Is it possible to eat cod liver if you have high cholesterol?

Cod is a marine fish of the cod family. It has a greenish-brown color with brown spots and a white belly.

The size of cod depends on its age: the length reaches 1.8 - 2 meters, while the weight of the fish caught ranges from 4 - 12 kilograms. This fish has a barbel on the chin, three dorsal and two ventral fins without spiny rays, movable premaxillary and maxillary bones. Its scales are cycloid and its gills are comb-like.

In terms of the structure of the fins, representatives of the cod-like family are similar to the Cyprinidae, and in the position of the ventral fins, they are similar to the Perciformes.

Historical information


  • Historical information
  • Characteristic
  • Beneficial features
  • Cod liver
  • Chemical composition
  • Cod roe
  • Using fish in cooking
  • Cod for pancreatitis
  • How to cook cod?
  • Note to housewives
  • Conclusion

Cod has played an important role in the history of Europe and America for more than a thousand years. The Vikings who lived on the Lofoten Islands ate dried fish. Immediately after the catch, it was hung in an open, well-ventilated area; after three months, the carcasses were beaten until the meat became soft and edible. Such nutritious food was stored for a long time, which was ideal for a wandering tribe.

Fish then gained popularity in Europe for religious reasons: unlike meat, it could be eaten during Lent.

Between 1958 and 1976, a diplomatic conflict arose over cod. The controversy stemmed from the first state's imposition of a 200-mile economic zone around the island, which prohibited fishing in Icelandic waters where British fishermen were casting their nets.

Interestingly, the maximum weight of the largest cod caught in history was 96 kilograms.

Indications and contraindications for use

Regular consumption of cod liver is recommended for:

  • children, teenagers;
  • athletes;
  • nursing mothers;
  • those recovering from viral diseases;
  • people on low-lipid diets;
  • patients with hypovitaminosis A, impaired absorption of Ca, P, lack of production of estrogens, androgens, poor condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • intellectual workers.

The product should be consumed with caution by people suffering from hypotension, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, gallbladder, as well as hypothyroidism. Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, should first consult a doctor.

The product should not be used in case of acute thyroid dysfunction, hypervitaminosis D, excess calcium or an allergic reaction.


The fish's habitat covers the Atlantic Ocean (Baltic, White Sea, Arctic cod). In the east of the Atlantic it is distributed from Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea to the Bay of Biscay, in the west - from Greenland to Cape Hatteras. In particular, it lives in the Norwegian Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and off the coast of Iceland. Interestingly, only two types of fish are most often found under the trade name cod - Pacific and Atlantic. Baltic, White Sea, and Greenlandic ones are in less demand.

Cod can withstand low temperatures (from minus 1 degree Celsius and below). Her life expectancy reaches 25 years.

The young individual feeds on mollusks, small crustaceans. At the same time, by the age of three she becomes a real predator and begins to eat other fish: capelin, pollock, herring, and her own young. To catch cod, they use fixed and purse seines, snurrevods, bottom and pelagic trawls, and longlines.

This is a prolific fish that begins to lay offspring in March-April, making long 1,500-kilometer migrations to spawning grounds. Cod spawn in the water column; their numbers can reach up to 2 million in a few weeks.

In 1992, the Canadian government imposed a moratorium on fishing due to a sharp decline in the number of individuals and the threat of complete extinction of the species. This is the most important commercial fish, which is a raw material for the production of canned food and a source of valuable fish oil.

Large exporters of cod: Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Russia, Iceland.

Beneficial features

Cod fish meat is very dietary: 100 grams of product contains 82 kilocalories, and the range of nutrients is extensive and impressive (see paragraph “Chemical composition”).

Effect on the human body:

  1. Gives strength and accelerates the body's recovery after illness.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes heart function.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on mental activity and improves oxygen supply to the brain.
  6. Strengthens the structure of the hair fiber and gives strength to the nail plate.
  7. Improves the condition of the skin and joints.
  8. Stabilizes mood, calms the nervous system.

According to research by British scientists, cod oil inhibits the activity of enzymes that cause the destruction of cartilage tissue and blocks the transmission of painful impulses to the brain.

Fish should be on the menu at least 3-4 times a week for people who suffer from:

  • arthrosis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the brain, heart;
  • hypertension;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets;
  • alopecia;
  • frequent colds;
  • depression, emotional breakdowns, nervous disorders.

Due to the abundance of vitamins B12, D, carotene and unsaturated omega-3 acids, women are recommended to eat cod throughout the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the same time, doctors recommend gradually introducing meat, liver and fish roe into the diet of children from the age of three.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

You should not combine fish with dairy products, as this can lead to indigestion and disruption of the digestive tract.

Is high cholesterol dangerous?

Doctors have long established that high cholesterol levels cause a serious disease - atherosclerosis. We can conclude that this phenomenon is dangerous to health. Due to excess cholesterol in the body, stable metabolism is disrupted, blood vessels become fragile and are unable to regulate blood flow normally.

The role of cholesterol in the human body

As a result of impaired blood supply, the heart muscle and brain suffer. Experts have found that blood cholesterol levels increase under the influence of the following factors:

  • smoking and bad habits that interfere with the absorption of fats and carbohydrates (taking alcohol, drugs, etc.);
  • intense physical exercise and stress;
  • obesity and metabolic disorders as a result of diseases (diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, hypothyroidism and others).

To reduce cholesterol levels and restore metabolism, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate harmful foods from your diet.

High fat foods

Cod liver

This is an expensive northern delicacy, which owes its popularity to its bright individual taste, unique properties, high nutritional value, and compatibility with numerous dishes. It can be eaten on its own or combined with stews, creamy soups, salads and sandwiches.

The main distinguishing feature of cod liver is the lack of heat treatment during canning. Interestingly, to make most canned fish, fish is boiled, marinated or smoked. This leads to partial or complete loss of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Cod liver is placed in jars exclusively in its raw form and filled with its own fat. Thanks to this, the active substances of the by-product and the piquant taste are preserved throughout the entire shelf life of the product.

The energy value of canned cod liver reaches 613 calories, the amount of B: F: U equals 3%: 96%: 1% per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of offal?

  1. Improves vision, sharpens the perception of light rays in the dark.
  2. Protects the body from carcinogenesis.
  3. Supports the coordinated functioning of the endocrine system and the normal condition of the joints.
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissues.
  5. Promotes the full functioning of the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin.
  6. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of anemia, atherosclerosis, cancer, rickets.
  7. Improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles

Who needs to eat cod liver?

This by-product is equally useful for children, adolescents, mature and elderly people. However, athletes and people suffering from:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • diseases of joints, bones;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • high content of “bad” cholesterol;
  • heart problems.

Remember, 40 grams of canned cod liver per day covers the body’s daily need for healthy fatty acids, compensates for the lack of vitamins necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body, prevents the development of Alzheimer’s disease, arrhythmias and physical exhaustion.

The disadvantages of fish by-product include high calorie content, so overweight people should avoid eating it.

When buying canned food, pay attention to the inscription on the can. The “correct” product will have the “highest grade” label indicating GOST, confirming the preservation of cod liver according to technology regulated by the state. Pay attention to the composition of the product. Cod liver is preserved in its own juice and no other oil can be used in its preparation. The presence of “foreign” ingredients (flavors, dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers) in the composition indicates the introduction of harmful chemical additives into the product. Avoid purchasing such a product.

What harm is there from fish?

As such, fish is not harmful if it is fresh and has undergone proper heat treatment. The freshness and quality of the fish is also affected by the aquatic environment in which it lived.

Chemical waste is often thrown into waters, which can negatively affect the product, making it poisonous, which will certainly affect health in the future:

  1. The stable functioning of the kidneys and liver may be disrupted, and in women, the ovaries.
  2. Diseases and dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract (especially problems with the pancreas) may develop.
  3. Old and sick fish cause metabolic and circulatory problems.
  4. Hormonal metabolism and the functioning of the genital organs in men may be disrupted (leading to infertility and other dangerous diseases, including oncology).

Spoiled fish or fish caught in dirty waters can harm everyone, especially children and pregnant women. If a pregnant woman has high cholesterol, or the product is stale, this can lead to miscarriage or diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, before eating fish, you should make sure that it is fresh and does not pose a threat to health.

The spoiled product should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Chemical composition

Cod is an ideal fish for people who are watching their figure and counting calories.
It contains a minimum of fat with a maximum amount of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phospholipids). White dense fish meat contains 19% protein and 0.4% beneficial triglycerides. Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of cod meat and liver”

NameContent per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Meat (boiled)Liver (canned)
Calorie content69 calories613 calories
Water82.1 grams26.4 grams
Fats0.6 grams65.7 grams
Squirrels16 grams4.2 grams
Carbohydrates01.2 grams
Cholesterol0.04 grams0.25 grams
Ash1.3 grams2.3 grams
Saturated fatty acids0.1 gram10.6 grams
Organic acids00.2 grams
Mono- and disaccharides01.2 grams

The energy value of cod depends on the method of cooking: salted - 98 kcal, stewed - 101 kcal, fried - 111 kcal, hot smoked - 115 kcal, grilled - 172 kcal.
Fresh fish can only be purchased at the places where it is caught, since its meat is not suitable for long-term transportation; in other cases, it is immediately frozen and salted. Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of cod meat and liver”

NameContent per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Meat (boiled)Liver (canned)
Retinol (A)0,014,4
Nicotinic acid (PP)2,31,8
Thiamine (B1)0,090,05
Riboflavin (B2)0,070,41
Pyridoxine (B6)0,20,23
Folic acid (B9)0,00130,11
Cyanocobalamin (B12)0,00160
Ascorbic acid (C)13,4
Cholecalciferol (D)00,1
Tocopherol (E)0,98,8
Biotin (N)0,010

Remember, cod can accumulate arsenic and mercury, which cause poisoning in the body. Fish caught off the coast of Alaska is considered safe.

Rules for choosing canned food

The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a jar of cod liver:

  1. Ingredients: cod liver, salt and spices.
  2. An indication that it is manufactured in accordance with GOST.
  3. Canned food is produced close to the place where fresh fish is caught: Murmansk or Arkhangelsk regions.
  4. “Liver in Murmansk” - according to GOST, this is finely ground cod liver. This presentation of the product does not affect the taste.
  5. Shelf life – no more than 30 months.

“Sea foie gras” is a tasty and healthy product, indispensable in our latitudes. When consuming cod liver, you need to know when to stop, and it is also important to know how to choose it. If you do everything right, you can combine the pleasure of tasting your favorite delicacy with benefits for the whole body.

Cod roe

In terms of nutritional properties, cod caviar is not inferior to red and black. It is used for making sandwiches, salads, sauces, and snacks. Caviar is produced from mature cod eggs using vegetable oil and sodium benzoate. It goes on sale in ready-canned form.

Cod caviar is a valuable delicacy, a source of vitamins A, B, C, D, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iodine, and potassium. In addition, the product contains omega-3 amino acids, which are essential for the human body. Interestingly, the degree of protein absorption in cod fish eggs is 2 times higher than in the livestock sector. It gives strength to people with low vitality (old people suffering from nervous disorders, stress), restores impaired metabolism, and supports the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is believed that cod caviar has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman: it develops high intellectual abilities in the baby.

Despite its many benefits, it should not be eaten on a daily basis as it contains salt and can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

The nutritional value of cod caviar is 115 calories per 100 grams of product, the ratio B : F : Y is 42% : 55% : 2%.

Canned seafood delicacy

Cod liver is one of the most valuable fish products. It saturates the human body with trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids. It is a healthy dish for both women and men.
Today, cod liver is offered mainly in canned form. Only in some countries it is sold fresh, in close proximity to the fishing grounds. The thing is that raw liver is a tender and delicate product. When it is removed from cod, it begins to spoil very quickly. There are 2 options for cod liver preparations:

  1. Canned food is prepared directly on ships, at sea, in floating factories.
  2. The raw materials are frozen, and then thawed and canned on shore.

Cod liver is harvested in Norway, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, and Iceland. The finished product most often comes to Belarus from Russia, namely from Murmansk, Kamchatka, the Arkhangelsk region and their environs. The delicacy is valued for its high fat concentration: from 65% to 72%. Interestingly, in some countries, for example, the USA and Canada, cod liver is not consumed in its pure form at all.

. It is used only in the production of fish oil for medicine and cosmetology.

Using fish in cooking

Cod meat is lean, tender in taste, and white in color. In salads, boiled or smoked fish fillet goes harmoniously with radishes, herbs, and apples. Cod is widely popular in cuisines around the world. It is used to prepare appetizers, puree soups, casseroles and pie fillings. They can also be grilled, dried, smoked, canned, fried, boiled and served as an independent dish.

To preserve vitamins, macro- and microelements, it is recommended to steam cod. When purchasing, pay attention to the condition of the carcass. Frozen fish will be watery and tasteless during cooking.

Sea fish has a characteristic strong smell, which intensifies during heat treatment, so you need to boil it in water with the addition of a large amount of spices, roots (onion, celery, parsley) or pre-sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Without loss of beneficial properties, chilled cod can be stored in the refrigerator for three days, and frozen cod can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. To prevent the fish from overcooking during cooking, boil it in water with cucumber brine at the rate of 1 liter of liquid per 80 milliliters of pickling.

Acceptable replacements for cod in dishes: hake, pollock, haddock.

In modern cooking, this type of fish is actively used in salads and casseroles. In India, it is marinated in vinegar with local spices, then fried over an open fire. In Russia, fish salad is prepared with the addition of radishes, herbs, green sour apples, seasoned with mayonnaise, in Scandinavia - with mustard, dill, onions, sour cream, in America - with peanut butter, cinnamon, white pepper, noodles, ginger, lettuce, soybean sauce, noodles. In Europe, cod is grilled in a honey mustard glaze.

Cod for pancreatitis

Cod fish meat is dietary and is recommended for consumption by patients with pancreatitis. Unlike pork, lamb, veal, and poultry, it lacks coarse fascia and tendons, it is tender and easily digestible. With minimal culinary effort, cod can be made into a dish with a puree-like consistency, which is especially important for a diet for pancreatitis, which involves grinding all food products in order to spare the digestive organs.

Fish is allowed to be consumed during the period of remission and exacerbation of the disease from the second week of the attack. It is boiled, steamed, served in the form of meatballs, cutlets, soufflés, quenelles, and meatballs. In addition to dishes prepared from minced cod, during the period of remission it is allowed to eat whole fish (baked, stewed, steamed). It makes nutritious casseroles and pies that will help diversify the patient’s diet.

Fish dumplings are recommended to be served with vegetable and cereal side dishes and vegetarian soups. In case of chronic pancreatitis, animal meat is replaced with cod, which is allowed to be consumed no more than 3 times a week. At the same time, the following fish dishes are prohibited: canned food, liver, aspic and broths that stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretion. In addition, avoid taking dried, smoked, or salted cod.

Remember, the healthiest fish is fresh. It should have a strong, elastic surface, be moderately shiny, and have a marine scent. The presence of yellowish stains on the carcass, damage, and a foul odor indicate long-term storage of the product on store shelves, which has been re-frozen. Avoid eating such fish.

The maximum daily portion of cod for a patient with pancreatitis is 200 grams.

What foods contain cholesterol?

All animal products contain cholesterol; it is difficult to list them all. However, it is in the following products that this substance is especially abundant:

  • meat products (pork, lamb, beef, sausages, goose).
  • goose, chicken and duck eggs (especially the yolk).
  • dairy products (sour cream, milk, cheese, condensed milk).
  • seafood and fish (mussels, perch, octopus, herring, mackerel and others).

Cholesterol is a lipid-like substance that is found in foods containing a lot of fat. However, it increases not only due to poor nutrition, but also due to poor absorption of fats in the human body as a result of impaired metabolism. To keep cholesterol levels normal, doctors most often prescribe a special diet that helps lower cholesterol levels and restore metabolism.

Table of cholesterol content in different foods

How to cook cod?

Before cooking, cut off the head, tail, and fins of the fish, gut it and wash it. If necessary, cut into pieces and rinse again under water. When purchasing frozen cod, be sure to defrost the carcass naturally before cooking in the refrigerator. When using a microwave oven or hot water, the fish will lose its taste and consistency.

You can cook the cod whole or in pieces (in portions). However, the finer the fish is cut, the less nutrients it will retain after heat treatment. Cod is cooked in a regular saucepan, double boiler, slow cooker, or pressure cooker.

Recommendations for preparing sea fish:

  1. You can put cod in both cold and hot water. In the first case, there is a guarantee that the tough fish meat will be cooked evenly.
  2. When placing cod in a regular pan, the water should completely cover its surface.
  3. Once defrosted, meat cannot be re-frozen.
  4. You can cook fish under a closed or open lid.
  5. To enhance the taste of cod, add cucumber pickle, tomato paste, citric acid, salt, carrots, onions, peppers or spices to the water.
  6. The fish is cooked exclusively in gutted form.
  7. Throughout the entire period of cooking cod, constantly control the heat: at first it should be high, when the water boils, reduce it to medium level, at the final stage reduce it so that it is weak.
  8. To preserve the structure of the fish, add 15 milliliters of vegetable oil to boiling water.
  9. If you do not have suitable kitchen equipment, you can cook the cod in a deep frying pan, adding water periodically. In this case, the process of preparing sea fish will be no different from the traditional method.

The duration of cooking cod depends on the size of the carcass (cut) and averages 15 minutes. Small pieces will be ready in 5 minutes. The fastest way to cook fish is in a pressure cooker. And the cooking time in a double boiler or multicooker will not differ in any way from heat treatment in a regular saucepan. The readiness of cod can be checked based on two factors: the ease of separating the fillet from the skin and bones, and the degree of meatiness of the meat.

Remember, regardless of the serving size, fish boiled for a baby is cooked for at least 20 minutes, then crushed until creamy and carefully checked for the presence of cartilage and bones.

Note to housewives

Classic recipe for cod with vegetables


  • cod – 1 carcass;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • lemon – 0.5 pieces;
  • potatoes - 8 pieces;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • rosemary – 2.5 grams (0.5 teaspoon)
  • olive oil – 45 milliliters (3 tablespoons);
  • black allspice, salt - to taste.

Cooking principle:

  1. Clean the carcass from scales, remove the entrails, cut off the head, and wash.
  2. Cut the back diagonally with a sharp knife.
  3. Grind pepper and salt in a mortar. Coat the cod with the mixture inside and out.
  4. Insert lemon slices into the slits.
  5. Cover a baking sheet with foil and place the fish on it.
  6. Peel potatoes, onions, carrots and cut into strips or rings.
  7. Drizzle the vegetables with olive oil, add salt and place on both sides of the cod, sprinkle with rosemary.
  8. Cover the top of the dish with foil, place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Cook until potatoes are soft.
  9. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Cod casserole with rice


  • cod fillet – 400 grams;
  • cream – 100 grams;
  • rice – 250 grams;
  • tomato sauce – 250 grams;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the cod fillet into portions.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked, grate 100 grams of cheese, and combine these ingredients.
  3. Place half of the resulting mass in a baking dish, then spread the fish over the surface, cover the cod with the remaining mass on top.
  4. Grate 50 grams of cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Boil the eggs hard and chop. Combine with grated cheese and sprinkle on top.
  6. Mix cream and tomato sauce and pour over casserole. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and onions and cabbage can be added to the rice-cheese mixture.
  7. Preheat the oven, bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve hot.

Dishes based on cod are tasty, light and satisfying. They can be eaten for dinner along with fresh vegetables and herbs.

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