Bleeding in the eye
Red spot on the white of the eye: causes and what to do
A person receives up to 90% of information about the world around him through the organ of vision. Eye -
Principles of preventing pregnancy complications in thrombophilia (part 1)
Thrombophilia during pregnancy without maintenance therapy and preventive treatment in most cases leads to
Blood pressure after and during exercise
Exercising for High Blood Pressure Exercise can help prevent high blood pressure, and people
Stones that lower blood pressure: lithotherapy for hypertension
Scientists have proven the ability of malachite, hematite, aventurine, jet and many other stones and crystals to influence
Acute and chronic sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis)
ENT organs, being an outpost of the immune system on the path of infection entering the body, are the first to encounter
What does blood pressure 170 over 90 mean: what to do and how to reduce high levels at home?
What does blood pressure 170 over 90 mean: what to do and how to reduce high levels at home?
Hypertension is a disease that manifests itself in increased blood pressure. This is not a sentence
Vitamin composition of sauerkraut
Does consuming sauerkraut affect hypertension?
10/28/2018 AA (Last update: 10/05/2021) There are contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is necessary. Hypertension is quite insidious,
Pain in the heart from anxiety and stress due to nervousness
Why does my heart hurt after excitement? Psycho-emotional disorder of any origin (failure at work, loss of loved ones
Why does the letter E appear on the Tonometer?
Blood pressure is a kind of indicator. It shows what condition it is in
Autumn nutrition for those who suffer from fatigue and lethargy
Does buckwheat increase hemoglobin? Buckwheat is a unique product due to its beneficial qualities. IN
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