How to take Detralex for high blood pressure? Everything you need to know before you start taking it

Detralex is a strong pharmacologically active French original drug that is used in the treatment of vein diseases.

The drug is registered in Ukraine and has a dual effect:

  1. Venotonic – increases the tone of the vascular walls by increasing the contraction of cells in smooth muscles. The elasticity and ability of the veins to maintain pressure inside the vessels increases, and stretching decreases.
  2. Angioprotective – improves the transport of substances to the capillaries, normalizes metabolism, reduces permeability and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Prevents lymph stagnation and increases blood supply to tissues.

Reduces the symptoms of inflammation by stopping the formation of substances that trigger the inflammatory response mechanism in the blood vessels and cause pain in the legs.

Release form and composition

The main components of Detralex are the bioflavonoids diosmin and hesperidin - these are substances of plant origin. With their help you can get rid of stagnation in blood vessels. If the drug is used correctly, capillary fragility is reduced and vascular microcirculation is restored. After its use, the veins acquire plasticity, in addition, lymphatic outflow in the body increases.

Detralex is sold in tablets. They can have different dosages - 0.5 or 1 g. One tablet, in addition to flavonoids, contains excipients: water, gelatin, magnesium stearate, microcellulose, titanium dioxide, talc, macrogol, glycerol, iron oxide.

Detralex is a modern medicinal product consisting of components of natural origin

Popular questions about Detralex

Detralex: how to take the drug?

Detralex in the treatment of leg swelling is taken 2 times a day. Take the medicine according to the following regimen: 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening after meals. The drug is washed down with water at room temperature.

How to take Detralex for hemorrhoids?

To reduce acute effects and alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, the drug is used 2 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening, not on an empty stomach. Daily dose - 6 tablets. Course – 4 days.

How to use Detralex 1000 for varicose veins?

Detralex is available in tablets that contain 500 and 1000 mg of active ingredient.
The difference is in the amount of diosmin and hesperidin in one tablet (450 and 50 mg in the first case and 900 and 100 mg in the second) and the number of tablets in the package - 60 and 30 pieces. In pharmacies, the drug is presented in two dosage forms, the price of which differs slightly. The frequency of taking Detralex 1000 is halved. To treat varicose veins, take 1 tablet once after a meal.

Detralex. How long to take the drug?

The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease and is usually 2-3 months under the supervision of a doctor.


The drug is prescribed for:

  • venous insufficiency, including before or after surgery, during the rehabilitation period;
  • chronic, acute hemorrhoids.

"Detralex" can be used at any age, it reduces swelling, relieves pain, heaviness, cramps, and fatigue in the legs. For hemorrhoids, it is also necessary to use venotonic drugs, such as Detralex. It helps reduce the risk of serious complications.

Detralex: indications for use

Detralex is prescribed to alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of diseases in which the tone of blood vessels is impaired:

  • varicose veins, accompanied by pain, which is caused by cramps in the lower extremities that occur at night, a feeling of “fatigue, fullness, stiffness in the morning, heaviness and swelling” in the legs.
  • to alleviate acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

For the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, which impedes the outflow of lymph:

  • with trophic changes in the skin
  • trophic ulcers of veins
  • swelling in the lower extremities.


You should avoid using the drug if you have an individual intolerance to certain components. It is also not recommended to give the drug to children under 18 years of age.

Detralex has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect

Do not use in case of impaired blood clotting or open trophic ulcers. Detralex should not be taken with alcohol, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment will noticeably decrease and adverse reactions may occur.

Mode of application

The doctor individually selects the dosage depending on the diagnosis. For venous disease - no more than 2 tablets (500 mg) per day. They must be swallowed immediately. The course of therapy is about a month.

For acute hemorrhoids, the tablets should be taken for about a week. In this case, the dosage is increased to 6 tablets per day (the dose is divided into two times). For the first 4 days this maximum dosage is used, then it is reduced to 2 tablets.

In the postoperative period, Detralex should be taken twice a day, no more than 1 tablet, and the person must adhere to a diet, use special creams, and suppositories.

Does Detralex reduce or increase blood pressure?

It is important to understand that the drug is prescribed to patients with impaired functioning of the lymphatic system, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, but if there are problems with blood pressure, many experts are sure that this medicine should not be used. The pharmaceutical drug increases venous tone, reduces the distensibility of veins, but does not affect blood pressure.

Indications for the use of the drug for high blood pressure are inappropriate, since it does not have any effect on its level


The description of the drug Detralex on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Side effects and overdose

Very rarely, after taking Detralex, various side effects appear. If you use the drug for a long time, disorders in the central nervous system are observed, dizziness, stomach problems arise - nausea, diarrhea.

In addition, you need to use the drug carefully if you are hypersensitive, otherwise an unexpected allergic reaction may occur - itching, hives, various rashes, blisters.

Attention! If unpleasant symptoms appear after taking Detralex, stop taking the medicine and consult your doctor immediately.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the drug, immediately rinse the stomach, and take the sorbent “Activated Carbon”, “Enterosgel” or “Smecta”.

Contraindications to the drug include: patient sensitivity to the components of the pharmaceutical product

Detralex 1000 mg, 30 film-coated tablets

Registration Certificate Holder

Les Laboratoires Servier (France)

Dosage form

Medicine - Detralex® (Detralex®)


Film-coated tablets

orange-pink, oval, with a notch on both sides; appearance of the tablet on the break: from pale yellow to yellow with a heterogeneous structure.

1 tab.

purified micronized flavonoid fraction 1000 mg, incl. diosmin 900 mg (90%) flavonoids in terms of hesperidin 100 mg (10%)


: purified water, gelatin, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch type A, talc.

Film shell composition:

sodium lauryl sulfate, macrogol 6000, orange-pink premix for film shell, consisting of: glycerol, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, red iron oxide dye, titanium dioxide, yellow iron oxide dye.

9 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs, with first opening control (if necessary). 9 pcs. - blisters (3) - cardboard packs, with first opening control (if necessary). 10 pieces. - blisters (3) - cardboard packs, with first opening control (if necessary). 10 pieces. - blisters (6) - cardboard packs, with first opening control (if necessary).


Detralex® is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of chronic venous diseases (elimination and relief of symptoms).

Treatment of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency:

  • pain;
  • spasms of the lower extremities;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs;
  • "tired" legs.

Treatment of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • venous trophic ulcers.

Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for use

  • hypersensitivity to the active components or excipients included in the drug;
  • pregnancy (limited or no experience with use);
  • period of breastfeeding (experience of use is limited or absent);
  • children under 18 years of age (no experience of use).

pharmachologic effect


Detralex® has venotonic and angioprotective properties. The drug reduces the distensibility of veins and venous stagnation, reduces capillary permeability and increases their resistance. The results of clinical studies confirm the pharmacological activity of the drug in relation to indicators of venous hemodynamics.

A statistically significant dose-dependent effect of the drug Detralex® was demonstrated for the following venous plethysmographic parameters: venous capacity, venous distensibility, venous emptying time.

The optimal dose-effect ratio is observed when taking 1000 mg per day.

Detralex® increases venous tone: using venous occlusion plethysmography, a decrease in the time of venous emptying was shown. In patients with signs of severe microcirculation disorders, after treatment with Detralex® there is a (statistically significant compared to placebo) increase in capillary resistance, assessed by angiostereometry.

The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug Detralex® has been proven in the treatment of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Drug interactions

Clinical studies have not been conducted to study the interaction of Detralex® with other drugs.

To date, no cases of drug interactions have been reported.

Dosage regimen


The tablets should be swallowed with water. The score on the tablet is intended solely for scoring purposes to make it easier to swallow.

The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 1 tablet/day, preferably in the morning, during meals.

The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated.

The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 3 tablets/day (1 tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening) for 4 days, then 2 tablets/day (1 tablet in the morning and evening) for the next 3 days.

The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 1 tablet/day.


Symptoms: data on cases of overdose of Detralex® are limited. The most common adverse reactions in cases of overdose were gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain) and skin reactions (itching, rash).

Treatment: assistance in case of overdose should consist of eliminating clinical symptoms.

In case of overdose of the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor

Side effect

Side effects of Detralex® observed during clinical trials were mild. Mostly gastrointestinal disorders were observed (diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting).

While taking the drug Detralex®, the following side effects were reported in the following gradation: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100, <1/10), infrequently (≥1/1000, <1/100) , rare (≥1/10,000, <1/1000), extremely rare (<10,000), unspecified frequency (frequency cannot be calculated from available data).

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - dizziness, headache, general malaise.

From the gastrointestinal tract: often - diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting; infrequently - colitis; unspecified frequency - abdominal pain.

From the skin: rarely - skin rash, itching, urticaria; unspecified frequency - isolated swelling of the face, lips, eyelids; in exceptional cases - angioedema.

The patient should be informed that if any symptoms appear during therapy, incl. Undesirable reactions and sensations not mentioned in the instructions, as well as changes in laboratory parameters, should be reported to your doctor.

special instructions

Before starting to use the drug Detralex®, the patient is recommended to consult a doctor.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the use of Detralex® does not replace the specific treatment of other diseases of the rectum and anal canal. When using the drug on your own, do not exceed the maximum periods and recommended doses specified in the “Dosage regimen” section. If symptoms of hemorrhoids persist after the recommended course of therapy, you should be examined by a proctologist, who will select further therapy.

In the presence of venous circulation disorders, the maximum effect of treatment is ensured by combining therapy with a healthy (balanced) lifestyle: it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, long periods of standing, and it is also recommended to reduce excess body weight. Walking and, in some cases, wearing special stockings helps improve blood circulation.

The patient should immediately consult a doctor if the condition worsens or does not improve during treatment.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

Clinical studies have not been conducted to study the effect of the drug Detralex® on the ability to drive a car and perform work that requires a high speed of mental and physical reactions. However, based on the available safety data, it can be concluded that Detralex® does not affect (does not have a significant effect) on these processes.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.

Best before date

Shelf life: 4 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions during pregnancy - Contraindicated. Restrictions when breastfeeding - Contraindicated.


There are no or limited data on the use of purified micronized flavonoid fraction in pregnant women.

Animal studies have not shown reproductive toxicity.

As a precautionary measure, it is preferable not to use Detralex® during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding period

It is unknown whether the purified micronized flavonoid fraction (metabolites) passes into human breast milk.

A risk for newborns and infants cannot be excluded. It is necessary to make a decision either to stop breastfeeding or to cancel therapy with Detralex®, taking into account the benefits of breastfeeding for the child and the benefits of therapy for the woman.

Effect on reproductive function

Reproductive toxicity studies showed no effect on reproductive function in rats of either sex

Use in children

Restrictions for children - Contraindicated. Use in children and adolescents under 18 years of age is contraindicated.

Terms of sale

The drug is available without a prescription.

Contacts for inquiries


125196 Moscow st. Lesnaya, 7, fl. 7/8/9 BC “White Gardens” Tel. Fax


"Antistax" refers to herbal angioprotective agents (Swiss production). The drug can be purchased in capsules, spray and gel. Doctors prescribe medicine at the beginning of the development of venous insufficiency, as well as in phlebopathic syndrome.

“Troxevasin” is a semi-synthetic drug that has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and venotonic effects. Prescribed in combination with other medications for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The drug is prohibited for chronic gastritis and ulcers.

Phlebodia 600 is a French drug that contains diosmin. The medicine is used for lymphatic and venous diseases. In addition, inexpensive and effective analogues are Anavenol, Venozol, Venarus.

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