Prevention and treatment of varicose veins using the Darsonval apparatus

What kind of device is this

Darsonval is a device for physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures. Using pulsed alternating current, the device expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation and nutrition of skin and mucous tissues, as well as hair. Previously, the device was mainly used in medical institutions, but now models have appeared that can be used at home.

The device is small in size - slightly larger than an electric toothbrush or portable irrigator.

If you want to reduce oily skin, relieve swelling and inflammation, get rid of acne and prevent the development of wrinkles, Darsonval will help with this. With a daily procedure, electrical discharges narrow the pores and improve the complexion.

Darsonval emits ozone and nitrogen oxides in small quantities. They have bactericidal properties and help in the treatment of acne.

The device comes with attachments for hair and face.

Recommendations from experts

Physiotherapy with Darsonval for varicose veins of the legs is carried out daily, for at least 15 days. Otherwise, the result will not be effective.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a month. Doctors recommend using it at the first symptoms of the disease.

Hardware therapy with alternating current is widely used in the treatment of varicose veins. In the absence of contraindications, the course will be useful for every patient. You will need to consult a doctor first.

The material was prepared specifically for the website, edited by doctor E.Yu. Churilina. Specialty: dermatology, venereology, general hygiene.

Darsonval for face

The result of darsonvalization will become noticeable only after the course; a minimum of 10 procedures are required - each lasting 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the device for loss of elasticity, swelling and inflammation and other skin problems.

  • For pimples, acne and blackheads.
  • For oily skin care.
  • For cuts, bruises and scratches - to speed up regeneration.
  • For the prevention of wrinkles.

Methods for using the device

  1. The contact technique involves contact of the electrode with the skin and is used most often. With this method, a feeling of slight warmth arises. When in contact with the skin, the device has an analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms and tones blood vessels.

For the face, a mushroom-shaped attachment is usually used.

  1. Remote technique - the device acts on the skin at a distance of 1–3 mm. During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt, blue lightning discharges are visible, and a quiet crackling sound is heard. The advantage of this technique is its bactericidal effect - it is most often used in the treatment of problem skin with acne.

To make the electrode glide easier, it is recommended to use talc, baby powder, and powder.

Additional indications

Darsonvalization of the lower extremities for varicose veins is an effective treatment method for each patient. In addition, it is recommended to be used in complex treatment:

  • vein blockages;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcers.

The doctor gives permission for the course of procedures.

Darsonval for hair

With insufficient nutrition of the hair follicles and impaired blood circulation, both men and women are at risk of hair loss and baldness. Darsonval produces weak current discharges that dilate blood vessels and normalize the condition of the hair. In addition, electronic pulses disinfect and destroy harmful microorganisms.

In 2015, Korean scientists studied the effect of alternating current on stimulating hair growth and after a week of experiment they came to the conclusion that in the stimulated areas, hair began to grow again due to the activation of hair follicles.

This was the first study to examine the cellular and molecular effects of electricity on hair.

Darsonval for hair loss

The darsonvalization procedure is recommended for people with thin and sparse hair strands. In some cases, the Darsonval device allows you to fight baldness.

After the course, metabolism improves, the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is normalized, and the endocrine system begins to function more actively. The hair becomes thicker and the hair roots are strengthened.

Darsonval reduces hair oiliness and dandruff

With hormonal and physiological problems, the scalp may produce more sebum than necessary. Because of this, your hair always looks unwashed and greasy.

Thanks to its antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, darsonval normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and metabolic processes in the scalp. One course of treatments will improve the appearance of your hair, tighten pores and reduce the amount of sebum. It will also help get rid of dandruff.

The darsonvalization procedure is carried out using a special comb attachment.

The second misconception is that laser surgery is expensive, but traditional intervention is free:

For some reason, it is believed that laser surgery is prohibitively expensive, while simple surgery is done free of charge and on a quota basis.


remember how much time, effort and nerves you need to spend to get a quota from the state for a free operation, in quotes, how many doctors you need to visit and tests. It is unknown which doctor you will see after. It is absolutely unlikely that you will end up with a renowned surgeon who will do everything well; most likely, you will be operated on by a novice specialist, or at best by an “average” doctor.

Currently, taking into account summer discounts, surgery on one leg in our center costs 47,600 rubles. Doctors with extensive experience in thousands of similar interventions will operate on you using the most modern equipment. After the operation, you will have access to free annual follow-up, which includes all types of consultations and studies available at the clinic.

Attachments for the Darsonval apparatus

Comb attachment

The comb attachment awakens dormant hair follicles and strengthens hair, restoring its natural shine. The electric charge carried out by the comb attachment regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Mushroom nozzle

Used for problematic and oily facial skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Effectively fights cellulite - improves lymph flow and blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen.


Often used to prevent and treat spinal problems. The shape of the nozzle allows the current to be more evenly distributed over large areas of the body, such as the back, chest, legs.

Straight nozzle

The universal attachment is suitable for carrying out procedures on wider parts of the face and body, arms, legs, hips, buttocks. This electrode is used to get rid of cellulite, varicose veins, and osteochondrosis. Also used to treat scars, wounds and scars on the skin.

Petal attachment

The petal attachment is a facial attachment that restores skin elasticity, prevents the development of wrinkles, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and skin turgor. Used for the face and décolleté.

Method of implementation

Before using the Darsonval device for varicose veins, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities. It is prohibited to use products that contain alcohol for such purposes.

The surface of the skin should be dry. Sometimes specialists sprinkle it with talcum powder before performing the procedure. Open wounds and cuts are covered with a napkin.

The nozzle is moved along the vessel in the direction of blood flow. Movements should be smooth, measured, without pressure - otherwise you can injure the affected veins and capillaries.

A special massage attachment from the set is used to stimulate blood flow.

It is important to remember that the pulse electrode cannot be held in one area for a long time - the risk of vessel rupture and skin burn increases.

The duration of the procedure is 5-20 minutes, taking into account the extent of the lesion. For an effective result, such treatment must be carried out in a course of 15-30 times. If necessary, it can be repeated to prevent relapse of the disease.

How often to use Darsonval

It is recommended to carry out the darsonvalization procedure in a course of up to 25 sessions. For skin and hair treatment, the number of sessions differs. The break between courses is also different.

Darsonval for hair treatment:

  • The course should not exceed 20–25 sessions;
  • The device is recommended to be used daily;
  • the break between courses is 3 months.

Darsonval for facial treatment:

  • The course should not exceed 15–20 sessions;
  • sessions should be carried out every other day;
  • first session – 5 minutes, then lengthen according to the doctor’s recommendations;
  • break - 2-3 weeks.

Darsonval for the treatment of cellulite:

  • The first session is 5 minutes, subsequent sessions are gradually increased to half an hour;
  • sessions should be carried out every other day for 2–3 weeks;
  • the break between courses is 2–3 weeks.

The first misconception is that classical surgery is more reliable than laser surgery:

Why do many patients believe that open surgery is more reliable than laser surgery? “Old school” surgeons have a saying: “a vein in the arm (i.e., pulled out from the body) will never be recanalized. Yes, indeed, removed vein fragments cannot be restored, however, for example, in the area of ​​the sapheno-femoral anastomosis, neovasculogenesis (growth of neovessels) is possible 5-10 years after surgery, leading to the reappearance of varicose veins - although surgeons do not know about this they love to talk.


The reliability of laser surgery (subject to the technology and experience of the surgeon) is currently approaching 100%. This became possible due to the accumulation of significant experience in the use of these technologies and the constant improvement of laser technology. Currently, the most “advanced” are water-absorbing laser devices (with a wavelength of 1470 or 1530 nm) in combination with the use of radial type light guides (which shine “around” the tip of the light guide, and not forward, like the end type) (*I would like to note that In our clinic we work ONLY with the latest and most modern equipment). The use of modern equipment and technologies leads to high-quality and safe damage to the venous wall from the inside, as a result of which the diseased vein affected by varicose veins is completely “brewed” and the blood flow through it is blocked. What happens to the vein after this? Over the course of about 6 months, the vein turns into a thin connective tissue cord, indistinguishable by ultrasound from the surrounding tissue (fiber and structures of the superficial fascia). No ultrasound specialist will be able to find a laser-operated vein 1 year after the operation.


It is not recommended to use Darsonval at home if you have problems with the skin, blood circulation and some chronic diseases:

  • for bleeding and bleeding disorders;
  • for epilepsy, tuberculosis and acute febrile conditions;
  • in case of impaired skin sensitivity;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • with the expansion of red blood vessels on the face;
  • with cardiovascular failure;
  • and also with excess facial hair growth (hirsutism).

What is the secret of successful operation of the device

Under the influence of high-frequency pulses, a slight coronary discharge occurs, resulting in the formation of a small amount of ozone. During operation of the device, the vessels dilate and blood flow increases. The procedure is painless. Modified oxygen is known to have powerful bactericidal properties. It destroys harmful bacteria. The gas disinfects the skin, but without the effect of chemical damage, as when applying some antiseptic solutions. It is on this principle that acne treatment is based.

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