“Drowsy and dizzy”: how to find out that the brain does not have enough oxygen

What are we talking about?

The brain coordinates and regulates the functioning of the entire body. It provides a balance of processes, protection from negative influences, and adaptive mechanisms. The brain perceives and processes information, provides a person with thinking and other higher functions.

Nerve cells need a lot of oxygen and nutrients to work. Cerebral circulation is different from blood flow in other tissues of the body. It's much more complicated:

  • numerous bends of the brain vessels - to smooth out the pulsation of blood flow and maintain pressure stability;
  • the richest network of capillaries - so that all tissue areas and cells without exception receive nutrition;
  • developed collateral circulation - brain vessels are connected to each other by collaterals - “bridges”, which help restore blood flow when the main vessel is blocked.

The brain has an autonomous regulation system: with a general increase in blood pressure, it remains stable in the brain for the longest time. But excess or insufficient blood circulation sooner or later leads to negative consequences: fluid accumulation and the development of tissue edema, lack of oxygen, stroke and other complications.

A breath of life How to prevent oxygen starvation during quarantine

During general self-isolation, in order to stay healthy, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your body. Even if infection is avoided, there may be other problems associated with prolonged indoor exposure. One of the important indicators is SpO2, or blood oxygen saturation (saturation). When it decreases, hypoxemia occurs, a potentially dangerous condition that can lead to chronic diseases. However, there are already simple technologies for measuring SpO2, which are found, for example, in smart watches.

Blood oxygen saturation measures the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells - red blood cells. Hemoglobin with oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin, and without it is called deoxyhemoglobin.

Oxygen is needed to provide cells with energy for life, so its stable level in the blood is very important. The body itself maintains balance. Red blood cells collect oxygen in the lungs and distribute it to all tissues of the body, and in return carry away carbon dioxide from them. During exercise and mental activity, the body requires more oxygen than usual.

There are several ways to measure saturation. Doctors determine the oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin. To do this, a sample of blood taken from an artery is placed in a special device. Another, simpler method is pulse oximetry, which assesses blood oxygen saturation in peripheral tissues. The function of determining SpO2 in smart watches is based on a similar principle.

In normal life, the level of blood oxygen saturation in healthy people reaches 96-99 percent. In any case, it must be greater than 94 percent. At altitudes above 1,600 meters - where the thin mountain air contains less oxygen - the lower limit of saturation drops to 92 percent.

Photo: Huawei

Normally, the heart pumps about five liters of blood per minute, delivering about a liter of dissolved oxygen to the tissues. If less oxygen is supplied, or it occurs more slowly, hypoxemia may develop. For example, prolonged exposure to a stuffy or poorly ventilated area can cause blood oxygen saturation to drop below 90 percent, causing headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. During self-isolation and quarantine, hypoxemia risks becoming chronic. A person gets tired faster, drowsiness occurs, and mental performance decreases.

“The main reason for these problems is that organizing air exchange at home is voluntary, and the public’s awareness of how to do it correctly leaves much to be desired,” says cardiologist Andrei Rozhkov, leading specialist at the Semeynaya network of medical clinics. According to the doctor, factors such as heating and intensively working household appliances lead to dry air. In addition, families are now confined to apartments, which also reduces the volume of fresh air, and therefore the level of oxygen in it.

Chronic hypoxemia does not always manifest itself openly - a person may not even suspect that his body is suffering from a prolonged lack of oxygen. However, under stress or due to any illness, the symptoms of hypoxemia intensify: coughing attacks and confusion may appear. In addition, the load on the circulatory and respiratory systems increases, pulmonary hypertension and overload of the right ventricle of the heart occur - this is not far from chronic cardiovascular problems. In children, oxygen deficiency causes delays in physical development and sleep disturbances.

Since it is quite difficult to detect a chronic form of hypoxemia, frequent monitoring of the level of oxygen in the blood is required. According to Andrei Rozhkov, people who do not have any complaints about their health do not need to measure their oxygen levels. Constant monitoring is relevant during quarantine, when we are forced to spend a lot of time indoors, faced with symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing and heart palpitations. If SpO2 is low, you should ventilate the room more often, take breaks from work, avoid overwork, increasing the flow of fresh air to the lungs.

To avoid acute or chronic hypoxemia, you need to change your lifestyle. Firstly, eat right and ensure the body receives vitamins: the condition of blood vessels and blood cells depends on this. It is necessary to do warm-up and breathing exercises in a well-ventilated area. Since many people are unable to walk amid the pandemic, rooms should be ventilated as often as possible. It is imperative to provide an influx of fresh air before going to bed so that there is no feeling of stuffiness and dryness.

According to Andrei Rozhkov, the suitable temperature for an apartment is 18-23 degrees Celsius (16-21 degrees Celsius is recommended abroad), and humidity is 45-60 percent. “While awake, there should be 10-15 minutes of ventilation for every hour,” the cardiologist recommends. — Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the rooms with special intensity so that the temperature is at 16-18 degrees. It is worth noting that through ventilation is preferable when air movement is most intense. To humidify the apartment, you can carry out wet cleaning or use air humidifiers.”

Photo: Pavel Tkachuk

The process of restoring performance and physical activity after quarantine should be gradual. There is no need to suddenly change your daily routine and diet, as this can lead to overwork. “At work, you should take short breaks for physical exercise, and outside of work, try to spend more time in the fresh air,” says the doctor. — There is a big risk of losing all your energy and not getting into a normal working rhythm. In the first days after quarantine, it is better to take on the simplest and least important tasks.”

For long-term SpO2 monitoring, mountain climbers, professional athletes, and light aircraft pilots—those who are more likely to suffer from oxygen deprivation due to altitude or physical activity—typically use a pulse oximeter. This is a small device with LEDs that is worn on the finger and shines through the tissue, determining the color of the blood and its oxygen saturation.

Pulse oximetry is convenient, the results are shown almost instantly. But, despite the simplicity of the method, there are several nuances. “Measurements may not be accurate if nail polish (or false nails) or even cream are applied. In addition, it is advisable to keep your hands warm before measuring; the device must be put on your finger exactly as indicated in the instructions, and keep your hand motionless,” warns Andrey Rozhkov.

A more accessible and simpler way of testing is the infrared sensor in the Huawei Watch GT 2 series smartwatches. This function first appeared in the Watch GT 2e, a model for young people and sports enthusiasts. But now the entire GT 2 line of smartwatches supports blood oxygen level measurement. Like a pulse oximeter, the smartwatch sensor does not require blood sampling and laboratory tests; its operating principle is based on the absorption of light by hemoglobin. The user only needs to put on the watch, press it tightly to his hand, point the screen vertically upward and select the appropriate menu item, after which the data will appear on the screen. Smart watches allow you to constantly monitor the level of blood saturation and prevent hypoxemia.

The content of oxyhemoglobin may change, so a more informative picture requires long-term and regular monitoring of SpO2. It should be measured at different times of the day, during physical exercise, and mental work. Huawei Watch GT 2 allows you to track other important health indicators, including heart rate, stress levels and sleep quality in real time. Together with SpO2 monitoring, smart watches can provide detailed information about the state of the body and prevent unwanted disruptions in its functioning.

How does it manifest itself?

Acute cerebrovascular accident or stroke manifests itself with severe symptoms. May be observed:

  • speech disorders,
  • decreased sensitivity, numbness of the limbs;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • numbness of half the face, asymmetry of the tongue;
  • visual impairment (“spots”, spots, loss of vision);
  • coordination problems.

Chronic cerebrovascular accident develops gradually. Many people ignore the body’s signals, considering poor health to be the consequences of overwork. But a mild disorder gradually becomes a chronic disease. In this case, there will be no quick recovery: you will have to undergo a course of treatment, possibly in a hospital. Here are the signs of chronic circulatory disorders in the brain:

  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • minor motor disturbances (unsteadiness of gait, as the disease progresses - tremors of the hands, stiffness of movements);
  • dizziness.

How to measure

Today it is quite easy to measure blood saturation. There are special portable devices - pulse oximeters, which are put on your finger and show the result in a matter of minutes. They also measure a person's heart rate.

A decrease in oxygen levels is fraught with the development of hypoxia and a general disorder. After all, oxygen is a necessary nutritional element for all systems and organs of the human body.

Do the color of manicure and gel polish on nails affect pulse oximeter readings? More details

Prevention measures

Neurologist Anastasia Busygina highlights the following preventive measures:

  • do not smoke - one cigarette smoked causes vasospasm for 15-20 minutes, and carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke replaces oxygen, this leads to oxygen starvation of brain tissue;
  • monitor your blood pressure - a constant increase in pressure leads to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels, loss of their elasticity, and tissue swelling;
  • find out if your closest relatives have the following diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, previous heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, blood diseases (anemia) - they are always accompanied by cerebrovascular accidents.

If you are at risk for developing cerebrovascular accidents, undergo an annual scheduled examination: blood test (determination of cholesterol, glucose levels), ultrasound of cerebral vessels (diagnosis of the main arteries of the head), blood pressure monitoring. This allows you to see signs of a violation in time and prevent complications.


  • Acute cerebrovascular accident always manifests itself with characteristic symptoms - paresis, loss of sensitivity of a limb, half of the face, speech and hearing disorders . It is very important to get medical help as early as possible: the severity of the consequences of a stroke depends on this.
  • Chronic cerebrovascular accident develops gradually, the symptoms may resemble the consequences of overwork. If they occur from time to time over several weeks, this is a reason to consult a neurologist.
  • Visit a neurologist at least once a year if there are hereditary risks of developing cerebrovascular accidents.

Who should I contact if I don't have enough air?

There may be several reasons for feeling unwell. And it is not always clear which doctor to contact with a particular ailment. Our expert will help you navigate. In order to get a complete answer, in the comments to this article you need to:

  • briefly outline the main symptoms;
  • make the question as specific as possible;
  • write a question in the comments under this article.

You will find answers to your questions in the next issue of the section “What kind of doctor do I need?”

Question: I constantly have some kind of shortness of breath, as if I don’t have enough air or oxygen, but when I take a cardiogram, they say everything is fine. Here's how to figure it out... I actually don't have enough oxygen.

The feeling of lack of air - inspiratory shortness of breath - is difficulty breathing during inspiration with a feeling of insufficient oxygen supply to the body. In healthy people, difficulty in breathing may be associated with a discrepancy between the volume of air inhaled and the need for oxygen, for example, when performing physical activity, during training, or when climbing a mountain. Wearing tight clothing and belts can contribute to a feeling of lack of oxygen. Also, such a respiratory disorder in women can be associated with pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters.

A feeling of lack of oxygen can also occur in pathological conditions:

  • lung diseases of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the larynx;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chest and lung injuries;
  • foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract;
  • neurotic disorders.

To exclude pathological changes in the body and to determine the cause of shortness of breath, an examination by a general practitioner is necessary, who, taking into account the medical history, will prescribe the necessary amount of laboratory and instrumental studies (x-ray examination, study of the function of external respiration, determination of the gas composition of the blood, etc.), as well as consultation with specialized specialists (pulmonologist, otolaryngologist, etc.).


Question: I always want to sleep and have no strength. I used to have a lot of energy, but now, as soon as I have free time, I try to lie down. Around the same time, a strange cough appeared that did not go away. I've already tried a bunch of drugs, but nothing helps. I also began to sweat and began to lose weight. I don’t know if these symptoms are related, but I would like to understand which doctor to go to.

Drowsiness, decreased performance, weight loss, sweating and coughing are a symptom complex that may be characteristic of thyroid pathology. The cough in this situation is reflexive in nature and does not bring relief to the patient; it is often dry and persistent. At the same time, the cough treatment that we use for colds does not have an effect.

Other causes of increased fatigue and drowsiness may include:

  • deficiency conditions (anemic syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, B vitamin deficiency);
  • long-term stressful conditions;
  • sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, physical fatigue;
  • various diseases: chronic infections, systemic diseases, diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system, other endocrine diseases;
  • sleep disturbance.

If you have the above complaints, you must contact a general practitioner so that, based on the collection of complaints, examination and anamnesis, he will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental tests and, based on their results, refer you to specialized specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, etc.).

occupational therapist, head of the hospital “Clinics for the whole family 1 + 1”
answered your questions Photo depositphotos.com The author’s opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

When oxygen levels drop

As doctors note, a drop in blood oxygen saturation can be observed in various pathologies. Today, one of the main diseases for which blood oxygen levels are monitored is coronavirus. However, there are other pathologies that reduce saturation.

“We can note a decrease in saturation in diseases of the respiratory system such as pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and various other non-inflammatory lung lesions;

for diseases associated with a decrease in blood hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in the blood (for example, with anemia) and for various defects of the cardiovascular system,” lists Elena Dolgikh.

In addition, the specialist notes, a decrease in oxygen levels can be diagnosed in very obese people. Excess weight becomes a serious burden for the body, from which the cardiovascular and respiratory systems suffer the most. A person loses the ability to breathe deeply, which causes hypoventilation. If fat surrounds the lungs, then they cannot be fully filled with air during breathing. At night, the situation may worsen due to relaxation of the body.

“Smokers also need to monitor their oxygen levels. If a smoker’s saturation level is measured for the first time and it turns out to be low, then it is necessary to conduct examinations (smokers are more susceptible to diseases of the bronchopulmonary system). After ruling out all diseases, we will understand that this patient’s saturation level is normal,” explains Elena Dolgikh.

Special attention should be paid to reducing saturation during physical activity. “During physical activity, there may be a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood. But this will be the norm, since during active physical activity the body does not have time to be saturated with oxygen in the required amount. However, upon transition to a resting state, oxygen saturation is restored,” says Elena Dolgikh.

How often should healthy people check their saturation? More details

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