Dosage and proportions of Dibazol injections and tablets with Papaverine for blood pressure

Hypertension is the scourge of modern society. A sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress - all this leads to the fact that the number of people with high blood pressure is growing, and the disease is becoming younger. If we add to this the reluctance to go to doctors and the fear of diagnoses, the picture turns out to be bleak.

Heart attacks and strokes have become much younger recently, so every home and every enterprise should have two things: a tonometer for measuring blood pressure and drugs for emergency blood pressure relief.

Features of "Dibazol"

The active ingredient of the drug "Dibazol" is bendazole. The drug is available in the form of tablets, suppositories and solution. To combine with Papaverine, you need to choose a solution in ampoules of 0.05% or 1%. The average cost of the drug is 50-60 rubles.

The main effect of the drug "Dibazol" is to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. At the same time, blood flow in the arteries and vessels improves, and blood supply to the brain is normalized. The active substance reduces severe headaches with increased intracranial pressure. A distinctive feature of Dibazol is its ability to stimulate the production of interferon, as a result of which the immune system is strengthened.

After administration, the drug quickly penetrates the bloodstream, a drop in pressure is observed after 15 minutes. The effect of the drug lasts 3.5 hours.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • tendency to low blood pressure.

Side effects may include allergic reactions and pain in various parts of the head. Symptoms of overdose are increased body temperature, increased sweating, nausea, dizziness.

Release form and composition

A medicine such as Papaverine is a derivative of parts of the cut opium poppy. However, despite this, it is not officially classified as a narcotic drug and is actively used in modern medicine to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as all kinds of pathologies of the genitourinary and respiratory systems.

The main active ingredient of the drug, papaverine hydrochloride, is produced by processing poppy straw. In addition to this component, the medication contains: a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, cane sugar, octadecanoic acid and talc.

In pharmacies today, “Papaverine” can be found in several dosage forms:

  • In the form of tablets with a dosage of 10 or 40 mg, packaged in blisters and jars.
  • In the form of rectal suppositories, packed in 10 pieces in a cardboard package.
  • And in the form of capsules with a 2% injection solution inside containing 20 mg of the component.

Features of "Papaverine"

"Papaverine" refers to antispasmodics. The active ingredient is papaverine hydrochloride. The solution for injection into a vein or muscle is available in ampoules of 2 ml.

After intravenous administration of the drug, the smooth muscles of the internal organs and the walls of blood vessels relax. The drug dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, and has a mild calming and analgesic effect on the body.

The drug quickly and completely penetrates the bloodstream. A drop in pressure is observed after 15-20 minutes. The effect lasts 5-6 hours.

Contraindications to the use of Papaverine are:

  • children up to 6 months;
  • conduction disturbance in the heart;
  • severe liver or kidney disease;
  • intolerance to ingredients.

Side effects are rare. These include:

  • tachycardia;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • feeling unwell and repeated vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • flatulence and abdominal pain.

The patient is bothered by a feeling of drowsiness and the appearance of an allergic rash throughout the body.

Special instructions for hypertension

There are some rules for using medications for hypertension:

  • If a hypertensive crisis occurs, call line 103 and consult with the dispatcher, tell him your complaints, listen to recommendations. If necessary, the dispatcher will send an emergency medical team to you;
  • switch to parenteral administration of drugs as a last resort, start with tablet forms;
  • Dibazole with Papaverine in the above dosages can be administered up to 4 times a day;
  • if a hypertensive crisis does not stop within 2 hours, or alarming symptoms such as chest pain, speech impairment, dizziness, spots before the eyes, vomiting appear, contact an ambulance again;
  • after the hypertensive crisis has stopped, the next day, invite your local doctor to adjust basic therapy and revise drug dosages.

Combination of Dibazol and Papaverine

In emergency cases, when an increase in blood pressure is accompanied by poor health of the patient, doctors recommend combining Dibazol with Papaverine. Both drugs complement each other and enhance their effect, which allows you to quickly normalize your health. The injection is rarely associated with side effects. Thanks to a combination of drugs, you can quickly overcome the crisis and prevent the development of complications.

The combination of drugs is indicated for high blood pressure, accompanied by nosebleeds, nausea and vomiting, severe headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and difficulty breathing.

When introduced into the body, Papaverine quickly relaxes smooth muscles. Dibazole expands the lumen of blood vessels and uniformly leads to normalization of pressure values. Improvement can be seen within 10-15 minutes.

Both drugs are administered intravenously by healthcare professionals and only in emergency situations. In other situations, injections are given intramuscularly, strictly observing the dosage.

You can take a combination of drugs in tablets at the same time, adhering to the recommended doses. There is also a ready-made drug Papazol, based on the active ingredients Papaverine and Dibasol.

Pressure injections (injections)

Considering the widespread prevalence of parenteral administration of drugs, we should dwell in detail on the intramuscular use of drugs. Basic nursing skills are required to perform the manipulation.

The injection site (outer quadrant of the gluteus maximus muscle) should be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic three times.

The injection is placed at a right angle to the surface of the skin, deep into the thickness of the muscles. Both drugs are compatible for administration in the same syringe. During the injection, unpleasant pain occurs at the injection site; to avoid this unpleasant moment, the solution should be injected slowly.

Make sure you do not hit the vessel by pulling the plunger slightly towards you before inserting. After the injection, it is recommended to lie quietly for 30 minutes.

Sometimes an injection of Dibazol, Papaverine, Analgin is prescribed for high blood pressure, the dosage of which is also selected strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Instructions for use of "Papaverine" and "Dibazol": dosage

The doctor selects the dosage of the drugs depending on the patient’s age, pressure indicators at the time of its increase, taking into account the difference between the upper and lower limits. Concomitant diseases, especially those of the cardiovascular system, are also taken into account.

In most cases, the combination of drugs is prescribed in a ratio of 1: 2. “Papaverine” is prescribed in a dose of 2 ml, and “Dibasol” - 4 ml. For severe pain, you can add 1-2 ml of Analgin. The injection is given intramuscularly, most often in the buttock area. The drug is administered evenly and slowly, observing your body's reaction.

Adults can receive 2-3 injections per day. Often the combination of “Papaverine” with “Dibazol” is prescribed in courses of up to 10-14 days. During this period, blood pressure normalizes.


Myotropic antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine, Dibazol) are not the drugs of choice for stopping a hypertensive crisis. Treatment of an episode of high blood pressure without signs of complications from other organs and systems is the main indication for the use of the combination. The widespread use of papaverine and Dibazol in combination is due to the rapid response and high efficiency. The risk of developing undesirable consequences requires manipulation only by medical personnel, taking into account the patient’s condition and the presence of contraindications under the control of blood pressure levels.

What are the contraindications?

The drug is contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, encephalopathy, epilepsy, arrhythmias and embolisms of the heart muscle. Another restriction is children under one year old.

The combination of Dibazol and Papaverine is recommended with caution in the following cases:

  • patients with traumatic brain injury;
  • for diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • when symptoms of arterial hypotension appear;
  • in case of convulsive syndrome;
  • people with severe eye diseases.

Under the strict supervision of a specialist, drugs are prescribed to elderly patients, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not take medications if you are intolerant to the ingredients of the drug.

How much medicine is allowed to be taken?

Men and women with high blood pressure can take one tablet of Papaverine (40 mg) three times a day, regardless of meals. Each swallowed pill should be washed down with plenty of boiled water. In some, especially severe cases, the single dosage of the drug may be increased to 200 mg.

As for Papaverine rectal suppositories, adults are allowed to place 1-2 suppositories twice a day, inserting them into the anus after an enema or after spontaneous bowel cleansing. It is not recommended to increase the standard dosage without specific instructions from a healthcare professional.

Blood pressure injections with Papaverine should be given only when there is an urgent need to correct elevated levels. The dosage in this case is determined for the patient individually. The injection solution is administered in one of two ways: intramuscularly or subcutaneously. In the first case - in the hip area or in the shoulder from the outside, in the second - in the area around the navel.

If an intravenous injection is necessary, the liquid from the ampoule is first diluted with saline solution

Side effects

In most cases, the combination of drugs is well accepted by the body. In rare cases, mild reactions such as dizziness, nausea and even vomiting, a sudden drop in blood pressure, an allergic rash or heavy sweating may occur. There is a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, apathy.

In case of overdose, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, you can perform gastric lavage; it is also recommended to drink enzyme preparations, adsorbents, and saline laxatives. Dibazole and papaverine should be discontinued.

Video on the topic

What other injections are given for high blood pressure:

In conclusion, we can say that an indispensable component of your home first aid kit should be the drugs Dibazol and Papaverine, for high blood pressure the dosage of which is selected according to the severity of the condition. The drugs effectively stop a hypertensive crisis. I would like to remind you that the main thing is not to overcome the jump in blood pressure well, but not to allow it.

For this purpose, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and undergo all necessary tests and studies. If necessary, adjust the standard dose of drugs. It is important to remember that most of the consequences of cerebrovascular accidents are irreversible and are accompanied by loss of performance, disability and a long period of rehabilitation.

The information on the website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.

And we also have

  • Antihypertensive tablets for blood pressure Equator: reviews, price, analogues and recommendations for use

Medical reviews

Reviews from doctors about the drug composition are somewhat different.

  • The use of an injection composition of Dibazol and Papaverine is best used only in emergency cases. If a smooth reduction in blood pressure is possible with the help of milder drugs, then preference should be given to them.
  • Due to the presence of a significant list of contraindications, tablets to lower blood pressure are prescribed to patients only if other means do not give the desired result. Overdoses of the composition are particularly dangerous due to the risk of a sudden extreme decrease in blood pressure.
  • Both drugs belong to the group of outdated drugs for the treatment of hypertension. Modern drugs allow therapy to be carried out more gently and with less likelihood of negative side effects and overdose. This is especially true for injection formulations.
  • The risk of an allergic reaction is quite high, especially now that a large percentage of the population suffers from allergies. Because of this, after using medications to lower blood pressure, the patient's condition should be monitored.
  • The composition with Dibazol and Papaverine gives quick results in the development of a hypertensive crisis and prevents its consequences. In the form of injections, the drug is effective in providing first aid, even in borderline patient conditions.

What injections are needed for high blood pressure? Deleted video Drugs to lower blood pressure

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