thereby ensuring its adequate nutrition. A complication of gestosis can be miscarriage.

Hypertension also leads to impaired blood circulation, as a result of which blood flow between the fetus and the maternal body deteriorates. Such disturbances lead to a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus, which may result in a delay in its development.

Women often experience acne in the groin. This is often associated with hair removal and depilation procedures. The skin in the intimate area is particularly sensitive, which is why it is most susceptible to negative manifestations. Read more in the article: “a purulent pimple on a woman’s intimate place.”

According to statistics, sudden surges in blood pressure predominantly occur at 26-30 weeks of pregnancy, which is associated with an increase in cardiac output. As a rule, such disorders are diagnosed in pregnant women who are overweight. In special situations, you need to regularly check your blood pressure and ensure that it does not exceed 140/90 mm. rt. Art.

High blood pressure in the early stages

A woman has to deal with hormonal changes even in the early stages of pregnancy, and this affects the functioning of the entire body, in particular the cardiovascular system. Therefore, we can say with confidence that hypertension in the early stages is practically the norm. But the tonometer readings should not be higher than the specified norm, as this can lead to negative consequences.

At the initial stage, high blood pressure is extremely dangerous, since hypertension can provoke vasoconstriction and, as a result, a disruption of metabolic functions in the body of the expectant mother.

Increased blood pressure in later stages

Hypertension poses a great threat to the health of an unborn baby. It is very important to protect it in every way from the negative effects of various unfavorable factors. The consequences of hypertension can be unwanted bleeding, placental insufficiency, placental abruption, chronic hypoxia, and even the threat of miscarriage.

As you know, in the last two months, hypertension may appear. But, it is important to ensure that it does not fall below 100/60 mm. rt. Art. and did not rise above 140/90 mm. rt. Art. This segment is the norm for blood pressure during late pregnancy.

Erosive gastritis is a type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, characterized by the appearance of erosions (ulcers) on the walls. The causes are bacteria, poor quality food, and aggressive substances that enter the stomach. Read more in the article: “diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach.”

As a rule, during the period of bearing a baby, hypertension is stable. In some cases, it may signal the development of a serious illness. Doctors are afraid of the onset of gestosis, since it is one of the most dangerous diseases. This disease manifests itself in the form of a disorder in the normal functioning of organs. This primarily affects the cardiovascular system.

How to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy?

In late pregnancy, a pregnant woman's blood volume increases from 1 to 1.5 liters, which puts serious strain on the heart. Blood excretion increases by 40-50%, and an increase in heart rate is observed, which can range from 80 to 90 beats per minute.

Drug therapy

How to act in the case of hypertension is decided by the attending physician, who, based on the clinical picture and test results, develops treatment and prevention methods. In this case, urine, blood, ultrasound and a number of other tests are performed to determine the optimal course of therapy.

Pregnant women with high blood pressure are at risk and are often advised to be hospitalized.

  • Pregnant women are prescribed medications to lower blood pressure:
  • Nifedipine.
  • Hydralazine.
  • Dopegit.


A good effect is achieved by using sedatives in the form of valerian and celandine herbs. To improve the situation, diuretics are often prescribed. They help relieve swelling and improve the well-being of the pregnant woman. You should not prescribe yourself treatment with such drugs. These drugs cause a decrease in circulating blood volume and can delay fetal development.

Folk remedies

Drug therapy should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor; it is important to adhere to the indicated dosages and not stop taking the medications yourself.

High blood pressure during pregnancy requires monitoring and treatment. Folk remedies are often used for preventive purposes to control blood pressure. To be able to use such recipes, make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the ingredients used in them.

The use of cranberry cereal is effective in therapy and prevention. To prepare it, squeeze the juice from fresh or frozen berries, dilute the dough with boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes, add semolina and simmer for 15 minutes, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and after boiling, remove from heat. If you have high blood pressure, eat 3 tablespoons of porridge three times a day.

Natural foods and herbs that can lower blood pressure can be used to lower blood pressure. These include rowan, knotweed grass, and beet juice. If high blood pressure appears as a result of disorder or anxiety, it is recommended to use lemon balm, mint, and valerian root as sedatives. In the past, to prevent blood pressure problems, a linen bag containing a mixture of mint and valerian root was hung at the head of a pregnant woman's bed.

Daily routine and nutrition

Corn grits are considered an effective remedy for high blood pressure. To do this, the product is ground in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour, then placed in a container and filled with 200 ml of heated water. You need to let the mixture sit for 24 hours. To lower blood pressure, take the mixture 15 minutes before meals, 2 tablespoons twice a day.

In case of minor deviations from the norm, organizing a daily routine and diet will help reduce blood pressure to the proper level. Fatty foods should be excluded from the diet and salt intake should be minimized. Avoid eating fatty foods, which can increase your blood pressure. These include coffee, dark chocolate and black tea.

  • It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  • professional activities and leisure time should alternate;
  • Sleep time should be at least 8 hours, and it is recommended that daily sleep hours be included in your schedule;
  • Meals should be dietary, with a predominance of protein foods in the menu;

It is necessary to provide a varied diet and sufficient amounts of vitamins.

Physical exercise

Stress, negative emotions and excessive physical activity should be eliminated from a woman’s life as much as possible.

Pregnancy imposes serious restrictions on women's physical activity. In the first months after conception, a woman can still go to the gym, pool and dance if the pregnancy is progressing normally.

  • However, the following should be avoided:
  • marathon running;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • strength training equipment;

Traumatic hobbies such as roller skating, mountain climbing, horse riding and scuba diving.

Physical activity supports the functioning of the mother's respiratory and cardiac systems, which contributes to better blood saturation and the supply of nutrients to the fetus.

Correction of psycho-emotional state

In the third trimester, it is worth choosing yoga classes and breathing exercises that will help prepare the mother's body for the upcoming birth. Regular walks in the fresh air should be the norm during this period.

The instability of the emotional state during pregnancy is largely due to hormonal changes. Constant nausea, dizziness, and physical ailments negatively affect a woman’s well-being, often causing inappropriate behavior. Constant irritability for irrelevant reasons, feelings of anxiety and helplessness become natural for many.

Special diet for pregnant women with high blood pressure

According to statistics, blood pressure increases in 8-10% of pregnant women and is one of the main causes of complications in the mother and fetus. A significant factor in normalizing blood pressure is proper nutrition.

Why is blood pressure dangerous?

High blood pressure disrupts placental blood circulation, which, naturally, cannot pass without leaving a trace for the fetus. His body begins to experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and malnutrition (fetal growth retardation) develops. The mother has an increased risk of eclampsia - a dysfunction of all major organs and systems, accompanied by a convulsive syndrome that threatens the lives of mother and baby.

If a woman who has never previously suffered from hypertension experiences an increase in blood pressure for the first time during pregnancy, they speak of gestational arterial hypertension. In this case, either the systolic (upper) blood pressure increases by more than 30 mmHg, or the diastolic (lower) blood pressure increases by more than 15 mmHg, or the total blood pressure figures exceed the value of 140 to 90 mmHg.

Gestational arterial hypertension often occurs against the background of existing chronic cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory kidney diseases, obesity, etc. Thus, pregnancy can provoke complications of these chronic diseases associated with increased blood pressure, and thereby cause its increase for the first time (if before pregnancy, with the help of internal compensatory mechanisms, the body managed to normalize blood pressure) or contribute to an increase in the manifestations of pre-existing hypertension.

If a woman has been suffering from hypertension for a long time, then such a situation may arise during pregnancy. The expectant mother’s body has adapted to the high blood pressure, and the woman herself is not particularly bothered by it, she feels as usual. But this cannot be said about a developing child; he is not adapted to the mother’s high blood pressure. Placental blood flow, as mentioned above, is disrupted regardless of whether the mother feels pressure or not, and all “hypertensive problems” for mother and child remain, so to speak, “in force.”

High blood pressure is part of the triad of late gestosis (a pregnancy complication in which the functioning of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted) and, as a rule, does not remain alone for long. Very quickly it is accompanied by increasing edema and proteinuria (protein in the urine). Taken together, these manifestations of gestosis significantly increase the risk of developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth. If blood pressure increases (if the numbers exceed 150 per 100 mmHg) or if the other two symptoms of gestosis (edema and proteinuria) occur, hospitalization in a maternity hospital, preferably a specialized one, is necessary. If blood pressure numbers are above 170 to 110 mmHg, then this condition is regarded as a significant risk of developing stroke (acute cerebrovascular accident) or eclampsia.

For arterial hypertension it is important:

  • Reduce the consumption of table salt, as the consumption of salt leads to fluid retention in the body.
  • Normalize weight.
  • Ensure sufficient intake of calcium and magnesium into the body: their balance is involved in the regulation of blood pressure at the cellular level. To do this, you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits and garden herbs every day. Magnesium is found in sunflower seeds, all legumes, green vegetables, carrots, and seaweed. The human body gets calcium from the following foods: dairy products, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus), egg yolks, all kinds of legumes, figs. The richest in potassium are dried apricots and apricots, melon, citrus fruits, beans, potatoes, broccoli, and milk.

Prohibited Products

If you are prone to high blood pressure, it is better to avoid the following foods:

  • fresh bread, butter and puff pastry products, cream, cream cakes;
  • fatty meats and fish, lard, goose meat, duck meat, internal organs of animals (liver, kidneys), brains, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, herring, salted and smoked fish, caviar;
  • concentrated meat, fish, mushroom broths and sauces;
  • any fried 6luda;
  • hard-boiled and fried eggs;
  • fermented milk products with high fat content, sweet yoghurts, whey;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, pickled apples, tomatoes in any form, bananas, pineapple and its juice;
  • spicy and salty snacks;
  • snack food canned meat, fish and vegetables, especially in tomato sauce;
  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • seasonings and spices: red and black pepper, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, cloves, mayonnaise, ketchup.

Any alcoholic beverages or refined sugar are strictly prohibited.

Principles of nutrition

In the first half of pregnancy, if there is no increase in blood pressure, then there is no particular need for any strict dietary restrictions.

When blood pressure increases, the diet is aimed at eliminating the accumulation of fluid in the body, normalizing body weight gain, and normalizing mineral metabolism.

The diet should be physiologically complete and contain the main types of products: 100-120 g of proteins per day, of which 70-90 g are of animal origin (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, fish); 80-100 g of fats, of which at least 20 g are vegetable. The amount of carbohydrates in a pregnant woman's diet should not exceed 350-400 g per day, free liquid - about one and a half liters, and table salt - up to 6 g per day (this means that dishes need to be slightly under-salted). Meat and fish are not fried, but boiled, stewed or steamed.

It is important to follow a four-meal diet, and it is advisable that meals take place at the same hours. Breakfast should be 30% of the daily caloric intake, lunch - 40%, afternoon snack - 10%, and dinner - 20%, thus, by the evening the food load decreases. The last meal should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime and consist of light foods: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese with sour cream, you can add a little honey to dishes or tea if there are no allergies. Meat and fish dishes should be eaten in the first half of the day, and dairy dishes - in the late afternoon.

If the pressure is already rising or has risen before - before pregnancy or during a previous pregnancy, it is necessary to limit fluid intake (up to 3-4 glasses per day, including soups and drinks) and table salt, it should not be more than 3-5 g per day, which is one level teaspoon. You need to cook without salt, and add it later - at the table, before eating. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The amount of proteins (meat and dairy products) needs to be increased, and carbohydrates, especially sugars, should be reduced. You should give up meat, fish and, especially, mushroom broths, replacing them with vegetable and milk soups.

Recommended products and dishes

Bread and flour products. We recommend wheat bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour, yesterday's baking or slightly dried, dietary salt-free bread, savory cookies and biscuits.


The recommended serving of soup is 250-400 g. You can eat milk and mucous soups made from well-cooked cereals (rolled oats, semolina, rice, buckwheat, small vermicelli), as well as vegetable broth soups made from fresh vegetables with the addition of vermicelli, beetroot soup. Flour for soups is only dried without fat. Soups are seasoned with cream, low-fat sour cream, and chopped herbs can be added.

Meat and meat products.

Steam cutlets, quenelles, rolls, meatballs, zrazy and steam puddings are prepared from lean varieties of beef and veal, rabbit and poultry meat (chicken, turkey without skin). Beef stroganoff made from boiled meat, lean boiled pork in pieces or also in the form of steamed cutlets, meatballs, and puddings are also allowed. After boiling, the meat can be baked or fried, or made aspic dishes.


Low-fat types of fish are allowed (cod, hake, ice fish, pike perch, navaga, etc.) boiled or in the form of a steam soufflé (the fish must first be freed from the skin). You can make steamed cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, fish puree, rolls, and jellied fish from fish.

Milk and dairy products.

Whole milk is recommended (if there are no problems with its tolerance). Milk can be added to tea, porridge, to prepare milk soups, jelly, jelly. Non-acidic cottage cheese, mashed with milk and sugar, is allowed, curd dishes: steamed or baked cheesecakes, steamed curd puddings, soufflé, casseroles without crust (curd-carrot, curd- cereals, etc.). You can use one-day kefir or yogurt, non-acidic sour cream, non-acidic and low-fat yoghurts,


You can eat 1-2 eggs a week soft-boiled, “in a bag”, in the form of steam omelettes or dishes made from whipped whites (snowballs, meringues).


Low-fat, soft, unsalted, mild varieties are recommended - such as Yaroslavl, Russian, etc.


Unsalted butter, including ghee, and refined vegetable oils are allowed only as an addition to dishes.

Cereals and pasta.

You can eat vermicelli and finely chopped boiled pasta. Any cereals are allowed.


Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers are eaten boiled, baked or raw. You can eat kohlrabi and ground pear, grated, and finely chopped leafy lettuce. White cabbage, green peas, and green beans are acceptable in limited quantities. Green onions, dill, parsley are added to dishes. Vegetables can be prepared in the form of purees, steam soufflés, puddings, cutlets, etc.


Salads made from boiled vegetables, meat, fish can be used as appetizers. Only boiled sausages such as doctor's, dairy or diet sausages can be consumed. Unsalted ham without fat is acceptable.


Milk-fruit sauces are allowed, as well as bechamel (white sauce made from flour, milk, eggs) without breading flour with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream.

Spices. Finely chopped parsley or dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, and cloves are allowed in small quantities.


Some berries, jams and juices made from them can slightly reduce high blood pressure. These are gooseberries, grapes, plums, prunes, grapefruit, raspberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, strawberries, lingonberries, viburnum, serviceberry, peaches, apricots, hawthorn, chokeberry and apples. If tolerated, sweet grapes (without skin and seeds) are recommended. You can eat puree from plums, ripe and sweet berries, as well as baked, fresh pureed, fresh whole (without skin), soft and sweet varieties of apples and pears.


In case of excessively rapid weight gain, sweets will have to be limited.


We recommend weak tea with milk, mousses, juices from fruits, berries and vegetables diluted with boiled water, rosehip decoction, wheat bran decoction with honey.

Preventing high blood pressure

In such a situation, it is important to understand that all changes are temporary and their reasons lie in the restructuring of the body and preparation for the upcoming birth. During this period, experts advise devoting your free time to your favorite activities, listening to relaxing music and learning to “let go” of the situation. Pregnant women need support and understanding from relatives, and the expectant mother should avoid stressful situations if possible.

Prevention of high blood pressure involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. The diet should be varied, with the obligatory presence of fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. On the recommendation of a doctor, develop a course of taking vitamins and, if necessary, blood pressure medications. During pregnancy, you should not self-prescribe or discontinue medications prescribed by your doctor.

  • To avoid pressure, follow these rules:
  • avoid noisy places, rooms with a lot of people;
  • Avoid interaction with computers;
  • Watching TV should not exceed 2 hours a day;
  • Ventilate the room regularly;

avoid stress.

Prevention of hypertension in pregnant women


To avoid hypertension during pregnancy, a woman must carefully monitor her lifestyle. To do this you need:

  • Control your body weight;
  • Eat foods rich in proteins and microelements;
  • Give up bad habits, coffee and strong black tea;
  • Monitor sleep, rest and nutrition patterns;
  • Limit salt and liquid intake.

If hypertension was diagnosed before pregnancy and there is a doctor’s prescription, then you cannot stop taking medications or change dosages on your own. You should also avoid stressful situations and perform a number of simple physical exercises (if there are no contraindications). In the first stage, the prognosis is usually favorable. If the disease has become severe, then you can protect yourself and your baby as much as possible from negative consequences.

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