The reason for the appearance of bruises on the body without contusions. Spontaneous appearance of bruises on the body

Author Vladan Djuric

08/30/2019 21:09 (Updated: 08/25/2021 12:19)


The appearance of bruises is explained by internal hemorrhage. When struck or bruised, characteristic blue spots are visible. Any touch to the bruise causes pain and discomfort.

Getting rid of bruises

Hormonal disbalance

The female body is more prone to the appearance of hematomas for no apparent reason. Why, this happens due to the instability of hormonal balance. If there is insufficiency of estrogen, hematomas may appear. This mainly happens during menopause or due to the use of hormonal drugs, with the exception of estrogen.

With age, tissues become less elastic, so the vascular system becomes weak. The vessels burst even without touching, a bruise forms, and this causes a bruise.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

An ordinary bruise after a blow appears due to rupture of capillaries, blood disperses through the tissue and a bruise results. If the hematoma was not preceded by a bruise, then its cause may be vasculitis. It manifests itself as increased vascular fragility.

The body, perceiving the vessels as a foreign body, produces antibodies that contribute to the destruction of the vessels, which makes their walls fragile. They break, blood spreads through the tissue, and bruises appear on the body. This usually occurs when the choroid is affected:

  • cardiac;
  • renal;
  • hepatic;
  • brain.

A hematoma can form on the entire body and limbs, except the head. Sometimes the appearance of bruises on the body can be evidence of an infectious disease that a person suffered not so long ago.

general characteristics

A bruise or hematoma is a limited collection of blood that occurs with closed/open injuries. Damage to soft tissue is accompanied by destruction of blood vessels. A cavity forms in the injured area of ​​the body into which liquid or coagulated blood from damaged vessels flows.


  • general characteristics
  • Possible causes of formation
  • Preventive measures
  • Features of therapy

Hematomas can form in any part of the body - under the skin, mucous membranes, in muscle tissue, and the walls of internal organs. They often resolve on their own, causing temporary minor discomfort to the victim. But in some cases, doctors are faced with the need to remove a large hematoma that interferes with the work of neighboring organs or tissues.

A bruise can form after an injury of any severity. It all depends not on the strength or number of blows, but on the fragility of the vascular wall.

Hematomas are classified according to location, state of the blood that has been shed (fresh, suppurating, infected, coagulated) and relation to the lumen of the blood vessel (pulsating or non-pulsating). The formation of a bruise and its subsequent resorption is accompanied by pain, swelling, impaired functionality of the injured tissues and an increase in temperature.

The main distinguishing feature of a hematoma is its shade. The color of damaged skin can range from purple-red to deep yellow-green. What does this indicate? Initially, the injured area of ​​skin becomes purple in color. The color is due to red hemoglobin, which literally pours into the subcutaneous fat. Within a few hours, the skin turns blue - hemoglobin is destroyed and turns into a blue compound. After a few days, the bruise turns green due to further transformations of hemoglobin, after which it acquires a final yellow color.

The yellow tint comes from the pigment bilirubin. It is eliminated from the body along with the remaining blood, after which the bruise disappears.

Varicose veins

Bruises on the body for no reason, especially on the legs, usually become evidence of varicose veins. This is a serious disease that requires special attention. It is based on the destruction of the valves of the veins and the disruption of the outflow of venous blood to the heart. To avoid stagnation, you need to give more physical activity to your legs, try to move more. You may have to use compression stockings or lie on the operating table.

Treatment of hematomas and bruises

The most important step in treating hematomas is first aid. After receiving an injury, you need to apply cold to the damaged area, which will help narrow the blood vessels and prevent tissue from entering the blood, and relieve swelling.

As a rule, small superficial hematomas resolve on their own. After first aid, you can use ointments based on heparin, bodyagi, and hirudin. Complex bruises are treated in the hospital and on an outpatient basis. One method is surgical dissection, which is performed under local anesthesia.

To treat intracranial hematomas, it is necessary to prescribe individual procedures that depend on the nature of each injury. Some cases can be treated with traditional methods, but more complex hematomas require immediate surgical intervention, including craniotomy.

Lack of vitamins

With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, the walls of blood vessels thin and become very brittle. This problem can be solved by replenishing the body’s reserves of vitamin C, for which you need to eat foods rich in it. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, rose hips, and lingonberries. The doctor may also prescribe medications that mostly contain this vitamin.

Why do bruises appear with a lack of vitamins? If the body lacks vitamins C and P together, a calcium deficiency occurs, which leads to thinning and increased fragility of blood vessels. If you compensate for the lack of vitamins, the walls of blood vessels can become stronger, blood pressure will return to normal, and capillaries will become less permeable. To replenish vitamin reserves you need to consume:

  • green tea (freshly brewed);
  • buckwheat;
  • cherry;
  • plums;
  • red pepper.

With regular use of these products, you will be able to forget about the fragility and fragility of blood vessels, and therefore the appearance of bruises.

Do bruises need to be treated?

Since there are quite a large number of causes of bruises, standard treatment may not bring results, since this will not stop hemorrhages under the skin in an elderly person. First of all, it is important to identify the cause of their occurrence, only after that the doctor will prescribe treatment, which may include a special diet.

The only thing an elderly person should try to do during the diagnosis is to eliminate the possibility of impacts, injuries and falls. And also be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


If a hematoma appears without a previous blow, you should consult a specialist, since one of the causes of its occurrence is an oncological disease, such as blood cancer. Why do bruises appear with this disease? Platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells are blood cells produced in the bone marrow. If cancer cells grow in it, the number of platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells decreases. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting; their deficiency contributes to the appearance of hematomas.

Taking medications

Blood thinners may cause bleeding under the skin and bruising. A similar side effect is typical for the following medications:

  • heparin
  • rivaroxaban
  • dabigatran
  • apixaban
  • aspirin

If you notice that bruises began to appear precisely after the prescription of blood-thinning drugs, you should definitely inform your doctor about this. Depending on the situation, he may adjust the dosage or change the medication. It is not recommended to stop taking the drug without consulting a doctor.

Other medications that may cause bruising include:

  • corticosteroids and glucocorticoids (eg, prednisone)
  • antidepressants (citalopram, fluoxetine)
  • some medicinal herbs (ginkgo biloba, ginseng, feverfew, willow bark)

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Coagulation disorders

Bruises on the body for no reason may appear due to poor blood clotting. If drug treatment to thin the blood has not been carried out, then it is necessary to replenish vitamin K, which is found in:

  • white cabbage;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • nettle decoction.

However, nettle decoction can contribute to the appearance of thrombosis, so it is better to consult a doctor. And people who have high blood pressure need to take blood thickening medications with great caution.

With cirrhosis, there is a deficiency of blood clotting factors, which is why small bruises appear. If hematomas appear for no apparent reason, you should immediately contact the clinic, since there are many hidden reasons for their appearance. To determine why the bruises appeared, you need to conduct a coagulogram and do a clinical blood test.


Bruising and generally poor skin condition are a classic problem for people with diabetes. It seems that a breath of wind is enough for a bruise to appear, the skin is so vulnerable. This happens for a number of reasons. Due to increased glucose levels (hyperglycemia) and insulin resistance (insulin resistance), blood circulation is impaired. The walls of blood vessels become thinner and their permeability increases. As a result, capillaries burst due to temperature changes or strong pressure.

Plus, against the background of diabetes, the immune system is greatly reduced: bruises and wounds do not heal for a long time and are easily accompanied by fungal and bacterial infections. This is why it is so important for diabetics to take good care of their skin. Doctors recommend:

  • Constantly apply moisturizing lotions to maintain softness and elasticity of the skin
  • drink enough clean water daily (1.5-2 liters)
  • use special socks and underwear for diabetics
  • wear orthopedic shoes

Bruises can be not only a symptom, but also a harbinger of diabetes. If you consult a doctor at the stage of prediabetes, pathology can be avoided.

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To maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, collagen protein is needed, in the production of which vitamin C takes part. It is also necessary for the construction of connective tissue. Preventive actions.

  1. Vitamin K improves blood clotting and helps in the synthesis of connective tissues. However, it should not be used together with drugs that thin the blood.
  2. Women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy if necessary.
  3. Aspirin should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as it thins the blood.
  4. To avoid the appearance of new bruises, you should try not to overload the body, and you should also avoid hypothermia. You need to constantly monitor your blood vessels and do strengthening exercises.

If, nevertheless, a bruise appears on the body, there is no need to try to look for the reason why it happened on your own; an urgent consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary. After all, any disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.


Liver diseases

Severe liver diseases (fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer) are often accompanied by bruising because the organ stops producing proteins necessary for blood clotting. The patient is also tormented by itchy skin, jaundice, constant fatigue and severe swelling.

All these symptoms appear due to liver dysfunction. Normal organ tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue: this can be compared to a scar that appears on the skin after deep damage. The more scar tissue, the harder it is for the liver to cope with its direct responsibilities.

In this case, visible symptoms appear only when the liver disease goes very far. In order not to miss the initial stage, when cure is quite easy (with diet and hepatoprotectors with UDCA), you need to monitor simple symptoms like fatigue.

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