Vasodilator drugs (peripheral vasodilators)

15 minutes


Hypertension is a condition of the body in which the blood vessels constantly experience increased blood pressure: systolic blood pressure equals or exceeds 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure equals or exceeds 90 mm Hg.

The diagnosis of “hypertension” is made in cases where, according to pressure measurements taken on two different days, the value of systolic pressure on both days is equal to or exceeds 140 mmHg. Art. and/or the diastolic pressure value on both days is equal to or greater than 90 mmHg. Art.

The danger of this condition is the risk of damage to the heart or blood vessels in other organs, such as the brain and kidneys.

Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to heart attack, enlarged heart, and eventually heart failure. Blood vessels can develop dilations (aneurysms) and develop vulnerable spots where the vessels are more likely to become clogged and rupture. Pressure in the blood vessels can lead to bleeding in the brain and stroke. Hypertension can also lead to kidney failure, blindness, and cognitive impairment.

Hypertension is called the “silent killer”. Most patients with hypertension are not even aware of the problem, since hypertension often does not give warning signs and is asymptomatic.

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Indications for use

Peripheral vasodilator drugs are indicated for circulatory disorders in peripheral organs and tissues associated with narrowing of the lumen of the vessel: atherosclerotic plaque (vascular atherosclerosis obliterans), inflamed vascular wall (endarteritis obliterans), pathological reflex spasm (Raynaud's disease).

Peripheral vasodilators are used for circulatory disorders in the vessels of the lower extremities, which are accompanied by intermittent claudication, trophic ulcers, pain in the legs at rest, sensory disturbances, and spasms in the calf muscles.

Peripheral vasodilators are also used for vascular complications due to diabetes mellitus (diabetic angiopathy), up to the initial stages of gangrene of the foot.

In addition, drugs of peripheral vasodilators are used for chronic disorders of cerebral circulation - cerebral atherosclerosis, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency.

Peripheral vasodilators are indicated for behavioral and mental disorders in old age, in patients after stroke, coma, and insufficient blood supply to the retina and inner ear.

Certain drugs of peripheral vasodilators (bendazole and its combinations with papaverine) are used for arterial hypertension and hypertensive crisis.

Risk factors for developing hypertension

Stress, mental and mental fatigue

Research shows that hypertension is more common in people whose life is associated with constant nervous tension. For example, in residents of large cities, hypertension is much more common than in people living in rural areas.

Hypertension and stress are inextricably linked, so it is necessary to treat both ailments.

Every fourth man and every fifth woman in the world has high blood pressure

Research shows that hypertension is more common in people whose life is associated with constant nervous tension. For example, in residents of large cities, hypertension is much more common than in people living in rural areas. Hypertension and stress are inextricably linked, so it is necessary to treat both ailments.

Complications of hypertension are responsible for 9.4 million annual deaths worldwide (WHO)

Physical inactivity

Physical inactivity is a decrease in muscle load due to a sedentary lifestyle. A modern city dweller does little physical labor, prefers to use vehicles even for short distances, instead of walking, and spends his free time in front of the computer or TV. Only 1% engage in recreational sports and 5% do morning exercises.

As a consequence, this lifestyle leads to significant changes in all life-supporting systems of the body, especially the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The combination of physical inactivity and stress makes a person extremely vulnerable to hypertension and its complications. Adrenaline produced during times of stress stimulates the production of glucocorticoids, which, in turn, stimulate an increase in blood sugar and an increase in blood pressure.

In an immobilized body, adrenaline and sugar, instead of “burning out” with the release of energy, remain in the blood vessels for a long time and lead not only to a long-term increase in pressure, but also to heart attacks and strokes.


In order to determine whether you are overweight or not, body mass index is used. It is calculated as the ratio of body weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters. If the result obtained exceeds 25 kg/sq.m for young people and 27 kg/sq.m for older people, but does not exceed 30 kg/sq.m, then this means that there is excess weight. If the index value is above 30 kg/sq.m, then in this case we are talking about clinically pronounced obesity.

More than half of patients with hypertension are obese.

Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease in which excess fat accumulates in adipose tissue.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that reducing excess fat mass by 5-10% leads to a decrease in high blood pressure and improved control of the disease.

Other risk factors

Unhealthy diet - excessive salt intake, high content of saturated fats and trans fats in food, insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits. As well as the use of tobacco and alcohol.

Uncontrollable risk factors include family history, age, and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease.

Classification of peripheral vasodilator drugs

Peripheral vasodilator drugs are classified according to their chemical structure and origin into:

  • 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivatives: isoxsuprine;
  • nicotinic acid preparations: nicotinic acid;
  • purine derivatives: xanthinol nicotinate, pentoxifylline;
  • ergot alkaloids: nicergoline;
  • Vinca alkaloids: vincamine;
  • others: naftidofuryl, bendazole, bencyclane.

In addition, magnesium sulfate, hydralazine, antihypertensive drugs - calcium antagonists (amlodipine, nifedipine, felodipine, isradipine, nitrendipine), nitric oxide donors (sodium nitroprusside), potassium channel activators (minoxidil, diazoxide) have a peripheral vasodilating effect.

There are also combination preparations of the peripheral vasodilator bendazole with the myotropic antispasmodic papaverine.


This long-acting blood pressure medication is available by prescription and is very popular. Amlodipine helps cells become saturated with oxygen, therefore preventing heart attacks. The medicine is also prescribed for angina pectoris.

OZON, Russia

Arterial hypertension (monotherapy or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs).
Angina pectoris, vasospastic angina (Prinzmetal angina) from 15


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Features of treatment with peripheral vasodilator drugs

Due to the high risk of shock and collapse - a sharp drop in blood pressure with loss of consciousness - peripheral vasodilator drugs are prescribed with caution to people with hypotension (low blood pressure).

Peripheral vasodilator drugs, lowering blood pressure, with a sharp change in the horizontal position of the body to a vertical one, can lead to an outflow of blood from the brain, which is manifested by dizziness and even loss of consciousness. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension. To prevent the development of such an effect after taking peripheral vasodilator drugs, the patient should lie down or sit for about half an hour, without getting up suddenly.

Since peripheral vasodilator drugs thin the blood, having an antiplatelet effect, their use is contraindicated in patients with reduced blood clotting and uncontrolled bleeding.

When using peripheral vasodilator drugs, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Choosing a remedy for osteoarthritis: which components are especially important?

When osteoarthritis and the symptoms that accompany it appear or worsen, a logical question arises - which remedy should be preferred in order to slow down the destruction of joints, reduce discomfort and pain. What is the difference between the products presented on pharmacy shelves and what exactly should you look for in their composition?

Osteoarthritis and its treatment

According to ICD-10, the disease is called osteoarthritis. This affects mainly large joints - most often the hip and knee. But this does not exclude the involvement of smaller joints, for example, in the hand area.

A group of drugs used to combat changes in joints due to osteoarthritis are called chondroprotectors. These are components that are used as a building material to renew and improve the structure of cartilage tissue. Cartilage covers the surfaces of the bones that form the joint, cushioning it during movements and ensuring full gliding of moving parts. Damage to cartilage in osteoarthritis leads to disruption of the structure and function of the joints and the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the disease. Taking chondroprotectors helps slow down the development of osteoarthritis, influencing not only the symptoms, but also the trigger mechanisms.

Chondroprotectors come in different forms:

o Solution for intramuscular injection is a prescription drug prescribed by a doctor;

o Tablets or capsules;

o Gels or ointments for external use.

The composition can contain either one active substance or a combination: two or three active components.

Today there are three most studied chondroprotectors:

· NEM® complex – a new generation chondroprotector;

chondroitin sulfate;


Let's take a closer look at these substances.

for joints
The abbreviation NEM ® comes from the English name – Natural Eggshell Membrane, which means “natural eggshell shell”. The complex was the result of innovative scientific development by ESM Technologies LLC (USA). The components are obtained using a specific patented technology of partial hydrolysis with gentle fermentation of the substance.

The NEM® complex is a natural source of substances essential for joints - glycosaminoglycans. They make up the matrix of cartilage tissue. The complex contains chondroitin sulfate, elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen. These substances ensure the formation of a supporting frame. In addition, the complex contains minerals – magnesium, calcium [8,9].

During the 15-year period of studying the effectiveness of the NEM® complex, 16 experimental and clinical studies were published. They were published in different countries - Italy, USA, Germany, Canada, Turkey [10]. According to scientific works, it has been determined that NEM® has anti-inflammatory [11], immunomodulatory [12] effects, and helps slow down destruction processes [13].

Main effects of the NEM complex®:

· reduction in the level of compounds that provoke the inflammatory process [8];

Reducing the severity of pain in the joints caused by physical activity;

· reduction in the intensity of pain, as well as stiffness due to osteoarthritis [14];

· improvement of flexibility, mobility [15];

· inhibition, reduction in the severity of age-related changes in cartilage tissue in osteoarthritis [16];

During the study of the NEM® complex, its high safety profile was proven [17].

Chondroitin sulfate for joints

The substance that makes up the cartilage matrix, its frame. This is one of the most thoroughly studied chondroprotectors. Its use is included in clinical recommendations for the treatment of osteoarthritis, developed by domestic and European professional associations [1-4]. The body uses chondroitin as a building material necessary to renew cartilage and repair its damage. Due to a sufficient supply of chondroitin, it is possible to maintain the necessary viscosity of the intra-articular fluid and inhibit the activity of enzymes - hyaluronidase, elastase, which destroy the structure of cartilage. Plus, chondroitin has analgesic properties, suppressing the concentration of compounds that provoke inflammation and pain [5,6].

Due to its complex action, taking chondroitin helps [5,6]:

· reduce the intensity of pain and reduce the need for painkillers;

· improve mobility;

· slow down destruction.

In joint products, chondroitin sulfate can be either the sole component or combined with other compounds.

Glucosamine for joints

A natural compound necessary for the production of synovial fluid, especially its components such as proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid. The effectiveness of this substance has been confirmed through numerous studies.

Glucosamine helps [7]:

· reduce the intensity of pain;

· inhibits the activity of destruction processes in cartilage;

· stimulates the synthesis of polysaccharides that are present in the joint fluid under normal conditions.

Often, several components are combined in the complexes: glucosamine, chondroitin and other chondroprotectors, which mutually enhances their effect.

MUCOSAT capsules®*

All three described components are included in the composition of MUCOSAT® capsules. This drug is classified as a new generation of chondroprotectors. The composition of the capsules is supplemented with harpagophytum root extract (also called fragrant martinia) and manganese.

Harpagophytum root extract is a natural anti-inflammatory substance studied by specialists. Its use helps reduce pain and improve mobility [18,19].

Manganese for joints helps protect and renew cartilage, and our body also uses this mineral to produce collagen [20].

MUKOSAT® capsules can be used as an addition to a complex regimen for osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis [21].

The components of the capsules contribute [21]:

· reducing pain and inflammation;

· increased mobility;

· protection of cartilage tissue of joints and spine.

Detailed information, including the regimen and mode of administration, can be found in the instructions for use of MUKOSAT® capsules.

All about MUKOSAT® capsules on



*Contains NEM® complex exclusively in Mucosat® capsules

1. Clinical recommendations “Osteochondrosis of the spine”, All-Russian public organization Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Russia, 2021.

2. Kloppenburg M, Kroon FP, Blanco FJ, et al2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2019;78:16-24.

3. Olivier Bruyère et al. An updated algorithm recommendation for the management of knee osteoarthritis from the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO), Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, Volume 49, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 337-350.

4. Federal clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis. Association of Rheumatologists of Russia. 2016

5. Mezenova T.V. Boosted therapy for osteoarthritis: expanding the boundaries of what is possible. Surgery. Journal named after N.I. Pirogov. 2018;(5): 91-95

6 Fedotova A. V., Mironova O. P. Chondroprotector mucosat in an integrated approach to the treatment of patients with nonspecific back pain. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. 2018;118(9):133-137.

7. Lopes Junior, Osmar Valadao, & Inacio, Andre Manoel. (2013). Use of glucosamine and chondroitin to treat osteoarthritis: a review of the literature. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 48(4), 300-306.

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9. Ruff KJ, DeVore DP, Leu MD and Robinson MA. (2009) Eggshell Membrane: A Possible New Natural Therapeutic For Joint & Connective Tissue Disorders. Results From Two Open-label Human Clinical Studies. Clinical Interventions in Aging 4:235–240.

10. URL: stratumnutrition Access date 04/07/2021

11. Wedekind KJ, Ruff KJ, Atwell CA, Evans JL and Bendele AM. (2016) Beneficial Effects of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) on Multiple Indices of Arthritis in Collagen-Induced Arthritic Rats. Modern Rheumatology, 27(5):838-848.

12. Ruff KJ. Eggshell membrane hydrolyzates activate NF-κB in vitro: possible implications for in vivo efficacy. J Inflamm Res. 2015.

13. Sim BY, Bak JW, Lee HJ, Jun JA, Choi HJ, Kwon CJ, Kim HY, Ruff KJ, Brandt K and Kim DH. (2015) Effects of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) on monosodium iodoacetate-induced arthritis in rats. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 48(4):310-318.

14. Ruff KJ, Winkler A, Jackson RW, DeVore DP and Ritz BW. (2009) Eggshell Membrane in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness from Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized, Multicenter, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Clinical Study. Clinical Rheumatology 28:907–914.

15. Brunello E and Masini A. (2016) NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Knee in an Italian Study Population. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7:169-175

16. Eskiyurt et al. (2019) Efficacy and Safety of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®) in Patients with Grade 2/3 Knee Osteoarthritis: A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Single-crossover Clinical Study. Journal of Arthritis, 8(4):1000285

17. Ruff KJ, Endres JR, Clewell AE, Szabo JR and Schauss AG. (2012) Safety evaluation of a natural eggshell membrane-derived product. Food and Chemical Toxicology 50:604–611.

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20. Delmas PD Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The Lancet. 2002;359(9322):2018–2026. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(02)08827-x

21. Biologically active food additive Mucosat® capsules. Certificate of state registration No.RU. dated 03/15/2018



This medicine helps the body remove excess fluid, eliminating swelling. Potassium in Veroshpiron improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and many patients note that the drug relieves seizures.

Gedeon Richter, Hungary

The drug Veroshpiron is a potassium-sparing diuretic.
from 72


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The active ingredients of these blood pressure pills reduce the amount of adrenaline in the blood, which has a good effect on the functioning of the heart. Concor reduces heart rate and is suitable for those who have had a heart attack. But Concor is not suitable for older people and those with severe hypertension.

Merkle GmbH, Germany

- arterial hypertension;
— IHD: stable angina; - chronic heart failure. from 132

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