Nutrition for donors. Guidelines.

Do's and Don'ts before a general blood test

Drink: Drink water in the usual amount, and for children you can even increase the portion a couple of hours before donating blood. This will reduce the viscosity of the blood and make the collection easier. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, alcohol affects the number of white blood cells and is eliminated from the body in only three days.

Eat: Eat your last meal 8 hours before your test. It is best to have dinner and come to the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach. You should especially avoid eating fatty foods, as they can lead to chylosis, which will make the sample completely unsuitable for research.

Exercise: It is advisable to avoid really hard workouts and a lot of stress the day before the blood test. A bathhouse is contraindicated, as is swimming in an ice hole; all this will affect the final results.

Urine tests:

General urine analysis

  • On the eve of the test, it is recommended not to eat vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots, etc.), and not to take diuretics.
  • Before collecting urine, it is necessary to perform a thorough hygienic toilet of the genitals.
  • Women are not recommended to take a urine test during menstruation.

Collect your morning urine in a container. To properly conduct the study, during the first morning urination, release a small amount of urine (the first 1 - 2 seconds) into the toilet, and then, without interrupting urination, place a urine collection container into which to collect approximately 50-100 ml of urine. Close the container tightly with the screw cap.

A specialized plastic container is the optimal means of collecting and transporting urine for laboratory research. Ask at pharmacies. The container is a wide-neck graduated translucent glass with a capacity of 125 ml with a hermetically screw-on lid. The container is sterile, does not require pre-treatment and is completely ready for use.

Nechiporenko test

To analyze urine using the Nechiporenko method, the morning portion is collected in the middle of urination (“middle portion”). 15-25 ml is enough.

24-hour urine collection

For laboratory studies, in the morning before collecting urine, it is necessary to toilet the external genitalia.

The first morning urine sample is not collected, but the time of urination is noted. Subsequently, all urine excreted in 24 hours from the marked time of the first urination to the same hour the next day is collected.

The collection of daily urine is optimally carried out in a specialized graduated plastic container of 2.7 liters, which has a wide neck and a textured handle. The container is safe and easy to handle.

You should urinate directly into the container and screw the lid tightly after each urination. Urine should be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, avoiding freezing.

At the end of the collection (the last urination is performed at the same time, which is marked as the time of the first urination, but one day later), the urine can be submitted to the laboratory: the daily volume of urine in a closed container is shaken, after which it is poured into a small container for clinical urine analysis of 125 ml 100 ml portion. You don't need to bring all your urine. At the medical center, report the daily amount of urine.

Collection of daily urine according to Zimnitsky

Urine is collected per day (8 servings in 8 containers, every 3 hours). The first portion of urine in the morning is removed. All subsequent portions of urine excreted during the day, night and the morning portion of the next day are collected in different containers (50 ml) purchased at the pharmacy, each with the time of collection signed.

After collecting urine, accurately measure the contents of the container, be sure to mix it and immediately pour it into a container purchased at the pharmacy. Bring the container to the medical center for examination. You don't need to bring all your urine. At the medical center, report the daily amount of urine.

Urine for sugar

From the daily amount of urine, 50-100 ml of urine or 3 portions of urine collected per day with intervals of 8 hours are delivered to the laboratory:

1 serving - from 8 to 16 hours

2 servings - from 16 to 24 hours

3 servings - from 24 to 8 am (as directed by a doctor).

Urine for PCR studies (tuberculosis, CMV, STIs)

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to toilet the external genitalia. Urine is collected in the morning on an empty stomach after sleep or no earlier than 2-3 hours after the last urination into a sterile plastic container. The minimum volume of urine required for analysis is 20 ml.

Urine for bacteriological research

The urine sample is collected only in a sterile container.

Urine must be collected before starting antibacterial treatment or 3 days after therapy. If the patient is taking antibacterial drugs, then it is necessary to decide on their temporary withdrawal.

After thoroughly toileting the external genitalia, flush the first portion of urine into the toilet, collect the middle portion of 3-5 ml in a sterile hermetically sealed container. Deliver the urine to the laboratory within 1-2 hours; if this is not possible, then the urine sample can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. When transporting the sample, care must be taken to ensure that the stopper does not get wet.

Dos and don’ts before biochemical tests: general biochemistry, cholesterol, glucose

Drink: Drink as usual, but make sure it's water and not soda or alcohol. It is advisable to eliminate coffee and tea one day before.

There are: before a biochemical blood test there are most restrictions on food. The day before donating blood, it is necessary to exclude from the menu fatty foods (it will affect cholesterol levels), sweets in large quantities, even grapes (the biochemical complex includes glucose measurement), purine-rich foods such as meat, liver, legumes (so as not to mislead the doctor). misconception of high uric acid levels). It is necessary to take the test on an empty stomach; you can have your last meal 8 hours before the procedure.

Loads: Peak loads are still not recommended.

Medications: All unnecessary medications must be eliminated the week before blood donation. But if you have medications prescribed by your doctor that cannot be canceled, do not be upset, indicate the names and dosages on the prescription itself.

Even if you were inattentive and had a heavy breakfast on the day of the test, don’t be upset. Instead of going to donate blood and pay for results that may be incorrect, re-register the next morning with Lab4U. Just 3 clicks and any of our medical centers will be waiting for you at a convenient time. And a 50% discount on all biochemical studies will relieve you of stress!

Fully or partially limited products

From the diet per day, completely exclude fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods, all fish, meat and dairy products, canned meat and fish, poultry, rabbit, eggs, animal and cooking fat, oil (including vegetable oil), nuts, highly carbonated, tonic and caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, cola, Pepsi), chocolate, dates. Avocados, bananas, oranges, lemons and tangerines are excluded from fruits. From greens - cilantro, dill. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not allowed.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables legumes9,11,627,0168
bulb onions1,40,010,441
white radish1,40,04,121
celery (root)1,30,36,532



Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits2,30,668,2286

Flour and pasta








Raw materials and seasonings

ground black pepper10,43,338,7251


dairy products3,26,54,1117
cream 35% (fat)2,535,03,0337

Cheeses and cottage cheese


Meat products



dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455


fried chicken26,012,00,0210
smoked chicken27,58,20,0184

Fish and seafood

smoked fish26,89,90,0196
canned fish17,52,00,088

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
cooking fat0,099,70,0897

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
dry red wine0,20,00,368

Non-alcoholic drinks

bread kvass0,20,05,227
* data is per 100 g of product

Do's and don'ts before hormone tests: TSH, testosterone, hCG

Drink: There are no restrictions on water.

Yes: like all other tests, it is advisable to take hormones in the morning on an empty stomach. Eating a large breakfast may affect your thyroid hormone levels or make your sample unusable for testing.

Exercise: Human hormones react to physical activity and stress very noticeably. Your testosterone production may change from training the day before; stress affects cortisol and TSH levels. Therefore, if you are donating blood for thyroid hormone tests, we advise you to avoid nerves and fuss as much as possible on the morning of the test and the day before. In the case of tests for sex hormones, exclude training, baths, and try to sleep for a sufficient amount of time.

Medicines: for analysis of TSH, T3, T4, it is better to exclude iodine preparations 2-3 days before donating blood; we recommend checking your multivitamins, they may contain iodine.

Other: do not forget that women need to take tests for sex hormones on certain days of the cycle; it is usually recommended to take tests on days 3-5 or 19-21 of the menstrual cycle, depending on the purpose of the study, unless the treating doctor has prescribed other dates.

Authorized Products

Before donating blood for analysis, the diet includes buckwheat porridge from groats, rice porridge in water, pearl barley porridge in water, premium boiled pasta, wheat bread, sliced ​​loaf, white bread crackers, various juices, sweet tea with jam, mineral still water, compotes, fruit drinks, vegetables and fruits: apricots, pears, apples, pomegranates, plums, prunes and dried apricots.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled cauliflower1,80,34,029
boiled carrots0,80,35,025
boiled beets1,80,010,849





Cereals and porridges

oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
pearl barley porridge on water3,10,422,2109
white boiled rice2,20,524,9116

Flour and pasta

premium boiled pasta3,50,423,2112

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264
white bread crackers11,21,472,2331
wheat bread8,11,048,8242



Raw materials and seasonings

milk sauce2,07,15,284

Meat products

beef stew16,818,30,0232


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
boiled chicken drumstick27,05,60,0158
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
* data is per 100 g of product

Do's and don'ts before testing for infections: PCR and antibodies

Tests for infections can be either the determination of antibodies in blood serum, in which case all general preparation rules apply to blood donation, or the determination of infections using the PCR method, the material for which is taken using a urogenital smear.

Drink: There is no need to increase the amount of water you drink, drink as much as you feel thirsty. You should especially not drink alcohol before testing for infections; it can serve as a provocation.

Yes: food has a lesser effect on the results of tests to detect infections. However, try to eat no later than 4-5 hours before donating blood and still avoid fatty foods.

Exercise: if you are donating blood, cancel training, baths, saunas the day before the procedure. In the case of a urogenital smear, this is not so important.

Medicines: you definitely risk getting an unreliable test result for infections if you start taking antibiotics before the test! Be careful, if treatment has already begun, identifying infections will be difficult! With the rest of the medications, everything is as usual - it is better to cancel it, if it is impossible to cancel it, indicate the names and doses on the directions.

Other: a urogenital smear must be taken by a doctor, so be sure to make an appointment for the procedure at a specific time in advance. Men are advised not to urinate for 1.5-2 hours before taking material from the urethra. It is unacceptable to take material from women during menstruation and within 3 days after their end.

Tests for hormones and infections can be expensive, especially if you take more than one test, more than once. Lab4U offers you comprehensive examinations with a 50% discount. Hormonal female complex of tests Hormonal male complex of tests STI-12 (complex of tests using PCR for 12 sexually transmitted infections)

List of contraindications to donating blood and its components

I. ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATIONS (withdrawal from donation, regardless of the duration of the disease and treatment results)

Blood-borne diseases:

  1. Infectious:
  • AIDS, HIV carriers and people at risk (homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes);
  • Syphilis, congenital or acquired;
  • Viral hepatitis, positive test result for markers of viral hepatitis (HBsAg, anti-HCV antibodies);
  • Tuberculosis, all forms;
  • Brucellosis;
  • Typhus;
  • Tularemia;
  • Leprosy;
  • Parasitic:
  • Echinococcosis;
  • Toxoplasmosis;
  • Trypanosomiasis;
  • Filariasis;
  • Guinea worm;
  • Leishmaniasis;

Somatic diseases:

  1. Malignant neoplasms;
  2. Blood diseases;
  3. Organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  4. Complete absence of hearing and speech;
  5. Mental illnesses;
  6. Drug addiction, alcoholism;
  7. Cardiovascular diseases:
  • Hypertension stage II–III;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
  • Obliterating endarteritis, nonspecific aortoarteritis, recurrent thrombophlebitis;
  • Endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • Heart disease;
  • Respiratory diseases:
    • Bronchial asthma;
    • Bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema, obstructive bronchitis, diffuse pneumosclerosis in the stage of decompensation;
  • Digestive diseases:
    • Achilles gastritis;
    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract:
    • Chronic liver diseases, including those of a toxic nature and unknown etiology;
    • Calculous cholecystitis with repeated attacks and symptoms of cholangitis;
    • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in the stage of decompensation:
    • Diffuse and focal kidney damage;
    • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Diffuse connective tissue diseases;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system in case of severe dysfunction and metabolism;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs:
    • Ozena;
    • Other acute and chronic severe purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • Eye diseases:
    • Residual effects of uveitis (iritis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis);
    • High myopia (6 D or more);
    • Trachoma;
    • Complete blindness;
  • Skin diseases:
    • Common skin diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature;
    • Generalized psoriasis, erythroderma, eczema, pyoderma, sycosis, lupus erythematosus, blistering dermatoses;
    • Fungal infections of the skin (microsporia, trichophytosis, favus, epidermophytosis) and internal organs (deep mycoses);
    • Pustular skin diseases (pyoderma, furunculosis, sycosis);
  • Osteomyelitis acute and chronic;
  • Surgical interventions for organ resection (stomach, kidney, gall bladder, spleen, ovaries, uterus, etc.) and organ and tissue transplantation.

    NameDeadline for withdrawal from donation
    1. Factors of infection with blood-borne diseases:
    1.1. Transfusions of blood and its components (with the exception of burn convalescents and persons immunized to the Rh factor) 6 months
    1.2. Surgical interventions, incl. abortions (a medical certificate is required) (extracts from the medical history) on the nature and date of the operation) 6 months from the date of surgery
    1.3. Getting a tattoo or acupuncture treatment 120 calendar days
    1.4. Staying on business trips abroad for more than 2 months 6 months
    1.5. Stay in malaria-endemic countries with tropical and subtropical climates (Asia, Africa, South and Central America) for more than 3 months 3 years
    1.6. Contact with patients with hepatitis:
    - hepatitis A3 months
    - hepatitis B and C1 year
    2. Past diseases:
    2.1. Infectious diseases not listed in the “Absolute contraindications” section:
    - history of malaria in the absence of symptoms and negative immunological test results3 years
    — typhoid fever after recovery and a full clinical examination in the absence of pronounced functional disorders1 year
    - sore throat, flu, ARVI1 month after recovery
    2.2. Other infectious diseases not listed in the section “Absolute contraindications” and clause 2.1 of this section 6 months after recovery
    2.3. Tooth extraction 10 days
    2.4. Acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage, regardless of location 1 month after relief of the acute period
    2.5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia 1 month
    2.6. Allergic diseases in the acute stage 2 months after relief of the acute period
    3. Pregnancy and lactation period1 year after birth, 3 months after the end of lactation
    4. Menstruation period5 days from the end of menstruation
    5. Vaccinations:
    - vaccination with killed vaccines (hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, paratyphoid, cholera, influenza), toxoids10 days
    - vaccination with live vaccines (brucellosis, plague, tularemia, BCG vaccine, smallpox, rubella, oral polio), administration of anti-tetanus serum (in the absence of pronounced inflammatory phenomena at the injection site)1 month
    - administration of immunoglobulin against hepatitis B1 year
    - vaccination with rabies vaccine2 weeks
    6. Taking medications:
    - antibiotics2 weeks after the end of treatment
    - analgesics, salicylates3 days after the end of treatment
    7. Drinking alcohol48 hours
    8. Changes in biochemical blood parameters:
    - increase in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity by less than 2 times3 months
    - repeated increase or increase in ALT by 2 or more timesremoval from donation and referral for examination
    — dysproteinemia1 month


    If the donor has diseases not included in this List, the issue of admission to donation is decided by a commission by a transfusiologist and the relevant specialist(s).

    What and how can affect the test results?

    Why do we insist so much on eliminating food and especially fatty foods before donating blood? If this rule is not followed, your sample may not be suitable for analysis due to chylosis. This is a condition when the content of triglycerides (fat particles) in the blood serum is exceeded, it becomes cloudy and cannot be examined.

    Alcohol affects so many blood parameters that it would be difficult to list them. This includes blood glucose, the content of red blood cells, the content of lactate in the blood, and uric acid. It’s best to just remember that 2-3 days before the test you should give up even low-alcohol drinks.

    Following these simple rules will help you make an accurate diagnosis and avoid repeated visits to the treatment room.

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