Are all diseases caused by nerves? What to do when your fingers go numb or your lower back hurts

Causes of headaches and numbness in hands

For headaches that are accompanied by numbness in the hands, it is important to make a timely diagnosis and determine the cause of these symptoms. They can be triggered by various factors, including poor circulation, low blood pressure and others. In addition, a sharp deterioration in health indicates the development of a stroke, rehabilitation for which is most effective when seeking medical help within the first two hours after the attack.


Main article: Stroke

A stroke is an acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain. As a result of oxygen starvation, necrosis (death) of certain areas occurs, which is accompanied by disruption of nervous activity. Typical signs of a stroke are loss of consciousness, headaches, asymmetrical work of the muscles of the face and body, memory loss and deterioration of mental activity. These symptoms are individual for each patient and depend on the size and exact location of the affected area.

A stroke can occur without obvious symptoms, but cause long-term consequences and pose a danger to the patient’s life. To identify it in the early stages, there are several tests that can be performed at home:

  • Face – when trying to smile, the corners of a person’s mouth rise unevenly;
  • Hands - the victim will not be able to hold both hands in front of him for 10 seconds, one hand will fall down;
  • Speech – speech becomes unintelligible, difficulties arise when trying to repeat a simple sentence;
  • Time is a warning that if at least one symptom is present, a person’s life is in danger, and it is important to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Risk factors for stroke include old age, bad habits, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, as well as chronic heart and vascular diseases. Thus, atherosclerosis is vascular damage that occurs due to the deposition of cholesterol and lipoproteins on the walls of the arteries. An unhealthy diet high in animal fats can cause deterioration in the elasticity of blood vessels and cause a stroke. Smoking and alcohol abuse are factors that also affect the intensity of blood supply to the brain. However, a stroke can be a consequence of hidden pathologies or occur suddenly in a young person with a healthy cardiovascular system.

Diseases of the neck and spine

Main article: Headache and neck pain

Neurological symptoms and headaches can also result from compression of the nerves in the cervical spine. Thus, the nerves of the cervical plexus innervate the occipital part of the head, so their damage will be accompanied by acute pain. Also in this area, nerves originate that carry impulses to the upper limbs. Headaches, numbness of the hands - these are a typical picture for a number of diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (Main article: Headache with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine) is a chronic process in which there is a slow destruction of intervertebral cartilage. They become less elastic, thinner, and therefore cannot fully absorb shock during movement. This leads to insufficient mobility of the neck, pain, and a decrease in the clearance between the vertebrae. Bone segments compress blood vessels and nerves, which is accompanied by a deterioration in nerve conduction and blood circulation.
  2. Protrusion is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc on one side. Normally, it follows the shape of the vertebrae, but can be displaced as a result of injuries, weakness of the spinal ligaments, as well as uneven pressure on the vertebrae on both sides. Protrusions are treated with special gymnastics, massage, swimming, taking painkillers and muscle relaxants, and you may need to wear a collar. The disease progresses, and over time, if left untreated, progresses to the following stages. The last of them is intervertebral hernia, in which the dense fibrous membrane of the cartilage ruptures.
  3. Injuries and their consequences pose a danger to the health and life of the patient. Fractures of the vertebral bodies and processes, ruptures of ligaments lead to acute pain and require long-term rehabilitation. In the future, inactivity may persist in certain areas, increasing the risk of developing osteochondrosis and other chronic diseases.

Diseases of the cervical spine require long-term treatment. Its effectiveness will depend on regular exercise at home, as well as on compliance with other doctor’s recommendations. It is important to understand that in case of osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias, it is necessary to monitor your posture throughout the day, dosage physical activity, and also not endure pain and attacks of numbness in the hands - with these disorders it is always worth making an appointment with a doctor for examination.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Diseases of the cardiovascular system also lead to headaches, numbness in the hands and other alarming symptoms. They can occur in acute and chronic forms, be congenital and acquired. Thus, congenital heart defects, structural anomalies of valves and large vessels are accompanied by deterioration of blood circulation at any age. However, acquired disorders are more often diagnosed:

  1. Hypotension (See: Headache with low blood pressure) is a chronic decrease in blood pressure. Blood spreads slowly throughout the body, so the speed of blood flow in the upper extremities and head is significantly reduced. This leads to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of tissues and deterioration of their innervation. For hypotension, complex treatment aimed at increasing blood pressure is prescribed.
  2. Atherosclerosis (See: Headache as a symptom of atherosclerosis) is a metabolic disorder in which deposits of cholesterol and lipoproteins appear on the inner walls of the arteries. These substances narrow the lumen of blood vessels, thereby impeding blood flow. In the future, they can form plaques and completely block the arteries, posing a danger to the patient’s life. Circulatory disorders are diagnosed using vascular ultrasound with the addition of a contrast agent. This allows you to determine the exact location of the damaged area and make a diagnosis. As treatment, a diet low in fat and cholesterol is prescribed, as well as drugs that stimulate its elimination.
  3. Aneurysm is a pathological expansion of a section of blood vessels (usually arteries) with the formation of a pocket filled with blood. At the same time, their walls become significantly thinner, and there is a risk of their rupture, especially with increased pressure. In the presence of an aneurysm, neurological symptoms, frequent headaches, and numbness of the hands occur. It is important for patients to monitor their well-being; according to the doctor’s decision, a planned operation is performed to restore the damaged area of ​​the vessel.

Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, if left untreated, can cause a stroke. Thus, narrowing of the lumen of the arteries and hypotension are provoking factors for the development of ischemic stroke, which occurs during prolonged hypoxia of parts of the brain. An increase in pressure to critical levels can provoke a hemorrhagic stroke - it occurs when a vessel ruptures and is accompanied by cerebral hemorrhage. According to statistics, hemorrhagic stroke is more life-threatening, and rehabilitation in this case is less effective, but the prognosis is determined individually, depending on the degree of damage and the exact area of ​​the brain.

Problem No. 9. “Stars” or colored dots appearing before the eyes for no apparent reason

Root cause of change

This may be glaucoma and other eye diseases, increased or decreased blood pressure, atherosclerosis of the vessels that feed the retina and neck vessels, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), poisoning with certain medications, lack of microelements (for example, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid with the development of anemia). As well as sudden standing up from a lying or sitting position.

The degree of manifestation is within normal limits

If this condition occurs with a sudden change in position and there are no other symptoms that bother the person, it does not require treatment. In other cases, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause.

Addiction to the problem

This condition may occur due to eye fatigue due to prolonged use of the computer.


The most important thing is to organize your workplace correctly, relax your eyes - look out the window during breaks, and not at your phone. If it doesn’t help, we run to the doctor.

Where to go?

Oculist, neurologist.

Diagnostic methods

In case of headaches, numbness of the fingers or upper extremities, a completely timely diagnosis is very important - it can improve prognoses in the event of a stroke and other dangerous lesions. Depending on the results of the examination and simple diagnostic tests, the following diagnostic methods may be required:

  • radiography of the cervical and thoracic spine - necessary if osteochondrosis is suspected;
  • MRI of the brain is a specific technique with a high level of visualization, which is prescribed for the diagnosis of stroke, aneurysms, if neoplasms and other pathologies are suspected;
  • electroencephalography – allows you to assess the activity of the nervous system;
  • duplex scanning, Dopplerography - examination of the vascular system to identify blood clots, vascular obstruction, and aneurysms.

At the Clinical Brain Institute you can undergo comprehensive diagnostics in a short time. Our center has modern, precise equipment for examining the spine, blood vessels, brain and internal organs. Its use allows you to quickly assess the patient’s condition and select the most effective treatment, which will affect not only the symptoms, but also the causes of poor health.

Problem No. 10. Dizziness when rising from a chair

Root cause of change

This occurs with orthostatic hypotension - redistribution of blood from the head to the lower extremities.

The degree of manifestation is within normal limits

This can be normal or pathological. The norm is if a person was sitting and suddenly jumped up; tall and thin people are especially prone to this condition. In diseases of the endocrine system, as well as in the elderly, this is an additional factor in falls and requires treatment. This condition can be caused by medications.

Addiction to the problem

This problem more often occurs in older people, as well as tall and thin people (due to the fact that the blood does not quickly have time to be redistributed among the vessels).


The doctor recommends controlling your actions and trying not to get up suddenly. If you still feel dizzy, then take a comfortable position - sit back or lie down and raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees.

Where to go?

If the problem occurs frequently, then your specialist is a cardiologist; if necessary, and if cardiac pathology is excluded, he will redirect you to a neurologist.

Treatment of headaches and hand numbness

Treatment is individualized and depends on the final diagnosis. Its goal is not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and pain, but also to get rid of their underlying cause. So, the doctor may prescribe:

  • for stroke - a comprehensive rehabilitation program aimed at restoring nerve conduction in the affected areas, therapeutic exercises, exercises to improve memory and speech;
  • for neck diseases - a set of exercises to perform at home, muscle relaxants, wearing a hard collar if necessary;
  • for vascular diseases - a gentle diet, moderate physical activity, drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • surgery - may be required to remove hernias and aneurysms; in some patients it is indicated for injuries.

At the Clinical Brain Institute, it is possible to receive treatment both on an outpatient basis and in an inpatient setting. Also in our center you can select an individual rehabilitation program after a stroke and undergo it under the supervision of doctors. It is important to understand that the effectiveness of treatment will depend not only on the correct prescriptions, but also on their implementation at home.

Prevention methods

To maintain the health of your back and joints, nerves and blood vessels, it is important to follow some rules of prevention. Doctors at the Clinical Brain Institute recommend:

  • maintain a healthy diet - consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, and also avoid excess animal fats, salt and spices, and carbonated drinks;
  • get rid of bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse have a detrimental effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • regularly perform simple exercises for the health of the back and spine - they will increase the elasticity of the ligaments and strengthen the muscles;
  • Spending enough time in the fresh air is a prerequisite for adequate oxygen supply to the brain cells;
  • at the first symptoms, including headaches, numbness of the limbs, deterioration in health, it is important to immediately contact a specialist to receive competent medical care.

The Clinical Brain Institute is a multidisciplinary center that specializes in the treatment of headaches of various origins. Here you can undergo a full examination and receive a comprehensive treatment regimen for pain in the head and numbness in the hands. The doctors of our center are competent specialists of a wide and narrow profile. Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the diagnostic results, and can take place either on an outpatient basis or in a comfortable hospital.

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