Riboxin tab. p/o 200 mg per circuit. cell pack №10x5 (inosine)

You can often hear expectant mothers arguing about the importance of using Riboxin during pregnancy. You must understand that the doctor will not prescribe medications unless absolutely necessary. The active substance Riboxin is able to penetrate the placenta, but does not cause negative reactions in the body of a woman and child. Often the medicine is used to stimulate the growth of fetal muscle mass, strengthen the skeletal system, and the proper development of the musculoskeletal frame. Experts say that Riboxin, both in tablets and in injection form, is an absolutely safe and necessary remedy.

Riboxin: composition and release form

The main component of the drug is inosine, which is used to strengthen the heart muscle (myocardium) and improve blood circulation in the cardiovascular system. Helps accelerate cell metabolism, helps with some liver diseases and restores bilirubin metabolism.

Riboxin is available both in the form of tablets or capsules, and in the form of a solution for intravenous administration. The tablets are coated with enteric film, packaged in 10, 20 or 40, 50 pieces in each package. Gelatin capsules with powdery contents, packed in 30 or 50 pieces in one box. One glass ampoule of the drug contains 5 or 10 ml of solution, and exactly 10 pieces are included in the package.

What about the liver?

You might think that the liver is just waiting for us to help it. This is wrong. The compensatory and regenerative capabilities of the liver are enormous. If 25% of the healthy organ is preserved, it can recover on its own. We will never feel how a healthy liver works. There are no nerve endings in it, so it never hurts. Liver cells are hepatocytes. If a cell dies, its load is redistributed among the remaining ones. So, if a significant part of the liver is destroyed, there may be no symptoms or even changes in tests.

On the one hand, this is good, the liver does not bother us over trifles like the stomach, which can twist after bad food, and after 3 days we have already forgotten about it. But if symptoms appear, this may indicate serious problems that cannot be easily gotten rid of. If you have liver problems, the following functions may be affected:

  • filtration and processing of toxic products coming from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the production of protein molecules, their accumulation, the transformation of amino acids, the formation of urea and the synthesis of creatine;
  • formation and storage of glycogen;
  • storage and transformation of many vitamins (A, PP, B, D, K), metal ions of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, etc.;
  • production of enzymes involved in metabolic processes;
  • maintaining a balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood, the formation of heparin;
  • deposition of blood plasma and formed elements, regulation of the blood system.

Problems with the gallbladder, pancreas, spine and many others are mistakenly mistaken for liver problems. Pain in the liver can appear when it is enlarged and stretches its own capsule, but usually these are already advanced problems.

Problems with the gallbladder, pancreas or spine are often mistaken for liver problems.

Indications for use

Riboxin during pregnancy is prescribed to prevent oxygen starvation of the child, at the risk of developing heart disease. As a rule, the drug is used for overweight women suffering from pressure surges and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Indications for use:

  • smoking;
  • liver diseases (including hepatitis);
  • arrhythmia;
  • severe placental insufficiency;
  • congenital and acquired defects and vascular diseases;
  • muscular dystrophy of the heart and related disorders;
  • poor coronary circulation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma.

Complications can be caused by an unhealthy diet with a predominance of fats and carbohydrates, as well as a history of liver and kidney diseases. Sometimes Riboxin is prescribed as a prophylactic agent, but only after an ultrasound scan and all tests have been completed. The doctor selects an individual course and dosage based on the condition of the pregnant woman.

How to improve sperm quality

First of all, you need to review your diet. The expectant father needs to refrain from consuming fatty, difficult-to-digest foods. Eliminate preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives - they all negatively affect the quality of sperm. Introduce more fruits, vegetables, berries, seafood, lean meat, and greens into your diet. Men who are overweight should bring their weight back to normal, since fat tissue produces the female sex hormone, estrogen.

In addition to nutrition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Visit environmentally friendly areas more.
  • Try to have less contact with chemicals.
  • Take care of your mental health, avoid stress, learn to relax.
  • Before you plan to conceive, do not visit baths or saunas - any overheating impairs the functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • Remember that testicular temperature is normally lower than body temperature. Therefore, no overheating, tight underwear, synthetics, tight jeans, or too warm underwear.
  • When working with a laptop, do not put it on your knees, and do not keep your mobile phone in your trouser pocket.

A man's working conditions also affect his ability to conceive. At risk are: metallurgists, painters, car mechanics, and builders. You need to be more careful when working with pesticides in agriculture, with paints and varnishes in the furniture industry, and when working with smoking stoves.

How to take during pregnancy?

The instructions do not provide recommendations for the use of the drug during pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe the dosage, frequency of administration, and form of the drug.

You cannot take Riboxin on your own, as it can cause some adverse reactions. Any medicine during pregnancy should be selected by a specialist.

In tablets

It is recommended to take Riboxin tablets 20–30 minutes before meals, one three times a day. After which the dosage can be increased to 2 tablets three times a day. Very rarely, in case of urgent need, the daily dose can reach 12 tablets 3-4 times, but such a decision can only be made by a doctor in case of vital necessity.

In solutions for injections

The injection solution is used exclusively for intravenous administration, both with a regular injection and in the form of a dropper. The drug is administered by infusion (drip) at a rate of no more than 40 - 50 drops per minute. Riboxin is used as an intravenous injection directly during childbirth.

In the first 2 days of therapy, it is recommended to administer no more than 1 ampoule per day, and only after that the dosage is increased to 3-4. The drug gives the same effect both when using injections or drips, and when taken orally. The only difference is that tablets are prescribed for outpatient treatment, and injections are prescribed for inpatient treatment.

How long should I take it?

It is best to take vitamins for pregnancy planning in a continuous course. The duration of treatment is determined individually. For healthy men and women, 3-4 months is enough. During this time, the body will have time to replenish the deficiency of missing substances, get stronger, and tune in to a new type of work. If previous pregnancies were accompanied by complications, future parents experience excessive psycho-emotional stress, there are chronic diseases of internal organs, there is contact with harmful factors at work and at home, taking vitamin complexes should be started six months before the planned conception.

You have questions?

You can contact the leading specialists of the AltraVita clinic

Side effects and contraindications

As a rule, Riboxin is well tolerated by pregnant women and does not cause negative consequences. Cases of allergic skin reactions (itching, redness, urticaria, Quincke's edema, eczema) have been reported extremely rarely. Mild reactions that do not cause discomfort and quickly resolve on their own do not require discontinuation of the drug. Otherwise, the occurrence of allergies and intolerance to the drug is a reason to consult a doctor and select another drug.

A contraindication for use is considered to be sensitivity to inosine, which is rare, but does occur. High levels of uric acid in the blood, gout, and kidney failure are also reasons to refuse the medication. It is important to remember that severe kidney damage prevents the elimination of the active substance of the drug, causing serious complications. In case of gout, inosine will further increase the concentration of urea and aggravate the course of the disease.


Liver problems can develop for more than 10 years and not bother you at all. The average life expectancy with a diagnosis of cirrhosis is 9 years. Therefore, even if you have liver problems, you can fight them. There are about 1000 types of drugs used in hepatology. Therapy not only treats the disease itself, but also supports the liver in order to create the most favorable conditions for recovery. One of these groups of drugs are hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotectors help restore metabolic processes in the liver, increase the organ’s resistance to destructive factors, normalize functional activity and stimulate regenerative processes in the liver.

Requirements for hepatoprotectors

Since the liver is the organ through which many substances are exchanged, drugs must not only be powerful, but also meet certain safety requirements, as well as:

  • well absorbed;
  • have a “first pass” effect through the liver;
  • have the property of neutralizing or preventing the formation of substances that damage the liver;
  • reduce the activity of inflammatory processes;
  • slow down scar formation;
  • help liver regeneration;
  • do not cause rejection in case of liver pathology;
  • extensive enterohepatic circulation;
  • have no toxic effect.

Despite the fact that the requirements are known, the ideal drug has not yet been created. More than half of the presented products are of plant origin, the rest is divided between phospholipids, synthetic derivatives, organic preparations and amino acids.

Despite the fact that the requirements for liver drugs are known, the ideal one has not yet been created.

Interaction with other drugs

Riboxin should not be used together with drugs that normalize heart rhythm, inotropic agents and medications for sore throat. This enhances the therapeutic effect of the latter, which can negatively affect the body as a whole. You should not use Riboxin with antidepressants and vitamin B6, as the effectiveness of the treatment is lost. Intravenous and drip administration together with alkaloids and some medications is prohibited.

Which ones to drink?

What vitamins should a woman or man take to get pregnant? It all depends on the state of her health. For example, anemia requires a higher content of iron and B vitamins in food. But taking folic acid is mandatory for all pregnant women. It prevents improper formation of the neural tube of the embryo, and often its deficiency becomes the cause of early miscarriages and fetal pathologies if the woman did not expect conception, did not prepare for pregnancy and did not take any medications.

Are there any analogues?

In pharmacology, there are several complete analogues of Riboxin for the active substance and many drugs with similar effects. If Riboxin and its analogs cause the development of adverse reactions, they can be replaced with some other drugs.

Riboxin analogues:

  • Ribosine;
  • Inosine;
  • Vero-Riboxin;
  • Inozie-F.

In addition, there are many drugs containing several active substances other than inosine, for example, Cytoflavin. If you are intolerant to inosine, your doctor may prescribe Corargin, the active ingredient of which is L-arginine. However, both of these drugs are contraindicated for use during pregnancy due to the lack of necessary clinical trials. In any case, you cannot independently decide to prescribe or discontinue any medication.


There are many hepatoprotectors, they differ in composition and mechanism of action. Doctors have an ambiguous attitude towards them; many of them are used and produced only for the territory of post-Soviet countries. Sometimes you can find reviews that a person, after quitting an alcohol binge, drank a certain drug for 3 months and his tests improved. This could have happened not because of the drug, but because the toxins stopped affecting the liver, and it was able to recover to a certain extent.

When exposure to toxins ceases, the liver itself can recover to a certain extent.

The main thing in treating the liver is not taking medications to compensate for the damage we cause ourselves, but stopping exposure to toxins and other destructive factors. That is, you need to give up alcohol, smoking and extra pounds (the risk of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis). Because by alternating courses of medications with an unhealthy lifestyle, we create the illusion of well-being. If you suspect that something is wrong with your liver, be sure to consult a doctor. Incorrect self-medication for liver problems can only cause harm.

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