Lump, lump or lump in the breast or mammary gland

Almost everyone perceives chest pain as a potential heart problem. However, there can be many reasons for discomfort. In any case, it is impossible to determine on your own what causes the discomfort. Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause.

Incorrect diagnosis, lack of treatment, and uncontrolled attempts to relieve pain at the site of discomfort often lead to the development of severe pathologies.

To make sure that pain is not a sign of serious illness or to select treatment for identified pathology, it is better to visit a doctor. The causes of pain can be caused by diseases of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and neurological problems. If you don’t know which doctor to make an appointment with first, come to the Kutuzov Diagnostic and Treatment Center. We have all the specialists who can help you make an accurate diagnosis. Start by making an appointment with your GP and follow their instructions.

Such different chest pains

Thoracalgia is a term for chest pain (from the words “thorax” - chest and “algia” - pain).

It can hurt either on one side of the chest or in the middle, in the upper or lower part. The nature of the pain is:

  • Sharp and burning.
  • Dull and aching.
  • Stabbing.
  • Compressive.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of a disturbing symptom in the chest are diseases, injuries and pathologies:

  • Heart and blood vessels.
  • Lungs.
  • Musculoskeletal system - muscles, ribs and spine.
  • Nervous system
  • Gastrointestinal tract.

Let's look at them in more detail.


If a woman has characteristic complaints, a number of diagnostic studies are performed:

  • X-ray of the chest. Mammography is a screening diagnostic method that allows you to confirm the presence of a pathological focus in the mammary gland. Ductography is an X-ray contrast study that allows you to visualize the duct system of the breast.
  • Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Helps determine the location, shape and extent of pathological compaction in the breast tissue. The method is safe and can be performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Breast biopsy. Histological examination of the breast lump helps to reliably determine the nature of the disease and distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one.
  • Thermography of the chest area - registration of thermal radiation from tissues. The method is based on the fact that actively dividing malignant cells emit more energy and appear redder in the image than surrounding healthy tissue.

To diagnose lumps and pain in the breast, it is mandatory to consult an oncologist-mammologist. An endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists may be involved.

Heart problems

Pain in the chest in the middle or on the left side occurs with various heart diseases:

  • IHD, angina pectoris - a violation of blood flow in the heart arteries. Often an attack of sharp pain lasts up to 15 minutes. Occurs during physical activity, stress, anxiety, and goes away after rest.
  • Myocardial infarction is the death of cells and the formation of scars on the heart muscle. It is characterized by severe pain in the chest on the left and in the middle, which does not go away after 15-20 minutes. Additional symptoms include weakness and fear of death.
  • Pericarditis or myocarditis is an inflammatory process in the muscle or lining of the heart. They are characterized by acute or aching pain in the chest when inhaling in the middle of the chest, which intensifies while eating or lying down.
  • Mitral valve prolapse - in addition to chest pain, it causes shortness of breath, dizziness, even fainting.
  • Pulmonary hypertension is increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries, an attack similar to a heart attack.

A characteristic feature of heart pain is that it often occurs against a background of emotional or physical stress and is accompanied by a feeling of panic and fear of death.


Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the lump and pain in the chest.

With lactostasis, the main task is to empty the mammary gland. To do this, a breast massage is performed; the woman is advised to avoid hypothermia and to put the baby to the breast in a timely manner. Adequate rest and good nutrition will not be superfluous. Night sleep is recommended in the side position. In some cases, oxytocin is prescribed, which stimulates the process of lactation and emptying of the mammary gland.

Antibiotic therapy plays a major role in the treatment of mastitis. The seal usually resolves with rational treatment. The development of purulent mastitis is an indication for surgical intervention.

Multiple or nodular mastopathy is subject to conservative therapy. Drugs are used that normalize hormonal levels. These include combined oral contraceptives, estrogen receptor inhibitors and other drugs.

A benign seal is usually treated surgically, since conservative methods are ineffective. Enucleation or sectoral resection of the mammary gland is used. In the first case, surgeons remove the tumor. There are usually no cosmetic breast defects left with this procedure. Sectoral resection is the excision of a tumor within healthy tissue. After this intervention, a slight deformation of the breast remains, which can be corrected with plastic surgery.

A compaction of a malignant nature is subject to surgical treatment. Mastectomy with removal of regional lymph nodes is recommended. In some cases, excision of the breast tumor within healthy tissue may be performed. The scope of the operation is determined by the oncologist, taking into account the extent of the tumor process. Alternative treatment methods include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. They are prescribed in various combinations with each other.

Lung diseases

This is a common cause of chest discomfort. Main causes and characteristic symptoms:

  • Inflammation or abscess of the lung - the process occurs with severe pain in the chest (right or both parts of the chest), fever, cough.
  • Pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura) - pain appears when taking a deep breath, usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and cough.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery with a blood clot - severe chest pain, tachycardia, difficulty breathing.
  • Pneumothorax is the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity when the lungs are damaged due to injuries to the ribs and spine. Pain appears when inhaling, shortness of breath, dry cough, and blood pressure may decrease.
  • Bronchial asthma - acute spasms occur with pain and wheezing in the chest, wet cough, attacks of difficulty breathing


To prevent breast diseases accompanied by thickening and pain, women should adhere to a healthy lifestyle: eat rationally, maintain a work and rest schedule, exercise regularly, avoid stressful situations, stop smoking and abusing alcoholic beverages. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. You should also choose a comfortable bra that does not squeeze or injure your breasts.

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Gastrointestinal diseases

Major diseases that cause pain in the esophagus, or can spread from the abdomen to the chest area:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is irritation of the esophageal mucosa due to the reflux of gastric contents.
  • Dyskinesia or esophageal perforation is increased pressure in the esophagus due to slow movement of food or its rupture due to injury.
  • Stomach ulcers.

Gastrointestinal diseases are characterized by pain that appears before, after or during meals; they may be accompanied by heartburn and other symptoms.

How does an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus manifest itself?

In fact, in most cases, the feeling of a lump in the esophagus is not a dangerous illness, but occurs as a physiological reaction of the body when an excess amount of mucus begins to accumulate in the larynx area. It forms into a clot that irritates the nerve endings located in the throat. This phenomenon is short-term in nature and does not require special treatment with medications. In addition, there are a number of diseases that actually manifest themselves in the form of a similar symptom.

Due to the individual characteristics of each person’s body, the presence of a feeling of a clot of mucus in the larynx is perceived differently. Despite this, most people who seek medical help with this kind of symptomatology note the general principles of the manifestation of these sensations:

  • you can clearly feel a lump in the middle of the sternum, which periodically seems to rise upward closer to the front wall of the throat (may indicate the first signs of increased acidity of gastric juice and the initial stage of heartburn),
  • in the oral cavity, as well as in the larynx, there is a large amount of thick mucus, which arose after physical labor, jogging or under the influence of other factors,
  • all attempts to swallow the obsessive lump do not bring positive results; the unpleasant sensation disappears only for 3-5 seconds, and then returns again,
  • periodically there is a feeling as if a lump is standing in the esophagus and pressing on it, making it difficult for food to pass through,
  • From time to time, panic may arise that a foreign formation will put pressure on the trachea and provoke the onset of suffocation (this is especially common in children who, under the fear of previously unknown sensations, get scared and begin to cry).

Read also: What can you take for nausea after drinking alcohol?

Also, the majority of respondents complain of heaviness in the esophagus, which appears simultaneously with the lump, and goes away only after the condition of the larynx has stabilized.

Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Thoracalgia appears due to injuries, diseases of the spine, and worsens after physical activity. Main causes and symptoms:

  • Osteochondrosis, hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs in the thoracic spine, scoliosis - cause chest pain, which intensifies with movement or prolonged immobility.
  • Rib fractures.
  • Muscle spasms, sprains, intercostal neuralgia - cause pain in the chest on the right or left, depending on the location where the pathology occurred.
  • Tietze's syndrome or inflammation of the costochondral joints.
  • Neurological pain - from “pins and needles” in the chest to severe pain occurs due to mental disorders, with panic attacks.

Pain in the right or left side of the chest may have other causes: tumors in the lungs or mammary gland, herpes zoster and other diseases.

The doctor’s task is to make a timely and correct diagnosis. This will help: heart examinations, ultrasound, radiography and other diagnostic procedures.

Emergency medical care is needed if:

  • Acute chest pain does not go away after 15 minutes and after rest.
  • There is dizziness, shortness of breath, increased sweating, and palpitations.

In other cases, it is also advisable not to delay consulting a doctor for too long. Who to contact - a cardiologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist - depends on the symptoms. But it is not always possible to determine this on your own. In this case, start by consulting a therapist who will help you understand the issue and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.

In other cases, it is also advisable not to delay consulting a doctor for too long. Who to contact - a cardiologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist - depends on the symptoms. But it is not always possible to determine this on your own. In this case, start by consulting a therapist who will help you understand the issue and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist. Be healthy!

Diagnosis of any disease requires modern equipment and extensive medical experience. Especially when it comes to chest pain.

Our clinic offers its patients a full range of medical tests using high-precision equipment. Our doctors select the most informative and safe diagnostic methods.

By contacting us, you can be sure that the cause of the pain will be determined as quickly and accurately as possible. High-tech diagnostic devices allow you to monitor the functioning of all organs and systems without causing you unnecessary discomfort.

We value our patients' time, so all consultations and procedures are by appointment. By booking a visit, you can be sure that the doctor will be waiting for you. Come to the clinic to find out the cause of your pain and discuss treatment options.

Self-examination of the mammary glands

The main rule for self-examination and palpation of the breast is regularity. Experts recommend performing a self-examination at least once a month and on the same day of the menstrual cycle. The first step is to examine your breasts. The woman carefully examines the skin for redness, bluish discoloration, rashes, or changes resembling “lemon peel.” You should also check the symmetry of the mammary glands. Slight differences in shape or size are not a symptom of any disease and are considered normal. If the asymmetry appears suddenly, is pronounced or continues to increase, the woman should inform the doctor about it. During further breast examination, the woman stands in front of a mirror and raises her arms up. The presence of retractions may indicate the presence of a malignant tumor.

The next step is to palpate the breast. The hand on the side of the breast being examined is raised behind the head. The fingers are placed flat on the chest. The examination is carried out around the chest - from the nipple to the periphery or vice versa. All areas of the breast should be examined.

You should also pay attention to nipple discharge. They may appear as spots on clothing that touches the breast or appear when pressure is applied to the nipple.

Pancreatitis is a threat to life

Acute pain in the epigastrium can be a symptom of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. This organ can sluggishly signal a problem with regular, mild pain. And this means it’s time for an examination.

But if the pain in the epigastrium has become almost unbearable, plus stool disturbances and vomiting develop, in some cases an increase in temperature, then this means acute pancreatitis. And this is an indication for urgent hospitalization.

Pancreatitis usually occurs when pancreatic secretions (pancreatic juice) stagnate. The duct that should carry secretions into the duodenum is blocked by a stone, cyst, swelling or pus. But the juice continues to be produced and enthusiastically digests the gland itself. Therefore, in acute pancreatitis, delay is literally death.

Oddly enough, pancreatitis often attacks young people who lead an active lifestyle, love to eat, sometimes drink, and, most importantly, are subject to constant stress.

Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from peptic ulcers than people who eat meat. If the "ulcer" increases the fiber content in the diet, this will reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease. Lately, doctors have been “prescribing” fiber even during exacerbations of ulcers.

Problems with the pancreas can be diagnosed in advance - before the development of acute pancreatitis - using a simple ultrasound and blood test. If an ultrasound shows any problems with the pancreas, the doctor may prescribe a computed tomography scan - a study that gives a layer-by-layer image of the gland and allows you to examine in detail the essence of the problem.

Psycho-emotional disorders and lump in throat

But most often a lump in the throat is caused by psycho-emotional disorders. Occurs after acute or chronic stressful situations, unresolved problems and protracted grievances. Here, as a rule, there is a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, possible sensations of lack of air and panic attacks, sleep disturbances, and mood swings . Then a lump in the throat can be regarded as the first symptom of an anxious or depressive state. In such cases, treatment should be carried out comprehensively by a neurologist and psychiatrist.

But in order to be sure that the lump in the throat is exclusively psychogenic in nature, it is necessary to exclude diseases of all other organs that can give the same sensations. In addition, a combination of several diseases is possible. For example, we may have GERD and chronic pharyngitis along with an anxiety disorder, so we need to treat all three diseases in parallel.

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