What is RFA? Treatment of arrhythmia using radiofrequency ablation

What is radiofrequency ablation (RFA)?

Rehabilitation after radiofrequency treatment takes place in record time: within 1-2 weeks (as opposed to 1-2 months when using other techniques). This is due to the peculiarities of the technique, which made it possible to almost completely eliminate the surgeon’s error.

During radiofrequency ablation, the doctor inserts a catheter into the affected vessel, which has a built-in radiofrequency waveguide. Under the influence of a radio signal, the walls of the vein heat up, causing the vein to spasm and collapse . Over time, the collapsed vein grows with connective tissue and disappears without a trace.

The operating time and intensity of the radiofrequency signal are determined by the generator to which the catheter is connected. Since the device “focuses” on the temperature inside the vein, this eliminates overheating and damage to the soft tissues surrounding the vein. That is why the postoperative period after RFA proceeds quickly and almost without complications.

Treatment methods

The main treatments for arrhythmia are drug therapy and surgery. Medicinal or conservative treatment consists mainly of taking vitamin-mineral complexes and restoratives. If the arrhythmia is more serious, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed. These are 4 groups of drugs, different in their method of action: sodium channel blockers, beta blockers, potassium channel blockers and calcium channel blockers.


Surgical treatment is prescribed in more serious cases when there is a threat to the patient's life. This is the installation of a pacemaker or defibrillator. These are devices that are implanted under the patient's skin. They have electrodes that are inserted into pathological areas of the heart and generate impulses that initiate contraction of the heart muscles in the required rhythm.

Are there any restrictions after RFA?

Like any treatment technique, radiofrequency ablation imposes certain restrictions on the patient, but these restrictions are very few. First of all, rehabilitation after RFA includes mandatory wearing of compression stockings for 1-2 weeks. Thus, Intex postoperative compression stockings reduce swelling and help to virtually eliminate the risk of thromboembolism .

Preparing for surgery

In general, the following steps are recommended before surgery:

  • abstain from smoking 2 weeks before surgery
  • abstaining from food and drink, even water, the night before the procedure
  • do not use scented products such as lotions on the day of surgery
  • Gather items to bring to the hospital, including relevant identification and insurance documents, a complete list of medications and supplements you take, and cases for storing glasses or dentures

You should consult your doctor for specific instructions for the type of surgery you are having.

Reviews of the RFA procedure performed at the Medical Innovative Phlebological Center

Review of radiofrequency ablation of veins from our patient

Vasily Tomchuk, 38 years old, Moscow, December 11, 2021

My review of RFA surgery combined with miniphlebectomy on the veins of the right leg, for people who are about to undergo a similar operation or for those who need information about what it is and what it is eaten with. I would be glad if my review helps someone make decisions. I will answer any questions. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. I don’t know when I got varicose veins, because... he didn't bother me. But about six months before the operation, the leg began to noticeably swell at the bottom near the bone and a black spot appeared. I had to make an appointment at the clinic with a surgeon. An ultrasound showed disappointing results, second degree varicose veins. I looked at the reviews on the Internet. I went through a similar procedure in several clinics to understand where to have the surgery. The choice of where to have the operation was made according to several criteria: the attentiveness and professionalism of the surgeon, treatment of the client in the clinic itself, price. Based on all of the above, I decided to have the operation performed by phlebologist Artem Yuryevich Semenov. The operation had to be done quite quickly, since trophic changes had already begun. I was scheduled for surgery in mid-May. Before this, you need to undergo tests and obtain doctors’ opinions according to the list. Recommendations include not heating your leg, applying Lyoton (troxevasin), taking Detralex, and wearing compression garments. After receiving the test results, you must transfer them to the surgeon. Since I took the tests at the same clinic where my operation took place, I did not have to transfer the results. They were automatically directed to the doctor. The only thing I want to mention is that the tests are valid for a limited time, so they are done shortly before the operation. Before the operation, it is necessary to treat the operating area - at home the day before! I had to shave my right leg and right groin area. Peculiar sensations. Took a long time. It's easier for women). It is necessary to come to the operation in loose clothes and shoes, so the leg will be in a bandage, which will greatly increase its volume. And after the operation you need to walk. The operation was performed under local anesthesia and lasted about an hour and a half. RFA itself does not cause any pain. But during the second part of the operation - miniphlebectomy, some discomfort is felt from the anesthesia injections and the removal of the veins themselves. But all this is so insignificant compared to the result obtained. Immediately after the operation, I got to my feet and walked to the ward. There I rested for about half an hour and received a discharge letter with recommendations for further treatment. Afterwards we had to walk for about 40 minutes. The next day they changed the dressing. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the phlebologists Artem Yuryevich Semenov for the operation. Good luck to everyone preparing for surgery. I recommend not putting it off to those who need it. Vasily, 38 l, Moscow. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Review of RFA of veins, complicated by thrombophlebitis

Belousov A.A., Michurinsk, Tambov region, December 11, 2016

Many thanks to the surgeon-phlebologist Artem Yuryevich Semenov for the skillfully performed operation. In April 2013, I underwent radiofrequency obliteration with Varadi miniphlebectomy on my left leg. Varicose veins appeared on my legs while I was still at school. Now I only regret one thing: I didn’t know about this doctor earlier. The operation lasted only 50 minutes and I did not experience any pain. I left the clinic on my own two feet, and the next day I went to work. Currently I feel great, my leg doesn’t bother me at all. I thank Dr. Semenov for getting me back on my feet!

Review from our patient about the RFA procedure: Arina, 26 years old, Kashira.

I would like to share my experience regarding the treatment of my varicose veins using radiofrequency ablation. I began to experience obvious signs of varicose veins when I was 20. On my mother’s side, all women suffered from this scourge. And although my mother’s legs looked absolutely terrible, she never felt pain, and therefore did not see a doctor. I very quickly got the feeling that there were huge stones tied to my feet. Pain was added to the heaviness in my legs. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep at night, not knowing how to lie down to make it feel at least a little easier. I convey my gratitude to the specialists. I had radiofrequency surgery on veins in both legs. The operation was completely painless. How happy I was to see my legs immediately after the operation: the enormous thickness of the protruding veins literally disappeared before my eyes. In the first couple of days there was some kind of unpleasant sensation in my legs, but you can hardly even call it pain. I continue maintenance treatment with medications and will be going to my beloved doctor Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Raskin for follow-up examinations. Arina, 26 years old.

Patient's review of the radiofrequency procedure: Elena, 45 years old, Moscow.

I am 45 years old. I have worked as a salesperson all my life, with breaks for vacations and maternity leave. Of course, in the evenings after work my legs were very tired. Gradually, swelling and spider veins began to appear. I didn’t go to the doctors, I foolishly hoped for chance. But over the years it only got worse. Terrible blue stripes of veins with terrible nodes appeared. A friend who was treated in your clinic and was satisfied with the result of the treatment advised me to contact you. After passing all the tests and examining my veins, I was prescribed RFA. At first I was very afraid, because, as I understood, they would simply burn out the vein. But Dr. Dmitry Anatolyevich Fedorov reassured me and convinced me that this was the most painless method. In addition, I have heart problems, I didn’t really want to do vein operations under general anesthesia, but with RFA they do the usual anesthesia of the area. In general, all my fears were in vain; an hour and a half after RFA I was already at home. Not only has the nagging pain and heaviness in my legs gone, now I don’t have to hide my legs under a long skirt and tight tights. I express my gratitude to all the staff of the phlebology clinic. Thank you and bow to you from the bottom of my heart. Elena, 45 years old.

Symptoms of atrial fibrillation

The most common symptoms of atrial fibrillation are:

  • interruptions in the heart,
  • heart sinking,
  • frequent irregular heartbeat,
  • chest pain,
  • dizziness,
  • fainting or momentary loss of consciousness,
  • difficulty breathing, lack of air,
  • dyspnea,
  • increased fatigue,
  • general weakness.

Often, atrial fibrillation is asymptomatic and is detected incidentally on an ECG or during Holter monitoring.

Signs of arrhythmia

The danger of arrhythmia is that a person may not be aware of its presence for quite a long time. But the sooner you see a doctor, the easier it will be to cope with this condition. However, with arrhythmia, the patient may experience the following:

  • Palpitations: you may feel that the heart is beating too fast or, conversely, slow, or the beats are uneven;
  • Dizziness, feeling of weakness;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest, pain;
  • Rapid breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Loss of consciousness

For patients with arrhythmia, a healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity and opportunities for rest, and a rational, balanced diet are highly recommended. The diet should contain foods containing potassium and magnesium: honey, dried apricots, pumpkin, zucchini, walnuts. It is necessary to maintain psychological comfort, avoid stress, and prevent excess weight gain.

If you are interested in RFA in Moscow, contact our doctor at Medis, you will receive services at the highest level and one of the most famous cardiac surgeons in the world - arrhythmologists. Within 2-3 days after the procedure you will be able to return to your normal life. Treatment of arrhythmia in Moscow at Medis is safe, reliable, effective, high-tech.

Call or write to us to ask all your questions, find out the exact price of RFA of the heart, or sign up for a consultation or examination. The only salvation from arrhythmia is RFA surgery.

Patient reviews

Valery Miron: The first time I went to the hospital with arrhythmia was in an ambulance, it was the 4th city. It was terrible, the young doctor learned how to treat me over the phone, asking my uncle the professor how to treat him (me). Then she told me that she was only treating me because I had small children. In the morning I escaped, fortunately the attack was over. This was my very colorful acquaintance with the modern low-grade version of metropolitan medicine. Before that, I had only been to the hospital in the early 90s. After that, I decided to prepare and the next time the ambulance took me to L2. Everything there was on the level. After this second time, I decided not to risk it and went to see Dr. Sergeev for ablation. The surprise for me was that the operation lasted a very long time, as the doctor said, it was one of the longest duration records. But everything went well, the success statistics are high and I got into it. You should go into surgery believing in success, otherwise it’s hard to go. The surprise for me was that I remained on the pills forever. But there have been no attacks for a long time and they may not happen again. But as the doctor said, after many years there may be a need for a new operation. But these are the realities, it’s not bad, it’s just how it is in reality.

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