How to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Prevention of varicose veins

In order for blood circulation in our body to function normally, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the walls of blood vessels. And carry out systematic measures to strengthen them. If you provide assistance to your blood vessels in a timely manner, you can avoid serious diseases such as varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and others.

One of the frequent questions from patients at our vascular center in Moscow is: “When should you pay attention to your blood vessels and prevent varicose veins on your legs?”

We have already talked about the causes of varicose veins on the legs in the article “I say NO to varicose veins.” Let's take a closer look at what symptoms may arise at the initial stage during weakening of the vascular wall.

The first 7 symptoms of varicose veins on the legs that are not taken seriously

When mentioning varicose veins, many patients imagine the disease like this: bulging veins, dark spots on the legs and a feeling of pain. However, these are symptoms of advanced development of the disease, and the patient ignores the first signs of varicose veins.

The first symptoms of varicose veins:

  • Short-term dizziness;
  • Cooling of extremities;
  • Numbness of the legs;
  • Mild pain;
  • Distracted attention;
  • Difficulty in the functioning of the speech apparatus;
  • Change in skin color on the legs.

The appearance of at least one of these symptoms indicates that the vessels need support. To prevent the progression of varicose veins on the legs, you should reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Any favorable changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

How to achieve maximum effect

The greatest effect from medicinal herbs will be achieved only if the disease is in its initial stage. The patient's lifestyle must be radically changed. The patient must take the following steps:

  • give up fatty and fried foods, canned food and fast food;
  • engage in physical education and sports, take daily walks;
  • take B vitamins and magnesium, preferably through food;
  • Rest regularly and get good sleep.

Only then will medicinal herbs give the effect that is expected from them. Painful symptoms will begin to subside only after a few months.

Habits that damage blood vessels in your legs every day

Some habits have a detrimental effect on health and, first of all, this concerns blood vessels. The structure of blood vessels can be disrupted by:

  1. Insufficient physical activity. As you know, life is movement. A person needs to constantly move to keep the blood vessels in good shape. You should not stay in one position for a long time; change the position of your legs every 20 minutes. And don’t forget to do simple exercises in the morning and evening; it won’t take much time, but it will be a good prevention of varicose veins on the legs.
  2. Excessive loads. A person needs to move, but you shouldn’t overexert your body. Due to intense training and exercise in the gym, work in the country, heavy lifting and other loads, pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities increases significantly, which leads to stretching of the muscle fiber and the development of valvular insufficiency.
  3. Smoking has a negative effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the blood vessels of the entire body. Toxic tobacco tars, entering the blood, destroy the walls of blood vessels and reduce their elasticity.
  4. Wrong wardrobe. Fashionable jeans that are tight around the legs and pelvis, socks with a tight elastic band, and tight, tight shoes disrupt the normal blood flow in the lower extremities, thereby causing swelling and blood stagnation.
  5. Overheating of the body. High temperatures cause the vessels to expand to their limits. Frequent and/or long periods of time in a bathhouse, under the scorching sun or on the beach also contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, which reduces their elasticity. And these are the first prerequisites for the development of varicose veins on the legs.
  6. Abuse of massage and anti-cellulite procedures. Too frequent active, lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massages and wraps also affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Before carrying out even health-improving cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to consult with a therapist or specialist at a treatment center.

The first signs of varicose veins on the legs are abundant purple or deep red bruises, large bruises. If you notice bruising for no apparent reason, consult a doctor immediately.

Prevention of vascular diseases

Prevention of vascular diseases is the reduction or complete elimination of risk factors, as well as the normalization of blood flow.

This is mainly facilitated by a healthy lifestyle:

  • weight control;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • proper nutrition, which limits the total caloric content of food, as well as the content of salt and fat in it. With this diet, preference is given to fish, vegetables and vegetable oils;
  • to give up smoking;
  • limiting emotional overload and stress;
  • limiting prolonged standing;
  • timely treatment of hypertension and diabetes.

What foods should you eat to strengthen the walls of blood vessels?

The main role in the healthy functioning of blood vessels and the entire body is played by properly selected nutrition. In order to strengthen blood vessels, it is necessary to eat:

  • Vegetables and herbs are irreplaceable products that should be present in every meal. All plant foods contain large amounts of vitamin C and potassium - these are 2 important components that affect the health of the veins.
  • Legumes. They contain components that prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they improve the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Decoctions of herbs and berries. They have a positive effect on the entire venous system thanks to antioxidants. Replace coffee with rosehip infusion and you will feel an improvement in the functioning of your entire body.
  • Milk and dairy products. Due to their composition, cheeses and milk are easily absorbed by the body and do not overload it.
  • Fish and seafood. Their daily consumption is an excellent prevention of vascular disease.
  • Bitter chocolate. It has a positive effect on blood vessels throughout the body and reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques. Only chocolate should not contain sugar.

Remember that to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is not enough to change just your diet. You need to choose a gymnastic set of exercises for yourself and perform them regularly, give up bad habits and reduce the activity of cosmetic procedures. For patients suffering from congenital vascular problems, more drastic measures are required using medications and wearing compression garments.

Vascular diseases: signs and treatment


How can you help your blood vessels be healthy? What diseases are there that are common lately? The answer to this question is in this article.

A person lives and does not notice how his arteries and veins throughout the body help to supply nutrients and oxygen to the organs. Vascular diseases in our time, unfortunately, are one of the main causes of mortality. More often these problems occur in children and adolescents.

What diseases do blood vessels have?

Doctors divide types of vascular diseases according to their location; they find the source of the disease. If the central nervous system , then this disrupts blood circulation in the aortas and arteries of various parts of the body. Symptoms of different ailments may be different.


This dangerous disease is quite insidious. Its main cause is “bad” cholesterol. It accumulates in the body with increasing consumption of junk food. Lead to atherosclerosis : diabetes , hypertension , obesity , bad heredity, bad habits.

Symptoms may vary. If we are talking about heart , then pain is usually noticeable in the left side of the chest , radiating to the arm. heart rhythm disturbances , weakness in the legs and arms, and possible fainting. With atherosclerosis dizziness and a burning sensation in the chest occur . If the abdominal region suffers, then problems appear with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys abdominal pain . There are of atherosclerosis .


This disease occurs when there is insufficient blood in certain vessels that supply the myocardium and brain . Excessive exercise and stress can be its cause. In any case, it disrupts the body's carbohydrate-fat metabolism.

If a person has chest pain radiating to the arm, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, rapid pulse - this may be an indicator of ischemic diseases.


A most insidious illness that has often appeared in people lately. Occurs from impaired blood supply to brain . In the process, nerve endings may die and their functions may deteriorate. At first, the symptoms are not noticeable. But if you have weakness and numbness in your arms and legs , as well as a throbbing headache, possible double vision and nausea your doctor immediately .


It seems something normal and not so scary. But symptoms such as pain in the back of the head, in the temples, tinnitus and dark spots before the eyes , dizziness , swelling of the limbs and nausea doctor about your condition . Otherwise hypertension , hypertension can lead to complicated diseases.


The development of VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia - is observed when there is a malfunction in the functioning of the nervous system and weakening of blood vessels. insomnia can lead to this - all this is the cause of this disease.

Varicose veins

This is also not such a simple, although common, ailment. It is noticeable when venous patterns appear on the legs , but begins much earlier. If a person has bad heredity, he leads an incorrect lifestyle - all this can affect the blood vessels of the legs . Venotonics and compression garments can help, but this cannot be done without the advice of a doctor .

Diagnostics related to blood vessels

Once again it is worth recalling that only a doctor . An ordinary person may not understand the course of a particular disease and may prescribe the wrong and sometimes harmful medications to himself.

If you see a doctor , he will most likely prescribe a clinical blood . In some cases, biochemical and immunological tests, coagulogram, vascular angiography, ultrasound , MRI or RVG of vessels are also indicated.

It must be remembered that possible complications from vascular diseases are common and unpleasant, so consult a good doctor .

Remedies against vascular diseases

To treat vascular diseases, doctors use various drugs: myotropic and neurotropic drugs, blockers, cardiac drugs, drugs with nicotinic acid and others. But doctors remind: you need to eat right. To do this, you need to prepare dishes from cereals , bran, vegetable oils (especially olive), sea fish and seafood. Biscuits, bread, light vegetable or meat soups, nuts, legumes, seasonal berries and fruits are also useful. Doctors ask you to pay attention to the fact that you need to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.

You also need to manage stress, regularly measure your blood pressure, take walks, have a hobby, do yoga and Pilates.

Published in Cardiology Premium Clinic

Get advice on strengthening the walls of blood vessels and sign up for diagnostics

Prevention and treatment of varicose veins should be carried out only under the supervision of a therapist and phlebologist. You can make an appointment with a doctor at the Vascular Center named after N.I. Pirogov in Moscow by phone +7 (499) 464-03-03. He will examine the lower extremities and, if necessary, prepare an individual treatment program.

Make an appointment with a phlebologist at the Vascular Center named after N.I. Pirogov in Moscow. We will put together a set of medications for you to prevent varicose veins.

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Diagnosis of vascular diseases

Specialists make a diagnosis based on the history of the disease, its manifestations and the results of various studies. Nowadays, Doppler-enhanced vascular ultrasound is used to diagnose vascular diseases. During laboratory tests, specialists pay special attention to the study of indicators of the blood coagulation system - coagulogram (code 138), since the most severe complications of vascular pathology entail the risk of increased thrombus formation.

Laboratory tests that are used to diagnose vascular diseases:

  • clinical blood test (code 2 and code 5);
  • general urine test (code 746);
  • APTT (code 136);
  • D-dimer (code 137);
  • Fibrinogen (code 142);
  • antithrombin III (code 21145);
  • total protein (code 21), urea (code 19), creatinine (code 83) and potassium (code 100) in serum;
  • creatinine in daily urine (code 726);
  • rheumatoid factor (code 539);
  • Reberg sample (code 749);
  • C-reactive protein (code 26);
  • Renin (code 206);
  • Diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome (code 516 and code 517);
  • Homocysteine ​​(code 16).


For varicose veins, it is recommended to drink the following drinks:

  • Green tea.

Green tea for varicose veins

  • Fruit and vegetable juices. The juice of chokeberry, sea buckthorn and black currant is especially useful.
  • Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.
  • Compotes.

Expert opinion

To prevent the development of complications of varicose veins, as well as to treat this disease in its early stages of development, you can use Normaven® Leg Cream. This product was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX, has undergone clinical studies that have proven its high effectiveness and has a full list of necessary documents and quality certificates.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Strengthening eye capillaries

A red mesh on the eyeball indicates weakness and fragility of the blood vessels of the eyes. Another symptom is a burning sensation in the eyes.

Strengthening eye capillaries with folk remedies

• Green tea. Simply drinking a cup of green tea a day can help your blood vessels regain elasticity.

But the most effective remedy for the eyes is tea lotions. Brew green tea in a glass of water, let it brew and cool, dip cotton pads in it and place them on your eyelids.

Exposure time is 15 minutes, repeat daily until visible results occur.

• Contrast baths. Prepare two bowls of warm (but not hot) and cold water. Immerse your face in one or the other liquid in turn. Eyes must be open. Alternately tense and relax your eye muscles under water for 10 seconds, then change the plate. The procedure should be completed with cold water.

• Rosehip decoction. The benefits of rose hips were mentioned above. If you replace one cup of tea a day with this decoction, you will improve your eye health every day. Plus, it's delicious, especially with honey.

Let's thin the blood!

In addition to products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, products that reduce blood clotting are recommended for varicose veins. Among them: garlic and onions, lemon, olive oil, cherries, red currants. It is useful to introduce cinnamon, ginger and ginkgo into your diet.

In addition to proper nutrition, consultation with a phlebologist is necessary. Special exercises and anti-varicose medications developed by specialists will also be a good help in the fight against the disease. Currently, there are drugs suitable for continuous use. These drugs are created on the basis of natural ingredients and do not cause side effects.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the heart with herbs

• Hawthorn. A popular folk remedy that lowers blood pressure when taken regularly. It can be found in pharmacies in the form of a tincture or you can prepare your own decoction from dried hawthorn flowers. Delicious and healthy tea is obtained from the fruits of hawthorn and rose hips.

• Motherwort. Has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Motherwort contains biologically active substances, vitamins, alkaloids, and essential oils.

The plant promotes the expansion of heart vessels, relieves spasms, and reduces pulse.

It is recommended to use as an infusion or as part of herbal teas.

• Mistletoe. The herb prevents the development of atherosclerosis. A cold infusion of mistletoe normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and affects the expansion of capillaries.

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To prepare it, pour 10 g of mistletoe into a glass of cooled boiled water and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the product and drink it a day, dividing it into 3 doses.

Treatment is recommended to be carried out in courses - drink for three weeks, then take a break for two weeks, then take it again for three weeks, and so on until the condition improves.

• Oregano. The plant helps prevent the development of heart disease. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, cholesterol-lowering fiber, and essential oils.

This herb can improve your mood.

You can use oregano (aka marjoram or oregano) simply as a seasoning or make a decoction.

In folk medicine, many other plants and herbal preparations are known to strengthen the heart, blood vessels and capillaries. But it is recommended to use them with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Treatment of “stars” on the face with folk remedies

This problem is scientifically called “rosacea”. Fragile facial vessels are damaged and minor hemorrhages occur.

The disease is not dangerous, but noticeably worsens the appearance.

To strengthen the walls of facial blood vessels, we recommend using the following methods from the folk tradition:

• Aloe juice. To enhance its healing power, the aloe leaf should first be kept in the refrigerator for a week. Then squeeze out the juice and apply it to the “stars”.

You can simply cut the leaf and wipe your face with its inner surface. Use regularly.

• Infusion of parsley with milk. First chop a bunch of parsley and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Leave the resulting broth for half an hour, add 1 glass of milk. Make a mask from gauze with slits for the eyes and nose. Soak it in the resulting infusion and put it on your face for half an hour.

Repeat the procedure until the condition improves.

• Facial massage with ice cubes. Repeat every morning. To enhance the effect, you can freeze decoctions of medicinal herbs - calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, rosemary, chamomile.

• Sage. An effective remedy for severe rosacea is a warm mask of brewed sage.

To prepare it, add a small amount of boiling water – 1/3 cup – to 3 tablespoons of dry herb.

Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain, apply warm paste to your face and cover with gauze.

Leave for a quarter of an hour. When finished, rinse with water.

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