Amosov pasta made from dried fruits - a recipe for the heart and immunity

Recipe for Amosov pasta made from dried fruits

A unique drug was created at the end of the last century. The surgeon successfully used it to restore his patients during the postoperative period. Heart patients recovered faster.

As often happens, the remedy was undeservedly relegated to the background by doctors. Its place was taken by expensive and less effective chemicals. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the classic recipe.

What is included in the paste:

  • Prunes – 500 g.
  • Figs – 500 g.
  • Raisins – 500 g.
  • Dried apricots – 500 g.
  • Walnuts – 500 g.
  • Honey – 0.5 l.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

There are other variations of the recipe with the addition of additional ingredients. So, to increase the immunomodulatory effect, ginger or hawthorn are also included in the recipe.

How to cook Amosov pasta

The stages of preparing pasta are not complicated. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients in the right proportions. Rinse, removing debris and dust.

We process dried fruits using a blender or meat grinder. Chop the lemon without removing the skin. First, wash the citrus well and pour boiling water over it. We also chop the nuts.

After mixing all the ingredients, add honey to them. Mix everything well. Transfer to a jar and leave in the refrigerator for storage.

Calorie content of the finished product

The paste has a high energy value. The average calorie content per 100 g is about 286 kcal. The product contains a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins about 4-5 g, fats - 9-10, carbohydrates - 44-45 g.

How to take Amosov paste, in what dosage and how long to store?

How long to take the mixture depends on your health condition and the specific task. According to the advice of doctors, during the recovery period, it is eaten three times a day.

  • For adults, a single dosage is 1 tablespoon.
  • For children - half as much, about 1 teaspoon.

For the purpose of prevention, take a tablespoon 2 times a day.

It is not advisable to dilute the natural remedy in hot water or tea. At high temperatures, vitamins and other beneficial substances are destroyed. Therefore, it is better to eat a spoonful of the product and only then drink it with liquid.

It is better to consume the product not on an empty stomach, but after a meal. The lemon juice contained in the paste can affect the acidity of the stomach.

If you eat a spoonful of the remedy before bed, it effectively calms the nervous system and prevents insomnia.

There is no strict time frame for consuming pasta. In the postoperative period or during seasonal exacerbations of diseases, it is recommended to include this product in the diet for 2 to 4 weeks. Then you can take a break and continue again.

With the onset of autumn, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts is consumed to improve immunity and prevent colds.

What else should you use?

The core menu should not be limited solely to dried fruit dishes. And you cannot categorically refuse those products that are harmful in large quantities, but are necessary in limited quantities. Your daily diet should include varied and healthy foods:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fresh and dried herbs and fresh and dried vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, celery, pumpkin, cucumbers, onions, garlic (with caution for tachycardia), sweet bell peppers;
  • turkey, rabbit and lean pieces of chicken;
  • sea ​​fish, shrimp, squid;
  • 1 egg white daily and 3-4 yolks per week;
  • all cereals, except semolina, legumes;
  • unrefined vegetable flaxseed, sunflower. olive oil;
  • butter - 5-10 grams per day;
  • low-fat (but not low-fat!) fermented milk products;
  • wheat and rye bran;
  • fresh fruits , especially bananas, lemons, pomegranates, persimmons;
  • natural honey;
  • any nuts;
  • berries, especially grapes, black currants, blueberries, cranberries, viburnum, red and chokeberries;
  • natural salted (not smoked) lard 1-2 times a week, 15-20 grams;
  • dry red wine;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • weak green and herbal teas.

Also check out the infographic:

Of course, excessive consumption of these products can also cause some problems. Therefore, you need to observe moderation and caution in everything and do not forget about the need to prepare a variety of foods.

How is Amosov paste beneficial for the heart?

The main purpose of the mixture of dried fruits, honey and nuts is to restore cardiac activity and prevent the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It was created for patients with heart disease, including after surgery.

Dried apricots, raisins and other components are high in minerals, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and E, and antioxidants. These substances are necessary to maintain proper functioning of the heart muscle.

Walnuts prevent the risk of developing atherosclerosis and reduce the likelihood of developing various heart pathologies.

Magnesium and B vitamins improve the conduction of nerve impulses, which also stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

Figs also contain a large amount of potassium. This microelement is useful for maintaining heart and blood vessel health. Under the influence of figs, blood pressure decreases, blood thins, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. In details

The combination of honey and lemon helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and prevent their occurrence in the future. These same components help maintain blood vessels in good shape.

The composition of the product has an optimal combination, strengthens the condition of the heart and blood vessels, cleanses them and inhibits the development of any pathologies.

How to prepare Amosov pasta with hawthorn?

To enhance the healing effect of Amosov paste, you can diversify its composition by adding other natural ingredients. Sometimes, when preparing the drug, hawthorn syrup is added to it. This berry increases the immunoprotective properties of the paste and helps reduce blood pressure.

  • Hawthorn can be used in the form of dried fruit. Then a few tablespoons of berries are ground in a blender or meat grinder along with dried fruits.
  • It's even easier to use hawthorn syrup. In this case, after chopping and mixing all the ingredients, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of syrup to the prepared composition.

Amosov paste for immunity

In addition to the invaluable benefits of the product for the health of the heart and blood vessels, it has a stimulating effect on the body’s self-protection from external influences. It promotes:

  • Activation of redox processes in the body.
  • Fight against free radicals that contribute to the formation of malignant cells
  • Strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Improving sleep (due to the complex healing effect on the nervous system). And the quality of sleep greatly affects the state of the body’s defenses. It is during proper rest that the entire body is restored.

An important distinctive quality of the paste is that its immunomodulating properties are very mild and gentle on the body. The body's defenses do not exceed their limit, working as much as necessary to maintain a healthy tone.

How to make ginger paste?

Ginger contains a tremendous amount of antioxidants. It functions as a strong aphrodisiac and speeds up metabolism. This product fights the deposition of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels and prevents the development of diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to enrich the classic recipe with a burning root.

You can use fresh or dry ginger in powder form to make the paste. For 500 ml of prunes, 500 ml of dried apricots, 500 ml of raisins and the same amount of figs, you need to take 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped ginger root. When using dry powder, it is enough to reduce the dosage by half.

Shelf life of a mixture of dried fruits and honey

A mixture of dried fruits and honey can be stored for a long time, since it contains honey, a natural preservative. If the product is stored in a refrigerator, cellar or other cold place, the shelf life will be up to several months.

For this, it is better to use glass containers. Plastic ones are suitable for contact with active substances contained in honey and lemon juice.

What should you avoid?

There is still a list of products that are not beneficial for heart patients in any quantity. It is advisable to give them up forever, gradually removing them from your diet. These are foods rich in saturated fats, sugars or other harmful substances and high in calories:

  • strong meat broths;
  • red meat, fatty and fried meat;
  • liver, kidneys, brains, caviar;
  • fatty cheese;
  • salted and smoked products;
  • tonic carbonated drinks;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • store-bought yogurt and ice cream;
  • margarine and spread;
  • chocolate bars;
  • baked goods and cookies;
  • beer and spirits;
  • Lots of coffee and very strong black tea.

Also check out the picture:

By abandoning all of the above, the core sufferer loses nothing except illness. It is very easy to wean yourself off such products by replacing them with healthy ones, the choice of which is much larger.

Are there any contraindications for Amosov paste?

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to one or more components of the product. More often, individual intolerance is caused by honey. Nuts and citrus fruits are also potentially strong allergens.

It is better not to give pasta to children under 3 years of age. At this age, the body is not yet sufficiently resistant to allergens. For the same reason, pregnant women should avoid frequent use of this natural medicine.

The high calorie content of pasta makes it harmful for people suffering from obesity, diabetes or those prone to these diseases. They will have to stop taking the high-calorie medicine or reduce its dosage by half. People suffering from metabolic disorders should consult a doctor.

Even in the absence of contraindications, you should not increase the recommended dosage. This is primarily due to the calorie content of the product.

How to choose them correctly?

Due to the fact that recently dried fruits are often treated with sulfur dioxide for better storage and presentation, when consuming them you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try not to buy dried fruits in dubious places.
  2. It is advisable to choose not the brightest and most beautiful dried fruits: the healthiest fruits are rather inconspicuous in appearance, their skin does not shine, and they have natural, discreet shades.
  3. Before cooking, it is advisable not only to rinse the product, but also to soak it three times for half an hour in drinking water at room temperature, changing the water each time.

This infographic demonstrates well what is worth buying and what not:

Try to choose only natural dried fruits. In this case, they will not cause any harm, but, on the contrary, will delight the body with all their beneficial properties.

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