What blood pressure is considered normal and high?

When a person experiences an increase in blood pressure, in addition to the upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) values, it is necessary to take into account the difference between them.

The higher it is, the more dangerous this condition is for the body, since the load on the myocardium increases significantly.

Therefore, a pressure of 140 over 50 or 60 is extremely unfavorable for a person and requires immediate medical attention.

What do we know about hypertension

Arterial hypertension is a disease in which the main symptom is an increase in blood pressure levels.
Most often, this disease progresses slowly, and even for a long period there may be no significant symptoms. At this stage, its important feature is that only occasionally moments of exacerbation may occur.

At the initial stage of development of hypertension, rises in blood pressure may be infrequent and depend on the body's response to external factors. This could be physical strain, stress, or even eating certain foods. A common occurrence in such people is burdened heredity.

The following symptoms may gradually appear:

  • Noise in ears;
  • Pain in the occipital region;
  • Dizziness;
  • Weakness;
  • Attacks of tachycardia.

Sometimes negative manifestations of the heart may also occur. These include squeezing pain and a feeling of heaviness. Hypertensive attacks are usually accompanied by cardiac arrhythmias, and headaches may also be more severe during this period.

If the treatment of arterial hypertension is not given due importance, then over time it can develop into heart failure. This is due to the fact that in the last stages of the disease, cardiac output is significantly reduced. Against this background, the secretion of renin and, accordingly, angiotensin 2 increases, which leads to an increase in the hormone aldosterone in the blood.

The longer this process takes, the more pronounced the vascular tone becomes.

With hypertension, organic changes occur in the walls of blood vessels, which are followed by metabolic disorders and depletion of reserves in the vital structures of the body.

Daily rules for normalizing blood pressure

By following a number of simple recommendations, you can significantly alleviate the condition and bring your blood pressure to normal levels:

Get a full night's sleep (on average 8 hours is required). A well-designed menu, implying at least 4 meals during the day. Prevention of oxygen starvation. Regular ventilation of the premises and walks are necessary. A properly organized workplace. Lack of lighting or an uncomfortable posture can cause headaches and pressure surges. Before going to bed, lying on your back, you need to raise your legs high (you can lean them against the wall) to ensure the outflow of blood. Lie in this position for a quarter of an hour. Home pageHealth and medicine

If a person wakes up in the morning but feels sleep-deprived and often notices headaches and dizziness, especially when he sits up suddenly after lying down, most likely his lower blood pressure is too low.

Periods of low blood pressure are observed even in a healthy person, for example, due to the use of certain medications, from constant noise, fatigue and a high electromagnetic field. If these symptoms persist, they speak of a chronic problem of low diastolic pressure.

Daily rules for normalizing blood pressure

By following a number of simple recommendations, you can significantly alleviate the condition and bring your blood pressure to normal levels:

  1. Get a full night's sleep (on average 8 hours is required).
  2. A well-designed menu, implying at least 4 meals during the day.
  3. Prevention of oxygen starvation. Regular ventilation of the premises and walks are necessary.
  4. A properly organized workplace. Lack of lighting or an uncomfortable posture can cause headaches and pressure surges.
  5. Before going to bed, lying on your back, you need to raise your legs high (you can lean them against the wall) to ensure the outflow of blood. Lie in this position for a quarter of an hour.

When a person experiences an increase in blood pressure, in addition to the upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) values, it is necessary to take into account the difference between them.

The higher it is, the more dangerous this condition is for the body, since the load on the myocardium increases significantly.

Therefore, a pressure of 140 over 50 or 60 is extremely unfavorable for a person and requires immediate medical attention.

Natalya Tver

I cured hypertension in 2 months together with my husband! A remedy for 99 rubles helped me, which I learned about from an interview with doctor Bokeria L.A.

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What should be the pulse of a healthy person?

The pulse of a healthy person should be 60-100 rhythmic beats per minute. It should be clearly noticeable. If the pulse is felt weakly, sometimes completely disappearing, this may indicate pathologies.

The number of pulse beats can be influenced by many factors:

exercise stress;

general health;

person's weight.

Therefore, it is worth taking all aspects into account before making any diagnoses. So, for example, an athlete or a young healthy person’s pulse can reach 55 beats per minute, and this will be considered normal, while for an elderly person such a pulse is a sign of bradycardia

And at the same time, constant high levels can warn that the heart is working at the limit of its capabilities.

Blood pressure and pulse are not interrelated in any way. That is, with high blood pressure, a rapid pulse is not necessary, and vice versa. In other words, if a person has a blood pressure of 140/60, a pulse of 60, and at the same time he feels well, this is the norm. Still, you should keep these two indicators within limits and not allow excessive increases.

Alarming symptoms

If a person has a constant pressure of 140 to 90 or 143 to 93 mm Hg. feels well and there are no other abnormalities in his health, which means that this blood pressure is normal for him. However, if the following signs of hypertension appear, you should not hesitate and seek help from specialists:

  • headache (unpleasant sensations worsen in the morning or after physical activity);
  • there is a constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, irritability;
  • sweating increases;
  • there is noise in the ears, “spots” in front of the eyes;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • pain appears in the chest area;
  • the face swells;
  • the head and neck turns red;
  • climbing a few steps ends in shortness of breath.

Important! It is also necessary to pay attention to heart rate indicators, the norm of which also depends on age. If the heartbeat quickens (pulse 90 and above) or bradycardia appears (pulse 60 and below) in a young person - at 30 years old, this may indicate serious disorders. At the same time, a pulse of 100 in a first-grader is not elevated - this is an optimal indicator that does not require correction.

Blood pressure 140 over 60 what to do

Given these indicators, the decision to take a particular drug is made by the doctor. All medications for hypertension lower both lower and upper blood pressure. With a blood pressure of 140 over 60, the diastolic (lower) indicator is therefore low, and improper self-medication can lead to an even greater decrease in blood pressure, the development of life-threatening diseases, and even death.

The specialist will recommend what medications to take after a full examination and test results. As a rule, several medications are prescribed at once, which:

  1. Improves heart function and strengthens the heart muscle.
  2. Normalize the functioning of blood vessels and increase their endurance.
  3. Remove excess fluid from the body (in case of swelling).

How does a person feel?

Depending on the general condition of the body and the severity of the manifestation of pressure 140 to 50 (60) - patients in some cases either do not notice any symptoms at all, or report extremely severe manifestations.

Symptoms of pressure 140 to 60 (50):

  • loss of orientation in space;
  • feeling of warmth (heat) throughout the body;
  • confusion;
  • sensation of pulsation;
  • acute painful sensation in the heart area;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes, in particular the eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • noise and heaviness in the head;
  • increased feeling of anxiety;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • rapid pulse;
  • redness of the skin.

Pregnant women sometimes experience a slow heart rate combined with a blood pressure of 140 over 60. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Blood pressure 140/60 possible causes

Typically, the development of the disease is associated with pathological processes in the vascular system. This can be either atherosclerosis or weak vascular tone. All this gradually leads to the disruption of blood circulation and the development of hypoxic processes in tissues.

What can trigger the development of the disease:

  • A malfunction of the nervous system, when arterioles spasm due to hyperactivity of nerve cells. Most often, this phenomenon is encountered by people after stressful situations, general exhaustion, as well as by elderly people.
  • A benign hormone-producing tumor also plays an important role in the development of hypertension. This disease is associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands, which leads to increased production of adrenaline. At the same time, vascular pathology is also accompanied by an increased load on the heart.
  • Metabolic disorder, which is due to the fact that the balance of minerals in the body is lost. Most often, this phenomenon is due to the fact that sodium ions are retained in the blood. The load on the kidneys gradually increases and the volume of total fluid in the body increases.

With hypertension, regardless of the cause, blood viscosity increases, which significantly reduces overall blood flow; tissues and organs begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Gradually, the walls of the entire vascular system thicken, and their lumen becomes narrower.

With an increase in blood pressure, a high level of resistance force is recorded in the entire peripheral system. Quite often, with hypertension, fibrosis and decreased elasticity of blood vessels are detected, which are already considered secondary changes. Against this background, changes occur in tissues up to the development of nephroangliosclerosis and hypertensive encephalopathy.

Such factors are conditional, since many people face stressful situations, and not everyone develops hypertension.

It is worth noting that if immediate relatives suffered from arterial hypertension, the risk of developing the disease increases.

What does pressure 140 over 90 mean and what does it mean?

When systolic blood pressure reaches 140 and diastolic blood pressure reaches 90 mmHg. and remain at this level for a long time, doctors talk about the presence of borderline arterial hypertension. But this only applies to young people, for whom the norm is a pressure of 120 to 80 mm Hg, or hypotensive people, whose normal pressure rarely goes beyond 100/60 mm Hg. For an 18-year-old teenager the numbers are 140 by 90 mm Hg. are the upper limit of normal and decrease slightly after puberty.

Under the pressure of blood, the vascular walls thicken, their elasticity decreases and the vessels stop passing blood at an optimal speed, which leads to oxygen starvation of all organs and systems. It is necessary to reduce the pressure, since the longer the condition lasts, the more serious its consequences will be.

For older men and women (50 years and older), due to age-related changes in the state of the cardiovascular system, this upper pressure is normal and does not require correction. The lower one only slightly (5-10 mmHg) exceeds the optimal values. You just need to regularly monitor your condition and listen to your own well-being, avoiding a further increase in pressure, since the consequences of inattention to your own well-being can be the most tragic.

A stable pressure of 140 over 90 or 145 over 95 mm Hg, accompanied by characteristic symptoms of hypertension, is dangerous and can lead to:

  • hypertensive crisis, often ending in heart attack or stroke;
  • impairment of kidney function;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • ischemia;
  • chronic heart disorders;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Complications can be avoided by timely correction of the condition and mandatory intake of antihypertensive drugs prescribed by the doctor. Complex treatment also includes physiotherapeutic techniques and traditional medicine recipes. It is necessary to adjust your diet, give up bad habits, and make physical activity regular.

To regularly monitor your blood pressure, you should purchase a convenient automatic tonometer, which does not require medical skills to operate.

Why does it occur

Both serious illnesses and external factors can provoke blood pressure of 140/60:

  • stress;
  • physical stress;
  • starvation;
  • overwork;
  • aortic valve defect;
  • overweight;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • lack of moderate sports activity;
  • hypertension;
  • iron deficiency;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heredity;
  • tumors;
  • anemia;
  • excess salt in the diet;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad habits;
  • vascular pathologies.
  • pregnant women (especially during the third trimester);
  • aged people;
  • athletes (for them this is a variant of the norm).

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Why does it occur more often in older people?

This combination of indicators is more typical for older people. This is due to age-related changes in the vascular system:

  • vessels become less flexible;
  • the heart rate changes;
  • the walls of blood vessels become less elastic;
  • pulse quickens;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • age-related hypertension.

Controlling blood pressure will help prevent the development of vascular pathologies.

As you age, you need to be more careful about your blood pressure, since after 50 years it tends to increase. To avoid serious problems and fatal consequences, you need to measure it yourself twice a day. If there is a permanent increase in upper, lower or pulse pressure, you should consult a therapist or cardiologist.

What to do if you have high blood pressure

The question arises: what needs to be done with such indicators? Should I immediately take medications or give preference to physiotherapy, a special diet and herbal medicine? Of course, in each specific case the issue should be resolved individually and only by the attending physician. But with such pressure, which has been recorded several times, but does not occur systematically, non-drug treatment is indicated in combination with adherence to a correct lifestyle.

Here's what we recommend you do:

  • give up bad habits: excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • adhere to a special diet with limited salt and canned foods;
  • take psychorelaxation courses in combination with therapeutic hypnosis, relaxing massage, acupuncture;
  • choose optimal physical activity in the form of walking, swimming, dancing, cycling;
  • take physiotherapy courses: electrosleep, electrophoresis, hydrogen sulfide baths, etc.;
  • be treated with herbs and traditional medicine.

Lowering blood pressure at home

You can reduce pulse pressure yourself if it is not constant.

This can be done with:

  • Self-massage of the neck. The procedure begins with light stroking and rubbing the muscles on both sides of the spine. Then you can increase the intensity by kneading the muscles. Finally, return to smoothing. Self-massage warms up the muscles and increases blood circulation in the cervical spine, which has a positive effect on blood flow to the brain and relieves headaches.
  • Exercises for the shoulder girdle and neck. They consist of turning the head up, down and to the sides, in rotational movements to the right and left. It also increases blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain, gives oxygen flow to the brain, relieves spasms and pain.
  • Walking in the fresh air and doing breathing exercises.

Normalizing blood pressure with medications

If non-drug treatment does not help and pulse pressure does not decrease, then appropriate medications should be used.

These can be diuretics, which reduce blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the body. Among diuretics, there are several groups of drugs that have features in their mechanism of action and effectiveness.

These are thiazide, loop and potassium-sparing diuretics. These groups of medications are prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account the results of the examination of the patient, age and general health.

The second group of drugs is calcium channel blockers. They prevent blood vessels from narrowing, restoring normal blood flow and stabilizing blood pressure.

Instant action agents - ACE inhibitors. They can be used for a long time. Adrenergic blockers and angiotensin antagonists are also used.

You can find out the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy after some time by normalizing the pressure and the absence of symptoms of pulse pressure.

Home treatment

Normalizing blood pressure to 140 to 60 (50) at home is only possible if such a jump occurs sporadically and is not chronic.

Main ways to help:

  • self-massage of the cervical region;
  • walks in the open air;
  • physical exercises for the neck and shoulders.

Self-massage of the neck is carried out as follows:

  1. Lightly stroking the neck on both sides.
  2. Lightly rub the neck on both sides.
  3. By increasing the intensity, it is necessary to warm up the muscles of the cervical spine.
  4. Stroking the neck on both sides.

Walking in the fresh air involves combining them with breathing exercises.

Physical therapy for the neck and shoulders consists of performing head tilts, rotations and twists.


Most often, the causes of this phenomenon are pathologies of the heart, vascular system and adrenal glands. But, besides this, there are other factors that can contribute to the appearance of such a deviation:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Constant lack of sleep, stress, overwork;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Congenital or acquired heart defect;
  • Iron deficiency in the body;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • Abuse of bad habits and coffee;
  • Serious spinal injuries;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diets (fasting) or poor nutrition;
  • Frequent severe stress, mental and physical overload.

How to cope with AD 14060

If the patient is worried about blood pressure of 140/60, you need to visit a cardiologist or neurologist. You may have to undergo additional tests, for example, a Doppler ultrasound. Treatment with folk remedies can negatively affect your well-being.

For hypertension, the following advice from doctors will help:

  • Stop smoking. Cigarettes provoke serious problems with blood vessels. No matter what powerful drugs you take along with your smoking habit, you are unlikely to achieve a long-term positive result.
  • Limit your consumption of alcohol, salt, and sugar.
  • Move actively, walk, run, or at least do morning exercises. When training your heart, pay attention to proper breathing. Breathe evenly and calmly, deeply.
  • Avoid fried, salty and generously sweetened foods and baked goods.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure liquid per day.

Ways to prevent hypertension

At a pressure of 140/90 mm Hg. your lifestyle changes even if you feel great. Necessary:

  • stop smoking, caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol (only dry red wine is allowed in small doses);
  • adjust the diet in favor of foods rich in potassium and magnesium that improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • minimize the amount of salt in food;
  • maintain a sleep schedule (night rest should be at least 8 hours);
  • minimize stressful situations that can provoke a jump in blood pressure.

Why is there a big difference between upper and lower pressure?

If a decrease in the PBP norm is often caused by stress, bad habits and nervous strain, then pulse hypertension is almost always a serious symptom of one of the following diseases:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • pre-stroke or pre-infarction condition;
  • anemia;
  • heart block;
  • tuberculosis.

If the blood pressure level is regularly exceeded, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor to find out the reason for the difference between the upper and lower limits of blood pressure values. This condition, accompanied by dizziness, nosebleeds or fainting, is a serious risk factor for heart attack or stroke, cerebral hypoxia for both young and elderly people.

Causes of high upper pressure

Hypertension is a high systolic indicator; it can be caused by a number of reasons, from hereditary predisposition to changes in atmospheric pressure or other changes in weather conditions. Bad habits that negatively affect the condition of blood vessels - smoking, systematic drinking - play an important role. Poor nutrition—regular consumption of fatty and salty foods—has a negative effect on blood pressure. A sedentary lifestyle and nervous tension also lead to arterial hypertension.

Low lower pressure - causes

Reduced lower pressure is associated with a number of factors; it is a consequence of physical or nervous stress, violation of rest or nutritional regimen, chronic fatigue, and lack of sleep. At retirement age, hypotension - a condition when diastolic pressure is low - is caused by a number of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as:

  • cerebral stroke;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • tachycardia or bradycardia.

Diagnosis and treatment

To find out why signs of hypotension appeared, you need to contact a neurologist or cardiologist. First of all, it is necessary to identify the disease that could cause hypotension. To diagnose the condition of the heart, electrocardiography, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and biochemical blood test are prescribed.

To identify thyroid diseases and hormone imbalances, a blood test for hormones and an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland are prescribed. A complete blood count will help determine anemia and other abnormalities that could cause diastolic hypotension. Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment for the patient.

Therapy with a doctor

At the first appointment, after analyzing the complaints, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and procedures for examination. The main diagnostic methods are:

  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • heart electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart;
  • ultrasound examination of the condition of blood vessels;
  • general clinical urine test;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood sugar test.

Once the necessary data is received, the doctor will select the most appropriate treatment. The dosage of medications, their types and course duration are calculated individually.

Attention! Self-medication in case of pressure 140 to 50 (60) is strictly prohibited.

The main rule of therapy for this condition is to gradually reduce the upper value. Treatment includes:

  • taking medications that lower blood pressure;
  • compliance with a special therapeutic diet;
  • attending exercise therapy classes;
  • if the condition develops due to stress, then consultation with a psychologist is required.

For pregnant women, therapy for such pressure takes place only in a hospital setting and under the constant supervision of doctors. Regular monitoring of blood pressure levels and their timely normalization reduce the risks of complications for the unborn child to a minimum.


The range of reasons that can provoke blood pressure levels of 140 to 60 is quite wide. These include:

  • chronic stress and anxiety;
  • improper functioning of the heart, which is caused by pathologies in its structure;
  • state of overwork;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance;
  • poor nutrition, which does not meet the body's needs for essential substances;
  • excessive consumption of fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • pregnancy period from 32 weeks to birth;
  • a history of diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of nutrition or adherence to a strict diet;
  • chronic arterial hypertension;
  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • abuse of excessive physical activity, which is performed at the limit of strength;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking.

In addition to the physical condition of the body and an unhealthy lifestyle, the cause of a pressure of 140 to 60 can be the incorrect and excessive use of drugs that reduce blood pressure. Therefore, any medicine should be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician.

It can be concluded that pregnant women, elderly people and professional athletes are at risk for the likelihood of this pathology occurring in the state of blood pressure.

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...

Pressure Features

When measuring pressure on a special device called a tonometer, a person receives 2 numerical values. The first number indicates the pressure in the blood vessels at the moment of myocardial contraction, the second - at the moment of relaxation. The difference between these two numbers is called pulse pressure.

Normally, its value should not be more than 40 atmospheres. Therefore, even high blood pressure in combination with a normal pulse does not cause global harm to the body.

If the pulse pressure value exceeds 40 atmospheres, then this is a signal of pathological changes in the body.

Typically, this pressure indicates the presence of the following pathologies:

  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • pathologies of the structure and function of the aortic valve;
  • pathologies and vascular dysfunction;
  • brain diseases of various nature;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • improper kidney function;
  • high level of intracranial pressure.

Therefore, even in a single case of the appearance of such pressure, it is necessary to undergo a complete comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism in order to identify possible concomitant diseases.

Don't tolerate high blood pressure

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...


This phenomenon also occurs in pregnant women. During the period of bearing a child, this symptom is an extremely alarming signal.

It is strictly forbidden to take medications that lower blood pressure on your own. In most cases, this causes severe fetal hypoxia.

Is this blood pressure normal?

A blood pressure of 140 over 60 (in both the elderly and young) cannot be considered normal. It does not fit any of the normal criteria for assessing blood pressure:

  • the systolic indicator exceeds the norm;
  • diastolic - below normal;
  • pulse pressure exceeds the maximum permissible value of 60 mm.

According to statistics, no more than 15% of the population over 60 years of age live with normal blood pressure. All others are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Even if a person has been hypotensive all his life, in old age he will suffer from hypertension.

What does a high pulse difference mean?

A high pulse difference can be a sign of various pathological conditions. In addition, it can be observed during physical and psycho-emotional stress. Diseases in which a blood pressure of 140 over 60 and a pulse of 60 will be observed include:

It is worth noting that with such diseases, blood pressure levels will be constant. If there is an increase in pressure from normal to such indicators, then this will most likely indicate hypertension.

What are the risks?

With a large pulse difference and isolated systolic hypertension, there is a risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. In addition, there is insufficient blood supply to the kidneys in the periphery, and there is also a risk of dilation of the heart chambers.

Daily rules for normalizing blood pressure

By following a number of simple recommendations, you can significantly alleviate the condition and bring your blood pressure to normal levels:

  1. Get a full night's sleep (on average 8 hours is required).
  2. A well-designed menu, implying at least 4 meals during the day.
  3. Prevention of oxygen starvation. Regular ventilation of the premises and walks are necessary.
  4. A properly organized workplace. Lack of lighting or an uncomfortable posture can cause headaches and pressure surges.
  5. Before going to bed, lying on your back, you need to raise your legs high (you can lean them against the wall) to ensure the outflow of blood. Lie in this position for a quarter of an hour.

Blood pressure is a good marker of health status.

By observing changes in indicators, you can say with confidence whether a person is healthy, or, without a preliminary examination, determine which diseases are most likely developing in his body.

Therefore, if you notice any deviation from the norm, the patient is advised to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. And the greater the violation of the norm, the sooner you should visit a doctor.

How to normalize

The only correct solution if it is necessary to normalize this pressure is to seek help from a specialist. However, some life circumstances preclude the opportunity to visit a doctor immediately when a problem arises. In this case, you can try to bring the pressure to normal levels yourself.

To do this you need:

  • take a horizontal position and raise your legs at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • take a diuretic tablet;
  • take a folic acid supplement;
  • take a sedative;
  • prepare ginger tea and drink it at least 3 times a day;
  • if you feel relatively normal, go for a walk in the fresh air;
  • drink enough clean still water;
  • do special breathing exercises.

Even normalization of the condition after using this technique does not exclude a visit to the doctor. At the first opportunity, it is necessary to undergo examination and consultation with a specialist.

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