Blood type and human character: Japanese system

Is it possible to judge a person’s character by his analyses? The first attempts to study the character of a person by blood type were made by the Japanese scientist Masahito Nomi. The materials he published proved the connection between a person’s character traits and his belonging to a certain blood group. Today, this technique is used by Japanese residents who take into account blood characteristics when hiring a person, recruiting members of sports teams, and even choosing a husband or wife in order to draw up a psychological portrait of the individual in advance. Below we will look at how to determine character by blood type if it is positive or negative.

Not only about a person’s disposition and character, but also about predisposition to diseases is learned by blood type.

Once upon a time there were people on Earth with only one, identical blood type. The appearance of three more species was a consequence of evolutionary processes.

First group

Blood group 1 is the oldest. This is the progenitor group that formed during the mammoth period, and its carriers are usually called “hunters.” Today, it is the most widespread. Half of the inhabitants of our planet have this group.

The need to wage a difficult struggle for survival, constant hunting and overcoming dangers by ancient people endowed the first group with such traits as the desire for their goals and self-confidence. The main features and character of carriers of the first blood group are endurance, resistance to stressful situations, energy, the ability to control their emotions, and positivism.

People with the first blood group, positive or negative, it makes no difference, are distinguished by leadership qualities and efficiency, they are easy-going, and have high ambitions.

Leadership qualities
Representatives of “hunters” have a tendency to learn quickly, easily master any field of activity, and always achieve success in their endeavors. They cannot stand monotony in life; they are always attracted to everything new and unknown. “Hunters” enjoy traveling and various sports; for them there is no problem making new acquaintances, they are sociable and in any company they become its soul.

The negative qualities of the first blood group include the rigidity of its representatives and categoricalness. They cannot tolerate negative criticism addressed to them. People with the first blood group are prone to jealousy, are unbalanced, categorical in their statements and actions, and are arrogant and arrogant.

According to studies, people with the first blood group live longer than others. The constant desire for new emotions and impressions makes the character of the first blood group restless. They often take on several tasks at the same time, but rarely bring them to their logical conclusion.

Characteristics of people with the third blood group

Only 20% of the planet's population are carriers of the 3rd blood group; this group appeared later than the first and second, and the reason for its formation, according to Mosahito Naomi, was the nomadic lifestyle that the peoples of Asia were forced to lead due to climate change.

The need to constantly move from place to place shaped the nomads’ special character traits and diet. The basis of the diet of nomadic pastoralists was meat, milk and dairy products, and plant food was only a modest supplement and was obtained by gathering. It was the consumption of large amounts of meat in combination with dairy products that distinguished nomads from hunters and farmers. This diet, according to the researcher, gave impetus to the formation of a new blood type.

As a result of a nomadic lifestyle and a similar diet, a new type of person was formed: independent, ascetic, creative. These traits are characteristic of all carriers of the 3rd blood group - in memory of the nomadic past of our great-great-great ancestors.

Holders of the 3rd blood group are able to quickly adapt to a changing situation, they have original thinking and are able to find the most extraordinary solution in difficult life situations. “Wanderers,” as Dr. Naomi called people of this type, unlike “farmers,” are undemanding in everyday life and do not suffer from a lack of comfort; they are individualists by nature, laconic and make contact with others only when necessary.

Despite their reticence, “wanderers” are unusually resourceful and inventive when difficult communication situations arise and have good psychological flexibility. This allows them to avoid many psychosomatic diseases from which “farmers” so often suffer. Of all human ailments, those with blood group 3 are most often prone to joint diseases and autoimmune disorders; “nomads” also have a predisposition to multiple and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Naomi also noticed that carriers of blood type 3 are more likely than others to be susceptible to bacterial infections (especially in childhood) and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The inventiveness and creativity of the “wanderers” over time developed into a fairly strong creative principle, so carriers of the 3rd blood group make good jewelers, masters of decorative and applied arts, and designers. Independence and originality of thinking allow “wanderers” to be successful investigators, lawyers and critics.

Second group

People with blood type 2 flowing in their veins are called masters, or farmers. The formation of this blood group occurs during the period of the beginning of a sedentary lifestyle of people. Life became calmer, agriculture became the main field of activity. The absence of the need to wage an eternal struggle for survival made this type of people calmer and more reasonable, depriving the “hunters” of the impetuosity.

Under the influence of these life factors, the main character traits of people with 2 positive and negative blood groups were formed.

People with the character of the second blood group are distinguished by inner peace, they have a heightened sense of responsibility and commitment. Slowness, caution, foresight and patience are the main character traits for group 2.

Home well-being and comfort are of paramount importance. People with the second blood group are characterized by pedantry and accuracy.

Unlike people with the first blood group, the “owners” do not strive to take leading positions; they interact well in teamwork. These are very wise and calm people. They always try to resolve any issues peacefully. “Farmers” are not prone to scandals and squabbles, however, such people are characterized by irritability and stubbornness, and are prone to depression, since their nervous system is not characterized by emotional stability.

People with the second blood type become good doctors and teachers. One of the main goals in life is to create a cozy home, expand and improve your territory, maintain order and strive to make the life of loved ones as comfortable as possible.

Those with blood type 2 become good doctors

CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONALITY BY BLOOD GROUP ======================================== First blood group (type O) - warrior - trendsetter; - devoted; - passionate; - self-confident; - independent; - ambitious; - vain; - envious; - jealous. Famous personalities: - Queen Elizabeth II; — John Lennon (John Lennon); — Noel and Liam Gallagher (Liam and Noel Gallagher); — Elvis Presley; — Paul Newman;

Second blood group (type A) - farmer - calm; - patient; - sensitive; - responsible; - overly prudent; - hyper-cautious; - stubborn; - does not know how to relax. Famous personalities: - Adolf Hitler; — George Bush Senior; — Soseki Natsume; — Ringo Starr; — Britney Spears

Third blood group (type B) - hunter - individualist; - does not tolerate customs; - strong; - optimist; - capable of creativity, creative; - flexible; - extravagant; - unpredictable. Famous personalities: - Akira Kurosawa; — Paul McCartney; — Mia Farrow; — Leonardo DiCaprio; — Jack Nicholson.

The fourth blood group (type AB) - humanist - cold-blooded; — controlled; - rational; - sociable; - popular; - picky; - sometimes prim; - indecisive. Famous personalities: - Jackie Chan; — Marilyn Monroe; — John F Kennedy; — Mick Jagger; — Alain Prost. Group - First - (0).

The first group is the rise of man to the top of the food chain, the beginning of the history of development and the emergence of other groups.

For example, carriers of the first group are the embodiment of determination, assertiveness and have a pronounced instinct of self-preservation. And this is good, otherwise humanity would not have gone through such a difficult path of development. And therefore, feeding people with the first blood group with foods high in protein provides them with stamina and strength. And in the absence of them, this person loses heart, becomes lethargic and gains weight. Leader, strong, self-confident. If this person sets a goal for himself, he will fight for it until he achieves success. Able to choose the direction to move forward. He believes in himself and is not devoid of emotion. Quite self-confident and assertive, he can give everything to achieve his goal. However, there are also failures: some narcissism and arrogance can interfere. Resistant to neuroses, quickly restore strength. He also has weaknesses: he is very jealous and fussy, and, in addition, he is painfully ambitious and can hardly tolerate even fair criticism. All this, however, does not prevent them from being good friends. Speakers of the first group are the most purposeful. They are always striving for power and becoming informal leaders. The motto of the first blood group is: “Fight and search, find and not give up.” People of this type are not devoid of emotionality and self-confidence. Weakness includes poor adaptation to new nutritional conditions and environmental changes. The immune system can become overactive and attack its own body.

What diseases are you predisposed to: · Stomach ulcer, · Inflammatory diseases - arthritis, colitis, · Duodenal ulcer, gastritis, severe forms of gastrointestinal tract diseases, · In infants, purulent-septic infections are more likely to develop, · Blood clotting disorders, · Thyroid dysfunction, Allergic disorders.

Sexual traits:

Man. In love games - he is a talent! What he loves most about a woman is when she makes him wait, plays with him a little. But when he finally gets his way, his chosen one will not be disappointed: he is the most wonderful lover. In a man with blood type O, the “basic instinct” is manifested in a passionate desire for new adventures. Such a man often strives to have a collection of pornographic photographs and films, and at a party he will be the first teller of indecent jokes and ambiguous stories. And he really is superior to the rest: a man with the first blood group is the most active and competitive lover. His thoughts rush to having sex every nine seconds for the rest of his life! Fly in the ointment: this man does not always think about the needs of his partner. Therefore, the best lovers for aggressive and violent men with the first blood group will be passive women.

Woman. She needs a man who can hold her tightly in his arms! Attractive and jealous, she cannot stand it when her companion casts even fleeting glances at a random passerby. Her greed for sex will lead to exhaustion, and perhaps will greatly please her partner. The Japanese say that if a man wants wild sex, he should choose a woman with the first blood type. Her passion knows no taboos. A man who marries a woman with blood type O will never be deprived of sensual caresses. She is one of those wives who make their husbands late for work in the morning. This woman is an ideal lover: she always meets her partner's expectations. It is not difficult to arouse passion in her, but she is able to control her libido with the help of her strong will. Therefore, it is difficult to seduce her, which means that the sexual temperament of such a woman is often intended for her beloved and is known only to him, but this is not always her husband.

Intense physical exercises are indicated: aerobics, martial arts, contact sports, running. Group - Second - (A).

The second group is the transition from a hunting-gathering way of obtaining food to a more developed agricultural one. People with this blood type from the very beginning adapted to living in areas with high population density and to the stresses inherent in city life, on the one hand, seemingly more calm (“sedentary”), but, on the other hand, richer in different events. In the bodies of these people, who had to put up with the demands of an environment crowded with people, unique physiological characteristics and character traits inevitably developed. Probably the most important quality of a person placed in such conditions is the ability to live in society, in public. The then “carrier” of blood of this group had to be neat, tidy, modest, decent, disciplined, law-abiding and self-controlled. Society cannot exist if its members do not respect each other and other people's property. Loners (individualists or misanthropes) do not get along well or feel unsettled in large crowds of people. If the characters of people with the first blood group remained unchanged, did not evolve towards the development of tolerance for life in agrarian communities, then the result would be general chaos, and, ultimately, the death of humanity. It was thanks to the fact that the second blood group was formed that our ancestors survived. Early “carriers” of blood of this type had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle sense of when encountering problems that were enough in an increasingly complex life. However, all these qualities were destined by fate to exist and develop within certain limits within a certain system. This is, perhaps, the reason that people with the second blood group, even today, tend to have closer relationships, to more tightly “linked” structures. They hide their anxieties, worries and fears, but when they burst through, watch out! The antidote to such terrible internal stress is hatha yoga and tai chi chuan, calming, contemplative, relaxation exercises. It may seem that these people are poorly adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy for a “carrier” of the first blood group to master. But it cannot be said that they cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle of modern leaders “man is a wolf to man.” Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to “untangle the knots” in search of the right (peaceful) way out of any unpleasant situation. Or weave intrigues and strive to take everything upon yourself, not considering it necessary to turn to anyone for advice. This is how people of this blood type react to stressful situations. They love harmony, calm and order. Work well with other people. In addition, they are sensitive, patient and friendly. Their weaknesses include stubbornness and an inability to relax, being self-absorbed. The weak point of this group may be a penchant for alcoholic drinks and rich food.

People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, spiritual and everyday, and hate conflicts. They are romantics at heart, but sometimes they can be stubborn and irritable.

What diseases are you predisposed to: · Rheumatic diseases, · Diabetes type 1, · Coronary heart disease, · Bronchial asthma, · Allergies, · Leukemia, · Cholecystitis, · Gallstone disease, · Cancer.

Sexual traits:

Man. He is very shy, expresses his love with a glance, a light touch of the hand, but if he decides to reveal himself, he does it quite sharply. In family life, the partner must constantly prove that she loves him. He loves to feel maternal care, so he often chooses women older than himself. A man with blood type II is shy and indecisive; he always equates sex with love. Usually this is a very delicate and attentive lover, capable of fulfilling the slightest whim of his partner. Ideal sex with a man of the second blood type involves a combination of deep emotional contact with close physical communication. Such a man has an unusually rich sexual fantasy, but in real life he is more than restrained, and therefore often alternates between excessive demands on his sexual partners and self-sacrifice, even to the point of ignoring his own desires. A special feature: alcohol is a strong doping for him.

Woman. Shy, and also suspicious - even when she falls in love, she will never show it first. But if the relationship is determined, she is an excellent wife: loving, devoted. And she can soon become very sensual. Most women who have a reputation for being “businesslike” and “non-sexual” are women with the second blood type. Seducing such a lady is almost impossible: sex rarely occupies her thoughts. She is the most passive of all the women, and can often have sex even if she doesn't really want to. Since she usually behaves very intelligently, it is difficult to persuade her to experiment sexually, as well as to have affairs on the side. But if the latter succeeds, the incredible will happen - for a passionate woman with the second blood type, all barriers disappear. But don’t think that giving her pleasure costs nothing. A man who has achieved this may well lay claim to the title of sex hero.

The physical activity regimen should ensure calm and concentration: hatha yoga, tai chi chuan.

The third blood group is B.

The third group - developed from the merger and migration of races from the African continent to Europe, Asia, North and South America. The course of human history called on the first “carriers” of the third blood group to populate new lands, adapt to previously unfamiliar climatic conditions, and face problems that arise when different races mix, and therefore these people, in order to survive, needed to show ingenuity (creative, constructive abilities) and flexibility (cunning). To a lesser extent than sedentary owners of the second blood group, they needed a tendency towards social harmony, livability in society, a willingness to obey established orders, but to a lesser extent they also needed the determination of a hunter, characteristic of organisms with the first group. All this is still true today. They are more flexible and less susceptible to many common diseases. People with the third blood group often have all the best that is given to man. They are characterized by mental activity and increased sensitivity. I dare say: these people are more tolerant, more contactable in relationships with others, because by their genetic nature they are better balanced and, therefore, less prone to defiant behavior, to confrontation, are able to understand a different point of view, and are able to sympathize and empathize. Here's an interesting statistic: only 9% of the total US population has type III blood, but 30-40% of millionaires have type III blood!

Chinese, Japanese and many other Asian nations include a significant number of people with the third blood group. Chinese medicine is ancient, natural, and comprehensive, paying special attention to the correct combination of the physiological and emotional states of the body. Boundless pleasure, unbridled joy, unbridled fun, which is so characteristic of Western culture, are considered by Chinese healers as dangerous for the balanced functioning of the heart. Balance and harmony of these words have the right place on the banner of medicine created by people of the third blood group. In populations of Jews who adhere to traditions, the third blood group is dominant, regardless of their place of residence. Jewish religion and culture are a fusion of rationality, sincerity and efficiency. In Jewish traditions, education, spirituality, and peace coexist side by side with a strong will, physical strength, and a willingness to fight, which often seems contradictory. But in fact, this is the harmonic energy of people of the third blood group in action. Open, optimistic, with a thirst for adventure, most of them are ascetics and philosophers. The third blood group is distinguished by individualism. People in this group always do as they see fit. However, they have poor contact with other groups, are taciturn, and often suffer from depression. They easily adapt to everything, are flexible, and do not suffer from a lack of imagination. However, the desire to be independent can sometimes be excessive and turn into weakness and insecurity.

What diseases are there a predisposition to: · Pneumonia, · Development of infections after surgery, · In women - purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth, · Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, · Chronic fatigue syndrome, · Autoimmune disorders, · Multiple, multiple sclerosis.

Sexual traits:

Man. Everyone takes him for a Don Juan, although he himself knows very well that this is not so. He is a lover of seduction, but only because he is afraid of love! He will be a good husband, who will be unfaithful from time to time, but you can always rely on him. For a man with a third blood type, sex is entertainment, completely unrelated to such deep concepts as love and marriage. He easily gives himself free rein in casual relationships and loves to date women who treat sex just as freely. On the other hand, such a man is less busy with thoughts about sex than others. This activity is very ordinary for him - “so what should we think about it?” It is this attitude towards sex that leads a man with a third blood type to the point that he can tell anyone in detail about his adventures to anyone - even his wife.

Woman. She hides fidelity behind some extravagance, but she will be a faithful wife. In love, she needs to take the initiative into her own hands if her chosen one has a third blood type. Yes, sex is far from the most important thing for him. She will have to turn into some kind of vampire - and literally suck his sexuality out of him! This woman is the least interested in sex. However, she is the easiest one to relate to him. She feels very well that sexuality and a truly theatrical ability to perform her role are an important part of her appeal. A woman with a third blood type is relaxed and free in all areas of life and is far from attaching particular importance to sex. It is not easy for her to please, and a man who wants to prove the opposite is often offended by the ease and carelessness with which his partner treats his efforts. This same ease is to blame for the fact that such a woman can easily change her partner when he has just fallen in love.

Moderate physical activity combined with mental balancing: cycling, tennis, swimming. The fourth group is AB.

The fourth blood group is perhaps the most balanced. People with the fourth blood group appeared as a result of the fusion of irritable, sensitive natures of the second group with more balanced, focused, stable people with the third blood group. The result is a spiritual, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered personality who strives to embrace the immensity. They are calm and balanced, usually people love them and feel good with them. They know how to entertain, and are at the same time tactful and fair towards others. But sometimes they are very harsh, and, in addition, they hesitate for a long time and have difficulty making decisions. People with blood type IV are easy to get along with. These people are distinguished by gentleness and goodwill. They are benevolent and calm. People with any other blood type will feel great around these people. They know how to entertain, are tactful and honest at the same time. A significant drawback is that they are extremely indecisive, cannot make decisions and are afraid of everything new. Weakness in constant internal conflicts, sometimes reducing self-esteem. It is from them that reflective intellectuals grow.

What diseases are you predisposed to: · ARVI, influenza and other infections, · Sore throat, sinusitis, · Heart disease, · Cancer, · Anemia.

Sexual traits:

Man. He has a great ability to charm women, he loves their company very much. His feelings are shallow, and he can make love almost constantly. And woe to the one who tells him: “Not today, dear!” - She won't see him again. Men with the fourth blood type find it difficult to control their passion, but, on the other hand, it was they who turned seduction and sex into an art. This man will not look for adventure - adventure will find him. Simply because he arranged his life in such a way as to be accessible to anyone who wanted it. In addition, he has a strong magnetism that literally drives women crazy. Poor ladies fall into the arms of men with the fourth blood type even when they know that they risk getting burned! But - the most surprising thing - in marriage, a man with the fourth blood type is very restrained. He will never marry for sex and will not demand that his wife fulfill her marital duty.

Woman. She is also able to attract the attention of a man, but at the same time she is strict and demanding. As soon as she allows someone to “take her by the reins,” she will feel an indefinable desire to live on the condition that she will be given as much attention as she wants. She will overwhelm her lover so much that, rest assured, he will not sit at home for long. A woman with blood type IV is very sensual and easily achieves orgasm. She is the most versatile and adaptable sex partner. Such a woman can have fun with almost every man. She will equally enjoy gentle sex and eccentrically rough sex, depending on what her partner prefers. A man who has been in the bed of a woman with blood type IV will never forget it. Many people can dream of such a strong libido as hers. She is a born sex doctor, and any man who has sexual problems, having met a woman with the fourth blood type, can radically change his life.

Calming physical activity: yoga, tai chi chuan. All this is combined with moderate physical activity: walking, cycling, tennis.

Humanity is developing and trying to adapt to the environment. And the current pollution, the influence of migration processes, all this will give impetus to the formation of a new blood group. And people with this blood type will be able to produce antibodies to fight off any hostile antigen known to any mutant that may arise. In an overpopulated, polluted world with few natural resources left, a new group will rise to a dominant position in all human societies. Well, the old blood types will begin to die out, just as people with the first blood group died out during plague and cholera epidemics in medieval cities. After all, the fourth has only a 1000-year history. Sexual compatibility

Man and woman O (I) blood type They need constant physical contact to be happy. Usually they have an absolutely harmonious sex life.

A man of O (I) blood type and a woman of A (II) blood type. A very suitable couple for sex. He is active, she is passive. With caresses and persuasion, he will be able to lead her to various levels of sexual activity, the main thing is not to act hastily. A man of O (I) blood type and a woman of B (III) blood type. He is very active, she is passive, but this is exactly what they like. They can enjoy sex anywhere and anytime.

A man of O (I) blood type and a woman of AB (IV) blood type. His behavior is decisive in the relationship of this couple. If he is patient, a gentle and harmonious intimate life is guaranteed. If he is demanding and selfish, sex life is fraught with discord.

A man with A (II) blood type and a woman with O (I) blood type. They will spend more time in bed than anyone else: both need sex. It is important to remember: this couple especially needs intimate foreplay.

Man and woman, A (II) blood group Of all the possible combinations, this is the most suitable for a woman with a second blood group. It is with this partner that she can experience the greatest pleasure: he understands her from the floor. Man, A (II) blood type and woman B (III) blood type They spend more time talking about sex than actually having it. The variety of sexual positions is disappointingly small. Both are timid and insufficiently sensitive towards each other. It's a pity - they could have experienced great pleasure.

Male, A (II) blood group and female AB (IV) blood group Complete failure. This couple will probably have no sex life at all. They treat each other like brother and sister. Oral sex is non-negotiable and the traditional option is always the same. However, they do this extremely rarely. A man of B (III) blood type and a woman of O (I) blood type. They love to teach each other new sex techniques. She is the leader in their relationship, but his sexual talents cannot go unappreciated.

A man of B (III) blood type and a woman of A (II) blood type. She likes it when they engage in unconventional types of sex. In addition, in this pair the partners are equally active, which gives them a special range of sensations.

Man and woman B (III) blood group Their sex and satisfaction from it are mediocre. Partners must improve their sexual technique.

A man of B (III) blood group and a woman of AB (IV) blood group are a temperamental couple. They are passionate experimenters and are able to try a huge number of variations in sex. The greatest degree of sexual compatibility is when the man is younger. A man with B (IV) blood type and a woman with O (I) blood type. Sex unites them. They will become a happy couple, but only if the man is able to adapt to the temperament and needs of his partner.

A man with B (IV) blood type and a woman with A (II) blood type. He is a passionate partner, so they have sex quite often. But their relationship is futile if at least a small amount of feelings is not present in it.

A man with B (IV) blood type and a woman with B (III) blood type. They have sex less often than other couples. Nevertheless, they are completely satisfied with each other. Perhaps because they are not familiar with rigidity and disrespect for a partner. A man and a woman of AB (IV) blood type. The possibilities for this couple are endless. They are one of those who can either achieve absolute harmony or turn out to be complete antipodes in their passions. But if both approach sex creatively, there should be no problems.

A person's blood type does not depend on race, gender or age. It is inherited and remains unchanged until the end of life.

Third group

There are not many people on Earth with blood type 3 - up to 20% of the total population of the planet. They received the name wanderers, since its formation took place during the period of evolution, when ancient people, under the influence of climate change, were forced to wander in search of habitable territories.

The uniqueness of blood type 3 is increased emotionality, the ability to quickly adapt to new living conditions, and a tendency to constant change.

The mood of the 3rd group is characterized by constant changeability. Representatives of this blood group are independent, they do not have an emotional attachment to their home, and do not adhere to traditions. “Nomads” have a well-developed imagination and a penchant for creativity.

Distinctive character traits are originality of ideas, increased sensitivity, creativity and flexibility. Blood type 3 – the blood of independent people, with a heightened sense of justice. They can be quite aggressive. They are not good at communicating. People with this blood type often choose the professions of lawyers and jewelers.

People with blood type 3 often choose to become a lawyer

Character of people with the second blood group

A new stage in the development of human civilization is associated with the emergence and development of agriculture. Cultivation of the land and obtaining an annual harvest significantly changed the way of life and habits of a person; different qualities began to be required from him than from a hunter. The diet also changed, which, in turn, according to Mosahito Naomi, was the reason for the appearance of a new blood type. Dr. Naomi called the owners of the 2nd group “farmers.” Today, about 30% of the population has this blood type.

Cultivation of the land required fundamentally different behavior and new character traits from people. There was no need to make quick decisions, to be prepared for danger at any moment, and to have strength and agility not inferior to the strength and agility of the beast. No, the farmer had to be disciplined, capable of daily rhythmic work, sometimes boring and monotonous. The ability to work hard and steadily distinguished a farmer from a hunter.

As a result, carriers of blood group 2 developed a fundamentally different type of character. “Farmers” are characterized by thoroughness, caution and a love of order. They are strongly attached to their home and family, they honor traditions, and family ties mean a lot to them. More than anything in the world, people with the 2nd blood group do not value new impressions and adventures, no, stability and peace are more important to them, they are conservative at their core, they love order and are measured and sedate, do not tolerate loud showdowns, and in the event of a conflict always ready to compromise. People with blood type 2 do not like to show their emotions and often suppress irritation and aggression. That is, behind the external equanimity and calmness of the “farmers” there is a suppression of emotions, an orientation “inward” and an inability to discharge. They pay for this with somatic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. People with blood group 2 are predisposed to developing diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, and benign tumors. They are also prone to developing cancer. The inability to relieve stress in ways that are safe for oneself often leads to the development of overeating and alcohol abuse among “farmers,” among whom there are many smokers.

People with blood type 2 are especially successful in professions that require thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and the ability to compromise. They make good doctors, teachers, social workers, agronomists, sociologists, designers and architects.

Fourth group

Blood type 4 - the number of its carriers is no more than 5% of the total population. People with the fourth blood group received their name “philosophers” due to their character traits. They are characterized by tact, intelligence, composure and balance. This is the rarest blood type.

The main character traits of people with the fourth blood group are sociability, practicality, rationalism and diplomacy. They have excellent organizational skills and know how to attract attention to their person. Representatives of blood group 4 are multifaceted and versatile personalities.

Scientific activity
Negative character traits - indecisiveness and stiffness. Inability to defend their opinion, because they do not want to spoil their relationship with others. A person with the fourth blood type will never enter into conflict, even if he does not agree with the opinions or actions of others. Often, due to their own internal contradictions, they have low self-esteem. Representatives of the fourth blood group are often engaged in scientific and inventive activities. They choose the professions of archivists and library workers.

Is it really possible to tell about a person and his character based on only one blood type? Of course, all the data presented are of an average nature inherent in a particular blood group. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of blood leave an imprint on the formation of a person’s personality.

Each inhabitant of the Earth is a distinct individual, whose character traits and behavior are determined by more factors than just one blood group - heredity, living conditions and social circle. However, knowing the traits of a certain group, one can formulate a general picture of a person’s character and his predisposition to various behavior patterns. We hope we have helped you and have well described people and their character by blood type and Rh factor.

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How does blood type affect a person's character? The human blood contains the genetic code, which contains the body's program. A set of physiological and biochemical characteristics determine the type of temperament, and character depends on it.

All physiological processes in the body crystallized in the process of evolutionary development, the same can be said about the development of the animal body. Nomadic and sedentary lifestyles affect metabolic and immune processes in the body, which, in turn, affects human behavior and character.

Why is all the information in the blood? Because it, like a liquid, records all available information. Blood is the keeper and carrier of the biological code of the body.

Let's consider each group separately, as well as the compatibility of characters by blood group. It is important to know which groups get along easily with each other, which is especially important in family relationships.

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