How to disperse lymph in the body and improve lymphatic drainage during stagnation - 7 methods

Why do you need to improve lymph circulation? This allows you to strengthen your immune system, get rid of swelling, and ensure regular elimination of toxins.

People are looking for ways to disperse lymph if they encounter certain problems. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, rapid weight gain, frequent colds are signs that this issue needs to be addressed.

Fortunately, the methods for overall health improvement and lymph circulation are largely the same. Many methods are available at home.

Physical exercise, eating healthy foods and fresh vegetables, normalizing metabolic processes with the help of a bath and massage help get rid of problems with the lymphatic system. But wearing tight clothes, sedentary work and an inactive lifestyle aggravate them. Sometimes doctors may prescribe medications to stimulate lymph flow. Read more about all this in our article.

Lymphatic system brief description

The lymphatic system is sometimes referred to as the circulatory system, but it has its own organs and internal fluid - lymph. In the embryo, this system develops already in the sixth week, and in the ninth week vessels and nodes begin to appear. The main functions of the lymphatic system are to cleanse the body of toxins and protect it from foreign bacteria. The lymphatic system consists of organs (bone marrow, spleen, thymus), capillaries (they collect fluid), vessels (fluid from the capillaries enters there) and lymph nodes (they accumulate everything that was collected by the capillaries and vessels).

Top most useful products for cleansing lymph

Cranberry. This berry is an excellent fat emulsifier. This helps the lymphatic system transport fluid more efficiently. But to achieve a positive effect, candied or canned cranberries are not suitable. It is better to give preference to fresh berries or freshly squeezed juice from them.

Leafy greens and green vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, mustard and dandelion leaves, sprouted wheat - these and other deep green vegetables and herbs have pronounced cleansing properties and promote lymph detoxification. The secret to the effectiveness of products from this group is the rich content of chlorophyll, which is produced in plants under the influence of sunlight. As it turns out, chlorophyll is very useful for the normal functioning of the lymphatic system.

Spices. Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and black pepper are the spices most often mentioned when talking about foods useful for cleansing the lymph. The fact is that the listed spices are powerful antioxidants that allow the digestive and nervous systems to function properly, and this in turn helps to normalize lymph flow.

Seeds and nuts. These foods provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs to live a healthy, long life. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, as well as olive, avocado and coconut oils improve the condition of lymph vessels and help the body better absorb vitamins and minerals from food. And this is extremely important for the functioning and cleansing of the lymphatic system.

Citrus. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits have excellent taste and are also extremely beneficial for the lymphatic system. Therefore, to cleanse the lymph, lemons, oranges and limes are used, which contain specific enzymes necessary for detoxifying the body. As a preventive measure, it is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon or lime every day on an empty stomach.

Garlic. This savory vegetable boosts immune function and helps the body resist harmful germs. In addition, garlic improves blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins.

Seaweed. Seaweed, in the form of a dietary supplement or food product, helps the body get rid of toxic substances and remove excess fluid that can accumulate in tissues and slow down the lymphatic system.

Liquorice root. This medicinal plant is known for its properties to accelerate the outflow of lymph, and thereby remove metabolites from the body. This herb is especially useful for those who abuse protein foods.

Vegetable oils. Almost any cold-pressed natural vegetable oil can be useful for cleansing the lymph. But black cumin, pumpkin and grape seed oils are best suited for these purposes. These products provide the optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These oils can be added to prepared dishes or consumed on an empty stomach, about 1 tbsp. l.

Black walnut. In Eastern medicine, this is one of the most famous means for cleansing the lymph. Chinese doctors advise taking 1 teaspoon of shavings from this nut with water, or brewing tea from it. But one remark must be made here. Black walnut does not grow here, and you can only buy it in online stores. But there are known cases when dried tinder fungus was sold under the guise of black walnut, which not only does not help eliminate toxins, but is itself poisonous.

Watermelon. This huge berry is more than 90% water, making it an ideal product for improving the functioning of the lymphatic system. A short watermelon diet helps to cleanse the lymph of accumulated toxins in a fairly limited time.

How does the lymphatic system work?

The lymphatic system works according to the following principle: intercellular fluid (also known as lymph) flows through the body and washes the cells, feeding them with the necessary substances, and the cells, in turn, give it waste products and toxins. Then all this “garbage” continues to flow, first through small capillaries, then through larger vessels, and finally enters the lymph nodes, which serve as a kind of filter in which all these substances are neutralized.

Lymph nodes play a vital role in cleansing the body. Just imagine how many viruses and bacteria are destroyed by our immune system. And how many toxic substances enter our body through air and food! And all this happens every day. All these harmful substances are sent to the lymph nodes for cleaning. From there, the lymph comes out already cleansed and neutralized. It is in the lymph nodes that lymphocytes and antibodies are produced, which guard the body’s defense against various infections.

The lymph also receives dust particles from the lungs, destroyed and tumor cells, and it removes all this into the excretory system. Moreover, thanks to the lymphatic system, excess water and salts are removed from the tissues.

General nutritional rules for cleansing lymph

Among food hygiene specialists, there are different opinions about the benefits of detox diets, some argue that a cleansing diet is not able to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver or lymphatic system. However, even skeptics agree that detox programs are not harmful to the body, since for the most part they are based on the rules of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

The process of cleansing the lymph from toxins should be approached comprehensively. Below we will consider the most important points of the classic program for cleansing the lymph.

Avoid environmental toxins

The lymphatic system deals with “waste” in the form of dead cells, as well as toxins that enter the body from the external environment. Systemic inflammation creates stagnation of fluid in tissues, which impairs lymph flow, and oxidative stress damages lymphatic vessels, impairing their ability to transport fluid and remove toxins.

Therefore, the first tip for quickly and effectively cleansing lymph is to minimize the body’s contact with chemicals in food, air, cosmetics, and water. On the contrary, it is important to increase the intake of antioxidants and substances with anti-inflammatory properties. To do this, you should include as many organic foods as possible in your diet, eat a lot of greens and salads, cruciferous vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful to include ginger, turmeric and garlic in your diet to cleanse the lymph. On the contrary, it is better to avoid products that contain synthetic food additives, trans fats and other harmful components. Also, to cleanse the lymph, it is useful to exclude alcohol, nicotine and caffeine - these stimulants also lead to overload of the lymphatic system.

Eliminate processed foods from your diet

Most processed foods do not provide much benefit to the body. As a rule, they, on the contrary, contain many preservatives and other harmful additives. These components clog the lymphatic system. Therefore, the first step in lymph detoxification is to eliminate canned and frozen foods, as well as fast food and street food from your daily diet. Among the most dangerous foods for lymph are smoked meats, fast food, processed foods, sweets, strong alcohol, instant drinks, noodles, purees and instant soups, chips, crackers, salted nuts, as well as cheap seasonings and sauces. It is much healthier to focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish.

Eat more fresh foods

Fruits and vegetables form the basis of a lymph cleansing diet. Ideally, they should be raw. Raw plant foods contain enzymes that help break down toxins. Fiber, which is what plant foods mostly consist of, cleanses and prevents overload of the digestive system. In addition, raw vegetables and fruits usually contain a high percentage of liquid, which also helps cleanse the lymphatic system - without sufficient hydration, lymph flow slows down. Cucumbers, lemons, watermelons are examples of the best hydrating foods. Also, during the diet to cleanse the lymph, you should consume foods that increase immunity. And these are carrots, beets, red peppers, leafy greens. These vegetables can be eaten several times a day. If the goal is to increase lymph flow, then it is useful to eat spicy foods such as cayenne pepper and fresh horseradish.

Consume grains, nuts, seeds and meat in moderation

Although fruits and vegetables form the basis of a lymph cleansing diet, grains should also be included in small quantities in the diet. Good options for detox foods include millet, brown rice, corn and quinoa. But it is better to avoid wheat, white rice and products made from wheat flour during the diet.

Nuts and seeds contain large amounts of amino acids, which are essential for tissue growth and repair. They are also a source of healthy fats, which makes it possible to include these foods in a detox program.

As for meat, it is good if it is a low-fat product. A good choice for cleansing your body is chicken or fish. But during the period of lymph detoxification, these products should not be abused.

Drink plenty of fluids

Lymph consists of 95% water, and with a lack of fluid in the body, it becomes thicker and moves worse through the vessels. In fact, one of the most common causes of lymph stagnation, and with it toxins, is dehydration. Therefore, to cleanse the lymph, it is very important to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid during the day. Moreover, it must be clean water. Sweet soft drinks, nectars, canned juices, sports cocktails and alcohol create an additional metabolic load on the body, which only increases the percentage of the dense lymphatic substance. You should also avoid drinks containing caffeine - they increase dehydration.

The healthiest food is red

Red foods such as beets, pomegranates, cherries, cranberries and other berries have a stimulating effect on cleansing and accelerating lymph flow. Beets, pomegranates and cranberries are considered especially valuable in this regard. They are rich in enzymes and bioflavonoids, which help destroy toxic substances and free radicals accumulated in the body. In addition, raw fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and lymph flow.

What is lymph stagnation?

Lymph is extremely important for the health of our body. Now imagine that it has stopped moving through the body and removing all filtered debris from the body. All toxins and harmful substances remain in the body in their original form, nothing neutralizes them, and they begin to poison your body, because nothing fights them. The body tries to resolve the failure in its system, and all the waste begins to come out from completely different places. This may include acne on the skin or an allergic rash, increased sweating with an unpleasant odor, and the color and general condition of the skin may worsen. Often, unpleasant symptoms on the skin indicate stagnation in the lymphatic system. Also, weak lymph outflow affects body weight, since excess fluid accumulates in the body and the metabolic process slows down. If the functioning of the lymphatic system is disrupted, swelling of the lower extremities (here it is a matter of gravity) and face may appear.

If you notice symptoms such as general weakness, which is not motivated by anything, a sharp decrease in body weight, loss of appetite, or a slight increase in temperature, then these signs may indicate a malfunction of the lymphatic system.

You should also pay attention to the condition of the lymph nodes. You can inspect them yourself. See if they are enlarged or if they hurt when palpated? How mobile are they? Has the skin tone over the lymph node changed?

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

The procedure is done using circular movements of the hands in the direction of the lymph flow, without using extraneous instruments, only with fingers. Remember where the various massage lines are located on your face so that the technique is correct and harmless;

  1. Always start by cleansing your skin: remove makeup, wash your face. Tactile manipulations should be carried out only on clean skin;
  2. Hand massage should begin with massaging the neck, head and face in a circular motion;
  3. Gently massage and knead your chin, and then move on to your cheeks. As you do this, move along the inner edge and gradually move towards the outer edge. Perform the massage three times;
  4. Massage your cheekbones. It is recommended to repeat the approach three times;
  5. Gently massage the skin under the eyes, then move to the forehead. Repeat about 10 times;
  6. Complete the massage by smoothly moving along the outer edge of the face, rubbing the cream in without effort. Required to repeat 15 times.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home is very similar to regular washing or applying cream. This procedure will take you 5-7 minutes.

Causes of lymph stagnation

The most common cause of lymph stagnation is insufficient activity during the day and a sedentary lifestyle. After all, it is the muscles that pump lymph. If you have a sedentary job where you sit for 8-9 hours in the office, have you noticed how exhausted you are and you don’t even have the strength to move, although you are not physically tired? The reason for this fatigue lies in the stagnation of lymph. The muscles did not contract, the lymph did not move throughout the body, did not rid it of toxic substances and, as a result, the body was poisoned by them.

Lymphatic drainage body massage at home

Lymph moves from the feet to the hips, from the hands to the shoulders, so the massage must be performed from the bottom up.

  • Start from the bottom of the shin, moving towards the hips;
  • Go to your stomach, move clockwise there;
  • Then, start moving your arms from the hands towards the shoulders;
  • Finish by massaging your feet and palms with small circular movements.

Execution time – 6-7 minutes, within 20 days. Perform body massage with a dry, high-quality natural bristle brush. But do not rub the skin, the touch should be comfortable. And do not use any mass or creams, only on dry skin, and preferably before taking a shower or bath.

Remember that all your movements should be as smooth, soft and careful as possible. You can use elastic pats and stroking. First, be sure to warm up the area to which the massage will be applied. Enough with simple stroking movements along the lymph flow. To consolidate the effect, take a contrast shower upon completion. We recommend working on 2-3 sections every day, alternating them. Well, to promote drainage, keep your body hydrated for 48 hours after the massage.

The technique of lymphatic drainage massage at home is generally simple. Take all precautions, treat your body with care and everything will work out.

Typical symptoms of lymphostasis

Lymphostasis is a disease that occurs when the outflow of lymph is impaired and is characterized by swelling of one or two legs. This disease has three forms: mild, moderate and with complications.

The mild form is characterized by passing swelling of the extremities. Swelling may appear after a hard day of work or physical activity and usually subsides with rest. You may not even notice it.

With moderate severity of the disease, the swelling no longer goes away after rest and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the skin is stretched and compacted;
  • painful sensations in the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • if you press on the swelling, a dent remains.

Complications of this disease include infectious inflammation “erysipelas”, hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis, lymphorrhea. The most dangerous complication is a malignant tumor - lymphangiosarcoma.

To diagnose this disease, the doctor does:

  • Ultrasound of the veins to determine whether fluid has accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • lymphography (a contrast agent is injected into the vessel to track its movement on an x-ray);
  • lymphoscintigraphy, which helps determine the condition of the lymph nodes and the degree of obstruction of lymph outflow.

To prevent illness, it is necessary to monitor and care for the skin, and treat all wounds on time.

Lymphatic drainage foot massage at home

The massage technique is simple:

  1. Sit down, stretch your leg, placing it on a chair;
  2. Make slow strokes from the toes to the heel, then from the arch of the foot to the ankle, then from the ankle to the knee, and from the knee to the thigh. Both from the outside and from the inside;
  3. Increase the pressure;
  4. Perform alternately circular and patting movements;
  5. Massage the areas around the popliteal lymph nodes, then in the groin area.

Each manipulation should be repeated 3-4 times. Everything will take you 15-20 minutes. Do everything at a leisurely pace, carefully and smoothly. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, then the swelling is more noticeable.

What should you avoid?

It is not recommended to do lymphatic drainage exercises during pregnancy and lactation, oncology, inflammatory diseases, thrombophlebitis, lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy. Licorice root is also often mentioned in folk recipes for dispersing lymph. But people with high blood pressure are not recommended to take it, so be careful.

It is possible to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and speed up the outflow of lymph only if you approach this problem comprehensively. Therefore, in the “Flourish” marathon, in order to successfully cleanse the body and restart the lymphatic system, everything is worked out from the face to the thoughts. To achieve visible results, you will have to try hard, and not just work for 2-3 days. Interesting? Then read more on the marathon page.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage allows you to activate various factors that promote the formation and outflow of lymph. There are several types of lymphatic drainage based on the level of impact:

  • superficial , associated with the activation of lymphatic capillaries of the skin (microcurrent therapy, vacuum, barolaser massage);
  • deep , restoring lymph flow at the level of vessels, collectors, ducts (myostimulation with the application of electrodes at the site of projection of large lymphatic vessels or when the treated area is exposed to negative air pressure - vacuum);
  • associated with the study of the projection area of ​​the main lymph nodes , usually the inguinal-femoral and popliteal (microcurrent therapy, exposure to increased air pressure - press massage, endermology).

Physical activity, sauna and massages to cleanse the lymph

The lymphatic system does not have a “pump,” like the heart in the circulatory system, to pump fluid through the vessels. Any movement of lymph through the system depends on the contraction and relaxation of muscles, as well as the movements of joints. When muscles contract during physical activity, they press on the lymphatic vessels and thereby push fluid through the channels. By the way, laughter and deep breathing, during which the diaphragm and abdominal muscles are activated, also promote the outflow of lymph. Any exercise is suitable to stimulate lymph flow. This could be regular walking, swimming, running, jumping, yoga or your favorite sport.

In addition, traditional healers at all times advised visiting a bathhouse to cleanse the lymph. And this is perhaps the easiest way to remove toxic components from the body. In the steam room, microcirculation accelerates, blood vessels dilate, which helps get rid of problems with lymph stagnation.

Oxidative processes, lymph congestion and toxin retention increase when a person experiences physical and/or emotional stress. Therefore, minimizing stress indirectly also promotes proper lymph flow. To eliminate the effects of stress, it is useful to do yoga, spend more time in the fresh air, and practice breathing exercises.

In addition to physical exercise, special massage also helps speed up the movement of lymph to the lymph nodes. It can be done either with your hands or with the help of a variety of massagers. But it is important to perform the procedure in a circular motion towards the heart, paying special attention to the head, neck, feet, chest and abdomen, where the lymph nodes are concentrated.

Lymph cleansing is also facilitated by:

  • consuming potassium (helps remove toxins from cells);
  • refusal of dairy products, which activates the production of mucus in the body, which contributes to lymph stagnation;
  • following an anti-inflammatory alkaline diet (leafy greens and avocados are especially important for lymph);
  • hydrotherapy in the form of a contrast shower (tones blood and lymphatic vessels);
  • refusal of animal proteins and gluten (they acidify the body, creating an environment beneficial for toxins);
  • increased sweating (reduces toxic load on the lymphatic system)
  • refusal to overeat (undigested food becomes poison for the body, “clogs” the lymph and causes it to stagnate);
  • careful use of pharmaceuticals (they “clog” the lymph).

Diet options for cleansing lymph

Method 1

This cleansing program lasts 14 days and consists of several points. Firstly, every morning and evening you need to take 2 tablets of activated carbon, which is known to bind and remove toxic substances from the body.

Secondly, you should take a fruit and berry mixture three times a day, 1 dessert spoon. To prepare it you will need black currants, shadberry, dates, dried apricots, prunes and figs, taken in equal parts. To 1 kg of fruit and berry mixture you need to add 3 tbsp. l. buckwheat honey and mix everything thoroughly. It is useful to wash down each serving of this sweet detox with a decoction of fireweed tea.

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