Why does cold reduce blood pressure?


Last modified: July 23, 2021 at 01:11 am

If jumps in blood pressure become frequent and are accompanied by increased anxiety, nervous excitement and anxiety have increased. If you feel that the heart muscle is working hard, your face turns purple, and green spots appear in your eyes, this means that vascular spasm processes are occurring in the body and the resistance of the vascular walls to blood flow increases. This pathology is called hypertension. Is it possible to soar your legs with high blood pressure and how to properly prepare for the procedure - we will describe in this article.

The effect of hot foot baths on the body

Is it possible to soar your legs if you have hypertension? Need to! It has been known since ancient times that hot foot baths can reduce high blood pressure. Due to its effectiveness, this folk method of combating hypertension is nicknamed “first aid.”

Steam foot baths promote the following changes in the cardiovascular system:

  1. there is a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle;
  2. the rest period of the heart muscle increases;
  3. blood flow in the vessels improves;
  4. the return of blood to the right side of the heart muscle is normalized;
  5. the amount of blood pushed by the left ventricle increases;
  6. the resistance of the vascular walls decreases;
  7. blood supply to organs such as the kidneys, liver and brain is normalized.

In addition to the effect on the cardiovascular system, steam foot baths help strengthen the immune system, since biologically active points that activate the normal functioning of internal organs are located on the feet. Hot water also activates the endocrine glands, which prevents diabetes. Thanks to improved blood circulation, there is an improvement in the condition of the skin.

Expert opinion

Most people believe that applying cold to the back of the head increases blood pressure. However, Dr. Shishonin denied this version.

The human body works on reflexes. This is the main part of the life of our body, which we are not aware of. The reflex of contact with cold is quite simple, that is, if you apply cold to the back of your head, the body perceives it as if you had fallen into an ice hole. In order to warm the body, the brain gives a command to the capillaries of the body to expand.

The mechanism of cold action on the body is quite simple. In this case, expansion of capillaries is observed in all muscles and internal organs. Thus, the pressure will inevitably decrease, that is, if small vessels in the system open, the pressure drops.


It is useful for hypertensive patients to know that prolonged exposure to the cold or in a cold room is fraught with an increase in blood pressure due to changes occurring in the body.

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Dr. Shishonin recommends applying cold to the neck and back of the head for a few seconds (from 15 to 60 seconds). The ice pack does not need to be kept in one place. It's best to move it constantly. This is how cryomassage is performed. After this procedure, you must wipe your neck dry with a towel.

Dr. Shishonin recommends applying cold to the neck and back of the head for a few seconds (from 15 to 60 seconds). The ice pack does not need to be kept in one place. It's best to move it constantly. This is how cryomassage is performed. After this procedure, you must wipe your neck dry with a towel.

If you keep the compress for several minutes, you can chill the ligaments, muscles and even bones. You will experience aseptic (non-bacterial) inflammation. The body will fight the cold, macrophages and immune system cells will come to the affected area, which will begin to protect the body from the effects of a negative factor. All these actions will lead to the formation of edema and clamping of the vertebral arteries.

Little blood, and therefore little oxygen, begins to flow into the brain. The vascular center increases pressure, as a result of which a person develops hypertensive syndrome or even a hypertensive crisis. The swelling will go away in one or even two weeks, so the person will suffer all this time.


The occipital region is good not only for regulating blood pressure, but also for normalizing overall health. After such procedures, a person feels more energetic, his brain activity and physical activity improve.


You can steam your feet at high blood pressure, but before carrying out the procedure you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. Experts prohibit soaring legs during pregnancy, varicose veins, and menstruation.

It is also not recommended to hover your legs under pressure in case of such pathological conditions of the body:

  1. spasm of coronary vessels;
  2. atherosclerosis;
  3. angina attacks;
  4. previous stroke or myocardial infarction;
  5. cancer;
  6. tuberculosis;
  7. blood clotting disorders;
  8. skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, ulcers).

Types of baths

Local foot baths are used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of arterial hypertension. As a rule, bath treatment is prescribed by specialists in the complex treatment of the disease.

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At home or in a hospital, you can warm your feet in the following types of steam baths:

  • simple - fresh water is used without additives or impurities;
  • medicinal - medicinal substances are added to fresh water to promote faster relaxation of the walls of blood vessels (pine, mustard baths);
  • mineral - the main component of such baths is mineral water (sodium chloride, sea, iodine-bromine, radon, hydrogen sulfide baths);
  • gas - carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen are added to the water.

Coniferous baths

Baths with pine needles have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Vasodilation under the influence of high temperatures is accompanied by the influence of essential oils on the central nervous system (directly through the skin). Due to this, a calming effect is observed.

Cooking rules

To prepare a pine foot bath, you need to heat fresh water to 36C. Add a few tablets of dry pine concentrate or use liquid concentrate in an amount of 50 ml per 5 liters of water.

To achieve better dissolution, dry pine concentrate should first be diluted in a small container with hot water.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes. The full course of treatment involves 15 procedures, which are carried out every other day.

It is possible to use freshly collected raw materials.

Mustard baths

To achieve faster blood flow to the legs, use baths with the addition of mustard powder. In addition to the local irritant and warming effect, mustard powder exhibits antiseptic properties, affecting pathogenic bacteria and fungi. With regular use, there is an improvement in blood flow to the internal organs, and a decrease in spasms of the vessel walls and smooth muscles.

Mustard baths effectively cope with a hypertensive crisis and are a means of first aid.

Cooking rules

Heat the water to 40C and dissolve mustard powder in it (50 grams of mustard is used per 1 liter), lower the feet into the bath. They are covered with a blanket or terry towel to avoid inhaling caustic fumes. The duration of mustard therapy is 20 minutes. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with warm water and wiped dry.

Gaufe bath

To improve blood supply to the heart muscle and limbs, which helps to quickly reduce blood pressure, Gaufe baths are used. The essence of the procedure is to slowly warm up the limbs with a gradual increase in water temperature.

Rules for the procedure

The patient's legs and arms are placed in separate baths filled with 37C water. The patient's body is tightly covered with a blanket. The temperature in the baths is gradually increased from 37 to 42C over 15 minutes. After the water has reached the maximum set temperature, it is maintained for another 15 minutes. Warming baths are used at least 10 times daily.

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Sodium chloride baths

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the concentration of chlorine and potassium ions in the water. Therefore, the amount of active substance is calculated individually by a specialist.

Potassium and chlorine ions, without being absorbed into the body, cover the patient’s skin, forming a protective layer. Thanks to this salt layer, long-term irritation of the receptor apparatus occurs, which helps lower blood pressure.

Chloride baths normalize the protective functions of the immune system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.

Cooking rules

To prepare a sodium chloride bath, you need to dissolve table or sea salt in mineral water heated to 40C. The required amount of salt is calculated as 200 g. for 5 liters of water. Feet should be kept in the bath for no more than 10 minutes. The procedure should be performed every other day for 20 days.

After warming up your feet, it is not recommended to rinse with running water to obtain a more pronounced effect.

Iodine-bromine baths

Iodine ions have a specific effect on the body. Getting into the blood, they improve its fluidity. Reaching the cerebral cortex, iodine inhibits excitation processes, which contributes to a sedative effect.

Bromine also has a calming effect, and when exposed to high temperatures, it has a relaxing effect on the vascular walls.

Cooking rules

To prepare an iodine-bromine bath, dissolve sodium iodide (per liter of water - 100 g) and potassium bromide (per 1 liter - 250 g). Add 30 g. table or sea salt. The water temperature should reach 37C. The duration of the procedure varies from 10 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Hydrogen sulfide baths

Improving peripheral blood circulation and skin respiration, accelerating and normalizing all metabolic processes in the body is achieved by warming the feet in hydrogen sulfide baths. This procedure is carried out at resorts in Sochi and Pyatigorsk.

Rules for the procedure

The water temperature is regulated by specialists; the concentration of hydrogen sulfide must be at least 25 mt/l. 10 baths are prescribed every other day. Warm up your feet for no more than 10 minutes.


Low blood pressure is not as common as hypertension, however, it brings no less trouble. Women especially suffer from hypotension during pregnancy and those who are on a diet.

The main symptoms of impending fainting against the background of low pressure are arrhythmia, severe headache, lightheadedness, flashing of black or white luminous spots before the eyes. Basic first aid methods for low blood pressure are suitable both for those who have an attack alone, and for people who are on the street or in a public place.

  1. If you feel symptoms that indicate imminent fainting, you need to sit down. Keep your breathing calm and lower your head down to knee level. Even if you feel better, rest for another 20-30 minutes without getting up.
  2. If there is a sudden deterioration in your general condition (very dizzy), use acupuncture (acupressure). For 3 minutes, you need to massage the point between the base of the nose and the lip (helical movements). The second option is a point on the little finger of the hand, near the nail, closer to the ring finger. It is advisable to massage both fingers. This is first aid that can be done independently without attracting undue attention, for example, at a lecture or in the theater.
  3. To relieve spasmodic headaches, massage your neck, arms and back of your head with force. You can put mustard plasters on your calves for 5 minutes. At work, it will be more convenient to immerse your hands in hot water up to your elbows for 10 minutes, and then quickly and vigorously rub your limbs.
  4. A heating pad will relieve sudden loss of strength. Apply it to your neck, forehead, ears and nose. A glass of hot tea will replace a heating pad in the workplace. They can warm your nose and hands.
  5. Aromatherapy. A couple of drops of essential oil on a handkerchief will help restore strength. Breathing calmly for 5 minutes can work wonders. Use lavender, jasmine, mint, rosemary, and clove oils.
  6. Regular exercise will help relieve drowsiness. Sitting on a chair, spread your legs and cross your arms behind your head. Slowly lower yourself to your knees, taking a deep breath before doing so. As you exhale, straighten up. Three times is enough to improve blood circulation.
  7. If low blood pressure constantly bothers you, then it’s a good idea to take walks instead of lying or sitting. This is especially true for pregnant women, whose blood pressure monitoring is mandatory. When moving, blood circulates faster through the veins, which helps to warm the body faster. If an attack threatens to occur while you are walking, then you should go to the nearest cafe for hot tea or coffee.

If blood pressure regularly drops below a critical level, then it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a course of treatment, including taking tonic drugs and adaptogens.

Rules for steaming legs for hypertension

  1. It is not recommended to eat immediately before the procedure;
  2. You should not wash your feet after steaming under running water;
  3. there is also no need to take a shower after warming up your feet;
  4. immediately after the procedure, you need to warm your feet with woolen socks;
  5. It is not recommended to go outside for three hours after baths;
  6. the water in the container should reach knee level;
  7. After warming up your legs, it is advisable to take a horizontal body position.
  8. You are allowed to drink mineral water during the procedure.

Treatment with warm water helps lower blood pressure due to its effect on the cardiovascular system. The required type of steam baths is selected individually, depending on the patient’s health condition and the characteristic characteristics of the body. By warming up the legs, it is not possible to completely get rid of the pathological process of spasms of the vascular walls, just like with medications. However, you can prevent the development of a hypertensive crisis and significantly improve your health with regular use of hot baths for your feet and hands.

Be careful! These procedures should only be performed under the supervision of relatives or medical personnel.

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