The gastroenterologist spoke in detail about the benefits and harms of lard

Increases or decreases blood pressure

Fat increases blood pressure. This is a salty product and even a small amount of the product can cause an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure from 10 to 40 mmHg.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then when consuming animal fats there is a risk of atherosclerotic plaques appearing in the vessels.

In clinical recommendations for hypertensive patients, cardiologists advise reducing the consumption of lard to a minimum.

If you have persistent arterial hypertension, you should completely abandon it. It is better to replace lard with lean poultry meat.

Dosage for hypertension

In small quantities, lard is a very healthy product. An adequate dose for a healthy person is considered to be 50 grams of product per day. It is recommended to use it with a break and no more than 3 days a week.

If you have high blood pressure, it is better to reduce the dose by half.

It is recommended to consume lard with plenty of plant foods. An excellent solution would be to combine it with vegetable salads, garlic, cabbage, rye bread or crispbread.

Is it possible to eat lard if you have hypertension?

It is often very difficult to refuse salted lard if it is prepared using technology. Table salt is harmful for people with hypertension, but the product contains little of it. The fat layer does not absorb much salt. And the fatty acids it contains are good for the heart. Arachidonic acid is of great importance because it is essential for the human body.

It is beneficial, improves heart function and maintains blood flow to the brain. Too little of it causes fragility of blood vessels. Therefore, people with hypertension should not completely give up fat. It's enough to eat a little. 100 grams of product per week will benefit those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Lard does not cure hypertension, but it is difficult to imagine the human menu without it.

It is necessary to include it in the diet in the first half of the day. It is desirable that the product contains as little salt as possible. But you shouldn’t feel sorry for the garlic. By supplementing it, you can benefit both the heart and blood vessels if you have high blood pressure.

What to do if your blood pressure rises after consumption

The consequence of excessive consumption of salted lard can be a sharp jump in blood pressure. For patients with chronic hypertension, a crisis is dangerous when this increase in systolic and diastolic pressure leads to a heart attack or stroke.

If, after eating a large amount of tasty fatty food, a person’s state begins to deteriorate, it is necessary:

  • Arrange the patient on high pillows, draw them under the head, blades, barges with 30 degrees;
  • They provide fresh air to the room;
  • Unlock the flange, remove the limit clothing;
  • Place the patient's foot in a bowl of hot water;
  • Apply mustard tablets to the back of your head;
  • Give tablets to lower blood pressure.

Make sure that when the pressure increases to 200 millimeters of mercury, call a rescue ambulance. This helps to cope with the course of the glycine crisis, immediately take 5-10 tablets under the tongue. If the reaction to using the fat was so strong, he will have to stop using the product in the future.


The subcutaneous fat layer contains a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and macroelements.

ContainsAcid content
Fats, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus. Contains vitamins: E, F, D, B4. palmitic;




Fatty acids contribute to:

  • Proper metabolism;
  • Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • Removing harmful toxins from the liver;
  • Improving kidney function;
  • Charge the body with energy;
  • Prevention of cancer and pulmonary diseases;
  • Cleansing the body of radionuclides.

Adequate intake of lard helps improve immunity, proper functioning of the stomach and cardiovascular system. Nutritionists advise eating bacon in the first half of the day.

The gastroenterologist spoke in detail about the benefits and harms of lard

It is already a known fact that many medical experts recommend eating more lard during the covid pandemic. Lard has a long history of consumption, being one of the staple products in some cuisines. Despite its widespread use, starting in the 20th century, consumers began to gradually abandon it, citing its high content of unhealthy fats. However, studies have not confirmed the harmful effects of lard on the human body. As a result, interest in this product has increased again over the past decades. Physician-therapist, gastroenterologist Alexey Viktorovich Tsys, especially for, spoke in detail about all the beneficial and harmful properties of lard.


Photo from personal archive

It’s worth noting right away that lard is a universal fat.

, previously traditionally used in cooking.
A tablespoon of lard (13 grams) contains approximately 115 kilocalories, the main source of which is 12 grams of fat (saturated fat -40-45%, monounsaturated fat -45-50%, polyunsaturated fat -10-15%), an additional 130 mg. omega-3 and 1300 mg omega-6 fatty acids. Despite the fact that lard is not a rich source of vitamins, it does contain a certain amount of vitamins D and K2

Should you fry food in lard?

To answer this question, you need to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of this process. The benefits of using lard include its heat stability, versatility and nutritional properties. Lard is very heat-resistant, so it is more suitable for frying than ordinary vegetable oils.

For example, one study compared the oxidative stability of lard

compared to sunflower, rapeseed and peanut oils. The researchers heated each of the four fats to different temperatures ranging from 25°C to 200°C. The results showed that heated lard generated fewer harmful free radicals than other oils; lard was less susceptible to oxidative degradation, likely due to low levels of linoleic acid (omega-6); only lard showed a slow increase in oxidation products at temperatures above 200 °C, and all other oils showed rapid decomposition and oxidation.

Of course, it would be nice if everyone could constantly use olive oil for cooking, but this is not always possible due to the high price. On the other hand, price should not be an issue when purchasing lard; it is quite cheap.


Now about the vitamins

It is really difficult to get reliable data on the amount of vitamin K2 (menaquinone) in animal products, since this largely depends on how the animal was raised. However, products derived from animals raised on domestic rural pastures generally have a better health profile. Vitamin K2 is more bioavailable than vitamin K1 (mostly found in green vegetables) and may have important cardiovascular benefits.

Lard is an important source of vitamin D3 and contains much more of it than lean pork cuts.

What are the negative aspects of eating lard?

There are some concerns that people have about this animal fat. First of all, lard is a big source of calories.

, not too rich in nutrients. Since just one tablespoon of lard contains 115 kilocalories, it is easy to overdo it. However, this applies to all cooking fats and oils and is not unique to lard.

Is the saturated fat in lard a problem?

Over the years, saturated fats have gained a reputation as bad, artery-clogging fats. However, recent studies have shown that saturated fats do not pose as much of an artery-clogging risk as previously thought. For example, recent systematic reviews of evidence do not find a strong association between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease or all-cause mortality. It's also worth noting that monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, are the main constituents of lard. These are the same fats found in olives and avocados.

It is important to understand that not all types of lard on store shelves are the same. While some lard products are made from 100% pure rendered pork fat, others undergo a hydrogenation process to improve their shelf stability. These products usually contain several unhealthy additional ingredients.

Thus, lard is a traditional cooking fat

, which has several benefits, great taste and versatility. However, when taking this product you should adhere to moderation and take into account all its positive and negative aspects. An important fact is the quality of lard. Also, do not forget to periodically check your own lipid profile and consult your doctor. Be healthy!

Research by scientists

Recent research by scientists from the University of Munich confirms this hypothesis. They discovered that pig fat contains arachidonic acid, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the heart muscle. It is also involved in fat metabolism and performs a number of protective functions.

Scientists' conclusions:

  1. The acids in its composition have a choleretic effect;
  2. The liver is saturated with “good” cholesterol, which displaces the “bad” one;
  3. The monounsaturated oleic acid contained in the product prevents the kidneys from oxidation and prevents atherosclerosis;
  4. Removes toxic and harmful substances from the body.

In the final protocol, German experts classify lard as a healthy animal fat. Many doctors even recommend it in the menu for a therapeutic diet for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is important to maintain the minimum dose and consume only a high-quality product.

Before use, it is better to consult your doctor.

Who is contraindicated for

The fatty layer is harmful for those who are overweight. This leads to the deposit of fat on the thighs, like bacon. It is especially harmful for those who do not move and are busy sitting. Hippodymics, along with daily consumption of fatty foods, will lead to hypertension.

The product is prohibited for patients with:

  • chronic hypertension;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreatitis;
  • Metabolic disorders.

Before you leave a slice of salt and serve it, you should think about the body's reaction to this product. Everyone should know that it is better to eat it to avoid serious consequences for themselves.


Lard is a very high-calorie product! It is not recommended for use by overweight people.

Contraindications also include:

  1. Chronic diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver;
  2. Obesity and diabetes;
  3. Chronic hypertension stages 2-3;
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Atherosclerosis.

Whether blood pressure rises from fat should only concern hypertensive patients.
It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and human health. It is unlikely that serious complications should be expected from a small piece. But abuse and consumption of it in large quantities will undoubtedly cause stress on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Author of the article Svetlana Anatolyevna Ivanova, general practitioner

How to choose and use correctly

The beads are consumed both fresh and alone. When choosing a product at the market or in a store, pay attention to whether it is fresh. If it had been freshly cooked, the piece would look deliciously white with layers of meat. In the product section you can see a delicate pinkish bill. It should be easily pierced with a knife.

If the fat is yellowish and covered with a hard shell on top, it indicates long-term storage and bad products. There is no need to talk about the harmfulness of such products, their danger to human health. It is also harmful for people who smoke, who have a lot of carcinogenic substances. Avoid using pork fat products because it can cause stomach pain.

It's worth consuming no more than 69 grams of fat per day for men and even less for women, for a total of 49 grams of tasty, slightly salty product.

You can combine salted fats with garlic, black bread, light vegetable salad, boiled new potatoes cooked in a marinade. For cooking, porridge is well used with fat from pork tranner. It will be beneficial if you don't add a few spices to it.

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