Detralex is a strong pharmacologically active French original drug that is used in the treatment of diseases
Have you noticed that it is difficult for you to turn your head? Does any movement of your neck cause discomfort and pain?
The main thing in the study is the registration of the electrocardiogram of the heart (atria, His bundle, ventricles), and the use of diagnostic
What is an ingrown toenail? With this disease, the nail plate grows into the periungual fold.
Formation of the heart So, a new life was born. Whether you wanted it or not, is the fruit desirable?
The two main tasks of hemostasis are to maintain blood in a fluid state and prevent its loss.
Increased calcium in the blood - what could it be? Theoretically, there are three most likely
The reality is: alcohol is still the cause of a huge number of diseases, deaths and accidents.
What is angina? Angina is a specific pain syndrome characteristic of myocardial ischemia. Isolate stable
Symptoms of vasospasm of cerebral vessels Previously, the disease occurred only in elderly patients. IN