New measurements of ultrasound imaging of the deep venous system of the lower extremities. CEAP classification: anatomical aspects
Arterial disease most often manifests itself as pain in the legs (so-called intermittent claudication). The pain has a certain
Angioprotectors: what are they, list of latest generation drugs
Vascular pathologies are represented by a large group of diseases. According to statistical estimates, these disorders are more likely to become
Veins of the systemic circulation. Lymphatic system
Veins of the systemic circulation. Lymphatic system All venous blood flows from the organs of the human body
Dilated veins on the arms of famous artists
What to do if the veins in your arms hurt and who to turn to?
Hands are the second most important part of the body (after the face), which is paid attention to when
1290812023 - Diet for atherosclerosis
NUTRITION FOR ATHEROSCLEROSIS: what is possible and what is not?
(2 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) The diagnosis of “atherosclerosis” requires a mandatory review of the daily menu, restriction or
Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
Temporal or giant cell arteritis - what is this disease? Temporal arteritis is a type of vasculitis
Surgical treatment of varicocele: Marmara and Ivanissevich operations
Varicocele is a common urological disease in which a man experiences dilatation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus.
Recovery after a stroke: tips, recommendations, features
Cognitive processes There are three types of cognitive impairment after a stroke: Damage to one of the cognitive
Instructions for use of STATINAM
Ro-statin (Ro-statin) From the urinary system In patients receiving high doses of rosuvastatin (mainly
Rehabilitation exercises after a stroke: how to speed up recovery
Stroke is a serious brain disease characterized by circulatory disorders, focal lesions of brain tissue,
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