Cholesterol in the body: norms for different ages

Many people know that a cholesterol test is performed to diagnose lipid metabolism disorders and to assess the risk of developing a disease such as atherosclerosis. However, most do not have answers to these questions:

  • Should this organic compound be present in the human body?
  • In any quantity?
  • Are the rates the same for men and women?
  • Do cholesterol levels in women depend on hormone levels?
  • What happens if the value is higher than normal or, conversely, lower?

And this is not the entire list of what a woman might think about when she hears about a cholesterol test. If questions arise, they should be asked to the appropriate specialist. But if this is not possible at the moment, then you can study at least basic information.

Cholesterol. What is it and why does everyone need it?

Cholesterol (or, in other words, cholesterol) is an organic compound that is produced by our body and also enters it with food. And not from any product. If we talk about food, it should be of animal origin: eggs, fish, meat, milk and offal. And in the human body, the liver acts as the main “factory” for the production of cholesterol. The substance is also formed in the intestinal walls, skin, adrenal glands and some other organs. There are certain values ​​within which the cholesterol level in the blood is considered normal. Indicators for women and men differ not only by gender, but also by age. Nevertheless, cholesterol in a broad sense is a building material for cells. The organic compound is found in cell membranes; participates in the synthesis of vitamin D, sex hormones and metabolism. Thus, without cholesterol our body cannot function normally.

At-risk groups

There are also predisposing factors that contribute to increased production of “bad” cholesterol. These include:

  • heredity;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • uncontrolled use of certain drugs, especially hormonal ones;
  • early menopause in women.

If at least one of these factors is present, it is necessary to carefully observe preventive measures so that blood counts are normal. By themselves, they are the causes of high cholesterol, but in combination with each other or an incorrect lifestyle, they can serve as an impetus for the development of problems.

Cholesterol – good or bad

The substance itself does not float in the blood. The compound is always surrounded by lipoproteins - complexes of proteins, fats and other components. Depending on the composition of these complexes, cholesterol can be converted into good or bad.

  • When cholesterol levels in the blood rise, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol often behaves poorly: it settles on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. If these “blockages” severely clog the blood vessels, cardiovascular diseases may develop.
  • But with high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or HDL), the substance can be transferred from the plaques and organs themselves to the liver for further processing.

You cannot say that one type is needed and the other is not. Cholesterol with both high and low density lipoproteins is needed in the body. However, as with any system, balance is important. For advanced diagnostics, a blood test is usually taken:

  • for total cholesterol;
  • HDL;
  • LDL;
  • triglycerides.

Increased cholesterol levels




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The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Increased cholesterol levels: reasons for the increase, what diseases it occurs with, diagnosis and treatment methods.


Cholesterol is a fat-soluble alcohol molecule and is a very important element of cell membranes, a precursor to hormones. However, as Paracelsus said: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine, only the dose makes it one way or the other.” The same is true for cholesterol. An increase in its level in the blood leads to many diseases, and it is important to control cholesterol levels to prevent, first of all, cardiovascular pathology.

The presence of problems with the metabolism of fats in the body can be indicated by specific external manifestations: subcutaneous deposits of cholesterol under the skin of the eyelids (xanthelasmas) and in the area where the tendons pass (xanthomas); cholesterol deposits can also be detected in the form of a grayish-white rim along the edges of the cornea of ​​the eye.
Types of increased cholesterol
Cholesterol is an indicator of fat metabolism in the body, and it is important to evaluate its level in combination with other indicators of the lipid (fat) spectrum of the blood.

Depending on the ratio of cholesterol and other blood fats, several phenotypes of dyslipidemia (lipid metabolism disorders) are distinguished:

Phenotype I – cholesterol levels are normal or slightly elevated, while triglyceride levels are very high;

Phenotype IIa – cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels are increased. This phenotype and all subsequent ones have varying degrees of atherogenicity, that is, they are a factor in the development of atherosclerosis;

II b phenotype - in addition to increasing blood cholesterol levels, the level of triglycerides and low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL) increases;

III phenotype - characterized by increased levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL);

IV phenotype – predominantly increased levels of VLDL and triglycerides;

Phenotype V – the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, chylomicrons and VLDL is significantly increased.

This classification allows the doctor to interpret the results of the lipid profile and provides the opportunity to make the right decision on prescribing lipid-lowering therapy.
Possible causes of increased cholesterol levels in the blood
Lipid metabolism in the body is disrupted due to three groups of factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition in combination with unfavorable environmental factors.
  2. Secondary dyslipidemias are disorders of fat metabolism that occur in various diseases.
  3. Alimentary dyslipidemia is a change in the balance of fats that directly depends on dietary habits.

More often than others, doctors are faced with nutritional hypercholesterolemia
, which is primarily observed in the first day after consuming large amounts of fatty and fried foods.

If you regularly eat large amounts of fat, then constant hypercholesterolemia occurs.
Primary dyslipidemia
is explained by a mutation in the parents' genes, which is inherited and causes a disruption in the synthesis and use of cholesterol in the body.

Among the causes of secondary dyslipidemias

One of the leading positions is occupied by diseases of the thyroid gland. With hypothyroidism, the content of the hormone T3 decreases, which leads to a decrease in the formation of receptors for LDL and a decrease in the utilization of cholesterol contained in the LDL molecule. Diabetes mellitus also disrupts cholesterol metabolism in the body - blood glucose levels increase, and its utilization occurs through fat metabolism, changing the balance of this system.

Cholesterol is involved in the formation of bile acids, therefore, when the outflow of bile is disrupted, for example, with cholelithiasis, “unused” cholesterol accumulates in the blood.

The opposite situation can develop when liver function is impaired (with cirrhosis, hepatitis) - cholesterol synthesis decreases, and a state of hypocholesterolemia is observed in the blood.

Taking certain medications (beta blockers, glucocorticosteroids, some diuretics, estrogens, immunosuppressants) leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Arterial hypertension is also a factor that affects the metabolism of fats in the body and increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Damage occurs to the vascular wall, where “warrior cells” - macrophages - rush. If the level of cholesterol and other lipid fractions is high, then lipids are captured by these cells. “Fed” cells linger in the vascular wall and gradually form an atherosclerotic plaque.

Metabolic syndrome is another pathological condition that involves increased cholesterol levels in the blood. Metabolic syndrome is a complex of metabolic disorders and hormone regulation, including abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and atherogenic dyslipidemia (dyslipidemia phenotype II–V).

The development of metabolic syndrome entails many other pathologies: coronary heart disease, severe forms of obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, thrombosis, infertility.
Which doctors should I contact if my cholesterol is high?
An increase in cholesterol levels is a pathological symptom and requires consultation with a doctor - first of all, to identify the causes of this condition. The doctor will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations and refer you for consultations to specialized specialists, among whom may be: an endocrinologist.

Diagnosis and testing for high cholesterol levels

Establishing the cause of increased cholesterol levels is possible only with the help of laboratory research methods. You can suspect an increase in cholesterol levels by the presence of xanthomas and xanthelasmas, as well as by the appearance of symptoms of atherosclerosis and its consequences - coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a set of laboratory and instrumental examination methods:

  • (blood glucose levels, control of cholesterol levels, very low, low and high density lipoproteins, blood electrolytes - potassium, sodium, calcium, creatinine levels, liver enzyme levels - ALT and AST, CPK (19) levels of total and direct bilirubin). Cholesterol levels should be checked in children from the age of two if there is a family predisposition to high cholesterol levels;

Upper and lower limits of normal for women. Table with main indicators

The data indicated in the table is for informational purposes only. To carry out tests, contact your local physician or a certified laboratory. IMPORTANT: only a doctor can correctly interpret the results, taking into account the patient’s medical history, her complaints (or lack thereof) and other diagnostic data.

Age Total cholesterol (TC),


High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good, HDL),


Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad, LDL),



(TG), mmol/l

15–20 years 3,08–5,18 0,91–1,91 1,53–3,55 0,44–1,4
20–25 years 3,16–5,59 0,85–2,04 1,48–4,12 0,41–1,48
25–30 years 3,32–5,75 0,96–2,15 1,84–4,25 0,42–1,63
30–35 years 3,37–5,96 0,93–1,99 1,81–4,04 0,44–1,70
35–40 years 3,63–6,27 0,88–2,12 1,94–4,45 0,45–1,99
40–45 years 3,81–6,53 0,88–2,28 1,92–4,51 0,51–2,16
45–50 years 3,94–6,86 0,88–2,25 2,05–4,82 0,52–2,42
50–55 years 4,20–7,38 0,96–2,38 2,28–5,21 0,59–2,63
55–60 years 4,45–7,77 0,96–2,35 2,31–5,44 0,62–2,96
60–65 years 4,45–7,69 0,98–2,38 2,59–5,80 0,63–2,70
65–70 years 4,43–7,85 0,91–2,48 2,38–5,72 0,68–2,71
> 70 years 4,48–7,25 0,85–2,38 2,49–5,34 0,68–2,71

Normal indicators

However, all of the above is true with normal cholesterol levels. High cholesterol leads to malfunctions in the body, the appearance of various diseases, and aggravation of existing ones. For each person, these indicators are individual and depend on gender, age, and concomitant medical history.

To find out your numbers, you need to take a blood test for cholesterol. The therapist will issue a referral for tests and explain the findings. For accurate results, blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before, you need to avoid excessive physical activity and do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Cholesterol analysis, the price depends on several factors: laboratory equipment, service provider company, preferential categories, insurance policy. The cost varies from 250 rubles.

For different categories of citizens, a division of the normal levels of cholesterol in the blood is provided:

  • 2.9-5.25 mmol/l (for children under 5 years of age);
  • 3.13-5.3 (children 5-10 years old);
  • 3.08-5.23 (schoolchildren 10-15 years old);
  • 3.37-6.58 (women, men, young people under 40 years old);
  • 4.09-7.38 (mature people under 60);
  • 4.09-7.85 (over 60).

Values ​​that do not correspond to the norm

If the cholesterol test is carried out correctly and the indicators do not correspond to the above values, then this indicates health problems and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. In this case, consultation with specialists is necessary.

At elevated values, noticeable changes occur in the body, caused by a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, as a result of which the lumen of the vessels narrows and blood circulation is impaired. Oxygen starvation occurs and hypoxia develops. This condition, if it lasts long enough, leads to disruptions in the functioning of the heart and brain.

Possible reactions of the body to high levels of lipid compounds: stroke, heart attack, complications during wound healing, gangrene, muscle tissue atrophy and loss of ability to move, pain in the limbs, neuroses. If cholesterol is elevated, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

What causes the dangerous condition

The main causes of high cholesterol:

  • The presence of foods high in fat in the diet. These include fast food, smoked meats, sausages, and lard. The exceptions are eggs, lean meat, but in moderation, otherwise these products also increase cholesterol;
  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to decreased blood circulation and slower metabolism. Slow blood flow leads to the accumulation and formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls;
  • The presence of concomitant and chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, liver disease, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, gastrointestinal dysfunction);
  • Alcohol and smoking cause irreparable harm to health. The walls of cells and blood vessels become thinner, mobility is lost, and the immune system weakens;
  • Hereditary diseases;
  • During pregnancy, some blood parameters may change, and the amount of organic compounds increases. Observation and treatment are carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

The main recommendations of doctors for the prevention of this condition come down to moderate, regular physical activity, playing sports, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and medical supervision.

What to do if you have low cholesterol

Indicators may decline in the opposite direction. There are much fewer such cases, but they do exist. Low levels of cholesterol in the blood can lead to serious consequences: mental disorders, atherosclerosis, disturbances in the normal functioning of the intestines, problems with bones, their fragility, decreased sexual desire, hypovitaminosis, infertility, stroke.

Among the most common causes of deficiency are poor nutrition, diseases of internal organs, disorders of the thyroid gland, poisoning, and infectious diseases.

Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment. Basic recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition remain the same. .

In medical, there is a therapist who will help determine your lipid status. He will give all the necessary recommendations and treatment plan. We can take all cholesterol tests. The doctor conducts consultations at home and in the clinic (in Zapadny and in Alexandrovka). The cost of the medical center’s services can be found in the “Price” section or by calling the 24-hour hotline.

Why does the cholesterol level for women change as they age?

Usually, when talking about high cholesterol, it is LDL levels that are meant. If you look at the entire table above, you can easily notice that with age, the level of the substance in the blood increases. Therefore, we can conclude that LDL (and not only them) are increasingly appearing in the blood. Of course, this is not a constant proportional increase upward. The increase occurs up to a certain age of the woman. After approximately 65 years, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood begins to fall along with the normal limits. Why does concentration increase with age? The question is good and simple, so the answer is short: the older a person gets, the more connective tissues grow in the body and fat deposits form, all this provokes an increase in cholesterol levels. It is for this reason that it is worth monitoring cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides throughout your life.

Causes of high cholesterol

There are many reasons why there is more cholesterol in the blood than necessary. They can be combined into the following main groups:

  • Obesity. Gaining extra pounds is accompanied by an increase in body fat, including “bad” cholesterol. And also, most obese people intentionally eat a lot of fatty foods.
  • Nutrition. Even thin people who eat a lot of fatty foods can increase their cholesterol.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The blockage of blood vessels by cholesterol plaques occurs more intensely if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and there is no physical activity.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol abuse puts serious pressure on the liver, the organ that produces lipoprotein enzymes. As a result of the load on it, the production of “good” cholesterol is blocked, and the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol increases.
  • Other bad habits. Smoking and drug use, including “light” drugs, also negatively affect liver function and contribute to an increase in “bad” cholesterol.

Most of the reasons for high cholesterol are related to a person’s unhealthy lifestyle.

How can you maintain normal cholesterol?

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
    Alcohol and smoking negatively affect health, including good cholesterol levels. Give up these two bad habits - and your body will probably thank you with improved well-being and mood.
  2. Eat properly.
    Yes, it’s hard, because you really want fatty, fried, sweet... But hard doesn’t mean impossible! Start the process gradually. For example, first remove sweets, then a week later – fried foods, and after another week – fatty foods. Keep a diary recording your weight, cholesterol levels and other achievements. This way you will see the dynamics, which is usually the motivation for further action. If necessary, consult a nutritionist. A specialist will help you create a healthy diet. The Herbalife Nutrition company has developed a line of products that, in combination with proper nutrition, moderate sports activities and in the absence of contraindications, can help the body saturate cells with useful substances and get rid of toxins and waste.
      "Thermo Complete". Can normalize metabolic processes, saturate and tone tissues.
  3. "Roseguard." Helps prolong youth at the cellular level and cleanse cells of antioxidants.
  4. Nightworks. Can be used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and saturate the blood with nitrogen.
  5. "Cell Activator". Helps quickly transform fat cells into energy.
  6. Exercise.
    It is not necessary to do kilometer runs in the park, although some will like it. Take a walk, walk, join a pool or gym. If the park is far away, run at the stadium in the next yard. Is it hard to run? Another option is Nordic walking. Think about what would be interesting and enjoyable for you. Need some company? Invite your husband, girlfriend, child or other loved one with you. Treat sports not as a compulsion, but as part of your lifestyle.

Women need cholesterol. Undoubtedly. However, keep an eye on its level. Carry out control at least once a year and regardless of age. But remember that it usually depends on age what the upper and lower limits of normal cholesterol for a woman will be.

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