Increased neutrophils during pregnancy: why and what to do
While pregnant, expectant mothers undergo many tests. Such studies help obstetricians-gynecologists in time
How to measure blood pressure correctly?
Rating of semi-automatic tonometers - only the best models
In order for the tonometer to show an accurate blood pressure value, the measurement must be carried out correctly. WITH
How to measure blood pressure without a tonometer? Modern gadgets for this
Measurement using a ruler and pendulum So, having obtained everything we need, let's proceed to direct measurement.
Red clover for vessels
Atheroclephitis as an antiatherosclerotic agent for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology
Red clover, also known as clover (meadow) is a honey plant - in folk medicine it is used for
Diet for hypertension for overweight and obese people
The text is for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to use diets or resort to
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase of the thyroid gland (anti-TPO, microsomal antibodies)
Antibodies are complex compounds that contain carbohydrate and protein (produced
Non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure in newborns and children under 1 year of age
Intracranial pressure Imagine a woman who is interested in child health and has not heard of intracranial pressure
Alcohol with VSD - Ugodie
The cardiologist dispelled myths about statins, the treatment of hypertension and the effect of alcohol on blood vessels
Contents: Is it harmful to drink alcohol with vegetative-vascular dystonia? What changes occur in the body?
Diacarb and asparkam for babies reviews. Doctor Komarovsky advises
Instructions for the use of Diacarb tablets for high blood pressure and hypertension
Home → Information about diseases → Hydrocephalus (hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome of the HHS) Absolutely in all people
Tonometry 70 to 50, 40
Pressure 70 to 40 - causes of pathology
Blood pressure numbers are a very individual indicator. For some, the norm fits within the approved framework
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