Not only traditional medicine effectively uses the healing properties of the bath. The traditional one also often resorts to
What is the heart meridian? The heart meridian (channel) is a Yin type meridian, part of the system
Blood clotting disorders are a group of pathological conditions characterized by malfunctions of the system.
It branches like a tree, first into large branches (trunks), then into smaller ones
Hypertension is a problem that worries many. There are a number of reasons that can lead to
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Selective beta1-blocker without endogenous sympathomimetic action and membrane-stabilizing properties. Inhibiting
When the weather changes sharply and we are forced to move from frost to thaw and back
What is Troxevasin? A medicine based on the angioprotective active substance troxerutin. Regulates the tone of capillary vessels
General information The term “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is currently not included in the International Classification of Diseases.
From this article you will learn: What blood pressure is considered normal in older people How to do it correctly