Drink up: the link between milk and cholesterol is refuted

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According to scientists' observations of three large populations, people who drank milk on a regular basis had lower levels of both "good" and "bad" cholesterol, although they had a higher body mass index on average than people who did not drink milk. drinkers. It turned out that the risk of coronary heart disease among milk lovers is 14% lower.

The new work comes after several conflicting studies have attempted to find a link between high consumption of milk and dairy products and cardiometabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. To rule out the influence of different sample sizes or factors such as ethnicity, the team conducted a meta-analysis of data from 1.9 million people from the UK Biobank.

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Photo: Depositphotos/makidotvn

In addition, a genetic approach was used, taking into account in its calculations the gene responsible for the production of the lactase enzyme, which is needed for the breakdown of milk sugars (lactose).

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And what can help prevent negative health consequences

Although those with the gene were on average 11% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, the study found no link between higher milk consumption and an increased risk of diabetes or diabetes-related symptoms such as increased glucose levels and inflammatory biomarkers, the analysis found.

Proper use and preparation

If you have high cholesterol, it is important that the fish is cooked properly. Allowed to boil, bake or steam. You can also cook fish cutlets. When cooked, the amount of cholesterol in fish decreases slightly. The most optimal side dish for fish are vegetables (stewed, baked, raw), fresh herbs, and a little boiled rice.

It is prohibited to eat fish prepared in the following ways:

  1. Fried, especially breaded. In this case, the amount of fat, carcinogenic substances that provoke the development of cancer tumors, increases.
  2. Smoked. Excess salt and carcinogens have a negative effect on the body.
  3. Salty. Salt retains fluid in the body and increases blood pressure.
  4. Raw (in Japanese dishes). In the absence of heat treatment, the product retains parasites, E. coli and other dangerous components.
  5. Paired with fried potatoes. Despite the popularity of this dish, it is prohibited if you have high cholesterol.

Best Recipes

If a doctor advises you to follow a diet, this does not mean that the menu will be boring and bland. There are many different recipes that you can use to prepare delicious dietary fish dishes.

Steamed cod with vegetable side dish

Marinate cod pieces (about 1 kg) in lemon juice mixed with garlic, soy sauce, and sunflower oil for 25 minutes. Liquid ingredients are taken in approximately 50 ml, soy sauce - about 30 mg, as it contains a lot of salt. You can add a mixture of Provencal herbs to the marinade.

For garnish, take potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower in equal parts, cut into cubes. Place vegetables-fish-vegetables in the bowl of a multicooker or steamer. Set to steam cooking mode. Cook for no more than 20 minutes. Serve the finished dish with dill and lemon slices.

Thanks to the spicy marinade, the dish acquires an exquisite taste, and vegetables will add satiety to it.

Rainbow trout in foil

Clean, gut, and rinse medium-sized trout. Mix greens (parsley, dill, marjoram sprig) with vegetable oil. Stuff the belly of the trout with this mixture and add a slice of lemon. Wrap the fish in foil to prevent the juices from leaking out during cooking.

Place the fish in a hot oven and bake for about 25 minutes. Serve trout in foil or place on a platter. It will be complemented by boiled rice and fresh herbs. This dish becomes very tender and juicy, since the foil retains all the juice that is released.

No risk

Vimal Karani, professor of nutrigenetics at the University of Reading, said the research clearly shows that there is no increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease from milk consumption, despite the fact that dairy consumers on average have a higher body mass index and more body fat. However, the work, according to the scientist, was unable to determine the cause of this phenomenon. “It is unclear whether low cholesterol is a consequence of the fat content in dairy products or whether some hitherto unstudied “milk factor” intervened,” the scientist noted.

Discussion about the potential harm or benefit of milk and dairy products has been ongoing among doctors and nutritionists for many years. American doctors, in their dietary guidelines for 2015–2020, urged adults to consume “milk” up to three times a day. However, the World Health Organization in recent years has strongly recommended reducing milk consumption due to saturated fat, which is found in dairy products and was thought to cause increased risks of heart disease. WHO believes that milk and its derivatives should account for no more than 10% of a person's daily calorie intake.

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Photo: TASS/Egor Aleev

At the same time, doctors noted that dairy products contain many beneficial compounds, including some amino acids and phospholipids. In addition, in 2021, The Lancet published a study according to which consuming three servings of dairy products per day reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by three times. The researchers emphasized that countries and population groups showed similar differences in mortality, regardless of income level.

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Russian researchers have created a recipe for a delicacy with reduced calorie content, but traditional texture and taste.

Omega 3 content in fish

The benefits of fish lie mainly in their high Omega-3 content. This substance is not synthesized by the body, so it can only be obtained from food. The daily requirement for this substance is 250-300 mg.

Omega-3 content in different varieties:

VarietyAmount of Omega-3 mg/100gDaily value of product, grams
Fresh tuna150300
Sea trout117200

We select a quality product in the store

In order for a product to bring maximum benefit and pleasure, it should be chosen correctly. It is better to purchase fish in large stores, where they can provide a certificate.

The chilled version is preferable, as you can ensure its freshness. For frozen fish, expiration dates should be indicated on the packaging; there should not be a lot of ice in the bag, this may indicate repeated freezing.

Some rules for choosing chilled fish:

  1. Buying medium-sized carcasses indicates the “youth” of the fish.
  2. The surface of the fish should be smooth, without ulcers or plaque.
  3. When you press on the pulp, it should return to its original appearance in a few seconds. Otherwise, it's an old copy.
  4. The smell of a fresh product is not sharp, subtle, which indicates its freshness.

At home, store fish for no longer than 2 days in the refrigerator or up to 2 months in the freezer.

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol, or otherwise cholesterol, is a fat-like compound of an organic nature. It is part of the body's tissues and is involved in the formation of cell membranes, and also supports the muscular frame of the body. It is known that cholesterol is found only in animal fats. The body needs it because almost all hormones are synthesized from it, including testosterone and cortisol.

These 2 hormones affect human immunity. Also, without cholesterol, it is impossible to produce vitamin D. It is even found in breast milk, since it is necessary for the normal development of the child. This lipid substance is also part of the liver bile. Studies have confirmed that more than 70% of the substance is produced by the body independently and only about 30% comes from food.

However, experts recommend limiting the consumption of foods high in fat to prevent the development of such a common disease as atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is divided into 2 types: high and low density. Low-density lipoproteins contribute to the development of the disease.

But the main condition for the onset of the pathological process is vascular damage, since the formation and attachment of an atherosclerotic plaque to an intact vascular wall is impossible. This suggests that the cause of cholesterol plaques is not only cholesterol, but also the condition of blood vessels. But cholesterol is only good in moderation. The balance between high and low density cholesterol is important; their percentages should be the same.

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For women and men, different indicators of the normal level of the substance in the blood have been established:

  • total cholesterol: for women and men – 3.6-5.2 mmol/l;
  • low-density cholesterol (LDL): for women - no more than 3.5 mmol/l, for men - 2.25-4.82 mmol/l;
  • high-density cholesterol (HDL): for women – 0.9-1.9 mmol/l, for men – 0.7-1.7 mmol/l.

Cholesterol enters the body with fatty foods, including milk.

Types of milk

The assortment of supermarkets is represented by cow's milk:

  • ultra-pasteurized (temperature treatment 110 °C);
  • pasteurized (90 °C);
  • sterilized (135 °C under pressure).

The fat content of all types varies from 0.1 to 6%. Fattier varieties are sheep and goat milk. As well as rare fatty varieties - deer and buffalo.

The ratio of calories, fat content and cholesterol in cow's milk

Fat (%)0,11,02,53,26,0
Kcal/100 g3141525883,5
Cholesterol mg/100 g0,5-1,03,2-3,49,0-10,011,0-14,423,3-24,0

Fatty varieties

Fat content %4,1/6,27,18,123,2
Kcal/100 g68/84110106272
Cholesterol mg/100 g11/30394288

Despite the higher cholesterol content in goat's milk, it is considered healthier than cow's milk. This is explained by its unique composition - a large amount of organic acids and a tiny dose of lactose. Goat milk has detoxifying properties. It cleanses the body of breakdown products, heavy metals, toxins, and helps move LDL to the liver.

Skim milk is a dietary product, but along with the fat component, valuable components are practically removed from it. This drink does neither harm nor good. Separately, condensed milk should be noted. The product has high values:

  • calorie content – ​​320 kcal/100 g;
  • glycemic index – 61 units;
  • carbohydrates – 54.4%;
  • fat – 8.7%;
  • cholesterol – 30 mg/100 g.

The combination of sugar and fat is converted into LDL, so if you have hypercholesterolemia, condensed milk should be excluded from your diet.


Today, drinks made from plant ingredients that resemble milk in appearance and taste have become extremely popular. They are made:

  • from grains and legumes: rice, oatmeal, soybean, buckwheat, etc.;
  • from nuts: almond, pine, coconut, etc.;
  • from seeds: sesame, hemp, etc.

The drinks do not contain cholesterol, but are also free of casein and lactose.

You can drink milk if you have hypercholesterolemia, but you should control the amount of cholesterol in other foods that are included in your diet.

Daily portion of milk

You can also read: How to take flaxseed oil for high cholesterol?

According to WHO standards, an adult can drink 1000 ml of cow's milk with a fat content of 2.5% per day.

This serving contains 25% calcium, 22% vitamin B2, 21% vitamin D, 18% phosphorus, 13.5% protein, about 25-30% cholesterol (daily value). When compiling a daily menu, all foods containing cholesterol are taken into account.

If you drink a liter of milk (2.5%) daily, you must ensure that the total amount of lipophilic alcohol in the rest of your food does not exceed 70%.

It turns out that other products of animal origin account for: 200-300 mg of cholesterol for a healthy person, 100-150 mg for hypercholesterolemia, 70-100 mg for patients with atherosclerosis.

Fermented milk drinks

When cholesterol levels in the blood increase, fermented milk drinks with low fat content are recommended - kefir, yogurt, drinking yogurt (without fruit additives). Not only will they not harm your health, but they will also help remove excess LDL from the body.

The beneficial properties of fermented milk drinks include:

  • maintaining the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • prevention of obstipation (constipation);
  • weight loss;
  • cleansing of toxic waste;
  • maintaining the functioning of hepatocytes and pancreatic cells.

The cholesterol component and energy value of drinks depends on the initial fat content:

Fat %SquirrelsCarbohydratesKcal/100 gCholesterol in mg/100 g
2,52,94,053about 8

Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of kefir or yogurt every night at night (1-1.5 before bedtime).

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