what is blood pressure
What kind of alcohol is possible at low blood pressure and in what quantity?
Blood pressure is called blood pressure. When the heart contracts and blood is pumped further through the arteries,
Pressure measurement
Blood pressure 130 over 40 what does this mean?
People who are attentive to their health and regularly use a blood pressure monitor may panic when
Can hypertensive patients donate blood? How safe is it?
Donation of blood (from the Latin donare - “to give”) and (or) its components - voluntary donation
Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension in older patients
Hypertension develops when the regulation of blood circulation is disrupted. One of the main reasons for malfunctions
Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis
Treatment of chorioretinitis
The meaning of the ancient Greek roots from which the term “chorioretinitis” is derived is as follows. Choroid - network
Losartan reduces sexual dysfunction in hypertension
Blood pressure indicators are directly related to a man’s sexual abilities. Doctors confirm that
Means regulating blood pressure levels
The pharmacy sells drugs that help normalize hypertension, hypotension and get rid of
Tea for poisoning (food, alcohol) - Tea Pravda, strong tea with sugar.
Strong tea is a folk assistant in the treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases or any
blood in the laboratory
Determination of the amount of intraoperative blood loss during endovideosurgical interventions in urology
Clinical significance of hemoglobin determination In an adult, the normal Hb concentration depends on gender: women
Tonometer errors
How to repair a tonometer with your own hands: what are the causes of breakdowns and how to properly repair tonometers yourself?
Read in this article: Types of malfunctions of tonometers Mechanical damage and problems with data display
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