7 facts about the effect of lemon on the blood - does it thin it or thicken it?

Phlebologists never tire of repeating that the treatment of varicose veins must be comprehensive. This includes surgical removal of pathological veins, taking medications, influencing blood vessels with external medications, and compression therapy. In addition, it is extremely important to adjust your lifestyle. This includes making it a habit to eat healthy.

By introducing foods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins into your diet, you will provide invaluable assistance to your health.

The diet should be aimed at:

  • Reduced swelling
  • Normalization of body weight
  • Normalization of stool (since constipation also contributes to the development of varicose veins and its complications)
  • Strengthening the connective tissue that makes up the vascular wall
  • Blood thinning

What foods should be included in the diet

Foods rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate) is also called the “vitamin of youth”. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic - and also participates in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers of the intercellular substance.

In addition, vitamin E ensures tissue regeneration and maintains normal levels of blood clotting - which is especially important in the context of preventing the development of thrombosis.

Vitamin E also has an anti-carcinogenic effect and helps strengthen the immune system. It also protects the cell structure from destruction by free radicals - in a word, a real little guardian of our health!


There are few cases of bans or at least restrictions on the use of lemon. Yes, and they are mainly regarded as preventive.

  1. Children under 3 years of age. In infancy, the child’s digestive system is only in its infancy, so it is advisable to abstain from this valuable product until the age of 3.
  2. Individual intolerance. It is considered to be the most hypoallergenic of citrus fruits. But cases of allergies can never be completely ruled out.
  3. Acute pancreatitis, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract, especially during exacerbation. With a gentle diet, it is better not to use lemon juice.
  4. Weak tooth enamel. Even with good teeth, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after contact with citric acid. If eating the fruit causes discomfort in the mouth, then you need to contact your dentist with a complaint about weak tooth enamel.

To provide your body with vitamin E, be sure to eat:

  • vegetable oils
  • flaxseed (as a dietary supplement)
  • milk
  • cereals
  • soy
  • beef liver
  • egg yolk
  • green salad
  • nuts

Foods rich in vitamin P. Vitamin P (aka rutin) is a whole group of plant bioflavonoids that are effective antioxidants and have a pronounced capillary-strengthening property.

Rutin ensures elasticity of vascular walls, helps reduce swelling and maintain normal blood pressure, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels among themselves, preventing their destruction.

Warm or cold?

It is believed that it is most beneficial to drink water at room temperature or heated. This water is better absorbed and cleanses the body. Hot water is useful in the morning on an empty stomach; it can “wake up” the body, free it from toxins and speed up metabolism.

In turn, cold water is absorbed worse. It lingers in the stomach until it warms up and therefore cannot effectively fulfill its main mission - hydration. Additionally, drinking cold water on an empty stomach can stress the body, which can cause weakness and even decreased immunity.

How to find out your water norm, read this article: https://stolichki.ru/stati/arifmetika-zdorovya-skolko-vodyi-pit-v-den/

You can purchase high-quality bottled water at Stolichki Pharmacies.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin P in the body, pay attention to the following foods:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • White cabbage
  • Grape
  • Dog-rose fruit
  • Green tea
  • Walnuts
  • Seafood
  • Sea kale

Foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C not only protects our body during cold season, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels (connective tissue) and helps reduce swelling. In a word, it is simply irreplaceable for varicose veins - so do not under any circumstances ignore the “ascorbic acid” that is familiar to all Soviet children.

Thick blood - what is it?


When they say “thick blood,” it means that neglecting this problem is dangerous. What does thick blood ?

How does thick blood affect your health? Is this a consequence of genes or is blood influenced, for example, by lifestyle and diet ?

Is there a way to change blood ?

Although this term is more “household” and not medical, doctors constantly remind: thick blood must be thinned. What does that require?

Thick blood - what is it?

The problem with thick blood is that it flows more slowly through the circulatory system and delays the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

Additionally, when your blood is thicker, you become more prone to forming clots, which can block blood vessels in your heart .

brain or lungs . _ Like many things in the body, blood is important to maintain proper consistency. If there is an imbalance of proteins and

cells responsible for blood and clotting, the blood may become too thick.

Although human blood may appear homogeneous, it is made up of a combination of different cells, proteins, and clotting factors.

Reasons for increasing blood density:

• aging • sedentary lifestyle, • genetics , • heavy metals, • lack of essential fatty acids, • environmental toxins, including electromagnetic fields, • smoking, • bacteria, viruses and parasites.

When there are too many clotting factors, your red blood cells become trapped in a "fibrin network." The walls of the arteries are injured and prone to damage, and

the blood becomes sticky, leading to the formation of lumps and clots. These fibrin fibers make a major contribution to the increase in viscosity, the formation

plaques and eventually the closure of blood vessels ( thrombus ).

Thick blood - symptoms

The problem is often asymptomatic. However, in some cases, thick blood can cause blood clot- .

These symptoms depend on the cause of the disease and its location and may include:

• blurred vision , • dizziness , • headaches, • easy bruising, • high blood pressure, • lack of energy, fatigue, • difficulty concentrating, • shortness of breath, • anemia, when there is a low level of normal red blood cells in the blood .

What should you do?

A certain diet and special drinking regimen will help make the blood more fluid. In addition to clean water, doctors advise including greens in your diet.

or herbal tea (if there are no contraindications to the use of herbal drinks), do not forget about natural juices from vegetables and fruits.

to thin the blood . Thanks to special compounds (in particular bioflavonoids), this product is considered

one of the best for the cardiovascular system.

What about drinking 10-12 glasses of water a day as a blood ? That's a lot of water, although it can certainly reduce blood .

Research shows that those who drink 5 or more glasses of water per day are less likely to die from illness compared to those who drink

2 or less glasses of water per day.

Eat and drink blood such as pomegranate tea, ginger, turmeric, cumin, garlic, onion, green tea, cold water fish such as

wild salmon, tofu and walnuts.

Exercise: Thick blood causes blood vessels to become stiffer, less flexible, and they often calcify with age.

One key way to keep your blood is through exercise.

Medicines for blood thinners and excessive platelet buildup

Treatment of hypercoagulation and its symptom - thick blood - consists of the use of thinning drugs, that is, drugs that suppress aggregation

platelets. How to thin the blood ? The most commonly used drugs for hypercoagulability are heparin and acenocoumarol.

Heparin is blood drug that acts very quickly and is most often used in emergencies, in exceptional situations,

such as a long flight or surgery .

On the other hand, acenocoumarol can be used continuously. However, long-term use of this drug requires constant monitoring of INR in the blood .

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