What to test if you suspect anemia: hemoglobin or ferritin?


The norm in this situation is considered to be 120-140 g/l. Numbers may vary, it all depends on the physical and mental state. A long decrease or increase in comparison with normal data indicates problems in the body.

In women, an increased rate is rarely observed. It is possible for hemoglobin to increase by 10-20 units; if the values ​​are even higher, then you definitely need to go to the doctor and get tested. The reasons may be different: blood disease, congenital heart pathologies, oncology, cardiopulmonary pathology. This plasma substance is present in red blood cells, which are produced by the bone marrow. These scarlet bloody cells transport air to various organs. Therefore, with an increase in hemoglobin, there is probably an air deficiency in some area of ​​the body. Because of it, the bone marrow forms a lot of red blood cells, and plasma coagulability increases.

FloorAgeHemoglobin norm, g/l
Children0 – 14 days135-200
Up to 1 month100-170
1-2 months95-130
2-4 months100-140
4-6 months110-140
6-9 months100-150
9-12 months115-145
1-5 years110-150
5-10 years115-145
10-12 years120-160
Man12-15 years120-160
15-18 years old120-170
18-45 years old130-170
45-60 years140-175
Over 60 years old120-175
Woman12-15 years110-150
15-18 years old120-155
18-45 years old115-160
45-60 years120-160
Over 60 years old110-170

Find and neutralize: how to identify anemia and find out its causes

Anemia may not manifest itself for a long time, and the person has no idea that he has low hemoglobin. But anemia always has a reason, which is important to find and eliminate!

Signs of anemia include frequent fatigue, physical weakness, pale skin and mucous membranes. Iron deficiency anemia can also manifest itself as shortness of breath, dizziness, tinnitus, and a sudden increase in heart rate. The skin may become dry, nails brittle and layered.

True, people, especially those leading a sedentary lifestyle, often attribute these symptoms to the fact that they move little, have gained weight, and do not spend time in the sun.

Common causes of anemia

There are quite a few factors for the development of anemia. Let's list the most common ones.

Chronic blood loss is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia in young women with heavy periods. For treatment, doctors prescribe either iron supplements during, before and after “critical days,” or oral contraceptives, which reduce the intensity of bleeding. However, blood loss can also occur due to frequent nosebleeds or gastrointestinal bleeding. Here diagnosis and treatment can be more complex.

Lack of iron, vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B 9 (folic acid) individually or all together can occur due to the lack of foods with these substances in the diet - this is typical for followers of very strict diets or constant food restrictions. We usually get enough vitamins from food if we eat a varied diet, but there may be difficulties in absorbing vitamins.

Often the cause of iron deficiency is constant and unnoticeable blood loss, vitamin B 12 - disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enteritis usually lead to anemia.

Increased blood destruction (hemolysis) also leads to anemia. At the end of their life (about 120 days), the red blood cells are destroyed in the spleen. In the presence of hemolysis, the destruction of blood cells occurs prematurely, which leads to a decrease in the lifespan of red blood cells. Anemia develops when the bone marrow does not have time to synthesize enough red blood cells to replace the destroyed ones.

How to check?

A set of laboratory tests “Hematology, diagnosis of anemia” will not only determine whether you have anemia, but will also help determine its cause. It includes several complexes and indicators.

A clinical blood test with a leukocyte formula will show the number of all blood cells. It will be clear whether you have anemia, whether there is an inflammatory process in the body, blood loss, or whether there is a suspicion of allergies or helminthic infestation.

Reticulocytes are the precursor cells of red blood cells. Their number shows how well the process of hematopoiesis is proceeding in the bone marrow.

Common and direct bilirubin is a bile pigment, the end product of hemoglobin breakdown.

Iron, vitamin B 12, vitamin B 9 are substances necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Transferrin is a protein that transports iron from the intestine to the sites of blood synthesis and storage (bone marrow, liver, spleen). Its increase or decrease indicates different causes of anemia.

Ferritin is an indicator reflecting the supply of iron in cells and tissues.

The latent iron binding capacity of serum is the ability of transferrin to bind iron. Indicates iron deficiency.

If your stomach hurts often...

With age and with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, problems with the absorption of vitamin B 12 often begin. This can lead to B 12 deficiency anemia. It may be accompanied by decreased thinking abilities, depression, tingling of the fingers or periodic numbness.

The laboratory test “Determination of antibodies to Castle factor—intrinsic factor (AVF)” will help identify the cause. Intrinsic Castle factor is a protein produced by stomach cells. It is he who ensures the absorption of cyanocobalamin in the intestines. With autoimmune gastritis, the body's own immunity synthesizes antibodies that destroy the internal Castle factor. Most often this happens with atrophic gastritis.

Timely testing and a subsequent visit to a therapist or gastroenterologist will help get rid of anemia without extra costs and take control of its causes.

Causes of high hemoglobin

Increased level of hemoglobin in the blood in women, what is it? If this indicator changes, it means that there is a problem with a specific organ and system. Although sometimes high hemoglobin is the norm - for example, in people who live in the mountains or in elevated areas. The main reasons why high hemoglobin occurs in women are as follows:

  • Hemoglobin often increases in those who smoke, as well as in those who have recently been in a fire. The fact is that hemoglobin easily transports air or carbon dioxide, replacing them with each other.
  • A high level of water deficiency raises blood counts, resulting in an increase in the amount of circulating plasma.
  • Congenital heart disease caused by high pressure in the pulmonary artery blood flow. In this situation, the skin color changes from infancy and has a blue tint. The child coughs frequently and has shortness of breath. Ultrasound of the heart allows you to determine an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of such pathologies with severe symptoms is only surgical.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Excessive amounts of vitamins B6 and B12 in the human body.
  • Cancerous neoplasms.

However, a high level of hemoglobin in the blood can not only indicate various diseases, but also signal that you lead a different lifestyle and live in an unfavorable place.

increased hemoglobin in women

Hemoglobin in the blood below normal is bad. Above the norm is even worse. Why does its level in the blood fluctuate and what can be done to ensure that this indicator is always normal? 1. The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen to all organs and tissues. The concepts of normal hemoglobin in men and women differ (for women, the normal level of hemoglobin is 120-140 g/l, for men - 130-160 g/l). For pregnant women (whose body works for two) and for infants, the normal hemoglobin level is considered to be 110 g/l. However, expectant mothers need to constantly monitor their hemoglobin levels. Its deficiency can cause premature birth or delayed fetal development, and its excess can cause the death of the child. 2. A moderate decrease in hemoglobin (anemia, anemia) is a common phenomenon, especially in women. This is explained by physiologically determined monthly blood loss. If menstruation is heavy, the hemoglobin level can drop to 90 g/l. Even in healthy women, with a long-term decrease in hemoglobin levels, weakness, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, decreased performance, dry skin, brittle nails, fragility and hair loss may occur. This is often observed in patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: the inflamed gastric mucosa cannot fully absorb iron. The most dangerous conditions are internal bleeding (ulcers, erosions, tumors, including malignant ones). Pallor is a distinctive feature of patients suffering from these diseases. 3. However, a high hemoglobin level is not a reason to celebrate. Most often this is a symptom of dangerous diseases (erythrocytosis, blood thickening, congenital heart disease, consequences of a burn, intestinal obstruction, heart and pulmonary failure, dehydration). 4. In children, high hemoglobin levels are an indirect sign of blood disease or cancer. Therefore, leaving high hemoglobin unattended is extremely dangerous: it is imperative to find out the cause. 5. Signs of low hemoglobin levels Persistent weakness, loss of appetite, drowsiness, dizziness, perversion of taste, dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, sticking in the corners of the mouth. 6. Signs of high hemoglobin Similar to signs of hepatitis. Jaundice staining of the skin, sclera, palate and tongue, itching, enlarged liver, heart rhythm disturbances, pallor, thinness. You can take a blood test in the laboratory and quickly get a consultation with a hematologist (adult or pediatric) at our Family Clinic. Receptions for ADULTS and CHILDREN! Sign up by phone. 43-03-03 and 41-03-03.

Signs and consequences of increased hemoglobin

With a high level of hemoglobin in the blood, women may have no symptoms at all, but with a long and high value along with other diseases, the patient may have vague symptoms:

  • constant fatigue
  • desire to sleep,
  • lethargy,
  • loss of appetite,
  • sleep problems,
  • aches in joints and bones,
  • high blood pressure,
  • itching of the skin, particularly after showering and bathing,
  • stomach ache,
  • instant bruising and easy bruising.

All these symptoms disappear externally. But the most serious of them take place inside the body. There is an increase in the coagulability of the blood space, an increase in its concentration and a reduction in the speed of movement in the body. Because of this, the internal organs do not receive proper nutrition. If this condition is neglected, blood clots and plaques can form, which cause heart attacks and strokes.

When should you pay attention to your health?

Any healthy person should undergo a minimum preventive examination once a year, which includes a general blood test.

If the hemoglobin level is below 120 g/l, you should consult a physician.

Anemia with a hemoglobin level above 100 g/l is considered mild and does not pose a serious danger to the body at the time of detection, but still requires correction. If the hemoglobin level is 70-80 g/l and below, it is necessary to take urgent measures, because This condition poses serious threats to health, and sometimes life!

For the reasons for the development of anemia, the leading position is occupied by iron deficiency anemia - every 12th person in the world suffers from iron deficiency anemia, and among all anemias, iron deficiency anemia reaches 80% in frequency.

What is associated with the development of iron deficiency anemia? The reasons may be an elementary deficiency of iron in food, impaired absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with gastritis with low acidity) and chronic bleeding.

How to reduce hemoglobin in the blood?

If what causes hemoglobin to rise has nothing to do with serious illnesses, then you can influence it with a specific diet or medications. Among the pharmaceutical medications that can be easily purchased at the pharmacy, there are those that are aimed at thinning the blood: Trental, Cardiomagnyl, Curantil, Aspirin. Only a doctor should prescribe them! To reduce hemoglobin at home, you need to adjust your diet:

  • Drink plenty of fluids per day. To do this you need to drink warm water. If you cannot do this, then saline drips are used.
  • Reduce fats, sweets, eggs, as they increase cholesterol and so in a viscous environment.
  • You should not take multivitamins or products that contain copper and iron.
  • It is better to choose shrimp, fish, white meat, nuts, legumes, and vegetables.
  • Also limit your intake of foods that increase hemoglobin. This is food enriched with protein and iron - red meat, red fruits and vegetables, offal, fish roe, butter, buckwheat, sweets.

Now you know why increased hemoglobin appears in a woman .

Increased hemoglobin in women

The reasons for increased hemoglobin in women can be both physiological and pathological. The first include intense physical activity and prolonged exposure to hypoxic conditions (for example, living in a high mountain region). At the same time, the body begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen, which is compensated by the “overproduction” of red blood cells. Such deviations from the norm, as a rule, are always insignificant - within 10-20 g/l. They do not alarm doctors and do not require medical intervention.

The situation is much more serious if hemoglobin increases without obvious reasons. This may be a sign of dangerous pathologies, in particular heart disease, diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction or cardiopulmonary failure.

It is most dangerous when the hemoglobin concentration reaches 180-190 g/l. At the same time, there is an increase in blood viscosity, microcirculation processes are disrupted, and oxygen delivery to organs becomes difficult. Such patients are diagnosed with blueness of the tips of the fingers and toes, rapid fatigue, decreased appetite, absent-mindedness and irritability.

Long-term circulatory disorders lead to the development of thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels). Therefore, excessively high hemoglobin levels are a condition that requires immediate treatment.

How to reduce hemoglobin in women?

The following measures can be used to reduce hemoglobin:

  1. Diet therapy. The patient is asked not to abuse foods high in iron: red meat, animal by-products (liver, kidneys, etc.). The consumption of foods that increase cholesterol levels and blood viscosity (butter, pork, caviar, confectionery) is limited. It is recommended to fill the diet with protein foods: legumes, white meat, fish. Fast food, carbonated drinks, canned food and semi-finished products are completely excluded. Also, during the treatment period, it is prohibited to take vitamin-mineral complexes containing vit. B12, folic acid and iron.
  2. taking antiplatelet agents. Such drugs thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots. However, you should not use them yourself without the appointment of a specialist - you can harm your health. You should consult your doctor about the rationale for using antiplatelet drugs.
  3. Search for the underlying disease. An increase in hemoglobin levels indicates a malfunction in the body. To identify the cause of the problem, the doctor must prescribe a comprehensive medical examination.

What to do if a woman’s hemoglobin is 60-80?

A hemoglobin level below 80 g/L is considered severe anemia. Correction of the condition is carried out taking into account the factor that caused it. To find out the cause of the pathology, the woman is asked to undergo a series of tests and see specialists: a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, and a nutritionist. After identifying the underlying disease, the patient is selected a set of therapeutic measures aimed at combating it.

Proper nutrition is definitely recommended. A woman's daily diet should include foods rich in iron and vitamins.

These include:

  • beef, lamb, white rabbit meat,
  • liver, tongue, kidneys,
  • egg yolk,
  • dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs,
  • apple and pomegranate juice,
  • buckwheat soups and porridges,
  • legumes,
  • sprouted grains of wheat,
  • rosehip decoction,
  • plums, green apples,
  • almonds and walnuts.

The body itself is able to regulate the amount of iron absorbed from food - if there is a shortage, it increases and vice versa.

Drinking plenty of fluids is very useful for low hemoglobin. Doctors advise taking 1/4 cup of plain water and juices every 30 minutes.

On topic: List of foods to increase hemoglobin

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