Take care of your heart from a young age: what folk remedies will help in the treatment of heart disease

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia with folk remedies

Do not panic if your doctor has diagnosed you with atrial fibrillation, because there are treatment methods with folk remedies. It can be:

  • viburnum decoction;
  • hawthorn tincture;
  • calendula infusion;
  • decoction of valerian root;
  • lemon balm tincture;
  • grated celery;
  • grated onion with apple.
  1. Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia in men with folk remedies

How to cure cardiac arrhythmia with folk remedies in a man? It's very simple: mix alcohol tinctures of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. Infuse for 24 hours, take one spoon three times a day.

  1. Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia in women with folk remedies

If you are interested in folk remedies for atrial fibrillation in women, we recommend trying the following recipe: cut 0.5 kilograms of lemons, pour honey and add 20 apricot kernels. This drink is taken one tablespoon 2 times a day.

Buy viburnum (dried berries) on our website

Collection of folk recipes for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system

For arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm)

— To prepare the medicine, you need to mix 30 drops of yarrow tincture (you can use a pharmaceutical preparation) with 30 drops of grape or fortified wine or mint juice. Use for 1 month, 3 times a day. Yarrow helps remove water, stones, sediment and toxins from the body. It stimulates the nervous system well. But we must remember that

the plant is poisonous. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 100 g of vodka to 10 g of hawthorn (fruit), leave for 10 days, filter. Use before meals, 3 times a day, 30 drops with water for atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, functional disorders, angioneurosis. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— From 3 to 5 times a day, take 150 g of honey orally for 2 months, for arrhythmia, myocarditis, myocardiosclerosis, cardiac and bronchial asthma, emphysema. There are contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. hawthorn (fruit), boil for 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, wrap, filter. Drink a glass of tea 3 times a day for arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 100 g of vodka to 10 g of hawthorn (flowers), leave for 3 weeks in the dark, filter, squeeze. Take 25 drops half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. It is best to take 7 drops with water. Take so that everything is thoroughly mixed in your mouth with saliva. You can take hawthorn tincture together with valerian tincture. Used for arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— Hawthorn fruit jam: Grind or crush ripe fruits with sugar 1:1. Used all winter. The attacks usually stop. Used for arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to wash half a kilogram of hawthorn fruit, crush it, add 100 g of water, then heat it to 40 degrees and press it with a juicer. Drink this juice before meals, 1 tbsp. l, 3 times a day. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and is especially useful for elderly people, it prevents wear and tear of the heart muscle and overexertion. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

- To prepare the medicine you will need hawthorn flowers - 5 parts, knotweed (herb) - 3 parts and 2 parts horsetail. Grind everything and mix. 2 tsp. collection in a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter. Take small sips throughout the day for heart weakness. This remedy well calms the excitability of the central nervous system, eliminates arrhythmia, tachycardia and enhances coronary circulation, reduces blood pressure. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 2 tsp in 2 cups of boiling water. calendula (flowers), leave for an hour, filter. Drink half a glass 4 times a day in case of heart rhythm disturbances. Calendula is added to salads, teas, soups, drinks and dressings. Flowers are used for tea leaves. They contain the most useful elements. There are fewer of them in leaves and stems. The root is practically not used in treatment. It is necessary to collect in July - August.

— Peach juice is prescribed for anemia, heart rhythm disturbances, stomach diseases with low acidity, and constipation. Drink a quarter glass of freshly squeezed juice half an hour before meals. Juice is contraindicated for allergies, diabetes, obesity. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— Powder from the dry plant of the yellow grass is taken at the tip of a knife and stirred in 30 g of water. Drink one sip before meals 15 minutes. Use 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 300 g of water to 30 g of beans (dry pods), boil for 15 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, filter. Take 40 g half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

- To prepare the medicine you need 2 tsp. watch three-leaved (herb) add a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes in a thermos, strain, and squeeze. Drink a quarter glass before meals, 4 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 20 g of dried strawberry leaves and berries in a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Infuse for 2 hours, filter. Use 1 tbsp before meals. l, 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 20 g of tricolor violet (herb) in a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter. Take 100 g, 2 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 2 tsp in 2 cups of boiling water. calendula (flowers), leave for an hour, filter. Drink half a glass before meals, 4 times a day in case of heart rhythm disturbances.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 2 tsp in a glass of cold water. lumbago (herb), leave overnight, filter. Drink a quarter glass before meals, 3 times a day.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to put 15 g of yarrow (herb) in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, filter. Take 1 tbsp before meals. l, 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine you need 1 tbsp. l. horsetail, add 300 g of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter. Use 1 tbsp. l, 5 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to grate the turnip root and add 2 tbsp. l. add a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, cool, filter. Drink half a glass, 4 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 15 g of lemon balm to a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter. Use 2 tbsp. l, 5 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 20 g of dried dried grass (herb) to a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter. Use 1 tbsp. l, 5 times a day.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to prepare 2 tbsp. l. valerian (root) and motherwort (herb), 1 tbsp. l. anise (fruit) and yarrow (herb). Mix all. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. l. mixture, leave for half an hour, filter. Drink a third of a glass, 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you should take equal parts of valerian (root), motherwort (herb), caraway fruits and dill fruits. Mix everything thoroughly. Add 1 tsp to a glass of boiling water. mixture, leave for half an hour, filter. Drink a third of a glass, 3 times a day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to add 1 tsp to 2 cups of boiling water. elecampane (root), boil for 15 minutes over low heat, filter. Use 2 tbsp every hour. l. during the day. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— Prepare a mixture of juices from fresh herbs, yarrow and rue. The mixture of juices is made in a 1:1 ratio. This juice should be consumed 25 drops with a quarter glass of boiled water. The juice must be freshly prepared each time. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

- Mix half a liter of vodka and 0.5 kg. honey Heat the mixture, stirring continuously. When a white film forms, remove from heat. Take 1 tsp. without the top of motherwort herb, valerian root, bird's knotweed, marshweed and chamomile, grind in a mortar and pour 1 liter. boiling water, after 15 minutes of infusion, strain, and combine with vodka and honey. Place in the dark for 3 days, then pour into bottles and refrigerate.

During the first week, take 1 tsp in the morning and at night. 2nd week - 1 tbsp. l. Take a break for a week and repeat this course, taking 1 tbsp. l. 2 weeks later, another break for a week. Complete 3 courses in total. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to wash 0.5 kg. oats and add 0.5 l. milk. Cook for 5 minutes and let cool. Strain and you can take it. Drink small portions throughout the day. Do this for a week. During this treatment, before meals, 3 times a day, eat a quarter of a loaf of rye bread with mustard. The arrhythmia should stop, but after six months this course must be repeated. Oats contain the optimal ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins for humans.

— To prepare the medicine, you need to grate 0.5 kg along with the peel. lemons and add 0.5 kg. honey Add 3 chopped apricot kernels to this mixture and mix. Take 1 tbsp morning and evening before meals. l. See beneficial properties and contraindications.

— Beans as food for arrhythmia, atherosclerosis.

— If you have a strong heartbeat, if you don’t have any medicine at hand, you need to close your right nostril with your fingers and breathe heavily with your left. After some time, the heartbeat returns to normal.

- If you have a strong nervous palpitation, you need to lie down with a small pillow under your head, put a cold compress on the heart area and drink 20 drops of valerian tincture with water. You can take a 30-minute warm bath with sea salt.

— For strong heart palpitations due to nervousness: pour 10 g of the whole magnolia grandiflora plant into 100 g of 70% alcohol and leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. During this time, the tincture should be shaken periodically. When ready, strain. Take 30 drops with meals, 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 1 month with constant monitoring of blood pressure.

Folk remedies that strengthen the heart

You can strengthen the cardiac muscle, heart and blood vessels with such folk remedies as:

  • infusion of dill and parsley;
  • hawthorn infusion;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • honey syrup with garlic;
  • ground walnuts.

Advice! For the best effect, use decoctions of lemon balm, St. John's wort, and thyme.

Causes of heart rhythm disturbances

Let's understand the question of what arrhythmia is. Doctors tend to use this term to refer to any disturbances in the heart rate. This organ may not function properly for two reasons: either changes have occurred in the very structure of the heart muscle, or deviations from the norm are associated with inorganic factors affecting the function of the “pump.”

Do not immediately panic at the slightest change in heart rate. Absolutely healthy people can also be susceptible to spontaneous manifestations of arrhythmia. This condition usually occurs during physical overload, stress, or even during a cold. Although it is dangerous to underestimate the first symptoms: sometimes they indicate an approaching heart attack.

If disruptions in the functioning of the heart were noticed during an examination by a doctor, changes in rhythm may indicate heart failure, coronary artery disease, heart disease, myocarditis, etc. Then the specialist will prescribe the correct treatment and strict monitoring of your health.

But if the doctor does not find cardiac pathologies, the examination should be continued in other directions:

  • get checked for diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • check the balance of magnesium, potassium, sodium;
  • find out if there are any problems with blood pressure.

The cause of atrial fibrillation can also be certain pharmacological drugs that a person used before. It also often occurs due to strong emotional experiences, oncology, menopause and head injuries.

Folk remedies for heart pain

Already tired of discomfort in the chest area? Folk remedies will help treat heart pain:

  • viburnum berries;
  • decoction of oats and flaxseed;
  • hawthorn and sweet clover decoction;
  • bearberry, milk thistle;
  • dandelion root.

Also effective for heart pain: asparagus, valerian, plantain, calamus root, anise, St. John's wort, calendula.

You can find these and other herbal remedies that help improve our muscle life in the FitoContinent online store. Rich resources of natural medicine are at your disposal at affordable prices!

Buy calendula (flowers) on our website


How to treat atrial fibrillation

There are 2 generally accepted treatment strategies for patients with symptoms of atrial fibrillation. The first is the restoration and maintenance of normal sinus rhythm of the heart. The second is a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the ventricles of the heart, that is, atrial fibrillation remains, but becomes less intense (within 80–100 beats per minute), and the patient does not feel it.

1. Camm AJ, Kirchhof P., Gregory YH at al. ACC/AHA/ESC 2010 guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation-executive summary // Eur. Heart J. – 2010. – Vol. 31. – P. 2369-2429.

Numerous clinical studies have shown that the strategic goal of maintaining sinus rhythm does not provide advantages over a hands-off approach during AF other than attempts to limit (control) the ventricular rate of the heart. Tighter heart rate control also had no additional effect.

It turns out that with proper treatment, diet and proper physical training with the symptoms of atrial fibrillation, you can live happily ever after? This is almost true, if not for the high risk of stroke.

2. Hylek EM, Go AS, Chang Y., et al. Effect of intensity of oral anticoagulation on stroke severity and mortality in atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2003; 349:1019–1026.

Research results indicate that only antithrombotic therapy (one of the most optimal methods of blood thinning) causes a decrease in mortality associated with atrial fibrillation.

What to drink to thin your blood?

To prevent stroke, anticoagulant blood thinners are prescribed. They are indicated for almost 90% of patients with signs of atrial fibrillation, regardless of the stage of the disease. However, anticoagulants should be taken with caution: if used incorrectly, they can reduce blood clotting and provoke bleeding. Anticoagulant therapy should be accompanied by careful monitoring of the blood coagulation system using INR determination. This stops many people from taking anticoagulants for a long time.

Rice. 1. Insufficient frequency of warfarin prescription

As an additional therapy, in addition to medications, in the early stages of the disease or with mild symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, treatment of atrial fibrillation with folk remedies can be used, which helps thin the blood and strengthens the heart. Basically, folk treatment is herbal medicine: a decoction of hawthorn or viburnum berries, an infusion of yarrow, a decoction of dill seeds.

So what do you need to thin your blood?

“The study results demonstrated that when treating atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic therapy alone was associated with a reduction in mortality.”

The decision on the advisability of eliminating atrial fibrillation should be made by the attending physician. This largely depends on the form of the arrhythmia, the cause of its occurrence, the disease against which it arose and on the effectiveness of the previously prescribed drug treatment for atrial fibrillation.

Figure 1. Warfarin reduces the risk of stroke in atrial fibrillation (based on Hart et al., 2007)

Despite the fact that the paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation most often goes away on its own within a few hours or days, it is usually sought to be eliminated with the help of antiarrhythmic drugs.

If the paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation lasts more than 2 days, before eliminating it, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with drugs that reduce blood clotting. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of thromboembolism at the time of restoration of normal sinus rhythm or in the first hours after elimination of the arrhythmia.

With a permanent form of atrial fibrillation, the attending physician can choose both tactics for eliminating atrial fibrillation and tactics for preserving it. In any case, this can only be done after long-term (3-4 weeks) use of drugs that reduce blood clotting. In addition, these drugs should be taken for at least 1 month after the permanent form of atrial fibrillation has been eliminated.


The use of such a collection will improve the condition of heart neurosis.

Mix, after crushing, 1 tbsp each of hop cones, yarrow herb, valerian root and lemon balm leaves. 1 tbsp. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water in the evening and leave overnight.

In the morning, strain and drink 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.


More than 30% of patients who have had COVID-19, within one to two weeks after recovery, begin to experience shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure up to a hypertensive crisis, fatigue and decreased performance1,2. All these symptoms are a manifestation of post-Covid syndrome, the duration of which can be up to six months. What modern medicine knows about post-Covid syndrome, and whether it is worth waiting several months for it to pass, was discussed with a cardiologist and therapist at a pharmaceutical press event as part of World Heart Day.

Post-Covid syndrome manifests itself in a whole spectrum of diverse symptoms and disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular, autonomic, and nervous systems, and is also expressed in dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract1. When the COVID-19 virus enters the body, it negatively affects certain receptors, which are most present in the vessels of the lungs, heart, kidneys, and intestines, thereby jeopardizing the functioning of all these organs. As a rule, patients who have had COVID-19 complain of increased blood pressure, tachycardia, weakness, pain in muscles and joints, anxiety, increased fatigue and irritability. All these symptoms indicate the presence of post-Covid syndrome, which manifests itself 1-2 weeks after suffering an infectious disease, and by the 30th day every second patient exhibits its symptoms, not seeing any improvement until the 110th day after recovery3. The severity and duration of post-Covid syndrome depends on the degree of intoxication of the body, the severity of the disease, the level of involvement of the nervous system, age, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases.

As recent studies have shown, a lack of potassium and magic in the blood, microelements that are excreted from the body during coronavirus infection, can provoke the development of post-Covid syndrome. In 20% of patients who have had COVID-19 and were treated in a hospital, potassium deficiency is detected - hypokalemia2. Typically, a slight decrease in blood potassium levels does not cause acute symptoms, but if the blood plasma potassium level is <3.5 mmol/L, the patient may experience serious problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Elizaveta Yuryevna Ebzeeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Academic Department of the Department of Therapy and Multimorbid Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Continuing Professional Education "Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education", therapist:

“With potassium deficiency during post-Covid syndrome, patients experience chest pain, increased blood pressure, anxiety and depression, heart rhythm disturbances - often in severe form, including ventricular fibrillation, which can lead to rapid death. At the same time, a lack of magnesium, less than 0.65 mmol/l, increases symptoms when potassium levels decrease, causing dizziness, severe fatigue, irritability, and sleep problems. For patients with such complaints, I recommend using the drug "Panangin". It is able to compensate for the lack of potassium and magnesium in the blood, minimizes the symptoms of asthenia, improves well-being and reduces the risk of disorders in the cardiovascular system.”

Patients suffering from arterial hypertension are at particular risk during coronavirus, and there are about 45% of them in our country4. At the same time, more than 30% of patients who have had COVID-19 may experience disturbances in the regulation of blood pressure, up to the development of a hypertensive crisis, the manifestations of which can be a sharp increase in blood pressure, dizziness, and headache)5. The main risk factors for increased blood pressure in post-Covid syndrome are considered to be old age, excess body weight, and concomitant chronic diseases - for example, diabetes.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Napalkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy No. 1 of the Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov", cardiologist:

“I worked in the “red zone” of a Covid hospital, and now I am providing outpatient treatment to patients who have had COVID-19 and have a history of arterial hypertension or acquired it after a coronavirus infection. Often, when patients arrive at Covid clinics, they stop taking medications that normalize blood pressure and, unfortunately, rarely return to taking this therapy after recovery. But stopping antihypertensive drugs can lead to the risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, arrhythmia and other pathologies. Now there are fixed combination drugs that can maintain normal blood pressure levels for a long time, throughout the day. Moreover, such fixed combinations can regulate cholesterol levels and also reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. In addition, taking fixed combination drugs increases the achievement of target blood pressure levels in patients by 30% - due to increased adherence to therapy. After all, instead of several tablets, the patient needs to take only one or two.”

Despite the fact that post-Covid syndrome can drag on for several months, bringing real discomfort to a person, there are a number of preventive measures that will help the body recover faster and reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.

What is important to remember about post-Covid syndrome:

  • Main symptoms: weakness, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, fatigue, memory impairment, irritability, sleep problems, constipation, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain.
  • Every second patient who has had a coronavirus infection suffers from post-Covid syndrome. It develops over 1-2 weeks and can last up to six months.
  • Every fifth patient who has had COVID-19 and was treated in a hospital has a potassium deficiency. A biochemical blood test should be done and if low levels of potassium (<3.5 mmol/l) and magnesium (<0.65 mmol/l) are detected, start taking medications that restore the deficiency of these microelements (for example, Panangin).
  • People suffering from arterial hypertension should consult a specialist to select medications to normalize blood pressure. If it is impossible or unwilling to take several medications per day, discuss with a specialist the prescription of fixed combination medications (double or triple combination): instead of 3-4 tablets per day, you will need to take 1-2 capsules.

Link to publication: pharmjournal.ru

If you add up the length of all the capillaries in the body of an adult, you get a figure of 100 thousand kilometers! This thread can be wrapped twice around our planet along the equator. How to keep such a large system healthy? How can you help your heart withstand daily stress so that it can work all your life “without failure”? There are several recommendations for completing this task.

Cardio loads

The most beneficial exercise for your heart is vigorous walking. It rejuvenates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation, and helps the heart muscle work fully. Most centenarians walk daily, and many cover impressive distances.

Unlike running, walking does not put shock on your joints and does not dramatically increase your heart rate. And by combining active walking with a walk in the fresh air, you thereby receive double benefits: the functioning of the respiratory system and the condition of the skin improves.

So, 10 thousand steps is the minimum with which you can compensate for a sedentary lifestyle in the modern world. Anyone who wants to improve their health and achieve active longevity can safely double this figure.

Nutrition for the Heart

In addition to factors beyond human control (ecology, hereditary and genetic predisposition), nutrition has a significant influence on heart function, which has been confirmed by research.

Recommendations for water consumption are as follows: 1.5 - 2 liters per day. However, if there are signs of heart failure (edema), you should try to drink no more than 1-1.2 liters of liquid per day (including soups, jelly, etc.). You also can’t drink less, otherwise it will be difficult to remove nitrogenous metabolic products, and weakness and constipation may appear. It is necessary to limit salt intake to avoid swelling and increased blood pressure, the norm is no more than 5g per day. Also limit your sugar intake, give up fatty foods, exclude rich broths, fried and smoked meat, and spicy foods. Periodically carry out fasting days (for example, consume 300 g of cottage cheese, 500 g of apples, 400 ml of kefir, 200 g of boiled potatoes throughout the day in 5 doses).

What is good for the heart? First of all, foods rich in potassium and magnesium, omega acids and antioxidants:

  • Fish . At least twice a week, you should include fatty fish in your diet - salmon, mackerel, sardine, rich in polyunsaturated omega fatty acids. the most valuable foods for the heart.
  • Vegetable oils. Contains vitamin E and antioxidants. Pork lard fats are useful in that they strengthen the functioning of the heart without contributing to the development of atherosclerosis (fatty pork meat, on the contrary, is harmful to the heart).
  • Carrot. Rich source of vitamins (A, E, K), folic acid and potassium.
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine, pistachios) . They help lower cholesterol levels (unless, of course, you eat them by the handful), contain monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. Reduce the risk of heart attack by 30-50%.
  • Apples . It is generally difficult to overestimate their importance. Contains vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Bananas. As a source of potassium and a significant amount of magnesium, they help reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the content of hemoglobin in the blood and the circulatory process. Also useful for the content of potassium, carotenes and vitamin A for the heart are lemon, persimmon, and pumpkin, which can strengthen and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Pomegranate is one of the most valuable fruits for strengthening and supporting the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Its consumption prevents the development of atherosclerosis, maintains blood flow levels and oxygen saturation of the heart.
  • Flax-seed. Rich source of alpha-linoleic acid. Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Garlic . It also lowers cholesterol and also thins the blood, lowering its viscosity.
  • Legumes . Rich in protein, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Dried fruits. And especially dried apricots. It has a lot of potassium and antioxidants. To strengthen and restore the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to use Amosov’s (Russian cardiologist) paste, which is a crushed mixture of nuts and dried fruits. It is also very useful to eat 20-30 grams of dark chocolate per day.
  • Tomatoes . Helps normalize heart rhythm.

Exercise "Birch"

This exercise, sustained for 2-3 minutes, can replace cardio training. What are the benefits of "Berezka":

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Rest for the heart muscle. In this position, the heart receives both a useful load and the opportunity to relax.
  • Prevention of varicose veins. And this is also part of the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the kidneys, intestines and thyroid gland (if you press your chin to your chest and breathe evenly, calmly). The normal functioning of the entire body as a whole, including the heart, depends on the health of these organs.
  • Deep relaxation. “Berezka” helps relieve fatigue, get rid of stress, and “clear your head.” And thereby help your heart.

Lymphatic drainage exercises

Pay attention to lymphatic drainage exercises every day!

Healthy capillaries mean a healthy heart. And in order to improve their work, you need to take a break from other things for just 1-3 minutes! For example, heel pushes using the Mikulin (Soviet academician) technique will take you 30-60 seconds maximum. You just need to lift your heels 5 cm from the floor from a standing position and sharply lower them down. Repeat 30-60 times. When working sedentarily, it is recommended to do this exercise every 1-2 hours.

And the “Vibration” exercise will take you 1-3 minutes. To do this, just lie down, raise your arms and legs up and shake them randomly.

5. Calm, just calm

This is the most difficult point. How can we maintain balance in our time and not be influenced by negative circumstances and aggressive people? Our heart will respond one way or another because we are not robots. Where to start - learn to relax physically (Director of the Franklin Method Institute in Switzerland - Eric Franklin):

1.Imagine that you are standing under a waterfall. The water flows around your neck, shoulders and back. All tension is washed away.

2 Shoulder Relaxation: Raise your shoulders up, and now lower them down very slowly. Raise your shoulders up again. Now allow your shoulders to fall down under the force of the Earth's gravity, exhaling loudly with the sound "Ahh." Repeat, etc.

3. Patting Where do you feel muscle tension? Let's clap there. This technique helps improve blood circulation and relax muscles.

4. Shake your arms and legs at different intensities to relax your muscles.

A healthy sense of humor also helps cope with stress. Its development is facilitated by communication with positive people, high-quality literature with good humor (Dovlatov, Twain, Chekhov, etc.).

Attention! Any exercises or techniques may have contraindications! Consult with specialists! Take care of your heart, because you only have one!

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