Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension in older patients

Hypertension develops when the regulation of blood circulation is disrupted. One of the main reasons for malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system in old age is weakness and fragility of blood vessels. When elasticity decreases, they can no longer fully perform their functions. As a result, the intensity of blood flow is disrupted and a persistent increase in blood pressure (BP) occurs.

In old age, increased blood pressure if left untreated often leads to a hypertensive crisis. The consequences of this complication can be myocardial infarction, acute cardiovascular failure, stroke, renal failure, and the development of dementia. To prevent dangerous complications, it is necessary to seek medical help for any deviations in blood pressure from the norm.

Hypertension in the elderly: what are the causes of the pathology?

Pressure increases during physical activity, changes in temperature and humidity, and in stressful situations. Such episodic fluctuations are normal for the body. A threefold increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg is considered a deviation. Art.

Increased pressure can be caused by various reasons and factors. In old age it is:

  1. diseases of the endocrine system;
  2. pathology of the kidneys, adrenal glands;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. obesity;
  6. metabolic disease;
  7. poor nutrition;
  8. low physical activity.

There are often cases when older people with hypertension feel well and do not experience any discomfort. Signs of the disease may not appear for a long time, so periodic monitoring of blood pressure is necessary.

Healthcare Institution "Myadel Central District Hospital"

Registration of the clinic - 8 017 97 24-3-89 Registration of the pediatric department of the clinic - 8 017 97 24-3-15 Reception of the chief physician (fax) - 8 017 97 24-3-80 Myadel emergency medical department of the Medical Institution "MotssMP" - 103 " _ _ _ _ hotline" - 8 017 97 22-3-21 Questions on the provision of medical care during the period of rising incidence of viral infections - 8 017 97 24-3-88 Tasks and functions: Public health is one of the main conditions for the successful implementation of the socio-economic development strategy The Republic of Belarus. The most important goal of the state in the field of health protection is to reduce the level of diseases, the spread of which poses a major threat to the health of citizens and national security. The main task of domestic healthcare is to preserve the principles of social equality in the provision of medical care. The Republic of Belarus has developed a legislative framework , which, among other things, establishes the equal right of citizens to affordable medical care. The fundamental documents are: - The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus (Article 45); — Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care”; — Law of the Republic of Belarus “On State Minimum Social Standards”; The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus guarantees citizens of the country the right to health care, including free treatment in state health care institutions (Article 45). In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care”, citizens of the Republic of Belarus have the right to affordable health care , which is ensured by: - ​​the provision of free medical care in state health care institutions based on state minimum social standards in the field of health care; — provision of medical care in state health care organizations, non-state health care organizations and individual entrepreneurs at the expense of their own funds, funds of legal entities and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The Law “On State Minimum Social Standards” establishes state minimum social standards in the field of healthcare (adopted by regional (Minsk City) Councils of Deputies for each region).

Tasks and functions of the Myadel Central District Hospital: - Implementation of a set of measures developed on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care”, Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Decrees of the Government and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, aimed at creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of the population of the region. — Ensuring accessibility of medical care for the population of the region, providing free medical care based on state minimum social standards in the field of healthcare. — Providing the population of the region with highly qualified inpatient and outpatient medical care. — Development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of medical care for the population of the region, reducing morbidity, disability, hospital mortality, child and general mortality and improving the health of children, adolescents and women. — Timely and widespread introduction of modern methods and means of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation into the practice of all treatment and prevention organizations in the region. — Development, organization and implementation of measures for the deployment, rational use, professional development and education of medical personnel. — Operational, organizational and methodological management, as well as control over the work of all healthcare organizations in the district. — Priority development of primary health care. — Interaction and continuity with other healthcare institutions. — Implementation of government programs in the field of healthcare. — Carrying out work on hygienic education of the population and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. — Introduction of economic forms of management and increasing the efficiency of using allocated financial resources. — Improving and strengthening the material and technical base.

Objectives of the Myadel Central District Hospital: - Providing qualified, specialized medical care to the population of the entire region. — Implementation of operational, organizational and methodological management of rural treatment and preventive organizations. — Advisory assistance. — Planning and forecasting of health care in the region. — Monitoring the activities of health care organizations in the region. — Financing. Identification of economic priorities. — Supply of medical equipment and equipment. — Introduction of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. — Drawing up summary statistical reports. — Organization and implementation of preventive measures.

Tasks of a medical outpatient clinic: - Conducting appointments and providing care to patients at home. — Providing first aid for acute diseases and accidents (injuries, poisoning, etc.). — Ensuring the patient is referred to other medical facilities in accordance with medical indications. — Early detection of diseases, timely outpatient examination and treatment of patients. — Identification of patients in need of inpatient treatment and preparing them for hospitalization. — Ensuring continuity in examination and treatment with the hospital, emergency department of the Central District Hospital. — Work on the examination of temporary disability and issuance of certificates of incapacity for work. — Referral in the prescribed manner of persons with disabilities to VKK. — Conducting preventive medical examinations of persons subject to examination in the prescribed manner. — Clinical examination of the population: timely registration of persons subject to medical examination (patients and healthy people), ensuring dynamic monitoring of their health status, carrying out therapeutic and recreational activities. — Preferential provision of medical care to individual agricultural workers (machine operators, etc.). — Carrying out measures to provide medical care to agricultural workers during the period of mass field work. — Protecting the health of mothers and children. — Carrying out a set of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures (preventive vaccinations, etc.). — Notification of the district center of hygiene and epidemiology in the prescribed manner about infectious, parasitic and occupational diseases, poisoning of the population and identified violations of sanitary and hygienic requirements. — Carrying out sanitary education work. — Scheduled visits of doctors to assigned medical posts to monitor and provide practical assistance in their work.

Tasks of the FAP: - Reception of the population, provision of pre-medical care. — Identification of pregnant women and their patronage. — Observation of postpartum women at home. — Teaching pregnant women about pregnancy hygiene, hygienic child care, proper feeding, and protecting the child from infectious diseases. — Monitoring children under 1 year of age, patronage of children, carrying out measures to reduce infant and maternal mortality. — Medical services for kindergartens and schools. — Participation in medical examination, monitoring the health of machine operators, livestock breeders, etc. Timely identification of risk factors for non-communicable diseases, arterial hypertension. Conducting door-to-door visits for the purpose of early detection of cancer - Examination of the working conditions and living conditions of those undergoing medical examinations, monitoring the implementation of labor recommendations. — Prevention of agricultural and domestic injuries. — Sanitary and anti-epidemic work (door-to-door visits, work in the outbreak), current sanitary supervision, notification of the district center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health. — Organization of sanitary assets and their training. — Performing the function of a pharmacy. — Drawing up plans and reports.

Tasks of the local hospital: - Providing medical care to the population of the district in a hospital setting (outpatient). — Planning and implementation of measures for prevention and reduction of morbidity based on data on seeking medical care (primary, general, infectious morbidity, morbidity of the most important non-epidemic diseases, morbidity with temporary disability, hospitalized morbidity). — Carrying out measures to bring out-of-hospital care closer to agricultural workers during the period of mass field work. — Carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures to protect the health of mothers and children. — Introduction into practice of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients, progressive forms and methods of work of medical organizations. — Organizational and methodological management and control over the activities of subordinate medical and obstetric centers. The local hospital (medical outpatient clinic) provides outpatient medical appointments in the main specialties (therapy, surgery, dentistry, etc.). In some cases (the absence of a doctor, his illness, vacation, a large number of calls), a paramedic is involved in outpatient appointments. Outpatient hours are set taking into account the seasonality of field work and the time of year for agricultural workers.

WE INVITE you to visit the clinic for examination as part of the DISPANSERIZATION!

Health care institution "Myadel Central District Hospital"

222397, Myadel city, Kommunisticheskaya street, 23, Myadel district, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus, phone: +375-17-97-24380 (reception), +375-17-97-24389 (reception).
Fax: +375-17-97-24380. E-mail: [email protected] , IT:
Look for us on social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook

Postal address of the main health department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee:

220030, Minsk, Engelsa Street, 4, phone: +375-17-500-42-31 (reception of the head of the main health department).
Website: Email

Symptoms of hypertension

An asymptomatic course is characteristic of the early stages of hypertension. If the disease is advanced, complications develop. The patient regularly experiences:

  • severe headaches, frequent dizziness;
  • numbness and swelling of the limbs;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • vision problems;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • sleep disorders;
  • memory impairment.

High blood pressure in old age always affects your physical and emotional state. If the patient himself does not notice this, relatives should take care of his health.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

A sharp jump in blood pressure in a person at any age can simply rupture blood vessels, leading to a catastrophic cerebrovascular accident, stroke. The constant tension of worn-out blood vessels in older people, in addition to stroke and myocardial infarction, provokes the development of many concomitant diseases that are no less life-threatening.

Poor blood circulation and increased stress on the heart and blood vessels have a detrimental effect on all human organs and functions and provoke the rapid development of all existing diseases:

  • Impaired heart function, developing heart failure, myocardial infarction;
  • Deterioration of brain activity with weakening of cognitive functions;
  • Damage to blood vessels, atherosclerosis, aortic rupture;
  • Deterioration of vision, blindness;
  • Renal failure, impaired renal function;
  • Complication of diabetes mellitus;
  • Impotence…

Rule two

Take antihypertensive medications regularly, avoiding skipping them

Why is it important . Taking antihypertensive drugs not only reduces blood pressure, but also prevents its increase. If you stop taking medications when your blood pressure has returned to normal, you will be depriving yourself of their protection.

For the same reason, you should not take medications “as you feel,” because 80% of people do not feel an increase in blood pressure. It’s not for nothing that hypertension is called the silent killer. You cannot change the doses of prescribed antihypertensive drugs or interrupt treatment on your own.

Article on the topic

Strike the right tone. How to measure pressure

Rule four

Avoid irrational drug combinations

Why is it important . Typically, multiple mechanisms are responsible for the increase in blood pressure, so most patients require two or more medications to achieve stable blood pressure control. In order to reduce the number of tablets taken and provide the most effective and safe combination of drugs, combination drugs have been created that combine several drugs in one tablet. Such medicines are very convenient to use. But only a doctor can prescribe them.

Today, experts identify five classes of antihypertensive drugs that significantly reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality: thiazide diuretics (diuretics), calcium antagonists, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, beta-blockers.

Question answer

How to lower blood pressure without medications?

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