How to raise platelets in the blood: products, medications, effective methods

Cancer indiscriminately affects both children and older people. The number of cancer patients is increasing every day. The most effective method of combating a malignant tumor is chemotherapy, which significantly increases the chances of recovery.

Chemotherapy is a serious burden on the body, which an experienced oncologist at the Yusupov Hospital will inform you about. The medical institution is one of the leading Russian centers, where not only diagnostics and treatment are carried out, but also their own clinical research in relation to cancer diseases is introduced into practice. This allows the use of chemotherapy drugs that cannot be treated in other oncology hospitals. Chemotherapy treatment is not prescribed if there is no morphological conclusion about the nature of the tumor and its type. A significant portion of cancer diagnoses require additional tests that not only confirm the cancer, but also make significant adjustments to the treatment protocol, as well as identify the sensitivity of the tumor to a specific drug.

Treatment with antitumor drugs is impossible without consequences: drugs destroy not only aggressive cells, but also healthy structures. One of the unpleasant side effects is thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy. The main danger is that any physical activity can lead to internal bleeding. Patients of the Yusupov Hospital receiving antitumor therapy are under strict medical supervision to prevent undesirable consequences that are typical during cancer treatment.

What does it mean if there are few platelets in the blood?

Platelets are blood cells without nuclei, which have a special mission in the body - they are responsible for blood clotting. If it were not for these blood platelets, the blood from the cuts and abrasions would ooze without stopping. Thanks to platelets, platelets accumulate on wounds and form a crust that stops bleeding.

When there are fewer platelets in the blood than required, even minor damage to the skin leads to intense bleeding. A decrease in platelets interferes with clot formation and leads to increased bleeding.

If the blood contains few platelets, a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is made. This disease is extremely dangerous. It threatens not only health, but also life.

How to diagnose thrombocytopenia

A person may not suspect the presence of thrombocytopenia for a long time, since at first it is not accompanied by any specific symptoms.

As the pathology develops, the first symptoms appear:

  • bleeding time from wounds increases;
  • bleeding of the nose, gums, etc. is observed;
  • in women – the duration and abundance of menstrual flow increases;
  • hematomas and hemorrhagic rashes appear on the skin.

Having noticed a problem repeating itself over and over again, a person goes to the doctor. Most patients presenting with such complaints are referred for a general blood test. The laboratory conducts research on several indicators, including determining the number of platelets.

Doctors are not interested in the total volume of blood cells, but in their number compared to white blood cells, red blood cells and other blood components.

Attention! If platelet levels are low, medical manipulations are dangerous because they damage the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Blood for analysis is taken from a finger or a vein - it depends on the equipment of the laboratory. If questions arise, the doctor additionally prescribes a biochemical blood test. The study allows us to identify inflammatory processes, disorders in the endocrine system and water-salt balance, and other indicators.

The diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is made after a blood test for the content of proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, pigments, and microelements. The nitrogen metabolism rate is also determined.

Blood clotting (platelet aggregation) is determined using special tests:

  1. According to Sukharev. For analysis, biomaterial is taken - blood from a finger, on an empty stomach. The material is placed in a special test tube, which is tilted in different directions. A stopwatch is used to measure the time until the blood loses its ability to move freely in the vessel.
  2. According to Lee-White. During the study, the rate of venous blood clotting is determined. Analysis - 3 ml of blood, taken on an empty stomach. Normal clotting time is considered to be 4-7 minutes (at 37°C). Blood taken for analysis is poured into three tubes heated to 37°C. They are installed with the floor tilted at an angle of 50 degrees. And then they record the time on a stopwatch and determine how many minutes it will take for the blood to clot completely. Complete clotting occurs when blood does not flow out when the tube is tilted.

Both analyzes are accurate and informative. Their implementation allows us to obtain additional information about the patient’s condition. Both methods are carried out in a hospital, since testing is carried out immediately after blood collection - due to its rapid clotting.

Platelet transfusion

The platelet transfusion procedure is carried out in medical institutions and hospices. The decision to carry it out is made when thrombocytopenia threatens the patient’s life, and the platelet count needs to be increased urgently. It is usually performed on patients with cancer who are weakened by chemotherapy, as well as after extensive blood loss, with immune thrombocytopenia and other serious pathologies.


This is a rather complex event, which is carried out using special equipment. The concentrate for transfusion is prepared from donor blood and selected for each patient individually, since the cells must be completely compatible with the blood. The difficulty is that platelets only live for three days, so they are stored under certain conditions on constantly rotating stands to prevent the mass from clotting.

The procedure does not cause discomfort to the patient, but in some cases it is accompanied by other complications. Despite this, platelet transfusion in some cases is the only way to save the patient’s life.


Two units of measurement are used to describe platelet levels: cells/l (units) or thousand units/μl. Normally, the number of platelets in the blood is, thousand units/μl:

  • from 15 years – 200-400;
  • 5-15 years – 150-450;
  • 1-4 years – 150-400;
  • children under one year old – 160-320.

The norm depends on gender, thousand units/μl:

  • for men – 200-400;
  • for women – 180-320.

During pregnancy, the indicator may drop slightly - to 150-320 thousand units / μl. During menstruation, the platelet level drops to 75–220 thousand units/μl. This situation is considered normal.

On a note! During the day, fluctuations in platelet volume within 10% are allowed. With large deviations they speak of pathology.

Deviation of platelets in one direction or another is equally dangerous. With a high level of platelets, there is a risk of blood clots; with a low volume, blood leaks through the walls of blood vessels and spontaneous formation of hematomas.


To raise platelet levels, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Prednisolone. It belongs to the steroid hormones and is the main drug for the treatment of thrombocytopenia. With an initial daily dosage of 1-2 mg/kg, hemorrhagic rashes disappear within 7-1 days.

  • Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug and systemic fungal infections. It is not advisable to use during pregnancy, as there is evidence of the danger of the drug for the development of the fetus;
  • Price – from 67 to 108 rubles.

Etamzilat. Refers to hemostatic agents, stimulates the production of platelets and their release from the bone marrow. When the drug is administered intravenously, the effect occurs after 5-15 minutes.

  • Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity, thrombosis, thromboembolism, acute porphyria and hemoblastosis in children. Safety during pregnancy has not been established; it can be used during this period at the discretion of the doctor;
  • Price – from 21 to 36 rubles.

Immunoglobulin. Increases the platelet content in the blood up to 75% even in the chronic form of the disease. In half of the patients it is able to return the indicator to normal.

  • Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, allergies in the acute phase, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, anaphylactic shock to blood medications, or absence of antibodies to the drug. No studies have been conducted on the harm of the drug during pregnancy.
  • Price – from 820 to 985 rubles.

Vincristine is used in the treatment of idiopathic purpura due to thrombocytopenia, but is not recommended as a primary treatment for this disease.

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug, bone marrow suppression, the presence of infections, neurological disorders and after vaccinations are also contraindicated.
  • Price – from 180 to 596 rubles.

Azathioprine is an immunosuppressant and is used for immune and symptomatic thrombocytopenia.

  • Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug and pregnancy;
  • Price – from 238 to 257 rubles.

Codecor. Prescribed when the platelet count in the blood drops. It is produced on the basis of natural ingredients (mixtures and infusions of herbs). Can be used during pregnancy.

  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and arterial hypertension;
  • Price – from 67 to 216 rubles.

Dicynone. A prophylactic agent that increases blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases platelet levels.

  • Contraindicated in cases of thrombosis, acute porphyria, childhood hemoblastosis and hypersensitivity to the drug. During pregnancy, it is used only when the benefits of the medicine outweigh the potential risks for the mother and fetus.
  • Price – from 372 to 541 rubles.

Reasons for the downgrade

A decrease in the level of blood platelets provokes various disorders in the body. In some cases, urgent treatment is necessary, in others the situation does not require medical intervention - just adjusting the diet is enough.

The condition is temporary, not dangerous, and does not require special treatment if it is caused by excessive consumption of certain foods.

A drop in platelet levels usually occurs due to:

  • primary herpes;
  • liver inflammation during hepatitis;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • mononucleosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • malignant tumors;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pregnancy;
  • Gaucher's disease;
  • autoimmune conditions;
  • abuse of anticoagulants and blood thinners.

Garlic, cherries, ginger, onions, and lemon help reduce platelets.

Which chemotherapy drugs are used for which tumors?

These are 2 groups of drugs for conservative treatment of cancer - cytostatics and cytotoxins. The first ones penetrate an atypical cell, disrupt its DNA, starting the process of self-destruction. Most often, the following cytostatics are used for treatment: Hydroxyurea, Fluorouracil, Cyclophosphamide, platinum preparations.

Cytotoxins destroy cells, both cancerous and healthy, causing severe side effects in the body of cancer patients. Among these drugs there are several groups:

  • anthracyclines (Daunomycin, Doxorubicin, Zavedos, Farmorubicin);
  • bleomycins – antitumor antibiotics (Bleocin, Blenoxan);
  • mitosans (Mitomycin is a cytotoxic antibiotic);
  • targeted therapy drugs - drugs with targeted action (for example, Avastin blocks the growth of blood vessels that feed a malignant tumor).

Cytostatics and cytotoxins have the most side effects. Therefore, treatment after chemotherapy is an integral part of the process of getting rid of cancer. It allows you to speed up the restoration of body cells, alleviate the patient’s condition and improve his quality of life.

After chemotherapy

Chemotherapy effectively fights cancerous tumors. Doctors strive to select drugs that affect only harmful cells, but the entire body suffers the blow.

Due to chemotherapy, the patient loses his hair, his immunity decreases, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and the composition of the blood changes. After the procedures, leukopenia, anemia and other complications may develop. The ESR increases, the number of leukocytes and platelets decreases, and hemoglobin decreases.

After chemotherapy, it is important to quickly restore the balance of blood composition. To quickly raise platelets, the patient is prescribed:

  1. Medicines: etamsylate, dicion, dexamethasone, prednisone.
  2. Derinat is a natural preparation made from sturgeon milt.
  3. Vitamins. Particular emphasis is placed on Vitamins B and C.
  4. Microelements. It is especially important to supply the body with calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

The patient is also prescribed to eat sprouted soybeans, seeds, and nuts. Eat more fruits and dried fruits. To increase platelets, nettle is used - a tincture is made from it.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the level of blood platelets is not stable. If platelets are low, there is a risk of bleeding during childbirth. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital to avoid dangerous consequences from taking medications.

To raise the level of platelets in the blood, a woman may be prescribed:

  1. Coagulants. These drugs make the blood thicker. Their intake in the third trimester is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and only in a hospital.
  2. Vitamin complexes.
  3. Corticosteroid hormones.
  4. Blood transfusion. It is carried out when the level of blood platelets drops below a minimum.

In mild cases, it is enough for a pregnant woman to adjust her diet. She needs to eat foods that increase platelets in the blood. Her diet should contain a lot of apples, bananas, chicken eggs, meat, fish, greens, and legumes.

The child has

You can guess about the reduced content of blood platelets without analysis. This is indicated by the frequent appearance of bruises, nosebleeds, red spots on the body, and bleeding gums after brushing your teeth.

After the diagnosis is made, the cause of the pathology is determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed. The problem can be caused by:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • eating disorder;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious diseases - measles, rubella, tuberculosis.

To increase the level of platelets in the blood, the child is prescribed treatment taking into account the underlying disease. Along with taking medications, the child needs:

  • provide protection from injury;
  • get enough sleep;
  • spend a long time on the street;
  • Healthy food.

In children, when treating thrombocytopenia, the main emphasis is on nutrition. The child is given blood thinning products:

  • raspberries;
  • cranberries;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomato juice;
  • citrus fruits and other products.

To increase the number of platelets in a child’s blood, his diet should contain many foods rich in vitamins A, B, C. It is necessary that the menu include legumes, melons, sea fish, eggs, rice, buckwheat, parsley, nuts, flaxseed oil , beet.

On a note! When preparing salads for children with thrombocytopenia, it is recommended to use sesame oil instead of vegetable oil.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The clinical picture of this pathology cannot be called highly specific: the manifestations of the disease can be confused with anything. However, you should be aware of them in order to inform your doctor in time if there are warning signs of a disorder.

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia include:

  • Tendency to internal hemorrhages;
  • General fatigue, apathy, decreased performance;
  • Constant formation of hematomas and bruises on the skin without objective reasons;
  • Prolonged bleeding due to mechanical trauma to soft tissues;
  • Bleeding of mucous membranes and gums;
  • Frequently recurring nosebleeds;
  • The presence of flat red spots on the skin of the legs and feet (their size usually does not exceed the diameter of a pinhead);
  • Bloody inclusions in feces and urine (in especially severe cases).

If you experience similar signs and you already have an idea of ​​the cause-and-effect relationships of thrombocytopenia in your case, be sure to consult a physician and voice your suspicions. The doctor will prescribe additional examinations for you, during which the exact cause of the changes occurring in your body will be determined.

Try to cooperate with your doctor. Typically, it takes time for platelet levels to return to normal. Especially if the reason for the decrease in their levels is pregnancy - in this case, taking certain drugs becomes dangerous. Find out from a specialist what folk remedies can help you cope with your problem.

Follow the diet that is recommended to you. Adjust your lifestyle and minimize harmful effects on the body and blood. For example, you should limit yourself to drinking alcohol and smoking.

Drugs to increase platelets

Medications are prescribed to treat thrombocytopenia. They should be prescribed by a hematologist. Self-medication leads to dangerous complications. Drug therapy for pathology involves the use of hormonal and hemostatic agents.

Commonly used drugs:

  1. Etamzilat. Hemostatic agent that eliminates bleeding and hemorrhage. Increases blood clotting and prevents complications. It is administered to control the hematopoietic function.
  2. Prednisolone. Hormonal drug. It is often prescribed to patients with cancer. Stimulates the functioning of the hematopoietic system. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Not recommended for children.
  3. Codecor. It contains only natural ingredients. Plant extracts improve the functioning of the bone marrow, which stimulates the production of blood cells.
  4. Derinat. Bone marrow stimulant. It contains nucleic acids from salmon fish. Improves blood clotting. Can be given to children and elderly patients.
  5. Vicosol. Stimulates factors affecting blood clotting. This is an adjuvant that does not affect the number of cells.

How to raise quickly at home?

The condition of low platelet count is treated on an outpatient basis, but consultation with a specialist and selection of effective medications are required.

Drug therapy is often supplemented with traditional methods, vitamins and changes in diet, which are very popular for increasing platelets in children and pregnant women.


The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. ", Prednisolone ",. A hormonal agent that stimulates the bone marrow and normalizes platelet levels.
  2. ",Etamzilat", ",Ditsinon", . Hemostatic drugs that are interchangeable analogues of each other. They increase blood clotting, but do not directly affect platelet count.
  3. ", Sodecor ",. A natural remedy that is used to increase the number of platelets.
  4. ", Vikasol ",. A preventative medication that prevents bleeding.
  5. ", Derinat ",. A synthetic drug made from salmon nucleic acids. It is used for prevention and also to improve blood clotting.
  6. ", Thrombopoietin ",. A potent agent that stimulates platelet production.

Taking medications is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor.


The safest and easiest way to increase platelet levels, including before donating blood, is to adjust your diet. Some of them have a beneficial effect on the number of cells and the hematopoietic system as a whole.

To normalize the platelet count, it is recommended to consume:

  • Pork and beef offal (liver),
  • Fresh fruits (citrus fruits, bananas, apples, pomegranate),
  • Cereals (buckwheat, rice),
  • Chicken and quail eggs,
  • Vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, beets),
  • Steamed sea fish
  • Greens (cilantro, parsley),
  • Sesame, walnuts,
  • Pomegranate juice, green tea,
  • Raw flaxseed oil.

What foods increase platelets in the blood?

The easiest way to treat thrombocytopenia is to eat foods that can increase the number of platelets in the blood. Such products contain a lot of iron and vitamins.

Eating the following will help increase platelets:

  1. Liver. It contains a lot of iron, so it can very quickly raise the level of blood platelets. Beef, pork, chicken liver is suitable. We need the liver of grain-fed animals and birds. Poor-quality animal feed deposits many toxins in the liver that are harmful to humans. It is recommended to boil, bake or steam the liver.
  2. Buckwheat porridge. It is useful not only for thrombocytopenia, this porridge also increases hemoglobin and red blood cells. Buckwheat contains a lot of iron, protein and vitamins. It is recommended to give preference to green buckwheat. Along with buckwheat, you can eat millet, rice and oatmeal.
  3. Dairy products. It is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium - milk, yogurt, hard cheese, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  4. Egg yolk. It contains a lot of cholesterol, which is why people with atherosclerosis were previously prohibited from eating it. Research has shown that the yolk contains substances involved in the construction of blood cells. It also contains albumin, a component present in blood plasma. Today, scientists believe that yolks should be included in the diet of people with thrombocytopenia.
  5. Kiwi. By eating 2 fruits a day, you can quickly get rid of thrombocytopenia. Kiwi contains many B vitamins, strengthens the immune system and increases hemoglobin.
  6. Pitahayas. The Asian fruit is consumed when on vacation in China, Thailand, Vietnam, and other Asian countries. You can bring fruit, but they don’t last long. In Russia, it is difficult to buy pitahaya and it is expensive.
  7. Papaya leaves. Restores the balance of blood composition. A decoction is made from the leaves, which is drunk in the mornings and evenings. A single dose is a tablespoon.

On a note! When consuming dairy products, you must avoid smoking, alcohol and soda to prevent calcium leaching.

Is it possible to increase platelet levels on your own?

At home, you can stabilize the quantitative platelet count in three steps. Step 1. It is necessary to review your diet, since blood counts may depend on the food consumed and the vitamins that enter the body

Therefore, it is very important to eat foods rich in iron, as well as enough vegetables and fruits.Step 2

Pay attention to a proper diet and avoid fatty, spicy foods. A person suffering from low platelet levels should forget about eating sausages, lard, canned food, pates and other rich fish and meat dishes. Step 3

Consult a doctor who will prescribe special medications that will help normalize platelet counts if this cannot be achieved with proper nutrition.


Certain vitamins, microelements and acids have a positive effect on the maturation of blood cells. These substances can be obtained from foods or together with special medications.

Recommended vitamins and microelements:

  1. Vitamin B12. You can buy a vitamin preparation. There is also a lot of it in beef liver - it should be eaten at least three times a week, in seafood, fish, dairy products and breakfast cereals. There is especially a lot of B12 in multigrain and corn flakes.
  2. Vitamin K. Activates bone marrow, improves blood clotting. Prevents hemorrhagic complications that often occur with thrombocytopenia. There is a lot of vitamin K in carrots, tomatoes, legumes, potatoes, and broccoli.
  3. Folic acid. A pharmaceutical preparation or products containing a lot of it will help provide the body with folic acid. It is recommended to eat liver - beef and pork, asparagus, lettuce, melons, cucumbers, rye and wheat flour. There is a lot of folic acid in beets. But it is not advisable to cook it. It is also recommended to drink beet juice on an empty stomach.
  4. Iron. Pharmacy preparations Ferrumlek or Fenyuls are recommended. Meat, offal, fruits and vegetables, berries, dried mushrooms, seafood, and freshly squeezed juices also help to compensate for the lack of iron.

Methods for normalizing indicators based on frequent deviations

Blood restoration after chemotherapy is based on the administration of agents that increase the number of platelets and stimulate the formation of mature red blood cells. This helps to raise hemoglobin levels, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and improve blood supply to tissues.

If the patient has swelling, infiltrates, necrotic destruction of the epithelial layer, this indicates the possible death of erythrocyte sprouts of the bone marrow. In this case, a transfusion of blood, platelets or red blood cells can help. In more severe situations, you will have to resort to a bone marrow transplant.

To quickly restore your blood count, your doctor will prescribe:

  • Sorbifer Durules is an antianemic drug. Active substances are iron sulfate and ascorbic acid. Thanks to this composition, oxidative processes and protein recovery from blood cells occur in the body. The tablets are taken orally (by mouth) 1-2 times a day for three months or until a normal hemoglobin level is achieved;
  • Ferrum LEK is also an antianemic agent with the main component of iron hydroxide polymaltosate. Available in ampoules for intramuscular administration, chewable tablets and syrup form. The dosage is set individually according to age, clinical situation and indications;
  • Totema is a combined antianemic solution for oral administration containing trace elements: iron, copper, manganese. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage regimen prescribed by the doctor. It is possible that tooth enamel and stool may darken to black, which is considered normal;
  • Filgrastim-Nanolek is a stimulator of leukopoiesis, an immunomodulator for intravenous and subcutaneous injections. Represents a non-glycosylated, highly purified protein. Causes a slight increase in the number of monocytes and a significant increase in neutrophils. Injections are given at a rate of 5-12 mcg per kilogram of body weight. The duration of the course lasts until the norm of neutrophil granulocytes is established, but no more than two weeks;
  • Neupogen is an analogue of the previous one with the same effect for subcutaneous administration.
  • We recommend taking VIALIFE capsules or VIALIFE solution, because they contain the highest possible concentration of chlorophyll, which: strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances cell regeneration;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying effects.

Folk remedies

With minor deviations in the platelet count, you can limit yourself to adjusting the diet and folk remedies. Recipes for increasing platelets are prepared from natural and inexpensive products.

Recipes for increasing platelets in the blood using folk remedies:

  1. Nettle. This recipe is effective after chemotherapy. Take 5 ml of nettle juice and mix with 50 ml of milk. Take three times a day, before meals. Course – 2 weeks.
  2. Oak bark. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 2 hours. Helps with bleeding gums and wounds.
  3. Honey and lemon. This is a means to improve blood composition and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and consume a tablespoon in the morning. To enhance the effect, add sesame or flaxseed oil.
  4. Pomegranate juice. For drinking, use diluted juice in a 2:1 ratio. People with stomach diseases should not drink without eating first.


A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition help prevent thrombocytopenia. Prevention of this pathology is almost no different from the prevention of most vascular disorders and cardiac pathologies.

Measures to prevent thrombocytopenia:

  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking - these bad habits lead to bone marrow damage and decreased platelet formation;
  • exercise regularly, but avoid unnecessary stress;
  • strengthen the body and stimulate the immune system;
  • maintain a sleep and rest schedule;
  • Drink enough clean water - at least 2 liters per day.

A low platelet count is a dangerous condition that, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications. By diagnosing the pathology in a timely manner, you can quickly eliminate it. In some cases, it is enough to adjust your diet.

Clinical manifestations

Developing leukopenia can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • fever, increased body temperature;
  • bloating;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • joint and muscle pain, cramps.

In the absence of specific medical care, bacterial complications and exacerbation of chronic infections develop. Which necessitates the abolition of chemotherapy, and this, in turn, leads to a relapse of the tumor process.

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