20 of the most useful foods for blood vessels that strengthen their walls, improve condition and increase tone

A prerequisite for physical, mental and mental activity until adulthood is healthy blood vessels.

According to research , their normal operation directly depends on a person’s lifestyle, and first of all, on compliance with certain nutritional rules for vascular health.

Regular consumption of foods that are harmful to blood vessels: fatty meat and dairy products, smoked meats, sausages, low-quality confectionery products, semi-finished products and fast food sooner or later guarantees a decrease in the lumen of the arteries and blockage of the veins, which is confirmed by research .

To prevent this from happening at a young age, you need to formulate in time a diet that will not only be harmless to the blood vessels, but will become the key to their health and youth. In this article we will talk about the most useful products for human blood vessels.

1-8: Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits that are beneficial for blood vessels must make up 2/3 of the daily diet if there are cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombosis, or there have been strokes or heart attacks. Such products, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, are also useful for those who simply monitor the cleanliness of their veins and arteries and the health of the heart muscle.


Vitamin C, essential oils, antioxidants are necessary for both sick and healthy people. Cardiologists advise using lemon constantly, and once a year cleaning blood vessels with lemon and healing the heart with drugs based on it, since citrus not only provides vitamins, but also:

  1. reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  2. removes toxins;
  3. dissolves old cholesterol deposits;
  4. Lemon is a product that increases the elasticity and overall tone of blood vessels and veins of the lower extremities.

For heartburn, gastritis, and pancreatic disease, lemon is used with great caution.


This vegetable is traditionally considered one of the most necessary in the menu of a patient with atherosclerosis. Raw and cooked:

  1. beets cleanse arteries and are used to strengthen and improve the condition of blood vessels and blood composition;
  2. the product helps reduce blood pressure;
  3. helps reduce swelling and reduce excess weight;
  4. It strengthens the heart muscle well, as it contains many minerals it needs.

If you constantly take freshly squeezed beet juice for 2-4 weeks, tests for “bad” cholesterol will show beneficial changes, and your health will noticeably improve: headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus will disappear . It is best to combine it with carrot or pumpkin.


The roots and stalks of celery are used for medicinal purposes and to maintain health. The root is placed in hot dishes, and the stems are added to salads or medicinal potions are made with them, because this vegetable:

  1. normalizes blood sugar levels and is useful for diabetes mellitus, which often accompanies vascular pathologies;
  2. used as a means of lowering blood pressure and improving vascular function;
  3. celery strengthens the walls of arteries.

However, celery as a medicine is undesirable for varicose veins, as it dilates the walls of blood vessels.


Pumpkin is recommended for vascular and heart health in any form. It is baked, stewed, boiled, and eaten raw in salads. Pumpkin juice, which is mixed with fruits and other vegetables, is also very useful. Pumpkin is famous for:

  1. reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  2. helps remove toxins and prevents clogging of blood vessels;
  3. helps reduce excess weight;
  4. The vitamin and mineral composition, as well as other beneficial substances in the seeds and pulp, strengthen and nourish the heart muscle.

There are practically no contraindications for use , with the exception of individual intolerance, which is rare, since pumpkin is considered a hypoallergenic product.


This spicy vegetable enhances the taste of dishes and heals the cardiovascular system. It has its healing effect when added to food as a seasoning, and as part of traditional medicine:

  1. it lowers blood pressure and normalizes blood sugar levels;
  2. prevents blood cells from sticking together, thereby preventing blood clots from forming;
  3. garlic dissolves cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;

Since garlic is a product that strengthens the heart, it is used even after a heart attack, but not immediately and is introduced into the diet gradually. Garlic is especially effective when combined with lemon.

There are a number of contraindications: in its raw form it is used with caution for ulcers with high acidity, renal failure, diabetes, pregnancy; During lactation you should not eat garlic at all.

Garlic is one of the best products for cleaning arteries, which does not lose many of its beneficial properties even after heat treatment; Garlic exhibits its antithrombosis properties best in hot dishes.


Onions, green and other types and varieties of onions are very useful for many body systems. Onions have a particularly good effect on the condition of blood vessels:

  1. reduces cholesterol levels;
  2. dissolves cholesterol build-ups.

Onions are also good for the heart due to their high content of microelements, flavonoids, and vitamins. But it can provoke excessive activity of the nervous system and heart muscle, and also increase blood pressure.

Therefore, if you are prone to hypertension, with tachycardia and a recent heart attack, use onions little by little. It can also harm people with gastrointestinal diseases.


Thanks to minerals, vitamins, essential oils and amino acids, ginger is interesting for heart patients and healthy people. It can replace many chemicals because:

  1. ginger strengthens the heart muscle and is a good preventative against its thinning;
  2. relieves spasms of cerebral vessels;
  3. thins the blood no worse than aspirin, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots;
  4. is a natural antioxidant - has a rejuvenating effect on all organs;
  5. cleans blood vessels from fatty deposits;
  6. useful for both high and low blood pressure;
  7. the product has restorative properties for vascular diseases.

But being a fairly strong remedy, ginger is not used in acute forms of diseases : angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, severe hypertension, after a stroke and heart attack, even if they were a long time ago.


Horseradish is used both in cooking and in folk medicine as a warming, anti-inflammatory agent. But its essential oils, vitamins and minerals from the leaves and rhizomes:

  1. lower blood pressure;
  2. horseradish helps cleanse arteries;
  3. stimulate metabolic processes well.

Despite the pungent taste and smell, horseradish in small quantities is useful for almost everyone. The exceptions are pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Habits that damage blood vessels in your legs every day

Some habits have a detrimental effect on health and, first of all, this concerns blood vessels. The structure of blood vessels can be disrupted by:

  1. Insufficient physical activity. As you know, life is movement. A person needs to constantly move to keep the blood vessels in good shape. You should not stay in one position for a long time; change the position of your legs every 20 minutes. And don’t forget to do simple exercises in the morning and evening; it won’t take much time, but it will be a good prevention of varicose veins on the legs.
  2. Excessive loads. A person needs to move, but you shouldn’t overexert your body. Due to intense training and exercise in the gym, work in the country, heavy lifting and other loads, pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities increases significantly, which leads to stretching of the muscle fiber and the development of valvular insufficiency.
  3. Smoking has a negative effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the blood vessels of the entire body. Toxic tobacco tars, entering the blood, destroy the walls of blood vessels and reduce their elasticity.
  4. Wrong wardrobe. Fashionable jeans that are tight around the legs and pelvis, socks with a tight elastic band, and tight, tight shoes disrupt the normal blood flow in the lower extremities, thereby causing swelling and blood stagnation.
  5. Overheating of the body. High temperatures cause the vessels to expand to their limits. Frequent and/or long periods of time in a bathhouse, under the scorching sun or on the beach also contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, which reduces their elasticity. And these are the first prerequisites for the development of varicose veins on the legs.
  6. Abuse of massage and anti-cellulite procedures. Too frequent active, lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massages and wraps also affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Before carrying out even health-improving cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to consult with a therapist or specialist at a treatment center.

The first signs of varicose veins on the legs are abundant purple or deep red bruises, large bruises. If you notice bruising for no apparent reason, consult a doctor immediately.

9-11: Berries

Any berries contain plant substances in concentrated form. Therefore, during the season, the beneficial properties of berries for blood vessels are actively used. They are dried, boiled, frozen for the winter, and they are also prepared into drugs that effectively combat pathologies of blood arteries and veins.


For the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the color, bark and bitter berry are used whole, along with the seeds. It is valuable because:

  1. viburnum strengthens the heart and walls of blood vessels;
  2. lowers blood pressure.

Viburnum is used with caution in cases of low blood pressure and a tendency to thrombosis: it increases blood clotting.


This is not just a natural concentrate of vitamins and minerals. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties of this berry save blood vessels from many problems:

  1. reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood;
  2. thin the blood, protecting against stroke;
  3. Cranberry strengthens the heart muscle and the walls of arteries and veins.

If you have diagnoses related to the gastrointestinal tract or liver disease, you should consult your doctor. Poor tooth enamel can also prevent you from eating cranberries.


Rowan berries and leaves are an excellent vitamin supplement for maintaining energy. The heart and blood vessels also need minerals, vitamins, tannins, which are contained in this plant, because:

  1. Rowan helps strengthen blood vessels;
  2. lowers blood pressure.

Therefore, for hypotension it is used in small quantities. Caution should also be exercised if there is a tendency to thrombosis, since rowan increases blood clotting. This healthy berry is also prohibited during ischemia and immediately after myocardial infarction , therefore it is more often used as a preventive and supportive agent.

Useful products for blood vessels

  • Walnuts. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, they are a very beneficial product for blood vessels. They participate in supplying blood vessels with nutrition, thanks to the phytoncide they contain - juglone, and also increase the defenses of the entire body.
  • Chicken eggs. In terms of nutritional content, few foods can compete with eggs. They contain vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids and other substances important for life.
  • Carrot. Beta-carotene, which is contained in carrots, can not only slow down the aging process, but also prevent eye diseases. But its most important effect is to ensure the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Fatty fish. Polyunsaturated acids contained in fish, together with beta-carotene, help provide blood vessels with strength and elasticity.
  • Chicken meat. It is a source of protein, which as a building material is involved in the construction of new blood vessels.
  • Sea kale. Contains a large amount of iodine, which increases the protective properties of blood vessels.
  • Avocado. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, which can become a significant obstacle to the movement of blood.
  • Black chocolate. Eating chocolate stimulates the release of serotonin, which, by increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, provides blood vessels.
  • Spinach. Good source of antioxidants. Protects blood vessels from degeneration. Participates in maintaining water-salt balance.

General recommendations

For the body to function properly, it is necessary that all its organs and systems be “fed” and healthy. This is exactly what the vessels do. But they also require attention. To ensure that the vessels are in working condition, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Exercise.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Be outdoors more often.

Folk remedies for cleansing and healing blood vessels

In order for our body to function normally, all the vessels in it must be clean and healthy. In order to achieve this, you must periodically do the following:

For two weeks, take 4 tablets of activated carbon (daily). During meals, eat 50 grams of avocado. Wash down with a decoction of dried apricots, figs and raisins.

Harmful products for blood vessels

  • Alcohol . They cause vasospasm and, as a result, starvation of all organs and tissues.
  • Salt . Excessive salt consumption increases blood pressure, which can cause blood vessels to become deformed.
  • Products containing preservatives . They contain substances harmful to blood vessels that can disrupt the integrity of the vascular wall.

Attention! The information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to make a diagnosis or prescribe treatment. Always consult a specialized doctor!

Tatyana Eliseeva chief editor of the Food+ project

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12-15: Drinks

In addition to healing herbal decoctions, compotes and berry fruit drinks, the diet of a person who takes care of his blood vessels may include other drinks that are beneficial for blood vessels. But each of them has its own nuances that need to be taken into account.

Green tea

Tea made from unfermented green leaves is considered one of the most beneficial drinks for blood vessels.

Green tea helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and gently cleanses the walls of arteries with long-term consumption.

Caffeine, contained in large quantities in green tea, is controversial about its benefits for the heart and blood vessels due to the fact that it can increase blood pressure. But recent medical research confirms that even with hypertension, green tea will not cause any harm if consumed in an amount of no more than 2 cups per day.


The aromatic drink, beloved by many, is assessed ambiguously by cardiologists. Coffee is good for migraines caused by hypotension, as it has the ability to relieve pain. Coffee constricts blood vessels that are located in the brain and abdominal cavity. And those that are in the muscles, on the contrary, expand.

For low coffee pressure:

  1. coffee facilitates the work of the heart, as it improves blood flow washing the heart muscle;
  2. relieves pain due to angina pectoris;
  3. eliminates swelling of the legs.

Therefore, in small quantities it is indicated for hypotensive patients and, with regular use, can even prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

And in case of hypertension in large quantities it is dangerous , especially strong.

If you have atherosclerosis, it is better to drink high-quality instant coffee, since during cooking, that is, in natural ground coffee, substances are formed that favor the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Dry red wine

Since ancient times, this drink has proven itself to be healing if consumed in small quantities and has no contraindications. Red wine is good for the heart and blood vessels because:

  1. increases the amount of nitrogen in the blood, thereby lowering blood pressure by dilating blood vessels;
  2. reduces the content of endophelin protein, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis;
  3. contains antioxidants that preserve the youth of blood vessels, brain and heart.

When talking about the benefits of red wine, we mean dry vintage red wine, and not table wine or sweet liqueurs; the latter can only increase blood pressure and do not have the beneficial properties of dry wine.


This alcoholic drink has the same beneficial properties as red wine: it is made from grapes and contains a large amount of beneficial organic substances. That's why:

  1. dilates blood vessels, gently lowering blood pressure;
  2. prevents the formation of fatty deposits and dissolves existing ones;
  3. makes blood vessels more elastic.

But such an effect of cognac on the cardiovascular system will only occur if its consumption becomes regular, in a limited amount - 30-50 ml. A volume of 50-70 ml can already have the opposite effect, not to mention abuse.

Benefits of different types of products

ProductWhy is it useful?Notes
SalmonRich source of Omega-3, selenium; strengthens blood vessels and the cardiovascular system Serve baked
Sardines, mackerel, troutRich in Omega-3 acids, lower cholesterol and prevent the risk of sudden heart attacksAvoid canned foods that contain a lot of salt; if possible, give preference to “wild” fish rather than pond-grown fish
LiverContains fats that are healthy for the heart and vascular systemAvoid excessively fatty
WalnutsSource of polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3, fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, which contribute to the functioning of the systemAvoid salty ones
AlmondKnown for its rich Omega-3 contentCan serve as an alternative to walnuts
OatmealReduces cholesterolAvoid instant cereals with unhealthy additives
BlueberryContains the antioxidant resveratrol and flavonoids, which help prevent coronary heart diseaseGive preference to fresh fruits; they can be combined with oatmeal and yoghurts.
CherryA source of heart-healthy components (vitamins C, , , potassium, magnesium, iron, fluorine), which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, has the ability to lower blood pressure, improves blood clotting
StrawberriesReduces blood pressure, cleans the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, regulates cholesterol; a diuretic that is useful for lowering blood pressure
CherriesA berry rich in pectin, vitamins A, C, potassium and phosphorus, which strengthen blood vessels
Red RibesContains oxycoumarin, which promotes proper blood clotting and prevents the development of myocardial infarction
Black currantA storehouse of useful components, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, regulates the process of hematopoiesis
Red wineContains antioxidants (from grapes and other dark berries) that lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressureAbuse leads to the opposite effect
Green teaThe product is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and catechins, which have many benefits for the cardiovascular system, in particular, preventing the formation of blood clotsConsume at least once daily
Soy milkA rich source of isoflavonoids, which lower cholesterol, and also contains vitamin B3, which is beneficial for blood vessels.
Black chocolateDue to the presence of flavonoids, it stabilizes blood pressure and improves blood flow to the heart.The composition must contain at least 70% cocoa and no palm oil or other saturated fats
RaisinLowers blood pressure, contains lots of potassium and immune-boosting antioxidantsA handful of raisins a day is enough
BroccoliRich source of powerful antioxidants and fiberIt is better to boil, bake, steam without excess fat
Brussels sproutsContains many heart-healthy components, prevents inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels
CauliflowerRichest source of antioxidants, fiber, contains allicin, which prevents heart attacks and lowers cholesterol
Sweet potatoExcellent source of vitamin C, calcium and iron, which help stabilize blood pressureGive preference to vegetables with skin – most of the heart-healthy substances are concentrated in it.
Legumes (beans, beans, lentils)Important sources of potassium, iron, fiber and flavonoids, which strengthen the heart and blood vessels, prevent system disorders, and lower blood pressureWhen consuming plenty of fiber, don't forget to drink enough water.
PumpkinThis and other yellow, orange and red vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium, which are useful for preventing atherosclerosis, regulating water-salt balance, and lowering blood pressureCook with a small amount of vegetable oil (for better absorption of carotenoids)
Whole grainRegulates cholesterol levelsAvoid processed grains
ApplesExtremely rich in antioxidants, in particular polyphenols, as well as pectin and fiber, which prevent high cholesterol, relieve swelling, stabilize blood pressureMinimum daily intake – 1 apple per day
OrangesA rich source of pectin and flavonoids, which lower blood pressure and prevent inflammatory processes in the arteries; contain hesperidin, which improves blood flow to the heart; contains large reserves of vitamin C, which is a powerful protector against stroke Avoid by people allergic to citrus fruits
GrapefruitA good source of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of strokes, regulates cholesterol levels, protects against heart attack and atherosclerosisAvoid eating grapefruit for breakfast if you are taking heart medications.
PomegranateContains antioxidant substances, stabilizes blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosisDrink at least a glass of juice a day
AvocadoA fruit rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins B6, C and E, as well as heart-healthy copper and iron; normalizes cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, prevents the formation of blood clots and hardening of the arteries, which is the cause of most heart diseases It is important to remember that this is a fairly high-calorie product.
Olive oilSource of beneficial antioxidants that unclog arteries, considered the best oil for the heartMust be natural, pure, without impurities
Linseed oilExceptional source of Omega-3 fatty acids, prevents blood clotsIt is important that it does not contain harmful impurities

16-20: Other products

The daily menu of a heart patient, a hypertensive person, and any person who would not like to get vascular and heart diseases should include other healthy natural products. They can be part of special potions or simply eaten, while maintaining healing properties.


Honey is the most famous beekeeping product, used since ancient times not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. The older a person is and the more prone he is to heart disease, the more honey he needs, because:

  1. honey gives a lot of energy to the heart and provides it with necessary minerals;
  2. reduces blood density, dissolves blood clots and deposits on the walls of arteries;
  3. thins the blood and removes clots.

It is assumed that treating blood vessels with honey should not be combined with taking sweets containing refined sugar: this is fraught with complications.


The concentration of nutrients in nuts is high. Therefore, nuts are necessary for the heart and blood vessels, which need plant protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, which are found in abundance in nuts.

Nuts nourish the heart muscle and help the walls of veins, capillaries and arteries remain elastic and strong.

The high oil content makes nuts high in calories, so although they are necessary for the circulatory and vascular system, they should be consumed in very limited quantities. Preference is given to walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and peanuts.

Linseed oil

A prerequisite for using this oil is its freshness: when the container is opened, the product begins to quickly oxidize, acquires an unpleasant taste and smell, and loses its beneficial properties. Flaxseed oil is good for blood vessels and the heart because:

  1. flaxseed oil reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  2. prevents blood clots from forming in the veins;
  3. makes the walls of blood vessels impenetrable and elastic, which helps to avoid pressure surges.

Fans of flaxseed oil add it to fresh salads. But if you don’t like the taste, then simply drink a spoonful 40 minutes before breakfast, eating a small piece of rye bread.

Olive oil

Unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil are very useful for both the treatment of atherosclerosis and its prevention . They even dissolve already formed cholesterol.

Olive oil prevents the formation of blood clots, which means it prevents myocardial infarction and reduces the likelihood of stroke. It is taken on a spoon on an empty stomach and added to vegetable salads.


In apitherapy, propolis ranks second in importance in the treatment of ischemia, angina, and heart attack. Most often it is used as part of tinctures, since alcohol well extracts beneficial substances from propolis, which:

  1. prevents the formation of blood clots;
  2. propolis gives elasticity to even middle-aged blood vessels, strengthens them and the heart;
  3. reduces lipid oxidation, which means it prevents the deposition of cholesterol;
  4. heals, accelerates tissue regeneration of the cardiovascular system.

Additional products for vascular health

The number of useful products is varied; they are easy to find in the store; they can be consumed in finished form or as part of special formulations.

  1. Honey and bee products. Honey provides the heart with energy and minerals, reduces blood density, and cleanses the walls of blood vessels from harmful deposits. Propolis tincture prevents the formation of blood clots, makes blood vessels more elastic, and prevents the accumulation of cholesterol. Propolis improves tissue healing in the cardiovascular system. When treating with honey, avoid eating other sweets.
  2. Nuts. Due to the presence of vegetable protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, the product is necessary for heart function and vascular health. Nuts maintain the elasticity of capillaries, veins and arteries, and provide nutrition to the heart muscle. Due to the high calorie content, it must be consumed in doses. The most preferred are walnuts and hazelnuts.
  3. Oils. Fresh flaxseed oil reduces blood glucose levels, normalizes cholesterol levels, prevents blood clots, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Olive oil contains fatty acids necessary for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Oils prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. This or that oil can be added to vegetable salads or drink 1 spoon half an hour before breakfast.

General nutrition rules

It is not difficult to correctly create a diet to maintain arteries and veins in working condition. To do this, you need to know the beneficial properties of foods and how they are absorbed by the body.

  1. Reducing the amount of fatty meat and fatty dairy products. The main cause of problems with blood vessels is the deposition of cholesterol on their walls. If low-quality fats, for example, trans fats or simply too much animal fats, are ingested, they are not absorbed, but are deposited on the internal organs.
  2. Preference for fermented milk products over dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt and other milk fermentation products are easier to digest
  3. Replacing most animal fats with vegetable fats. The body cannot be deprived of animal fats. But there should be much less of them than plant ones. One condition: vegetable oils must be unrefined. In this form, they are able to give the body not only energy, but also nutrition. Natural unrefined oils are transformed from just a food product into drugs that are healing for many organs.
  4. Reduce salt intake. It retains fluid in the body. The narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels provokes an increase in blood pressure, and excess fluid aggravates this problem. To prevent excess sodium chloride from entering your food, you should not add salt to the food on your plate or consume industrially produced finished products, including chips and sauces, which are most often heavily salted.
  5. Reducing the total calorie content of food. The deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels occurs, among other things, due to excess calories in the daily diet. In addition, overeating results in obesity, which further complicates the situation.
  6. Increasing the amount of vegetables and greens. They not only help reduce the calorie content of food consumed, but also support the functionality of the cardiovascular system better than any other product. Greens and most vegetables are sources of vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids that nourish the body and can also cure many ailments. Therefore, the daily menu must include vegetable side dishes, salads and juices.
  7. Whole grain cereals. Porridges, soups and side dishes made from uncrushed grains are preferable to those made from flakes or ground cereals, since the shell of any grain contains a lot of benefits for the body
  8. Fractional meals. 4-5 meals a day promotes better absorption of nutrients, which prevents the formation of toxins and their deposition in the body.
  9. Drinking enough drinking water. Too thick blood is dangerous for the heart and blood vessels because it causes difficulties for blood flow, promotes the formation of clots, and threatens serious pathologies of the entire system.

You can also sometimes carry out the cleaning procedure using non-standard methods - using apple cider vinegar and soda.

Recipes of proven folk remedies

In addition to individual products, you can also prepare cleansing tinctures and decoctions. Proven and effective folk recipes will help us with this.

Garlic based

Garlic is good because, in addition to its pronounced taste, it has powerful healing potential. It cleanses the walls of blood vessels and prevents strokes and heart attacks; it is very accessible and effective with long-term use, especially as an ingredient in mixtures and garlic tinctures .

  1. Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture. An alcohol extract is prepared from 200 ml of juice and the same amount of medical alcohol for 10 days. Then it is taken three times a day on an empty stomach with milk in three stages: from days 1 to 5, increasing the dosage dropwise from 1 to 15; from 6 to 10 days, reducing drop by drop from 15 to 1 drop; from 11 days until the end of the course, 25 drops three times a day.
  2. Garlic tincture with red wine. To treat blood vessels, it is infused for 12 days using 12 cloves of garlic and a bottle of quality wine. Take a teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach.
  3. Honey, lemon and garlic. Each ingredient helps lower cholesterol and dissolves fatty plaques. To do this, take a ten-day infusion of six lemons, four heads of garlic and 300-400 ml of honey three times a day on an empty stomach. Lemons are used with the peel, but without seeds, infused in the refrigerator, stirring every day.
  4. Ginger, lemon, honey and garlic. The mixture is infused for just a day, using 1 lemon, no more than 150 g of ginger root, a small head of garlic and 5 tablespoons of honey. Everything is crushed, removing the seeds from the lemon and leaving the peel of the lemon and ginger. Take twice a day on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
  5. Garlic with cranberries and honey. The mixture is made from a kilogram of berries, 200 g of garlic, crushing them and leaving for 12 hours, adding 500 g of honey at the end. This is how the vessels are cleaned, using a full heaped tablespoon of the mixture in the morning and evening on an empty stomach until the drug runs out.
  6. Garlic with milk. This is the most gentle way: in the morning on an empty stomach, eat a clove of garlic, washing it down with milk.
  7. Garlic oil. It is taken in the morning, 1-2 spoons on an empty stomach. Leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, crushing the slices and filling them completely with any unrefined cold-pressed oil.

Based on honey

Honey is indispensable in the treatment of atherosclerosis and heart disease at home. It nourishes the heart muscle well and prevents blood vessels from becoming clogged with cholesterol and blood clots.

  1. Lemon with honey. The easiest way to maintain health is to consume a mixture of these ingredients in a 2/1 ratio every day with water or tea, crushing lemon with skin, but without seeds.
  2. Honey, ginger, lemon. A drug of this composition is prepared by grinding lemon and ginger with 2/1 peel, brewing with boiling water, infusing and then adding a spoonful of honey to a slightly cooled drink.
  3. Honey and cinnamon. To remove cholesterol from the body, brew 15 g of cinnamon powder in 300 ml of warm water, adding 40 g of honey and infusing the mixture for 2-3 hours. Take a teaspoon before each meal for 10 days, stop for a week and repeat the course.
  4. Honey with onions. To improve the blood vessels of the brain for 2-3 months in a row, take a teaspoon of a mixture of onion juice and honey 1/1 three times a day on an empty stomach.
  5. Honey, dill and valerian. A glass of dill seeds, 2 tbsp. crushed valerian root and 2 cups of honey are placed in a two-liter thermos, filled with boiling water to the top. Leave for a day, filter through cheesecloth, store in the refrigerator, take a spoon half an hour before meals three times a day until the mixture is finished.

Cleansing herbs

Herbs and seeds in herbal anti-sclerotic mixtures are used as an effective medicine. They are infused with alcohol, steamed with boiling water and simply brewed like tea.

  1. Altai tea “Altai Key” has absorbed the beneficial properties of herbs, berries and tree mushrooms, which have long been used by medicine to lower blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels. The effect of its use is noticeable after two weeks.
  2. Meadow clover renews the blood well, removes “bad” cholesterol, improves memory and increases the endurance of the heart, veins and arteries.
  3. Horse chestnut, as part of all vascular preparations, tones the veins, increases blood flow in them, reduces blood pressure, and prevents blood clots.
  4. Green pine cones are infused with alcohol, vodka, boiled with sugar and poured with honey: such drugs prevent and treat strokes, preventing brain cells from dying.
  5. Clove, thanks to its essential oils, tones blood vessels well and improves blood flow; helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia, raising blood pressure. Cloves improve memory and activate brain activity both as part of medicines and as a seasoning in food. Undesirable use for hypertension.
  6. Flax seeds help maintain cleanliness and flexibility of arteries; they are used as food in tinctures and infusions, enriching the blood with amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

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What should you avoid?

In case of atherosclerosis and after 35-40 years, to prevent it, it is necessary to follow an anti-sclerotic diet. In order for the treatment and maintenance of arteries and veins with the help of medications to be effective, it is necessary to minimize a number of products harmful to blood vessels.

  1. Fatty meats and dairy products. They are needed for life, but to a minimum. Excess will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, leading to sclerosis.
  2. Smoked meats, fast food, semi-finished products. These products are very fatty, often contain low-quality fat, as well as numerous harmful food additives: they increase blood pressure, form blood clots, and clog the bloodstream, causing strokes and heart attacks.
  3. Sugar in lemonades and factory-made confectionery products is not good for the body; it provokes high blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight, which is dangerous for the cardiovascular system.
  4. Salt more than 5 g per day provokes hypertension and edema.
  5. Alcohol is permissible only in pharmaceutical doses - as part of medicinal preparations based on it. In other cases, its use leads to extremely negative consequences for the diseased heart and blood vessels. Vodka and beer are especially harmful to blood vessels.
  6. Strong tea, cocoa and coffee thicken the blood and increase blood pressure.

Watch your weight

To avoid increased stress on the vessels of the legs, it is important to monitor your weight. For those who are prone to obesity, you need to minimize fatty, floury, sweet foods, salty, spicy and smoked foods; rich meat broths, marinades, smoked meats, canned food - they indirectly contribute to the destruction of vascular walls and valves.

Your care and attention to health, following simple nutritional recommendations, as well as preventive visits to a phlebologist will help preserve the beauty of your legs, which always evokes the admiring glances of men.

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