Products containing iron: not only tasty, but also healthy!

How to increase hemoglobin: Pixabay Lack of iron in the body causes the development of complex diseases of internal organs. This condition is especially unsafe for pregnant women and young children. Doctors have recipes on how to get rid of anemia using non-drug means. Let's take a closer look at how to increase hemoglobin using folk remedies and subsequently prevent iron deficiency in the body.

Top foods containing iron

Women should consume at least 18 mg of iron per day, men - 10 mg. The list of products that naturally increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood has long been compiled.

The leaders in iron content are the following products (per 100 g):

  • Pork liver 20.2 mg;
  • Chicken liver 17 mg;
  • Dark chocolate 12 mg;
  • Oysters 9.2 mg;
  • Pumpkin seeds 9 mg;
  • Beef liver 7 mg;
  • Beef heart 4.8 mg;
  • Pork heart 4.1 mg;
  • Beef meat 3.6 mg;
  • Lamb meat 3.1 mg;
  • Pork meat 1.8 mg;
  • Chicken meat 1.6 mg;
  • Turkey meat 1.4 mg;
  • Mussels 6.7 mg;
  • Sardines 2.9 mg;
  • Chicken yolk 6.7 mg;
  • Quail yolk 3.2 mg;
  • Beef tongue 4.1 mg;
  • Pork tongue 3.2 mg;

You should also include in your diet:

  • Pistachios 60 mg;
  • Spinach 13.51 mg;
  • Lentils 11.8 mg;
  • Peas 6.8-9.4 mg;
  • Buckwheat 8.3 mg;
  • Barley 7.4 mg;
  • Oatmeal 5.5 mg;
  • Wheat 5.4 mg;
  • Peanut 5 mg;
  • Dogwood 4.1 mg;
  • Cashew 3.8 mg;
  • Corn 3.7 mg;
  • Pine nuts 3 mg.

The list indicates the amount of iron that is present in 100 grams of the product.

What are the benefits of parsley?

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Different products for different eye diseases

Depending on the problem you are facing, it is recommended to consume different foods first.

  • If your work involves a lot of stress and your eyes get tired quickly, then parsley and carrot juice will help.
  • The vessels will remain elastic and strong if you enrich your diet with apricots, both fresh and in the form of dried fruits or juice; rose hips will also help.
  • For myopia, hawthorn and pumpkin are good remedies.
  • For the development of cataracts, glaucoma, and optic nerve disease, parsley juice is very useful; one tablespoon per day is enough.

Why aren't blueberries on the list? In addition to the fact that it has a general supportive effect rather than a specific one, this summer berry, like carrots, has recently begun to give way to the benefits of green and yellow foods. This is explained by the fact that the latter contain more lutein and zeaxanthin - pigments that have a positive effect on eye health.

Heavy foods for the stomach

Below is a list of foods that are not good for the stomach. They can irritate the walls and lead to painful conditions of the digestive organs and the formation of ulcers, bloating, pain, difficult digestion, and heartburn. These products include:

  • fast food;
  • fatty food;
  • fried foods;
  • very spicy food;
  • high consumption of herbs and spices;
  • low-quality products (spoiled);
  • alcohol and soda;

Light foods for the stomach

Products that are good for the stomach should be consumed by patients with gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage and in remission.

Those with a sweet tooth are allowed to eat savory cookies, yeast-free buns, and pies. The baked goods must not be fresh, but yesterday’s or dried. You can eat marshmallows and marshmallows in small quantities.

It is better to choose lean varieties of meat, such as chicken, turkey, beef, and rabbit. The same applies to fish. These products are more easily absorbed in the intestines. The meat can be eaten simply boiled or baked, or you can prepare various dishes without using oil, for example, steamed cutlets, zrazy, and meatballs.

It is useful to consume dairy products, especially cottage cheese. You can use it to make cheesecakes and casseroles. You are allowed to eat a little hard low-fat cheese.

Among the drinks, it is useful to drink rosehip decoction, weak tea with milk, fruit and vegetable juices.

It is better for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to consume vegetables and fruits after heat treatment, boiled, baked, steamed. Vegetables are especially beneficial for the stomach. For example, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots and potatoes.

What fruits increase hemoglobin?

Modern research has found that the first fruit in the fight against iron deficiency is the fresh peach. 4 mg are present in 100 g of fresh product, in dried - about 3 mg. The following fruits are also relevant.

  • Quince. Adding 100 g to the menu provides 3 mg of iron.
  • Persimmon. Eating 100 g of fruit “gives” the body 2.5 mg of iron.
  • Pear. In addition to iron (2.3 mg), the fruit is rich in zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper, and is effective in treating anemia.
  • Apple. For a long time it was considered the number one fruit in the list of fruits that increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the body. When fresh, 100 g of apples contain 2.2 mg. The indicators of dried fruits look better - approximately 2.7 times more.
  • Pomegranate. By eating 100 g of the product, you can replenish iron reserves by 1 mg. It is also good for its abundance of valuable vitamins.
  • Apricot. It is best consumed in dried form, the concentration of essential elements increases. The fresh product is also useful - 0.7 mg. In addition to iron, apricots contain cobalt, manganese, and copper. All these elements together are useful for anemia and activate hemoglobin biosynthesis.
  • Kiwi (0.8 mg) and fresh plums (0.5 mg) will be beneficial for the body.
  • Watermelon is famous for its high concentration of iron; its consumption can enrich the body with other valuable substances - potassium, vitamins. Not only is the hemoglobin level restored, but also energy increases, and the person gets rid of chronic weakness.

Iron absorption is a process that occurs in the proximal intestine. There are certain foods that contain phytates and phosphates that inhibit it. The solution to the problem will be to include in the menu fruits that activate the absorption of iron and are endowed with vitamin C. The most beneficial will be all citrus fruits, melon, pineapple, and sour apples.

Foods that are good for the stomach and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract

In some patients, most often the elderly, intestinal motility deteriorates and the person begins to suffer from constant constipation. But there are foods whose consumption stimulates gastric and intestinal motility, which improves digestion and reduces the likelihood of constipation. These foods that are good for the stomach include:

  • Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese).
  • Vegetables: pumpkin, beets, carrots, sauerkraut. You can have vegetable soups, but only without meat.
  • Fruits: melon, apple, plum.
  • Berries and jam from them.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Honey.
  • Various porridges on the water.

Recipes for medicinal mixtures based on them

Nuts can be consumed in different ways: as a separate dish or in combination with other products that also have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems and the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Pasa Amosova

This mixture is very easy to prepare. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. take 100 grams of nuts (walnuts, cashews and hazelnuts are best);
  2. take 200 grams of dried fruits (you will definitely need dried apricots, prunes, it is also recommended to add dates and raisins);
  3. pass the mixture through a meat grinder;
  4. add honey and roll into a jar;
  5. put in the refrigerator.

For a detailed recipe for making Amosov pasta with photos, see a separate article.

You can eat this mixture in unlimited quantities, but a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels is achieved by consuming 1 teaspoon of the mixture three times a day. You can also add apricot seed kernels to it - they are sold on the market in salted form. This healthy product will add an unusual note to the taste.

Buckwheat mixture

Making buckwheat with honey and walnuts also doesn’t require much work.

  1. First, buckwheat is boiled (in a boiled way).
  2. To it, cold or warm, add honey and walnuts, previously passed through a meat grinder.
  3. As for the proportions, they entirely depend on individual preferences and wishes: someone will like porridge with the addition of a small amount of nuts and honey, someone will prefer to dilute it with nuts in a 1/2 ratio.

The beauty of this dish is the combination of three products that have a very beneficial effect on strengthening the heart muscle, blood vessels, improving blood flow, hematopoiesis, and preventing atherosclerosis.

Thus, the inclusion of nuts in the diet can significantly and painlessly adjust the level of hemoglobin, maintain it at an acceptable level for health, and also generally help strengthen the cardiovascular, circulatory and other systems of the human body.

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