Third blood group - compatibility during pregnancy, nutrition and human character

In 1900, Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner first discovered different blood types, winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for his research. Since then, scientists have developed more powerful tools to study the biology of blood groups. And they discovered that the blood of some people is fraught with mysteries, the roots of which go deep into the thousand-year history of human development.

The influence of blood on character and lifestyle

Holders of the third positive blood group delight everyone with their easy-going and open character.
They quickly find a common language with other people, make new acquaintances and do not lose confidence and optimism even in very difficult situations. They have a strong sense of justice and stand up not only for their relatives, but also for strangers. People with such blood were greatly influenced by their historical origins from nomads, who are always in search of something new and make unexpected decisions, easily adapt to different conditions around them, such people have no constancy.

People with positive blood type 3 are suitable for creative professions, which is explained by their restless nature.

Men are characterized by such qualities as wit, charm, and assertiveness. The peculiarity of women is inconstancy, they are flighty and charming, they always have many fans. Most carriers of the third blood group have no health problems, but few suffer from dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Common pathologies are diabetes and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, people with this type of blood experience poor concentration and constant fatigue.

Health by blood type

The majority of the world's population, who have the third positive group, do not have any health problems in their lives.
A minority of residents may encounter problems in the endocrine system. These people may develop diabetes or multiple sclerosis. K. Landsteiner's discovery suggests that 85% of group 3 carriers have a positive Rh factor. The remaining 15% are Rh negative. Therefore, when blood is transfused from one person to another, the compatibility of the Rhesus of the donor and recipient is considered a prerequisite.

It is compatibility that all doctors pay attention to when they need 3 positive blood. If compatibility is low, then a precipitate may appear in the blood serum, leading to the destruction of blood cells - red blood cells. One of the worst cases of low compatibility can be the death of the patient.

It is important to note that the third Rh-positive group is compatible both with its own group and with other groups. Compatibility with other groups can be characterized as follows:

  • the positive third group can be combined with groups 1 and 3 with negative and positive rhesus;
  • compatibility with groups 3 and 4 (Rh positive in both cases);
  • the third with a negative Rh factor can be combined with groups 1 and 3 (Rh negative in both cases).

Possible problems during pregnancy

Representatives of any group may have problems precisely due to the difference in Rhesus.

If the future father is Rh positiveIf the baby in the womb chooses Rh positive like the dad, then the expectant mother develops antibodies towards the fetus. Because of this, pregnancy in the negative group of women is under special control.
With negative Rhesus of the expectant motherWhen the fetus chooses the mother's Rh negative, there will be no problems with the pregnancy.

To prevent all sorts of complications, gynecologists give future parents a referral for blood tests to find out Rh. Regarding the first pregnancy, for a woman with a negative status it is less dangerous than subsequent pregnancies . In this case, the speed at which antibodies accumulate in the mother is important, and they gain strength only towards the end of the term.

During further pregnancies, even those that end in abortion, the woman’s body already has a sufficient amount of antibodies. In any case, each case is individual. The solution is as follows: in such cases, it is necessary to administer anti-Rhesus globulin to the patient within the first 3 days after the birth of the baby or abortion.

It has been proven to be effective in reducing antibodies that are unwanted. This allows the family to have more children without problems.

In order to achieve harmony in well-being and psycho-emotional state, B3 carriers must adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

Rule No. Characteristic

Rule no.Characteristic
1Maintain a proper diet including vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is recommended to maintain water balance throughout the day
2Compliance with the daily routine, long sleep, positive emotions,
3Physical activity that involves playing sports, including cardio.

People with group 3, both positive and negative, are more susceptible to stress and depression than others, despite their optimism. In order to avoid such phenomena, it is recommended to relax. Each person has their own way.

You can relax with a book in your hand, you can do meditation, or you can go to a concert of your favorite band. Representatives of this group drive away negative thoughts in different ways. But the duration of depression and bad mood among carriers of group 3 is somewhat longer than among other people.

  • Negative Rh factor during pregnancy consequences

Compatibility with other groups

Genetics has come a long way in recent years. It has become known that some people are incompatible with their blood types. This is especially true for those who are Rh negative. Because it does not match with all blood groups. If a girl has a negative Rh, then a husband must be chosen with the same Rh if they want to have healthy offspring.

Otherwise there may be big problems with pregnancy. Even if the pregnancy goes well, the birth of sick and mentally retarded children is possible. The main thing is that there is no conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. But here too, medicine can improve the situation. To do this, a pregnant woman needs to donate blood to determine antibodies.

If a person has blood type 3 positive, then people with the same blood group are best suited to create a family and healthy offspring. For such people, the characteristics of marriage and childbirth are simply at the highest level!

But people with 2 positives are also suitable for them. Owners of this group and the first positive group have good compatibility. And those with the fourth positive sign are least suitable for them.

People of all other blood types are absolutely not suitable for them!


The irrepressible passion of representatives of the third positive group for everything “delicious, sweet, spicy” and the desire to pamper themselves with a loved one can create health problems such as digestive disorders, intestinal dysfunction, the development of diabetes and obesity.

Taking into account the fact that the body of “nomads” is, in principle, omnivorous, intolerance to any product is not typical, it is easy for them to choose a diet that would be healthy, tasty and not harmful. For this purpose, the following products are recommended:

  • dishes made from lean meats;
  • fish and seafood dishes;
  • various porridges, with a preference for rice and oatmeal;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products, including cheeses;
  • boiled and raw vegetables in the form of salads with vegetable oil;
  • drinks made from medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, rose hips).

Products that are not recommended for consumption:

  • pork meat, lard and fatty chicken;
  • smoked meats;
  • tomatoes and dishes made from them, tomato juice and ketchup;
  • all kinds of sweets - ice cream, pastries, pies, sweets, they should be replaced with fruit, or light fruit cakes without baking.

Acceptable, but with restrictions: black tea and coffee, corn, legume dishes, nuts, spicy and hot seasonings. Meals should be more frequent, without waiting for feelings of extreme hunger, when overeating is often allowed.

How to eat healthy

A person with this type of blood is not suitable for any special diet. There will be no particular difficulties with choosing food and establishing the correct diet. This blood type makes it possible to easily digest both foods of plant and animal origin. This aspect will allow you to follow either one diet or a completely different one.

You should know that there are also foods prohibited for consumption (wheat, peanuts, buckwheat). It is better for a person with positive group 3 to include in their diet: low-fat kefir or yogurt, beef liver, carrots, red fish, bananas and grapes, green tea. There is also an extensive list of foods that should not be consumed. These include: alcohol, coffee and black tea, tomatoes and tomato juice, ketchup and mayonnaise, pork, chicken and wheat bread, ice cream and other sweets. Knowing your blood type, it is important to properly monitor your health, eat and plan your pregnancy.


  • Peculiarities
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Pregnancy

The third positive blood group is registered in 14-17% of the population. It has the following hereditary factors: group B antigen, a antibodies, and Rh antigen. Its generally accepted designation in medicine is B(III)Rh+. Inheritance occurs if at least one of the parents has B antigens in their blood, that is, one of them must belong to the 3rd or 4th blood group. The largest number of representatives live in East Asia (China, Israel).

Blood classification AB0

At the end of the 19th century, blood tests were carried out to determine its antigenic composition. Scientists realized that the surface of red blood cells contains antigens and antibodies that can be used to characterize a person. Since the second blood group has antigen A on the surface of red blood cells, it is called AB0.

Blood group 1 comes first; it is the most common. After it comes the second group, which is possessed by up to 40% of the population.

What's special

In the world, there are more than 20% of people with the third blood group - b iii. Based on medical statistics, it is worth assuming that blood group 3 with a positive Rh factor is rare, and therefore has a high value for transfusion. People with positive blood group 3 are called nomads. They are characterized by an easy-going nature, cheerfulness, restlessness and sociability.

Key facts:

  1. Excessive intricacy manifests itself from a young age. Such children often create problems because they are too noisy. Despite a good memory, they study hard.
  2. They show unscrupulousness and want to be the center of attention.
  3. Shyness and various complexes are alien to them.
  4. They make decisions quickly, but often take important actions thoughtlessly.
  5. Such people are characterized by a heightened sense of justice, but mainly in relation to themselves.
  6. Due to their excellent mind and desire to absorb information, they become erudite interlocutors.
  7. Good memory and quick thinking provide the ability to learn. People with such a group often have brilliant thoughts.


The theory that allows one to determine character is of particular value and prevalence in Japan - there it is recognized by society. Managers, after considering this parameter, choose an employee, knowing that a person with blood type 1 is a leader, and the owner of the third group is a hard worker.

  • Which blood type suits everyone: transfusion compatibility, Rh factor

The characteristics of blood are relative and have nothing to do with medicine. The third positive blood group is distinguished by arrogance and determination. Such people always act as the life of the party and easily attract the opposite sex. The lack of personal quality of the owners is the superficiality of contacts, they rarely take the experiences of other people to heart and easily part with friends and loved ones. This prevents them from establishing long-term contacts and building relationships.


The characteristics of positive blood group 3 determine its compatibility with others, it looks like this:

  1. As a donor, a positive blood group of 3 is compatible with both its own and 4. The Rh factor must be considered additionally.
  2. Blood groups 1 and 3 are relevant for recipients.
  3. The third negative blood group is compatible with your own and the first negative.
  4. Other information says that transfusion of material without full compliance is unacceptable, therefore this scheme does not always work.

Transfusion problems

When considering the possibility of a blood transfusion, it must be taken into account that a patient with a third positive blood group can only be infused with the same biological fluid. It is well absorbed and not rejected, due to the presence of the same proteins as in the source material.

When biomaterial is needed very quickly, blood transfusion of group 1 is acceptable, provided that the Rh factor is compatible. In this case, the patient is taken under special control and the dynamics of his well-being are constantly reviewed. Adverse reactions are allowed.

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