Stones that lower blood pressure: lithotherapy for hypertension

Scientists have proven the ability of malachite, hematite, aventurine, jet and many other stones and crystals to influence blood pressure levels. If you constantly wear a bracelet made of correctly selected stones, you can adjust your blood pressure to increase in case of hypotension or decrease in case of hypertension. But it is important to know which stone to wear, on which hand and for how long.

The healing properties of stones for hypertension

Stone treatment is especially widely used in Eastern folk medicine. How do they work in relation to the human body? The fact is that crystals produce energy that emits vibrations similar to the human body. At the time of treatment, the patient does not feel anything, but the energy of the stone works to eliminate ailments, affecting cells, tissues and organs. Thus, blood pressure is normalized, stress is relieved and the nervous system calms down. What stones can cope with hypertension and improve overall well-being?


An iron-black mineral, ground into powder, helps with iron deficiency in the blood, stabilizes the heart and reduces blood pressure. Magnetite is also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The stone is used as inserts in medical biocorrectors, as well as balls or bracelets. You can wear it in any form, but it is worth considering that during acute attacks its effect can only aggravate the situation. The stone has a powerful magnetic field, so it is recommended to remove jewelry from time to time. Combine wearing magnetite with other doctor’s prescriptions, and you can forget about high blood pressure for a long time.


Even in Ancient Rus', malachite was considered a stone that fulfilled wishes and had healing properties. The stone reduces blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body. Wearing malachite helps restore strength and slow down the natural aging process.


Amber stone
The mineral belongs to the group of resins and is widely used in medicine all over the world. Lithotherapy specialists claim that the main property of amber is the treatment of hypertension. With its help you can eliminate sudden changes in pressure. In addition to normalizing blood pressure, the stone treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, helps with arthritis and varicose veins, and also eliminates headaches. Wearing jewelry with amber is recommended for weather-sensitive people whose well-being depends on magnetic storms.

In addition to the minerals described above, sapphire, red coral and dolomite affect the state of blood pressure. Treatment of hypertension with stones can be combined with any other methods.

Treatment of low or high blood pressure with natural minerals is primarily based on faith. If a person convinces himself that the chosen methods of alternative medicine are capable of performing a miracle, so it will be. Of course, it is unreasonable to expect a cure with stones alone. When treating blood pressure problems, a comprehensive approach is needed.

Stones that increase blood pressure

Hypotension is a condition where blood pressure is always below normal and is extremely dangerous for humans. As a result of this pathology, a whole complex of concomitant diseases develops, and the patient’s health condition worsens. Alternative medicine is aimed at eliminating hypotension, and stones that normalize blood pressure play an important role in this.


The second name of the mineral is black jasper. It is a petrified tree of gray or black color. Jet increases blood pressure if applied to the kidney area. In addition, it calms the nervous system, which is also associated with blood pressure. In treatment it is used heated. Usually the mineral is worn as a bracelet on the wrist.


Green stone with veins. As a therapeutic agent, it improves blood circulation and cardiac activity, therefore it is indicated for hypotensive patients. In general, the stone has a beneficial effect on the body’s energy and calms. How a talisman can improve mood and give a state of happiness. The therapeutic properties of aventurine appear if you use it in the form of pebbles during a massage. To increase blood pressure, it is recommended to wear beads with this mineral, a bracelet or a ring.


Hematite or bloodstone has a positive effect on the body's blood circulation. Scientists have concluded that the stone is able to stop bleeding of any severity. The gem is placed on the area that needs therapy. The mineral is actively involved in increasing blood pressure and is highly undesirable for hypertensive patients. In the east, hematitis treats blockage of venous vessels and normalizes the nervous system. As a therapeutic agent, the stone is used in the form of jewelry or massaged with hematite balls.


Mineral is able to determine the health status of its owner. If the stone becomes dull when worn, this indicates that it is time to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. At the same time, turquoise loses its energetic powers. To renew them, the product must be worn for some time by one of the family members who is in good health. The blue mineral is a universal remedy for getting rid of all diseases, including hypotension. It is not recommended to wear the stone for older people whose bodies are polluted. Turquoise has a calming effect and improves heart function.

Stones that reduce blood pressure

Normally, a person’s blood pressure should be 110 over 70 or 120 over 80. If the readings increase slightly, this indicates “pre-hypertension.” When the tonometer shows a value of 140, it means hypertension has set in and it’s time to lower the pressure. In combination with medications, it would not be a bad idea to use alternative medicine, such as natural stones that lower blood pressure.


Helps with various ailments: reduces blood pressure, relieves insomnia, treats colds. The only nuance of the stone is its sensitivity to human energy, so it is recommended for positive individuals to wear it. If the owner of the gem is prone to anxiety, depression and other negativity, then the stone will work in a negative direction. Sapphire is worn as a necklace or ring on the left hand and is best worn in the summer, when the gem can absorb solar energy.


The stone is of volcanic origin. In nature it occurs in different shades: gray, yellow, red and brown. Helps heal the kidneys, reduces blood pressure, and also strengthens the immune system and affects a person’s internal harmony. Obsidian releases energy that absorbs the bad intentions of its owner, turning his consciousness to change for the better. Place of wear: ring on the middle finger.


The mineral is golden, yellow-green or olive in color. Peridot directs energy to the heart chakra. Positively affects the nervous system, reduces blood pressure. The mineral can also relieve stuttering and insomnia. For maximum effect, the stone should be worn in a ring on the left hand. To maintain energy in the mineral, it is held in the hand from time to time.


Pearl stone
This natural mineral attracts not only its beauty, but also its unique properties to influence the human body. It contains calcium carbonate, which emits healing vibrations and puts all functions in order. Pearls are used in the treatment of the gallbladder, liver, cardiovascular system and other diseases. The mineral is used in powder or tincture form. Pearl water is similar to “living water” and helps with any inflammatory processes.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [F ] [X] [C] [H] [W] [I] [all]


Aventurine is a talisman of good mood and happiness. It is worn to lift your spirits, maintain good spirits and a clear mind. It is also called the “stone of love” for its ability to attract people of the opposite sex.


Agate is a symbol of health, longevity and prosperity. It protects against “energy” attacks and the machinations of enemies. This “soul stone” is useful to everyone. Especially recommended for children: it calms and dispels fears, helps them start walking earlier.


Aquamarine is a stone of friendship, justice and courage. Stabilizes the state of mind, balances emotions, relieves fear. Aquamarine has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Helps with problems with the thyroid gland.


Amazonite creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, calms the nervous system and relieves nervous tension. Helps strengthen family relationships. Amazonite also helps with arthritis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.


Amethyst is a symbol of happiness and health. Relieves nervous tension and causes calm. If you put it on your pillow, it helps with insomnia. It extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, calms and clears thoughts, fills the aura with positive energy and good intentions.


Angelite is a stone of inner peace and mental balance. Helps dissolve “energy jams” in the human body. Very useful for throat diseases. It also activates the immune system and restores the balance of hormones.


Apatite is a stone of peace. It is capable of cooling raging emotions and inducing peace. Promotes good mood and development of an optimistic point of view. Apatite also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, vocal cords and thyroid gland. If apatite is used together with rock crystal, you can harmonize your physical condition.


Beryl conducts positive energy into the body and removes negative energy. Sharpens the mind and protects against fatigue. Beryls promote openness and inspire love for people. They are also good for colds and runny nose.


Turquoise is a symbol of good luck and victory. A very powerful amulet. Its main property is to reconcile all hostilities: having a beneficial effect on people, it reduces anger, irritability, evil thoughts, and promotes peace in the family. Turquoise is also used in the treatment of the throat, nose, pharynx, and thyroid gland. Strengthens vision, helps against insomnia.


Improves vision, helps with asthma. Reduces blood pressure. One of the most powerful amulets. Relieves fatigue and irritability, strengthens healthy thoughts.


Helps the owner achieve the intended goal. Improves communication abilities. Helps a lot with asthma and throat diseases. Has a stimulating effect on the heart chakra.


Expands a person’s creative abilities, helps in combating negative energy influences. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves heart function, and strengthens blood vessels.


Vivianite crystals bring peace and tranquility. It has a very good effect on the organs of vision. Helps to recover from a long illness and cope with depression.


Jet protects a person from dark forces, absorbs his pain, dissolves his fears. Protects its owner from nightmares. Eases the pain of separation. Reduces pain. Increases blood pressure.


Hematite is a symbol of courage and wisdom. It helps stop bleeding and heal wounds. Useful for blood diseases, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver, and spleen.


Rock crystal concentrates attention and sharpens thought processes. It is the most powerful amulet for humans. Neutralizes negative energy, protects the owner and his home. Neutralizes radiation and electromagnetic radiation. Promotes business success.


Garnet is a stone of love. Drives away sadness. Pomegranate is a symbol of fidelity, faith, devotion and happiness in marriage. Makes a person energetic and hardworking. Improves memory, helps to achieve a high official position. Protects during travel and from disasters, from the evil eye, from insomnia and bad dreams. Cleanses the body and hematopoietic system. Improves the functioning of the heart, digestive and immune systems.


A talisman stone that protects its owner from negative influences. Strengthens intuition and compassion. It lowers high blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Helps cope with stress.


Very useful for raising vitality, for combating the consequences of psychological trauma. It has a good effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems, increases the overall tone of the body.

SMOKY QUARTZ (rauch-topaz)

One of the most powerful dark stones in terms of energy. Protects its owner from the evil eye and damage. Neutralizes anger and relieves irritability. Helps relieve stress and pain. To do this, you need to hold a crystal in each hand and wait until they warm up. Improves the function of the adrenal glands, kidneys, pancreas. If you infuse water on a piece of smoky quartz and drink it, it cleanses the body and removes toxins.


Dumortierite is very useful as an amulet. It develops precision, accuracy and methodicality in its owner. Increases sense of responsibility and organizational abilities. Dumortierite also promotes success, adds courage and helps cope with fear. Can relieve headaches. Helps get rid of drug or alcohol addiction.


The main property is protection from all troubles and misfortunes. A piece of jadeite held in your hand will help you conclude a profitable contract and make a profitable deal. Jadeite also equalizes disturbed human bioenergy, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system, and improves blood composition.


Pearls are the elixir of youth and fertility, a symbol of marriage, prosperity and well-being. It calms the psyche, brings peace of mind and peace. Helps with diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system, and hypertension. Pearl water has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and blood-restoring effect.


The coil is able to protect the owner from negative influences from others. Helps with headaches, accelerates bone healing. Affects the cardiovascular and digestive systems.


Calcite helps cope with increased nervous stress and overcome the effects of stress. It also promotes economic well-being. Calcite helps with diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and spleen. It is also useful for heart and lung diseases.


Cacholong is “fossilized milk of a sacred cow.” Stone of love, faith and compassion. Improves human well-being, strengthens the home, promotes accumulation, and brings peace and tranquility to the home. Dissolves dark thoughts and fears. Strengthens a woman's health and helps during childbirth. It also helps with gastrointestinal diseases.

HAIRY QUARTZ (rutile quartz)

The most powerful amulet in matters of the heart. Helps in love, drives away melancholy and sadness of loneliness. Helps to get married, attracting people of the opposite sex. Slows down the aging process. Activates the immune system. Relieves accumulated fatigue and depression.


Kyanite calms the nervous system. Cleanses the energy circulating in the human body. Has a tonic effect. Acts on the throat chakra (contact method), resolves salts in the spine, treats osteochondrosis.


Coral is a symbol of immortality and happiness. Has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Neutralizes negative states - anger and envy. Activates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, improves memory. Helps with thyroid diseases, asthma, headaches, and throat diseases.


Corundum is a symbol of passion and sensual love. Drives away empty fears and protects against unfaithful friends and evil spirits. Helps with nervous diseases and insomnia. Red corundums - increase blood pressure. Blue corundums - lower blood pressure.


The cat's eye is a talisman against the evil eye, evil forces and adultery. Helps maintain love. Able to help in relationships with people, improves mutual understanding. Helps cure neuroses, blood diseases, hypertension. Treats diseases of the heart, bones and joints. Has a beneficial effect on the spleen and pancreas.

CLINOCHLOR (seraphinite)

Clinochlor is a symbol of all human virtues: mercy, intelligence, perseverance, courage, justice, modesty. Protects from all misfortunes. Attracts the love of others and money to its owner. It affects the heart chakra and stabilizes the emotional sphere of a person. Stimulates regeneration processes.


Labrador is a symbol of purity and chastity. It is a very good amulet, protects the house from uninvited guests. Stabilizes a person's aura. It also helps in the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine and genitourinary system.


Lava is a symbol of consciousness, a union of four elements: earth, fire, air and water. A very powerful amulet and amulet. Helps with wound healing.


Strengthens the physical body, mind and consciousness. It is used to cleanse the aura of negative influences, disturbing thoughts, old memories and everything that should be erased from memory.


Lepidolite is a stone of inner peace. Helps fight anger and irritation. Able to prevent problems from occurring, calms the mind, and can suggest a solution to any problem. Useful for insomnia and nightmares. Cures diseases of the cardiovascular system, helps strengthen muscles and keep them in good shape.


Moonstone attracts love, awakens tenderness, eliminates anger and internal tension. Treats diseases of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts. Arthritis. Asthma. Relieves swelling.


Helps with joint pain, headaches, and healing wounds and fractures. Painkiller stone. It is good to use in the morning as a leg exerciser - it improves the body's immunity. Used for biocorrection and stimulation of the body.


Malachite is a symbol of wish fulfillment. Absorbs negative energy. Creates emotional and physical harmony in a person. Relieves nervous tension, calms the nervous system. Protects from diseases and dangers. "Stone of Health" Symbol of life and growth. Drives out evil spirits from infants. Useful for diseases of the heart, pancreas and spleen, calms the nervous system.


Jade is a symbol of intelligence, humanity, devotion and truthfulness. Represents honesty, integrity, decency, courage, loyalty and wisdom. Symbol of perfection and purity. Family well-being and longevity are associated with it.


Obsidian is of volcanic origin, so people who have an amulet made from it are not afraid of any influences. Obsidian absorbs bad intentions and protects against wrong actions. Can resolve “energy” plugs. It has a positive effect on the stomach, intestines, and stimulates kidney function. Stabilizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.

PETSTICK WOOD Petrified wood is a symbol of the universe, connecting Heaven and Earth. Helps with joint pain and arthritis. Makes the host's nervous system more resistant to stress, thereby prolonging his life.


Onyx is a symbol of luck and fortune. It promotes energy accumulation and helps get rid of indecision. It is used for diseases of the nervous system, relieves stress, relieves pain, promotes emotional balance and self-control.


Opal is a symbol of happiness, hope and tender love. Enlightens the mind, disperses dark thoughts and fears. Opal calms the nerves, helps with heart disease and melancholy. Preserves from violent passions, restores visual acuity. Harmonizes all body functions.


Pyrite - symbolizes the warmth of the sun. It is a psychological protector of a person, capable of removing negative influences from its owner. Harmonizes all processes in the body. Sharpens vision. Treats hematomas, resolves fluids, helps in the treatment of tumors. Relieves knee pain.


Pietersit is a calmer of unrest. It helps people cope with emotional storms, channeling the energy of passions into a peaceful direction. Helps to bring out the best spiritual qualities in people. Improves vision, helps with asthma. Reduces blood pressure. One of the most powerful amulets. Relieves fatigue and irritability, strengthens healthy thoughts. Stone of “bankers” (“stone of financial well-being”)


Rhodonite - “stone of dawn”. Awakens people's love for life. Charges with strong positive energy. Strengthens the immune system, improves memory, relieves stress, heals and enhances vision (apply). Helps with liver diseases.


Rhodochrosite is a symbol of the birth of a new day, the beginning of a new life. It is a stone of the soul and heart, attracts love, calms emotions, and charges with pure energy. Cleanses the blood of toxins and improves vision.


Rose quartz is useful in love, protects family happiness and helps to get married successfully. Helps fight stress, extinguishes outbursts of anger. Soothes the pain of old heart wounds. Gives a restful sleep (put under the pillow). A stone created for women: it has a very beneficial effect on the female body, rejuvenates, cleanses, smooths out wrinkles (infuse water and drink). Relieves fatigue. Useful for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems


Ruby is a symbol of passion. Gives mental strength and courage to the wearer. Protects against serious diseases. Helps cure blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints. Positively affects the nervous system. Relieves depression, helps with insomnia.


Carnelian is a stone that protects against evil thoughts. It protects against envy and the evil eye. Protects from human ill will, the machinations of enemies and evil spells. Softens anger and improves mood. Promotes wealth, protects against financial ruin and gives strength. Helps with bleeding, women's ailments, sore throat and thyroid diseases, improves metabolic processes, stabilizes the nervous system.


Sodalite is a stone for meditation and creating inner harmony. It clears the mind and helps in developing intuition. He treats psychoneurotic disorders. Lowers blood pressure. Helps dispel fears and tension.


Improves vision, helps with asthma. Reduces blood pressure. One of the most powerful amulets. Relieves fatigue and irritability, strengthens healthy thoughts.


Recharges with energy from the sun. Has a positive effect on nervous disorders. Develops creativity and gives inspiration. Enhances the attractiveness of its owner.


Stromatolites are formations in the form of layered mounds or columns up to several meters high, formed over many years in the waters of warm, shallow tropical seas. The simplest algae and bacteria grew in layers on the bottom of the sea, then were covered with a layer of sediment. The first stromatolites arose in the Precambrian era about 3.5 billion years ago.


Sugilite helps open the third eye. It also activates the pituitary gland to produce self-regulating hormones necessary to maintain the harmony of the physical body.

This stone is used to heal the physical body. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of sugilite is to neutralize deviations in the flow of superphysical energies along energy meridians (imaginary lines on the human body along the course of nerve fibers). Although these energies are invisible to most people, it has been experimentally shown that there are people who constantly perceive these energies through vision. They appear to them as thin white lines or as a glow around the body.

It is known that the human body is surrounded by an aura. In weakened people, the aura is very weak, but in a healthy person it is bright, saturated with all the energies of color rays. Sugilite influences these energy flows, restoring the weakened aura and “patches” the resulting “black holes” over problem organs.


Tektite is a “heavenly” stone. Promotes the accumulation and preservation of knowledge. Protects its owner from mistakes in the mental and emotional spheres. Helps overcome karmic problems and relieve the consequences of emotional breakdowns. Enhances energy and metabolic processes in the body.


Improves vision, helps with asthma. Reduces blood pressure. One of the most powerful amulets. Relieves fatigue and irritability, strengthens healthy thoughts. Stone of “bankers” (“stone of financial well-being”)


Topaz is a stone of inner enlightenment. It brings beauty to women and wisdom to men. Well protects against the evil eye, witchcraft and other negative influences. Helps against depression and blues, insomnia and stress, brings good mood and peace. Protects against colds. Treats the digestive organs, liver, gall bladder, spleen. Strengthens the immune system.


Creates a protective aura around a person, reflecting all harmful influences. Removes negative energy from the physical body. Relieves pain. Cures inflammation.


Regulates the emotional sphere, relieves stress, enhances analytical abilities, opens the “third eye,” and strengthens the heart.

FUCHSITE (chrome-muscovite)

Helps you recover from injury physically and emotionally. Helps solve problems diplomatically. Strengthens fortitude in difficult circumstances, helps to find the right solution, avoid emotional blackmail and dependence, as well as strengthen self-esteem and understand relationships with other people.


Chalcedony is a stone of love that attracts men to women. It is also called the “stone of joy” and is able to drive away melancholy and create a good mood.


Chrysocolla is a stone that conquers fears and dispels illusions. She helps women be more gentle, welcoming and compassionate. Has a harmonizing effect. Helps with thyroid diseases and throat diseases. Useful in the treatment of female diseases.


Chrysoprase is a talisman against dangers, against the evil eye and damage, and against envious people. Helps develop eloquence. Attracts money, helps in business. Reduces blood pressure. Relieves stress. Strengthens the eyes. Cleanses the blood. Reduces rheumatic pain. In combination with rose quartz, it helps the heart function.


Citrine is a stone of wisdom and tranquility. Can save you from depression. Helps in communicating with people and deriving material benefits from this communication. Creates a protective aura around its owner, capable of protecting against adverse influences. Useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Activates brain function.


Gives a person faith in the rational structure of the world, helps to resist chaos and anarchy. Brings happiness to its owner. Promotes the development of philanthropy. Strengthens the heart muscle. Used as an amulet against heart attacks.


Creates peace and harmony in the soul and in relationships between people. Used to treat diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, and inflammatory processes.


Celestine is a talisman for money and good luck. Helps you come to terms with the world and yourself. Helps overcome karmic problems. Useful for problems with the digestive system.


Shungite protects against the harmful effects of computers and televisions on humans. Disinfects water, killing E. coli and cholera vibrios, neutralizes impurities of heavy metals, organochlorine compounds, ammonia and nitrates. With the help of this water, asthma and the effects of burns, joint pain and allergies are treated.


Amber is the magical resin of the ancient forest. It clarifies thoughts and helps in implementing plans. Gives joy and peace. Amber is a source of faith and optimism. Brings good luck. Helps with headaches, toothaches, and changes in blood pressure. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, spleen and heart.


Jasper is a symbol of courage, modesty and fortitude. Helps improve relationships, protects against evil fate and the evil eye. Prevents stomach diseases, improves vision, stops bleeding. Strengthens the physical body, prolongs life. Cleans and disinfects water well.

How to properly use and combine pressure stones?

Lithotherapy brings the desired effect if you follow certain rules for using stones. It is advisable to use them in their natural form or with minimal cutting. Avoid massive jewelry with metal frames. It is better if it is just an open stone hanging on a cord or chain. To treat diseases, it is recommended to wear products made from the selected gem closer to the body, and preferably in direct contact with the skin. This could be a pendant or beads hidden under clothes, a bracelet, a hand or a ring. To normalize pressure, the position of the stone on the body should be taken into account. Wearing it on the left hand helps to calm, relax and lower blood pressure. If the stone is placed on the right hand, the pressure will increase and the condition will return to normal.

How do stones affect blood pressure?

A correctly selected gem promotes the harmonization of human energy flows, and therefore self-healing.

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Stone treatment dates back several centuries and is widely used in Eastern folk medicine. How does healing happen? Crystals emit energy at a vibration frequency similar to that created by the human body. The vibration is imperceptible, but the energy of the stones affects organs, tissues and cells, which has a positive effect on pressure. Many crystals have a calming effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. After all, stress affects the increased production of hormones, which leads to pressure surges. The method of wearing the crystal also influences the elimination of hypertension or hypotension. If the jewelry is worn on the left hand, it induces peace and tranquility, reduces pressure and tension. When jewelry with gems is worn on the right hand, the pressure increases because they have a stimulating effect on the body. In order for lithotherapy to bring the desired effect, you should remember the following rules:

  • choose stones with the least processing;
  • avoid massive frames (it is better to wear an open stone on a cord);
  • maximum contact of the pebble with the skin and the correct choice of place to wear it (on the finger, in the ears, on the wrist or neck).
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