Treatment of varicose veins with laser. The latest technologies for treating varicose veins with laser without surgery.

Laser treatment of varicose veins without surgery is the most high-tech, minimally invasive and effective method of surgical intervention for varicose veins.

The point of the intervention is the thermal effect of the laser beam through the light guide on the wall of the affected vein, which leads to recovery and cessation of the progression of varicose veins.

The effect of laser treatment manifests itself not only in the early stages of varicose veins, but even with the development of venous trophic ulcers. Laser surgery for varicose veins is performed through a puncture of the vessel with a needle under ultrasound scanning control. No cuts required. A special light guide is inserted into the varicose vein, after which a local anesthetic is injected around the light guide, and the light guide is connected to a laser device.

Then the light guide is attached to a special device for automatic extraction, light energy is supplied, which coagulates the varicose vein by acting on the vascular walls.

Pain relief during laser surgery for varicose veins using ITA technology - no pain, no bruises!

Unique anesthesia with a cooled solution using a pump is the latest pain relief technology for laser treatment of varicose veins. Ice tumescent anesthesia ITA (ice tumescent anesthesia) according to Professor Klein’s method allows not only to completely and permanently anesthetize the surgical area, but also to relieve the patient from extensive bruises that appear after the usual practice of anesthesia during EVLT. Cold and adrenaline cause vasospasm and reduce bleeding of the subcutaneous tissue. At the Innovative Vascular Center, this technology has been brought to perfection.

Endovenous laser coagulation is a minimally invasive procedure and does not require general anesthesia. For anesthesia, weak solutions of local anesthetics (novocaine or lidocaine) are used. Anesthesia begins with numbing the puncture site. This is the only place where the patient will feel pain. Direct treatment of varicose veins with a laser under tumescent anesthesia is absolutely painless.

After installing the light guide into the vein, the phlebologist performs a special infiltration (tumescent anesthesia). To do this, a large volume of a weak anesthetic solution is used, which is supplied around the vein using a special device - a hydropump. This results in a tight infiltration around the trunk of the saphenous vein, which not only anesthetizes the procedure, but also presses the varicose vein to the light guide, ensuring tight contact and removing blood from the laser impact area.

Features of the postoperative period

The postoperative period begins from the moment the laser therapy ends. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the result and not expose the body to relapses, it is worth listening to the basic recommendations of the phlebologist.

  • The limbs that have undergone laser therapy should be subjected to constant, uniform compression. Use compression therapy strictly as prescribed by a specialist.
  • Cover the areas where large nodules were located with cotton balls or latex pads.
  • After laser coagulation, it is forbidden to lie down. The patient is required to jog or briskly walk, ride a bicycle for two hours, or walk a distance of 5 km. Daily hour-long walks in the fresh air and active recreation are shown.
  • The patient does not lose performance, but it is recommended to limit physical activity to 10 kg. This restriction must be observed for the first two weeks after the laser.

Possible complications after EVLT

Treatment of varicose veins without surgery using laser does not require hospitalization, because it is a safe outpatient treatment method. In the first days after the procedure, thickening and redness of the skin are detected along the vein “sealed” with the laser, and bruising is possible. After a few days, the bruises resolve, but the induration may persist. One in 10 patients experiences a slight fever.

Traditional methods of dealing with bruises can speed up the recovery process. We offer patients vodka compresses and rubbing in Lyoton ointment, this allows you to quickly get rid of seals.

About 2-3 weeks after EVLT, you may experience slight tugging along the vein in your thigh, which, however, does not require pain relief. In the area of ​​sclerotic varicose tributaries, coagulums can form, which completely resolve after 3-4 months and do not cause problems for patients.

Temporary changes in skin color (hyperpigmentation) during laser obliteration are quite rare and disappear without a trace after 2-4 months.

Thrombophlebitis of a laser-treated vein develops very rarely. To exclude this, an ultrasound scan of the surgical area must be performed in the near future after the intervention. If thrombophlebitis is detected, surgery under local anesthesia may be required - ligation of the mouth of the saphenous vein. Such problems occurred when using older types of lasers and optical fibers in a ratio of 1:1000 treatment cases. With the transition to a different wavelength and radial light guides, which make it possible to treat varicose veins at low energy, we stopped noticing this complication.

Deep vein thrombosis after laser treatment of varicose veins was not observed in our practice, but the literature describes isolated cases in patients with a congenital tendency to thrombosis (thrombophilia). Ways to prevent this complication include injections of low molecular weight heparins (Clexane, Fraxiparine) or oral tablets such as Xarelto.

We have not observed any dangerous complications in our practice, however, according to the literature, careless handling of the laser can result in burns to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In experienced hands, the likelihood of these complications is negligible. To improve the quality of life after the intervention, long-term use of diosmin preparations (Detralex) helps.

What equipment do we use to perform endovenous laser obliteration (EVLO)?

What equipment is used to perform operations of such a level as endovasal laser obliteration in Russia? This is a very important question. Until recently, Russian phlebologists used only domestic laser generators. And so, several years ago, the latest laser systems from the German company Biolitec appeared in Russia, which greatly simplified the work of surgeons and improved the quality of the procedures themselves.

Laser generator from Biolitec, which we use for EVLA

And now only with the help of the latest technologies endovenous laser obliteration is performed in our center. The price of this procedure mainly consists of the cost of innovative foreign equipment, disposable consumables and the hands of the doctors who perform it.

The German company Biolitec has also developed special radial light guides. They were immediately adopted by leading phlebology centers, including our clinic. This development makes it possible to coagulate veins of absolutely any diameter and, which is extremely important for patients, to make the procedure absolutely painless.

The use of a new radial light guide called Radial Fiber has significantly reduced the operation time. Endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO), the cost of which makes it affordable for most of our patients, is now performed much faster because this unique light guide distributes beams of light throughout 360 degrees. In this case, the effect on the vein wall is not a targeted one, as with the old end light guide, but uniform throughout the entire area affected by varicose veins.

The effectiveness of laser treatment for varicose veins

In all patients, within a month after endovenous treatment of varicose veins of the legs, it is possible to completely cure and eliminate varicose nodes. In our practice, we have not observed relapses of trophic ulcers after the laser treatment of varicose veins. There is no need for conservative treatment to eliminate the symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Early recanalization (restoration of the lumen) of the treated varicose vein is observed in 3% of patients within a year; repeated EVLT can completely cure the relapse without resorting to incisions. The absence of reappearance of varicose veins during the 5-year follow-up period was observed in 96% of patients. In case of an initial relapse, it is enough to conduct a session of foam sclerotherapy to prevent the progression of varicose veins.

When not to do EVLO

  • the presence of thrombophilia in the patient - in this case, the risk of thromboembolism significantly increases;
  • chronic arterial ischemia of the tissues of the lower extremities - in the postoperative period, ischemia may intensify, which leads to adverse consequences;
  • the impossibility of maintaining an active lifestyle for the patient after surgery, as this is required by the postoperative period;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​the upcoming surgical intervention - this can lead to the spread of infection during surgery and sepsis.

During the operation, our vascular surgeons make a small puncture of the skin, and all manipulations are carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine. In this regard, there are no terrible scars left on the patient’s skin after endovasal laser obliteration has been performed. Photos of the lower extremities of patients who have gone through this can be viewed on this page of our website.

Frequently asked questions from our patients on the Internet about endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO)

Tatyana from Samara asks: where can I find reviews about endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities?

Dear Tatyana! Endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities is a modern effective procedure for the treatment of varicose veins. The number of successful procedures carried out in the world amounts to millions. On the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews about this innovative intervention. You can read reviews of specific patients of the Moscow Phlebology Center on our website page:, and also watch video reviews:.

Igor from Noginsk is interested in: how much does endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities cost in Moscow?

Dear Igor! The price of modern endovasal laser obliteration cannot be very low due to the high cost of consumables (disposable laser light guides). Here, one of the leading city phlebology centers in Moscow, the cost of the procedure for endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities is 59,500 rubles. You can get detailed information about the cost of treatment and discounts on the website of the Innovative Phlebology Center or by phone.

Victoria from Moscow is interested in: how to find the best prices for endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities in Moscow?

Dear Victoria! The cost of treatment using endovasal laser obliteration is determined based on the price of equipment, consumables, and the cost of specialist labor. In Moscow, prices for endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities can vary significantly, but still have similar values ​​in leading medical centers. The cost of the endovasal laser obliteration procedure at the Moscow City Phlebological Center is 59,500 rubles, seasonal discounts apply. You can find out more about prices for innovative treatments and discount promotions on the website of the phlebology center or by phone: +7 (495) 565 35 07.

Dmitry from Moscow is interested in: European endovasal laser vein obliteration in Moscow, where is it performed?

Dear Dmitry! In Moscow, endovasal laser obliteration of the veins of the lower extremities according to European standards is performed in leading and best phlebological centers. The innovative procedure involves the use of modern laser equipment and the presence of sophisticated ultrasonic navigation skills among specialists.

Zinaida from Ivanovo is interested in: how does endovasal laser obliteration of the main vein occur?

Dear Zinaida! The procedure for endovenous obliteration of the main saphenous vein in leading Moscow clinics is performed as follows:

  • The vein is punctured and a laser light guide is inserted.
  • Local tumescent anesthesia is administered along the vein.
  • The laser energy generator is turned on, the venous vessel is coagulated from the inside.
  • The procedure is complemented by a minimally invasive operation - miniphlebectomy, in the presence of pronounced venous nodes.
  • Bandages are applied and compression stockings are worn.

What is a laser?

Indeed, before answering questions about laser vein removal, you need to understand what a laser itself is.
Most of us know that this is a beam, but not everyone can answer how it differs from a regular light beam. The word “laser” is formed by adding the first letters of the words l ight amplification by stimulated e mission of r adiation - “amplification of light through stimulated emission. ” Thus, a laser is a beam of light, only greatly amplified. Due to its power, the laser can cut tissue during surgical operations, “seal” blood vessels, etc.

The source of the laser beam can be different substances: some crystals, gases, metal vapors, solutions, etc. This is the so-called “active medium” of the laser. In order for the laser beam to acquire the necessary strength, it must be “pumped with energy.” Therefore, there is a system in the laser, which is called the pumping system. The laser also has a system of mirrors that change the angle of the beam, and various filters.

Endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO) - complications and side effects

Special studies have been carried out around the world to determine the risk of possible complications after this intervention. It turned out that the percentage of complications is extremely small and amounts to one to two percent. These figures speak for themselves, because the percentage of complications after conventional operations on varicose veins is much higher.

Possible complications after EVLO:

  • thrombophlebitis of the operated area;
  • burns of tissue around veins;

Side effects include the formation of hematomas and ecchymosis after surgery. They are not at all dangerous and disappear without a trace after some time, even without the use of any means.

To find out what the legs look like after endovenous laser obliteration (EVLO), photos or medical histories can be viewed on the Internet, special brochures of vascular centers and medical journals.

Endovenous laser obliteration (EVLO): reviews from our patients

Review from our patient about endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO) in .

Sergeeva Nina Ivanovna. 08/20/2019 With thanks!

Varicose veins on the lower leg of the left leg appeared a long time ago, more than 10 years ago. I was bothered by bursting pain and inflammation at the site of varicose veins. All these inconveniences were especially evident in the summer in warm and hot weather. I didn’t know how and where to place my leg to reduce these manifestations. A year ago, in the summer of 2021, I decided that I needed to start looking for a medical center specializing in phlebology. And the necessary information came on its own. In the AiF newspaper in November 2013, I read the article “Doctor Laser” by phlebologist Dmitry Fedorov, a leading specialist at the Medical Innovative Phlebological Center. In this article, the author spoke about the dangers of varicose veins, about treatment methods, about the historical development of the use of a laser device for use by phlebologists, about the modern miracle laser that is used in this medical center and allows you to perform operations on the veins without leaving marks or pigment spots on the skin. After reading the article, I immediately decided for myself that this is the medical center I need. I got acquainted with information about him on the MIFC website.

In February 2021, I came to see Artyom Yuryevich Semyonov with a firm determination to have the operation. The ultrasound results confirmed the need for surgery. Artyom Yuryevich showed on the diagram all the places where the veins are dilated, where it is necessary to perform the laser obliteration operation, told how the operation will take place, showed the individual consumables that will be used during the operation, and answered all the questions. The operation was performed under local anesthesia and was practically painless. During the operation, the doctor commented on all stages. The atmosphere in the operating room is businesslike, calm and comfortable. The doctors worked clearly and harmoniously. Everything went well. The next day - examination and dressing. Six months have passed since the operation. No marks on the leg. And most importantly, there is no constant inflammation on the lower leg.

This is the gift I gave myself for my 70th birthday. Many thanks to the doctors and nurses. Professionalism and attentive attitude towards patients distinguishes the staff of the MIFC. Thank you. With respect and gratitude, Sergeeva Nina Ivanovna. 08/20/2019

Review from our patient from Moscow about endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO).

Alena, 43 years old, Moscow.

I suffered from varicose veins for ten years. During this time I tried various ointments, creams and folk remedies. There was practically no effect. For a long time I didn’t know what endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO) was, Wikipedia suggested it. At first I doubted it for a long time, but then, realizing that another expensive remedy did not help, I made up my mind. I thought that it definitely couldn’t get any worse. I have never regretted having this operation: endovenous laser obliteration. I had to wear the compression stockings a little, but that's just nothing. 3 years have passed since then, I feel great, I run almost like in my youth - no fatigue, no swelling. Alena, 43 years old, Moscow.

Feedback from a patient about the EVLO procedure performed in our clinic.

Marina, 28 years old.

After a difficult pregnancy, varicose veins appeared on my legs. I tried to get rid of it on my own, looked for information on the Internet, asked friends and acquaintances. On one of the sites I learned that there is such an operation as endovasal laser vein obliteration. I looked at the reviews, consulted with my family and decided to try it. As soon as I found out that endovenous laser obliteration was being performed in Moscow at your center, I immediately made an appointment. It’s hard to even call it an operation. The whole procedure took about an hour. During this time, I got rid of varicose veins and was already at home in the evening and playing with the child. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Marina, 28 years old.

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