Sudden cardiac death and its prevention Coronary death Coronary death means death,
The safest way to check blood vessels for the presence of cholesterol plaques is
Sometimes during intrauterine development, while the fetus is still in the mother’s body, in the process
Bradycardia is a change in heart rhythm in which the heart rate decreases to 30-50
Pulmonary sclerosis is a disease in which lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. Pulmonologists Yusupovskaya
MRI expansion of convexital liquor spaces. CSF spaces are filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which transports nutrients,
One of the most popular herbs is ginger. It is universal as a healing drug and
The condition when the heart beats slowly is called bradycardia. This term describes a slow or irregular frequency
The problem should not be ignored, because the substance in question is considered a very important electrolyte,
Antibodies are complex compounds that contain carbohydrate and protein (produced