How can nutrition help prevent type 2 diabetes?

In a healthy body, glycemic indicators (blood glucose) relative to homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) remain at a stable level in accordance with medical standards. With chronically high blood glucose (hyperglycemia), the body signals problems with certain symptoms.

Such messages can be signs of the development of serious diseases, primarily diabetes mellitus and prediabetes (a borderline state of impaired glucose tolerance). To lower blood sugar, diabetics are prescribed special medications and diet therapy. The main goal of treatment is to bring glucose levels as close as possible to standard values ​​and stabilize this condition.

Normal blood sugar

To determine the quantitative content of glucose in the blood, a laboratory test or self-measurement using a portable glucometer is used. According to reference values ​​(average standards), the maximum upper limit of sugar levels is 5.5 mmol/on an empty stomach. With age, there is a slight shift in indicators (no more than 1 mmol/l), which is associated with a weakening of tissue sensitivity to insulin (the hormone responsible for supplying the body with glucose).

Diabetes mellitus is not diagnosed after a single test. To confirm the suspected diagnosis, advanced blood microscopy is prescribed. Diabetics monitor their glucose levels daily. People experiencing hyperglycemia for the first time first need to find out what factors caused the increase in blood sugar.

Fasting glycemia: norm and deviation

What is the pancreas?

The organ looks like an elongated lobular formation of a grayish color.
Its location is the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. The parameters of the human gland are: 14-22 cm long, 3-9 cm wide, 2-3 cm thick. The pancreas weighs approximately 75 grams. The pancreas is a component of the human digestive organs. The functions of the pancreas are to secrete juice with processing enzymes. In addition, the gland is responsible for hormonal levels. Fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism are the responsibility of this organ.

The endocrine functional features of the organ consist of the release of insulin and glucagon into the blood. Groups of cells are responsible for the production of these hormones. The number of cells in healthy people is usually sufficient to regulate carbohydrate (fat) metabolism. The destruction of one or another type of pancreatic cell can trigger the development of diabetes mellitus.

The close relationship with other digestive organs leads to disruption of the metabolism of the entire human system.

Ways to normalize hyperglycemia

The state of acute hyperglycemia in diabetic patients is relieved in a hospital setting. Emergency medical care and subsequent treatment can prevent the development of diabetic coma. If the sugar level is not critically elevated and the condition is not urgent, diabetics use traditional medications to stabilize glycemia: tableted hypoglycemic drugs for the insulin-dependent type of the disease, injections of medical insulin for type 1 diabetes.

In addition to medications, the following methods of neutralizing hyperglycemia are used:

  • Diet correction.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Traditional medicine recipes.

Important! Uncontrolled independent attempts to reduce sugar can be harmful to health. If the reference values ​​deviate, you should consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo additional examination.

Traditional medicine against diabetes

Traditional medicine helps control diabetes by preventing sudden changes in glucose levels. The arsenal of non-drug methods for treating endocrine diseases includes:

  • Bee products.
  • Herbal raw materials: buds, leaves, bark, roots of medicinal plants and herbs.

Eating the right foods helps lower blood sugar. This category includes: spices, vegetables, berries, dishes from cereals and legumes. It should be remembered that any non-traditional method of reducing glycemia is an addition to the main therapy prescribed by the endocrinologist. It is unwise to treat diabetes mellitus only with folk remedies. Many plants contain components that lower blood glucose levels, but their use cannot replace medical treatment.

You cannot completely abandon medications in favor of folk remedies.

In experienced diabetics, the acute state of hyperglycemia can be quickly stopped only with medications. Therapy with folk remedies allows you to achieve effective results during a course of treatment. Based on the chemical composition of phytoraw materials, it has the following therapeutic effect:

  • Normalization of sugar levels (natural biguadins, similar in properties to the antidiabetic tablets Metformin).
  • Inhibiting the development of diabetes complications (medicines that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, helping to remove “bad” cholesterol and toxins from the body).
  • Stabilization of blood pressure (antihypertensive drugs).
  • Increased immunity, ability to work and general tone (natural adaptogens).
  • Restoring the functional abilities of the pancreas.

The use of certain plants helps reduce body weight and maintain it at a stable level. The advantages of traditional methods of treatment include accessibility (the ability to prepare it yourself), low price category of herbal medicines in the pharmacy, multifunctionality (versatile therapeutic effect), naturalness, and comparative safety. Food products used in diabetes therapy are not very expensive. Some of them can be grown in your own garden.

Treatment with folk remedies must be approved by an endocrinologist, who determines the tactics of medical therapy. If possible, you should consult a herbalist. Despite the natural composition, many herbs, bee products and wood raw materials have a number of serious contraindications.


In addition to diet and traditional methods, to normalize blood glucose levels, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This means that you must initially give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, since alcoholic drinks contain a lot of sugar and have a high hypoglycemic index.

They also negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which ensure the synthesis and utilization of glucose. It is very important to gradually increase or maintain physical activity at the proper level, that is, to be active most of the time. This is due to the fact that during physical activity muscles work, and their activity requires glucose.

The result is that the more a person moves, the more sugar is wasted, which leads to a decrease in its level. Therefore, an excellent addition to treatment would be regular trips to the gym, swimming pool and just exercise at home or regular walks.

Healing herbs

To lower blood sugar, you can use herbal preparations (a mixture of herbs) or prepare single-component decoctions.

Goat's rue (galega, rue)

Helps reduce glucose levels, is a diuretic and antiparasitic agent. To prepare a water infusion, it is recommended to brew 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours, filter. Drink the resulting portion of the medicine in 4-5 doses throughout the day.

Contraindicated for use during the perinatal and lactation periods, for hypertension and diarrhea

Burdock (rhizome)

Stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates blood circulation, activates the functionality of the pancreas. Used for high sugar and swelling. Dry crushed roots in the amount of 20 g. Boil in a half-liter saucepan with water. Take 1.5–2 tablespoons between meals. Not used during pregnancy and lactation.

Dandelion (rhizome)

Normalizes glycemia and cholesterolemia, has choleretic, diuretic, blood purifying properties, helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. Brewed raw materials (1 tablespoon per half liter of water), leave for 8–12 hours. Consume before meals. Not used for diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis).

St. John's wort

Well relieves inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Used for diseases of the hepatobiliary system and metabolic disorders, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state. The daily dose of infusion is 1 cup of boiling water per 2.5 tablespoons of raw materials. Contraindicated if you have a tendency to constipation, high blood pressure, or migraine.


Has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and blood circulation. At 4 tbsp. l. herbs will require 800 ml of boiling water. Brew and leave for at least 4 hours. Divide the resulting infusion over two days (8 doses). Drink before meals. Not used for impaired blood clotting (coagulation).

Herbal collections

When glucose levels increase, the following herbal recipes are used:

What foods can lower blood sugar?

  • No. 1. Mix St. John's wort, horsetail and dandelion roots (in equal proportions). Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a liter thermos and pour boiling water in the evening. Filter in the morning. A single dose is 100 ml. It is recommended to take a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • No. 2. Mix a heaping tablespoon of rue, nettle and dandelion. Method of preparation: pour the raw material with a liter of water at room temperature for 40 minutes. Then bring to a boil and simmer for 7 minutes. Without filtering, pour the liquid into a thermos and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning, add alcoholic tincture of eleutherococcus (50–60 drops) and fresh burdock root juice (3–4 tbsp. l). The course of treatment is 40 days.
  • No. 3. Prepare juice from fresh chicory, burdock and dandelion roots. To do this, they need to be finely chopped, punched with a blender, and squeezed. Add honey (1–1.5 tsp) to a glass of the resulting juice. Use the medicine as an additive to drinks (compote, tea).
  • No. 4. Mix a tablespoon of St. John's wort and dried blueberry leaves. Add two tablespoons of dry green beans and rose hips. Pour 1500 ml of boiling water. Let stand until the liquid cools. Take 100–150 ml before meals.

What are the symptoms of pancreatic disease?

When inflammation occurs, the pancreas begins to worry about pain in the region of the ribs on the left side. The qualitative characteristics of pain are cutting. Usually occurs after eating. As you know, it enters the duodenum and is digested by gastric juice.

Pancreatitis can be characterized by changes in pain intensity over a long period of time. They sometimes get worse, and sometimes there is no discomfort at all. If a person does not follow the diet, the pain develops into constant pain. Such pancreatic symptoms, in this case, are classified as chronic.

Typically, the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are eliminated by a specially prescribed diet. If it is not followed, the person will experience flatulence, diarrhea, and heartburn. The process of inflammation causes loss of appetite. Inflammation also applies to the cellular level, since the cells of this organ secrete the juice necessary for the digestive system.

Wood raw materials

Blood sugar is reduced by: bay and grape leaves, walnut partitions, birch buds and other remedies.

Bay leaf

Slows down the resorption process, preventing glucose from being quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation. Stimulates the performance of the pancreas to produce insulin, speeds up metabolism. Crush 10 leaves into a container, add 500 ml of water, cook for 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. Keep in a thermos for three hours, filter. The recommended daily portion is 150 ml (divided into 3-4 doses). Contraindications for use are: increased coagulation, constipation, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

Treatment with laurel leaves requires caution. At the initial stage, you should take 100 ml per day

Birch buds (fresh)

To lower glucose, birch buds are used as follows: three tablespoons are brewed overnight in a half-liter thermos. Throughout the next day, drink in small portions 1.5 hours after meals.

Hazel bark

Long-term use of hazel bark decoction allows you to maintain a stable glycemic level. Dry the bark and grind it to a powder. For a liter jar you need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. Brew. Leave for 6–8 hours. Boil and let cook for about a quarter of an hour. The dose of the decoction is designed for 2 days. Drink in small portions.

Walnut partitions

Walnut membranes contain substances that inhibit the formation of glucose from saccharides, which helps prevent an increase in blood sugar. 40 grams of partitions must be filled with 500 ml of water. Cook for an hour, without letting the broth boil too much. Cool the medicine and strain the liquid. One dose requires 1–1.5 tbsp. spoons. Drink until all the broth is gone.

Honey and bee products

Diabetes mellitus, contrary to popular belief, is not a contraindication to the use of honey as a remedy. Honey has regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, heart and blood vessels. Diabetics are allowed in small quantities. Preference should be given to varieties with the lowest glycemic index (acacia, chestnut, buckwheat).

To prepare the medicine, a liquid version of the product is used. It is recommended to consume honey not in its pure form, but in combination with nuts or bee products (propolis, dead bees). A mixture of honey and propolis is an effective remedy for stimulating the intrasecretory activity of the pancreas. Grind ten grams of propolis and dissolve in a water bath, mix with 200 g. honey

For daily use, 1 teaspoon is enough. The mixture should not be swallowed, but dissolved slowly. Bee dead contains the powerful antioxidant chitosan, which accelerates regeneration processes. Vodka tincture from dead bees is prepared at a ratio of 1:1. Infuse for 30 days in a dark place. Add to honey water (250 ml of water, a teaspoon of honey and tincture).

Before using bee kill, you should consult your doctor. Medical treatment is contraindicated in the stage of decompensated diabetes

Switch to healthy sugar substitutes

In order not to limit yourself to sweets and not experience stress because of this, which increases glucose levels, it is worth switching to sweeteners - always carbohydrate-free, with a low glycemic index.

The choice of sugar substitutes is quite large. It is important to understand that not all of them are useful. Thus, artificial sweetener can cause allergies or eating disorders. Most synthetic supplements contain carcinogens that affect hormonal levels and overall well-being. If they are abused, they can cause headaches and causeless mood swings.

We recommend including natural supplements in your diet to minimize the risk of diabetes complications. One of them is stevia, a natural, non-nutritive sweetener that contains no carbohydrates. Doctors officially recommend it as a means to improve well-being in diabetes. Replacing sugar with stevia in your daily diet will reduce your daily caloric intake by 25%.

Buy stevia

This sweetener contains diterpene glycosides, vitamins and other components to effectively correct glucose levels. Products based on honey grass extract normalize carbohydrate metabolism and sugar absorption and are useful for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

The sweeteners of our brand have almost zero calorie content and, thanks to multi-stage purification, do not taste bitter. Their sweetness relative to sugar is up to 400:1. With products from our brand, you can more effectively lower your glucose levels, feel good, stay healthy and vigorous.

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Foods that inhibit glucose

The main diabetic spice that helps reduce blood glucose levels is cinnamon. Its hypoglycemic effect lies in its ability to inhibit gluconeogenesis (the process of glucose formation from amino acids obtained during the processing of protein foods). It is recommended to add cinnamon to drinks (tea, coffee, drinking yogurt, fruit juice). The spice can be used to flavor curd desserts. Cinnamon is a tasty and healthy component of apple pies prepared at home according to special recipes for diabetics.

An important vitamin component of a diabetic diet is berries. Many garden and forest varieties have a hypoglycemic effect and have a low glycemic index. The most useful berries:

  • Blueberry. Preserves the vascular system of the visual organs from damage, which helps prevent retinopathy, a severe complication of diabetes.
  • Kalina. Reduces blood pressure, prevents the accumulation of low-density lipotropes (“bad” cholesterol).
  • Sea ​​buckthorn. Increases the immune status of the body, stimulates digestion and carbohydrate metabolism.

The berries are used as a base for drinks, added to cheesecakes, curd mousses and casseroles, and baked goods for diabetics. The right drinks:

  • Tea with cinnamon, lemon and orange.
  • Ginger tea drink.
  • Fresh vegetable juices (tomato, beetroot, cabbage).
  • Compote of healthy berries.

An effective hypoglycemic drink is prepared from chicory root. The plant contains essential oils, bioflavonoids, and the prebiotic inulin. The main menu is based on products and dishes from vegetables, cereals, grains and legumes. Some foods are recommended to be included in your daily diet because they help stabilize blood sugar.

Healthy fruit and vegetable set

Turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, celery, gingerCabbage (all types, including sauerkraut), cucumbers, zucchini, garlic, onionsLemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, limes

Among grains and cereals, oats and buckwheat are recommended. For high sugar they are used as follows:

  • Pour buckwheat (25 grams or a tablespoon) into a glass of fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt, natural drinking yogurt) overnight. Eat the next morning, on an empty stomach, and no later than half an hour before breakfast.
  • Grind the oat grains. Brew at the rate of 1 cup per liter of water. Let it brew for 30–40 minutes. Eat a little before main meals.

Traditional medicine methods are time-tested, but each patient has individual characteristics of the body. A course of herbal remedies should be started with caution and after the approval of the treating endocrinologist.

Drinks to reduce sugar

In addition to various infusions and paste-like mixtures, drinks made from berries, fruits, vegetables, etc. are good for lowering glucose. Means that help normalize blood sugar include:

  • green tea, hibiscus;
  • tea or decoction of linden;
  • chicory drink (contains inulin - a plant analogue of insulin);
  • brewed hawthorn and rose hips;
  • hot drinks made from blackberry and currant leaves.

Attention! It is very important not to forget that medicinal herbal teas should be combined with drinking enough clean water, drinking at least 2 liters per day.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing drinks that lower sugar, and only a small part is described here, but the most effective ones have been selected, that is, those that can quickly remove excess sugar from the body. Natural vegetable juices help get rid of hyperglycemia well. In addition, they are also very beneficial for the body.

It is recommended to include tomato, squash, pumpkin and potato juices in your diet. They should be taken freshly squeezed on an empty stomach. Optimally 2 times a day. Chicory also helps reduce glucose levels; it is recommended to replace black tea and coffee. It's very easy to prepare.

Place 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then drink it like regular tea. You can also use chicory root - grind it and pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then infuse and drink 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Juices are one of the simple folk ways to lower sugar

Tea made from rose hips perfectly stabilizes blood composition. Its berries should be crushed, poured with water and left to brew overnight, after which you should drink half a glass several times a day. Oat decoction also reduces glucose concentration. Oatmeal is boiled for about 15 minutes in a water bath, and then infused and drunk in small portions several times a day.

Sauerkraut juice is considered an equally effective remedy. It allows you to quickly bring down high sugar levels and maintain its normal level. Regular intake of this juice will allow the patient to forget about the troubles associated with hyperglycemia. It is recommended to drink juice one third of a glass 3 times a day.

You can normalize blood sugar well and for a long time by taking kefir with the addition of cinnamon. Add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a glass of kefir, then stir well. It is recommended to drink this remedy at night. A stable decrease in glucose is provided by drinks made from lilac buds, currant and blueberry leaves, clover and nettle.

Sometimes products are prepared from them with the addition of alcohol, which are pre-infused for several hours. This folk treatment is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, blood glucose must be monitored. As a rule, therapy in this way is carried out for a month, and then after a 2-3 week break is repeated.

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