Feeling dizzy and nauseous: what could it be, the main reasons

If you experience a feeling of vomiting and feel dizzy, then this is a warning bell from the body, which indicates serious illness. Only a doctor can determine the cause of a pathogenic condition. Self-examination and self-medication will not lead to results. Treatment should be carried out using comprehensive measures.

Dizziness (vertigo syndrome) is a feeling during which a person feels that all objects are spinning around him.

Nausea is the stomach's desire to vomit.

What should be considered dizziness?

is one of the most common complaints among adult patients; most often they only complain of headache or back pain.

However, dizziness can mean completely different symptoms. Patients often call dizziness:

  • darkening of the eyes
    after a sudden change in position;
  • a veil before my eyes
  • presyncope (feeling of impending loss of consciousness). In this case, they usually complain of dizziness and weakness;
  • imbalance
    (instability and
    staggering when walking
  • feeling of faintness
    , a state reminiscent of intoxication. In this case, the complaint usually sounds like nausea and dizziness.

Such symptoms are certainly significant and may indicate various diseases (anemia, low blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems), but are not dizziness itself. True vertigo

) is a condition in which the patient has a feeling of rotation of actually stationary objects around him or, conversely, a false sensation of his own rotation or movement. Quite often it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased sweating.

Treatment methods

It is important to start treatment promptly if attacks occur frequently or are of high intensity. The regimen includes several steps aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms of headaches and dizziness.

  1. The first stage is relief of an attack of acute pain. For this purpose, analgesics, antiemetics, and antihistamines are prescribed.
  2. The second stage involves systemic treatment of the underlying cause of the attacks. The doctor will select a suitable regimen to support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, and endocrine glands.
  3. For pathologies of the cervical spine, non-drug methods are effective. Treatment methods such as massage, gymnastics, and physiotherapy may be prescribed.
  4. For migraines, conventional painkillers do not provide relief. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medications from the triptan group (sumatriptan).
  5. To restore balance, a set of exercises that can be performed at home is effective. It includes turning the head while stopping the gaze at a certain point, walking with eyes closed, and standing on one leg.

If you have a headache, feel sick, feel dizzy, or feel weak, you should definitely consult a doctor and start treating the problem. The Clinical Brain Institute offers comprehensive programs for diagnosing and treating headaches. Here you have the opportunity to undergo a full examination by experienced specialists and receive the most effective recommendations. Treatment takes place under the full supervision of general and specialized doctors, using new techniques and modern equipment.

Causes of dizziness

Control over the position of the body in space is ensured by the joint action of three anatomical systems of the body:

  • vestibular. The vestibular apparatus is located deep in the skull and includes sensitive receptors that respond to the movement of the body in space;
  • visual. The eyes provide basic information about our position in relation to objects in the world around us and the position of parts of our body in relation to each other.
  • peripheral sensory receptors found in muscles, joints and bones, which also provide the brain with information about the position of various parts of the body.

Stimulation of one or more of these systems can lead to dizziness (as, for example, dizziness occurs as a result of riding on a merry-go-round). If dizziness appears without any external reason, then the nature of such dizziness is obviously pathological. Most often, the cause of true (or, as it is also called, systemic) dizziness is a violation of the vestibular apparatus.

Diseases that may cause dizziness

Most often, dizziness occurs with the following disorders:

  • ear diseases
    , first of all:
      Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
      BPPV accounts for up to 80% of all cases of true dizziness. The name of this disease means that it does not pose a serious threat (therefore - benign), that attacks of dizziness occur suddenly (therefore - paroxysmal), that the attack begins when the position of the head changes - turning or tilting (therefore - positional). The cause of dizziness is the displacement of hard formations (otoliths) in the inner ear. Although BPPV may cause nausea and weakness, no other pathological changes are found on examination;
  • labyrinthitis
    (inflammation of the inner ear);
  • Meniere's disease
    (characterized by an increase in fluid in the cavity of the inner ear) - causes severe dizziness, accompanied by tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of fullness in the ear; may lead to hearing loss;
  • tumor (neurinoma) of the auditory nerve
  • barotrauma
    – rupture of the eardrum due to a sudden change in pressure;
  • other ear diseases
    - otitis media, eustachitis, cerumen plug;
  • brain disorders
    , including:
    (caused by disorders of the brain structures responsible for pain and other sensations) - dizziness during migraine is a harbinger of a painful attack;
  • brain tumors
  • traumatic brain injuries
    • diseases of the cervical spine
    • psychogenic dizziness
      is not true dizziness (that is, it is not associated with pathology of the vestibular apparatus). Most often described as a feeling of unsteadiness, brain fog, fear of falling and passing out. Occurs as a reaction to stress, usually accompanied by other psychogenic symptoms;
    • some other diseases.

    Diagnostic methods

    To understand why the patient feels sick, sick, and dizzy, a full examination should be performed. Various techniques are aimed at identifying hidden pathologies that require specific treatment. During the initial examination, the doctor collects medical history data. It is important to describe in as much detail as possible under what conditions the headache begins, how often attacks occur and how long they last. To confirm the diagnosis, the following techniques may be needed:

    • first of all, measuring blood pressure; the patient is also recommended to monitor it at home;
    • tests to check balance, including the Romberg test (deterioration in coordination of movements is manifested by staggering in a standing position, with eyes closed, feet shifted and straight arms extended forward);
    • a general blood test will indicate inflammatory processes, as well as various types of anemia;
    • blood test for glucose levels;
    • heart examination, which includes ultrasound diagnostics and electrocardiogram;
    • tests to assess hearing and visual acuity;
    • X-ray of the cervical spine;
    • study of blood flow in the vessels of the neck and head - a contrast agent is used for this;
    • electroencephalography - analysis of the bioelectrical activity of brain cells;
    • computer or magnetic resonance imaging is the most accurate, informative way to examine the brain, including soft tissues and blood vessels, which allows you to obtain a complete image of the affected area.

    At the Clinical Institute of the Brain, you can undergo a complete diagnosis and determine the causes of nausea, dizziness, and headaches. The regimen is selected individually, based on the results of the initial examination of the patient. An experienced doctor will prescribe only those studies and tests that will determine the nature of the pathology. This is the most important stage in solving the problem, since the diagnostic results allow you to select the most effective treatment regimen.

    Dizziness and weakness

    Dizziness and weakness can occur in many cases. This condition does not always mean that you are sick. Thus, in adolescence, weakness and dizziness are explained by hormonal changes. The autonomic nervous system is being rebuilt and growth rates are accelerating. Against this background, weakness, dizziness and even fainting are possible. Also, dizziness and weakness are typical during pregnancy.

    If the cases mentioned do not apply to you, dizziness and accompanying weakness most likely indicate some kind of pathology. Weakness and dizziness are most often observed with:

    • anemia (low hemoglobin content in the blood);
    • cerebrovascular accident. In this case, tinnitus, decreased attention, and the appearance of black spots before the eyes may also occur;
    • a sharp increase in blood pressure (hypertensive crisis). In this case, dizziness and weakness may be accompanied by a headache;
    • neurocirculatory dystonia;
    • oncological diseases.


    After eliminating the causes of the condition, you should not return to old habits or lifestyle that caused health problems. For prevention, it is better to lead a healthy lifestyle; to do this, just follow the recommendations:

    • normalize the drinking regime (there is a lot of information on the Internet for calculating water norms). Not only your health will improve, but also the condition of your skin and hair.
    • stop drinking alcoholic drinks.
    • reduce the amount of coffee you drink (if you cannot give up coffee, then you need to increase the amount of water you drink - 50 ml of water for 1 cup of coffee).
    • eat healthy and balanced (fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products).
    • spend more time outdoors (walk at least 10,000 steps a day).
    • relax more to improve your mental state (reading a book every day, playing sports (helps with osteochondrosis), watching comedies, meeting friends, macro and mini travel, listening to calm music (classical music has a much positive effect on the body than pop, rap and rock), visiting the pool, riding bicycles).
    • maintain a sleep schedule and get enough sleep (2 hours before bedtime, do not sit on your phone or laptop).
    • neutralize the source of stress and nervous breakdowns (quit your unloved job, erase people unworthy of you from your life).
    • After a hard day at work, take a relaxing bath with lavender oil or visit the pool.
    • undergo a medical examination every six months.
    • ventilate the room before going to bed.
    • reduce time spent on the phone and laptop.
    • maintain good posture (wrong posture affects the functioning of all organs).
    • Clean up your apartment or house, as clutter leads to stress.
    • attend manual therapy sessions.
    • go to therapeutic massage and physical exercise.
    • be more positive and follow all the doctor’s orders and prohibitions.
    • If you are allergic to eau de toilette and perfume waters, try to always carry antiallergic medications, ammonia with you, and avoid contact with a person who uses such perfumes.

    If you are diabetic, follow these tips:

    • do not allow sugar levels to go too high or low;
    • eat more cucumbers and tomatoes. they have virtually no calories and contain a sufficient amount of fiber and water;
    • give up store-bought sweets, they are more harmful to the body than chocolate;
    • replace sunflower oil with olive or coconut oil;
    • always carry insulin and a glucometer, dark chocolate and water with you;
    • replace white flour with rye and oatmeal;
    • Replace pasta made from white flour with products made from buckwheat flour;
    • Eat more protein, it helps lower blood sugar;
    • eat a banana before lunch;
    • don’t skip breakfast;
    • eat at exactly the right time;
    • take lunch and dinner to work;
    • Sweeteners raise sugar levels, so don’t buy them;
    • Do not delay treatment of colds and flu.

    Take care of yourself and your health! And remember, nerve cells do not regenerate!


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