Dangerous consequences of taking antidepressants and alcohol at the same time

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  • Functioning of antidepressant drugs
  • Alcohol while taking antidepressants
  • SSRIs-antidepressants and alcohol
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • MAO inhibitors
  • Alcohol with herbal antidepressants
  • Antidepressants and alcohol: consequences of joint use
  • Antidepressants and alcohol after completing a course of medication

Antidepressants and alcoholic drinks are incompatible things. If there is alcohol in the blood, the risk of side effects of antidepressants increases, which especially concerns the central nervous system. Let's look at why this happens.

What is the basis for the functioning of antidepressant drugs?

Basically, antidepressants are taken with the aim of increasing in the body the degree of production of hormones responsible for a favorable emotional background, normal mood, and an active mood.

After completing a course of taking such drugs, the patient begins to become interested in life, events and the people around him. The thoughts that his life is aimless and meaningless disappear.

The effect of taking such medications can be felt 14 days after starting to take the drugs, not earlier. The shortest duration of treatment is 3-4 months.

If the patient also has an alcohol addiction, then for the sake of his health and mental state he must give up alcohol for the entire duration of the course.
Otherwise, dangerous side effects may occur, the effects of which will be enhanced by drinking alcohol.

What antibiotics are safe to drink alcohol with?

It is better to completely abstain from drinking alcohol during illness. However, medications from the list below do not have a negative interaction with alcohol:

  • amoxicillin;
  • azithromycin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • cephalexin;
  • clarithromycin;
  • clindamycin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • penicillin.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group, including Doxycycline, have little interaction with alcohol. There is no need to worry about the development of a disulfiram-like reaction. However, ethyl alcohol significantly reduces the amount of tetracyclines in the blood. You must tell your doctor about the amount of alcohol you drink. The specialist will recalculate the dosage of medications and change the duration of the course of therapy.

Even if the doctor prescribes an antibiotic compatible with alcohol, it is necessary to take the treatment process responsibly. Any infection weakens the body, and the entry of ethyl alcohol into the blood will only worsen the resistance of the immune system.

Instead of strong drinks, it is better to drink clean water, eat right and get plenty of sleep. Alcohol interferes with the body's ability to absorb vital nutrients and increases blood sugar levels. And chronic alcoholism will even provoke constant relapses of infectious diseases, the development of multiresistance, bacterial resistance to all known types of antibiotics.

SSRI antidepressants and alcohol: consequences

Serotonin is a signaling substance. Brain cells exchange serotonin molecules to transmit information. If a person is depressed, then he has an imbalance of serotonin.

SSRI antidepressants stabilize the patient's mood, easing the course of depression.

SSRI drugs contain the following active ingredients:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Citalopram;
  • Escitalopram;
  • Fluvoxamine;
  • Venlafaxine;
  • Duloxetine.

Alcoholic drinks should not be combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, as they increase the side effects of taking antidepressant medications. Also, such combinations can cause depressive psychosis, sexual disorders, and the appearance of hallucinations.

Difficult blood clotting, a sudden decrease or increase in blood pressure, and arrhythmia are possible. Secretory functions may deteriorate.

Complex autonomic disorders may appear.

Treating vomiting from a hangover at home

You can treat vomiting at home if:

  • The patient's blood pressure did not drop below 70 mm. rt. Art.
  • Vomiting occurred no more than 3 times a day and brought relief.
  • The patient has no agitation (insomnia, tremors of the limbs, rushing around the room, the need for a hangover), and over the past 24 hours he has slept for at least 5-7 hours.
  • The patient is conscious (not inhibited), clearly oriented in time and space.
  • The patient does not have coffee-ground-colored vomit (this indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract).
  • In this case, you have a chance to be cured at home; all treatment will be limited to taking pills.

Tricyclic antidepressants

The structure of these drugs is similar: 3 connected ring-shaped molecules. This list includes drugs that contain the following active ingredients:

  • Amitriptyline;
  • Clomipramine;
  • Imipramine;
  • Tianeptine;
  • Pipofezin.

Such drugs have increased toxicity, so drinking alcohol while taking them is prohibited. Tricyclics have many serious side effects, and the presence of alcohol in the blood increases the risk of their occurrence or enhances their effects.

Tricyclic drugs are not compatible with alcohol, other medications, or certain foods.

Possible adverse reactions include the following.

  1. Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract (constipation, urinary retention). State of drowsiness, rapid heartbeat. Confusion of thoughts and consciousness may be recorded.
  2. A person gains excess weight and his blood pressure drops.
  3. Loss of appetite, feeling of nausea.
  4. Ejaculation and erection become worse.
  5. Convulsive attacks occur.
  6. Psychopathological symptoms worsen.
  7. Hypotension is observed.

In what cases is specific therapy prescribed?

Hormone replacement drugs are prescribed only when necessary ; taking them without a doctor’s recommendation is not recommended. There are many reasons for prescribing such medications:

  • Failures in the functioning of the pituitary gland - against the background of problems, a lack of growth hormone may occur;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Complications during puberty;
  • Tumors of a malignant nature;
  • Problems in the functioning and pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • Hereditary problems and disorders;
  • Thyroid dysfunction and other problems.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed even in cases where disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system are minimal - the effect of these compounds in the human body is so important. Drugs include substances that replace hormones or pure hormones themselves.

The result of taking medications is stabilization of the hormonal system and restoration of normal functioning of the body.

MAO inhibitors

MAO inhibitors are active substances that slow down the enzyme monoamine oxidase. These drugs include those that contain the following active ingredients: pirlindole and moclobemide.

When taking these inhibitors, you should not drink alcohol, otherwise serotonin and tyramine syndromes may occur. Taking antidepressants and alcohol lead to depression of the respiratory center and is therefore life-threatening. It is necessary to carefully follow the diet, as there are many drugs and foods that are incompatible with MAO inhibitors.

Possible adverse reactions include:

  • accelerated production of adrenaline and increase in its level;
  • neutralizing the effects of an antidepressant drug when drinking alcohol;
  • hypertensive attacks;
  • more frequent heartbeat.

When taking MAO inhibitors, non-alcoholic beer is also prohibited. Beer contains a lot of tyramine, a substance that increases adrenaline levels. When combined with an antidepressant drug, this can lead to terrifying consequences for a person.

It is forbidden to drink even half a glass of dry wine.

Restoring water-salt balance

The next stage will be restoring the water-salt balance. You need to drink 3.5 - 4.5 liters of liquid per day (2-3 tablespoons every 10-15 minutes). Only fractional intake of liquid will not cause a strong load on the stomach and will allow all the liquid to enter the body without provoking repeated vomiting and nausea. Despite the strong thirst, it should be taken only in this mode. You should not use kefir, mineral water, brine, rehydron, etc. at this stage. You only need to take slightly cool water. Water is absorbed in all parts of the digestive tract and does not require the involvement of other processes to enter the bloodstream. This is quite difficult, but the most correct!

Is it possible to drink alcohol with herbal antidepressants?

Mild herbal antidepressant drugs are known to have a mild calming effect. If a specialist has prescribed a person to take a course with such drugs, then drinking alcoholic beverages in this situation is not prohibited. However, you need to drink it in small doses to avoid a hangover.

The minimum break between drinking alcohol should be 7 days.

Thus, you must carefully read the instructions for the medications prescribed by your doctor. If “Antidepressant” is indicated in the “Pharmacological group” section, this means that drinking alcohol is prohibited during the period.

Indications for ACC

Before taking the drug, you must consult your doctor. ACC is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • respiratory diseases in the acute and chronic stages accompanied by the formation of sputum;
  • otitis media, sinusitis in acute and chronic stages of the disease, rhinosinusitis;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative conditions, accompanied by the formation of a viscous secretion.

Methods of using ACC

The daily dose of the drug for adults and adolescents from 14 years of age should not exceed 600 mg, children from 6 to 14 years of age are recommended no more than 400 mg, children under 5 years of age - no more than 300 mg of ACC per day. In some cases, the doctor may increase the daily dose of the medicine.

During the period of colds accompanied by cough with the formation of sputum, ACC is taken for 5 to 7 days. For more severe diseases - cystic fibrosis and bronchitis, the duration of taking the drug may be much longer.

The solution is consumed after meals. It is also recommended to take the medicine with water, as additional fluid intake enhances the effect of the drug.

Antidepressants and alcohol: consequences of joint use

There is a popular belief that alcohol is an affordable and effective “antidepressant”, which is also sold without a prescription. But in reality, the euphoria felt after drinking alcohol passes very quickly.

At first, the person's mood improves, but soon he feels increased irritability, and then becomes aggressive. After sobering up occurs, problematic, tormenting situations that led to a depressive state come flooding back.

Often people try to drink alcoholic beverages every day in order to feel tolerable.

The consequences of this situation include the formation of a persistent dependence on alcohol, as well as the complete ineffectiveness of taking antidepressant medications.

Antidepressants and alcohol, which are not compatible, as confirmed by experts, make the treatment of depression useless. A person develops serious health problems that become impossible to control.

When mixing antidepressant drugs and alcohol, negative health consequences arise - the appearance of pathologies in the brain and internal organs. Adverse consequences include:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • increased depression.


  1. Methods of psychotherapy for drug addicted patients / I. D. Darensky. — Moscow: Sputnik+ Company, 2007. — 414 p.
  2. A manual on narcology for doctors and paramedics of primary medical care / A. A. Churkin, T. V. Klimenko. - Moscow ; Khanty-Mansiysk: Health and Society, 2006 (Cheboksary: ​​IPK Chuvashia). — 173 p.
  3. How to get rid of bad habits quickly and without problems: [result 100%] / I. A. Cheryasova. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2008. - 191 p.

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Antidepressants and alcohol after completing a course of medication

Often, addiction to alcohol is a prerequisite for the onset of depression. Treatment can only be carried out when the body has been cleansed of ethyl alcohol and its metabolic products. For this purpose, a strong detoxification is carried out, during which enterosorbents are used and detoxification agents are administered intravenously.

Testing will help determine whether alcohol has been completely eliminated from the patient’s body. If the result is positive, then the person is prescribed treatment for depression with appropriate medications.

When the course of medication has come to an end or there is an objective need to stop taking it, then starting to drink alcohol is allowed only 14 days after the treatment course has completed. Otherwise, a person will experience serious disorders of both the nervous system and all internal organs.

According to patients who have undergone full treatment for depression, it is necessary to get rid of alcohol addiction in order to have a chance to live a healthier and happier life.

Painkillers, antihistamines, tranquilizers

The instructions for many sedatives threaten drinkers with a variety of consequences, from “paradoxical reactions such as psychomotor agitation, aggressive behavior” to coma.

The point here is this. Because ethanol is a small molecule, it easily passes through the barrier that separates the brain from the general bloodstream. There it immediately begins to act on dopamine receptors - however, each time it becomes less and less effective. Alcohol gradually weakens the dopamine system, and the body loses sensitivity to its own level of the transmitter, that is, addiction occurs (for mice, for example, it is enough to drink just once). In addition, ethanol also affects other receptors on nerve cells - for example, it causes them to more actively absorb the inhibitory transmitter GABA. All together, this leads to the fact that alcohol ultimately turns out to be one of the strongest depressants.

This means that ethanol will only enhance the effects of any drugs that depress the central nervous system. For example, benzodiazepines, which doctors prescribe as tranquilizers to relieve seizures and anxiety. Or some antispasmodics, like pitofenone. Or first generation antihistamines - the same ones that often cause drowsiness (with new generations, they say, this problem no longer arises).

The stronger the “inhibitory” effect of the medicine itself, the more dangerous it is to combine it with alcohol. And if ethanol also accelerates the dissolution and absorption of the drug - this happens, for example, with one of the most powerful opioid analgesics, hydromorphone - then two glasses of vodka (220 ml of 40-proof alcohol) can cause an overdose and “slow down” the nervous system up to of death.

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