How is varicose veins treated with green tomatoes - and do they really help?

Tomatoes for varicose veins

Tomatoes contain many substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Among them are:

  1. Vitamins.
  2. Flavonoids.
  3. Antioxidants.
  4. Amino acids
  5. Macro- and microelements.
  6. Fatty acid.
  7. Anthocyanins.
  8. Salicylates.

Of particular importance for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are salicylic acid derivatives, which have a natural anti-inflammatory effect. They prevent the release of biologically active mediators and reduce pain in the patient. In addition, substances of this group have some blood thinning effect, which is very important for vascular diseases.

Why are green tomatoes used? It is believed that as the vegetable ripens in the sun, most of the beneficial substances decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To obtain the maximum concentration of the required compounds, the recipe uses unripe green tomatoes.

Main active ingredient

Vitamins and minerals accumulate in tomatoes as they ripen. The more ripe a tomato becomes, the better it is accepted by the gastrointestinal tract. The main advantage of an unripe vegetable is that its seeds contain a substance similar to acetylsalicylic acid. This tomato has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Mainly due to such unique properties, green tomatoes are used for varicose veins. Reviews emphasize that natural aspirin helps thin the blood. Let's look at the treatment method.

How can tomatoes help?

If you regularly use green tomatoes, you can achieve:

  1. Blood thinning, which is necessary to prevent the formation of blood clots and the resorption of areas of stagnation.
  2. Strengthening the vascular wall, which will reduce its permeability and prevent swelling.
  3. Increasing vascular tone, which is the main thing in the treatment of varicose veins and normalization of blood circulation.

In addition, green tomatoes:

  1. They improve your mood.
  2. Reduce the risk of cancer.
  3. Promotes weight loss.
  4. Prevents heart attack.
  5. Enhances muscle building.

Green tomatoes are used externally to treat varicose veins in the recipe! Fresh vegetables are the basis for a compress, which is applied to the affected area. Eating vegetables will also help enhance the effectiveness of this treatment.

Prohibitions for varicose veins, which are important to know about

When treating any disease, we are faced with the need to take certain medications, maintain a proper diet or diet, and also receive recommendations from the doctor on what can and cannot be done. Today we’ll talk about the prohibitions for varicose veins of the lower extremities, which are important for everyone to know about.

1). The first prohibition concerns bad habits (smoking and alcohol).

It’s not for nothing that a phlebologist asks about this during a consultation. Varicose veins are still a completely unknown disease, but it is known for sure that disruption of the venous system occurs as a result of an incorrect lifestyle. Smoking leads to the destruction of the walls of venous and arterial vessels, making them fragile and brittle. And cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of the arteries, which gradually lead to complete occlusion (closure) and disruption of blood flow in the extremities leading to ischemia and tissue death (gangrene). Alcohol and smoking thicken the blood, which causes blood clots to form. Alcohol also retains fluid in the tissues, which leads to the formation of edema and overload of the venous system.

2). Overweight.

Many diseases are aggravated by obesity and varicose veins are one of them. Excess weight makes a person less mobile (you want to lie down and relax more) and this is not accidental. First of all, there is a colossal load on the legs. The joints suffer; they fail most quickly, making a person even more hypodynamic. As a result of limited movement in the legs, the functioning of the venous pump in the legs is disrupted. The blood in the veins begins to stagnate - this all leads to varicose veins. What to do if you are already obese? There are four rules:

  • Drink about 1.5 - 2.0 liters of clean filtered water to thin the blood.
  • Fractional meals (eat in small portions about 5 - 6 times a day).
  • Don't eat at night.
  • Eating foods enriched with fiber. They normalize intestinal function, improve metabolism and help fight excess weight (buckwheat, pearl barley, bran, lentils, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, apples, apricots, etc.).

3). Use of hormonal contraception.

Hormonal contraceptives for varicose veins expose the female body to significant risk. The increased content of female sex hormones in the blood leads to increased pressure on the blood vessels, leading to their dilation. Also, under their influence, the blood becomes thick, which can lead to the formation of blood clots.

4). Baths, saunas, solariums (exposure to high temperatures).

Under the influence of high temperatures, there is an increase in blood flow to organs and tissues, increased sweating, all this is necessary to cool our body and protect it from overheating. Accordingly, as the flow of blood increases, its outflow also increases. Which leads to excessive strain on the veins. If the latter are varicose and the venous outflow through them is already impaired, this leads to their even greater expansion and even greater stagnation of blood. Increased sweating dehydrates the body and leads to blood thickening, which in turn leads to thrombosis. This is also why varicose veins most often worsen in the summer.

5). Sedentary lifestyle.

Technological progress and computerization provide people with comfort in everyday life. You no longer need to go to the store - you can buy everything online without leaving your home. A century of physical inactivity leads to a sedentary lifestyle. With varicose veins, the blood in the diseased veins cannot rise on its own due to non-functioning valves. Such veins have difficulty pumping blood to the heart, and in advanced stages they generally look like bags filled with blood that is not flowing anywhere. In order to force the blood to rise through such veins, you need to force the muscles to work. It’s not for nothing that they say that our muscles on the lower leg (muscle pump or muscle pump) are a second heart. The muscles on the lower leg, contracting, massage the adjacent veins, squeezing them and forcing the blood to move upward through the vessels, causing the venous valves to work better. This is why walking is beneficial for varicose veins in the legs.

6). Self-medication.

As the song says: “If you don’t have an aunt, then you won’t lose her.” But if you have varicose veins, the disease itself will certainly not go away. Tablets and ointments only reduce the symptoms of the disease, facilitate the flow of blood through the veins, relieve inflammation, and relieve swelling. That is, they improve the quality of life with varicose veins, but do not affect the cause of the disease. There are no magic cures for varicose veins. Self-medication is not only harmful, but also dangerous. Mechanical damage to valves and varicose veins is unfortunately not a reversible process that requires surgical intervention. If you have signs of varicose veins, you should consult a doctor. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit a phlebologist. Just like with caries on a tooth, no matter how much you apply garlic to your wrist for a toothache, we understand that you will still have to go to the dentist, drill the tooth and put a filling.

7). Leeches and varicose veins.

Varicose veins cannot be cured with leeches. Hirudin released in the saliva of these blood-sucking animals actually reduces blood clotting, but this has no effect on varicose veins. This treatment does not strengthen the venous walls and does not normalize the condition of the blood vessels. I often use leeches repeatedly, which leads to infection with various infections (cases of infection with hepatitis C and B are not uncommon). You should also not place leeches on swollen varicose veins - this can lead to rupture of the vessel and bleeding.

8). Massage for varicose veins.

It all depends on the massage technique used. For varicose veins, only a soft, stroking massage aimed at draining blood and lymph from the extremities is possible. Powerful massage techniques for varicose veins are harmful (honey, cupping, vacuum, anti-cellulite). The use of pneumocompression is useful - this is a special type of physiotherapeutic treatment in which, with the help of a pump and inflatable boots, it is possible to improve the outflow of blood and lymph through the vessels.

9). Exercising with varicose veins.

It is clear that sports activities and varicose veins are two opposites. All loads in a vertical position must be excluded. Among those prohibited: deadlifting (lifting weights in a vertical position), running (sprinting, marathon), squats, lunges, jumping (especially on a skipping rope), exercises with a platform (step aerobics). All of the above increases the load on varicose veins and can lead to thrombosis. With varicose veins, fitness is still necessary to increase the tone of the veins and strengthen their walls. If you have varicose veins, then fitness classes should be carried out with an experienced instructor and using compression stockings. The following exercises are allowed: flattening, lying leg raises, bicycle exercise, swinging legs back in a knee-elbow position, lying leg press, calm walking on a treadmill.

A diagnosis of varicose veins does not mean the end of a healthy life. Varicose veins are a chronic disease that can be treated surgically. Open, traumatic operations to remove veins are a thing of the past. Today, varicose veins are treated all over the world using minimally invasive techniques and laser technology. If surgery is recommended for you, it should not be put off for too long. Over time, the condition of the veins deteriorates, complications appear in the form of inflammation of the vein walls and the formation of blood clots (varicothrombophlebitis), severe edema, night cramps, as well as deterioration in the nutrition of the skin of the legs, leading to the formation of chronic trophic ulcers. That is why, if a phlebologist recommended that you have surgery now, you should not postpone it until later.

Be healthy!

Make an appointment with a phlebologist surgeon

Surgeon-phlebologist - Andrey Aleksandrovich Nisin

You can make an appointment by calling (391) 205−00−48 or through your personal account

Green Tomato Recipe

What vegetables are best for treating varicose veins? It is recommended to pick the fruits when they are already of normal size and just beginning to ripen. The ideal period for this is the beginning of summer. For treatment using the lotion method, choose strong, undamaged fruits.

Recipe for varicose veins based on green tomatoes:

  1. The tomato needs to be washed and cut into two halves. This must be done quickly and carefully so that valuable juice does not leak out of the vegetable.
  2. The cut, where the pulp and seeds are located, is applied to the sore spot. These may be areas of skin with spider veins or clearly noticeable swollen areas of veins.
  3. Hold the vegetable until you feel a slight burning sensation.
  4. After this, you need to replace half the tomato with a fresh one, after rinsing the skin with cool water.

Instead of a whole tomato, you can use the juice squeezed from it. To do this, gauze is soaked in the juice, which is then wrapped around the diseased areas of the limbs. For better penetration of nutrients, a layer of polyethylene and a dry bandage is placed on top of the gauze.

The procedure is repeated several times in one day. After a month of continuous treatment, you need to pause for a week. You can also use red tomatoes, but it is believed that the effect of unripe fruits will be greater.

An integrated approach will help to increase the effectiveness of such therapy. To do this, a tomato compress is combined with a proper diet for varicose veins, chestnut tincture for varicose veins, and the use of compression garments.

How to use?

When treating varicose veins with folk recipes, certain rules should be followed:

  • The vegetable must be grown in a garden bed, not in a greenhouse. Remember that a tomato grown in a garden has a more pronounced medicinal effect compared to a greenhouse vegetable;
  • It is advisable to include freshly squeezed tomato juice in your daily menu;
  • The approval of a phlebologist is first required, who will determine the presence of contraindications to this method, which include the presence of trophic ulcers on the surface of the skin.


An allergic reaction to treatment with green fruits that occurs on the surface of the skin is a signal to immediately stop therapy.

Treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes involves external (local) use of the vegetable. The recipe with green tomatoes for varicose veins is very simple:

  1. Wash four large fruits thoroughly and cut into slices;
  2. Apply to the affected areas on the legs, secure with bandages;
  3. Remove bandages after 4 hours.

Compress with green tomatoes for varicose veins

During the procedure, tingling may be felt in areas of pronounced varicose veins. The frequency of the procedure is at least five times a day, and the duration of treatment is at least two weeks. After a course of traditional therapy, the veins become less noticeable, the nodules appearing through the skin decrease in size, and the pain disappears.


If the burning sensation becomes too strong during the procedure, it is necessary to remove the tomatoes from the affected areas and rinse the areas with warm water.

Another recipe involves using finely chopped green tomatoes together with birch leaves, which should first be filled with boiling water. Mix both components to obtain a homogeneous paste, which is applied to the affected areas and fixed with bandages for a couple of hours.

The benefits of green tomatoes will be greater if the treatment is carried out comprehensively and a special diet aimed at weight loss is followed. Ideally, your diet should consist of vegetables and fruits as much as possible, as well as a sufficient amount of liquid. It is necessary to exclude alcohol and foods that cause an increase in glucose and cholesterol from the diet.

Treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes is effective in the early stages of the disease

Green tomatoes have the most pronounced therapeutic effect at the initial stage of development of varicose veins. Before the procedure, doctors recommend rinsing your feet with cool water to tone the skin. It is advisable to regularly arrange an evening rest for yourself; it consists of being in a horizontal position for half an hour, with your legs raised on a pouf. With this simple exercise, blood circulation and lymph outflow from large veins are stimulated.

Therapy prognosis

Most patients notice a positive effect after 2 weeks of therapy. They believe that green tomatoes are indeed capable of curing varicose veins in the initial stages, provided that the correct diet is followed and there are no provoking factors.

If during this time you have not noticed clinical improvements, you can assume a more serious degree of pathology that cannot be treated with folk remedies. In this case, the doctor will prescribe medication and select the right compression garments.

Treatment of varicose veins: basic principles

Varicose veins are a disease that affects many people. According to various estimates, varicose veins in one stage or another are observed in 30% of women and at least 20% of men.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing varicose veins are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sedentary work;
  • disruption of the endocrine and hormonal system;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • forced standing for a long time, etc.

As a result, blood flow is disrupted (primarily in the lower extremities), the elasticity of the veins decreases and they swell due to fluid stagnation.

Varicose veins or varicose veins are a serious disease that affects people of all ages.

Today, therapy for varicose veins can be carried out either conservatively or surgically:

  • in the first case, drugs are used that normalize blood flow and stimulate the return of vascular walls to their original state. The most effective are complex agents that provide venotonic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • in the second case, laser surgery is gradually gaining popularity. It is characterized by a lower level of invasiveness, while it demonstrates good results: manifestations of varicose veins disappear for a long time.

In any case, physiotherapeutic procedures are considered a prerequisite for the successful treatment of varicose veins. During drug treatment, exercises to strengthen blood vessels must be done constantly; during surgical intervention, they are used as one of the components of the rehabilitation program.

But it is worth noting that even against the background of complex therapy, folk remedies (such as treating varicose veins with tomatoes) look good. In any case, with relatively small investments and time, they demonstrate effectiveness comparable to the use of modern medicines.

The disease affects people whose specific work activity requires long periods of standing upright or significant distance movements.

Daily procedures

To successfully get rid of the disease, you need to increase the effectiveness of therapy by all means, and not block the resulting effect with an incorrect lifestyle. Recommendations for the patient with varicose veins on the legs or other parts of the body:

  1. Identify the cause that led to vein problems and eliminate it from your daily life.
  2. Walk in the fresh air every day - this trains blood vessels and activates blood circulation.
  3. Do exercises for your feet, wear comfortable shoes and compression garments. This will reduce the load on the veins and increase the therapeutic effect.
  4. Food rich in vitamins and flavonoids forms the basis of the diet for varicose veins.

Expected Result

It is worth noting that the effect is observed after 10 days. How can you evaluate the result? Every day the blue nodes of the veins become less pronounced. Do not forget that if the disease has been progressing for more than a year, then before starting therapy you should definitely consult a doctor.

After the course of treatment, patients note that by the end of the working day they feel less tired and swollen legs. This reduces pain. That is, practice shows that this folk remedy really works. Moreover, the earlier therapy begins, the more effective it will be.


If you don't like green vegetables or find them difficult to find, you can use fresh tomatoes. You need to be treated with their help according to the same recipes, not forgetting to include the product in your daily diet in the form of a fresh salad.

Patients often alternate compresses based on different natural ingredients. Those who know how to treat varicose veins at home, in addition to tomatoes, use the Kalanchoe recipe for varicose veins, honey or chestnut tincture.

Not everyone can use leeches for varicose veins of the lower extremities, but in this way they quickly get rid of venous stagnation and achieve increased blood supply to a certain area of ​​the body.

First Mate

It is an ordinary green vegetable that can become a real salvation in most cases. Do not forget that this does not replace the need for examination by a doctor. How to use green tomatoes for varicose veins? Reviews say that they can really improve the condition of your limbs. The vegetable has a lot of useful properties, but the main thing is that the substances it contains have a positive effect on the vascular system.

In the summer there are a lot of vegetables in the garden, but it is tomatoes that can fight vascular diseases better than others. How do green tomatoes help against varicose veins? Reviews from traditional healers emphasize that it is precisely before maturity that they contain much more healing acids. Therefore, it is better to use ripe ones for salads, and green ones for treatment.

Therapeutic compresses

  1. When the symptoms of varicose veins appear in a certain area, compresses will help cure the disease. The most popular recipes are based on:
  2. Tomatoes.
  3. Crushed fern leaves.
  4. Potato peelings.
  5. Willow twig.
  6. White cabbage.
  7. Kalanchoe.
  8. Wormwood.

At the first signs of varicose veins (fatigue and heaviness in the legs, spider veins), consultation with your doctor is required. He will determine the degree of neglect of the process and prescribe the safest and most effective treatment.

Varicose veins occur more often in women, so it would not be superfluous to undergo preventive examinations, even in the absence of symptoms of discomfort. According to patient reviews, remedies based on folk recipes are good at helping to cope with the problem in the initial stages of development.

Is it worth it?

In the summer, especially when it is very hot, varicose veins become more pronounced - the affected vessels begin to hurt more intensely. The veins swell and swell. This is the time for the treatment described earlier. Try applying a tomato compress at night and removing it in the morning. This therapy is quite long-term and should be carried out regularly throughout the year. But the result is worth it: the venous nodes become much softer, and after a year they disappear completely.

Varicose veins can be called one of the most common diseases of the 20th century. So you can start procedures only after preliminary consultation with your doctor, who will advise whether it is worth trying traditional medicine recipes. Quite often, this disease requires surgical intervention. Therefore, take care of your health, because everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Originally posted 2013-11-30 16:50:03.

Recommendations from vascular surgeons

The effectiveness of the proposed treatment directly depends on how advanced the form of varicose veins is at the moment. If only minor spider veins are observed, then a two-week course can give a good result. In severe cases, tomatoes alone will obviously not be enough. In this case, additional medical or surgical treatment may be required. Only a doctor will tell you more precisely after an examination.

Before applying tomatoes, it is recommended to spray your feet with cool water. This promotes rapid recovery. In addition, evening rest helps a lot. To do this, you need to lie horizontally and raise your legs vertically up, placing them comfortably on a sofa or wall. It is enough to spend 30 minutes a day in this way for the situation to gradually improve.

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