Sclerotherapy (sclerotherapy) of dilated and unaesthetic veins on the arms

Humans have veins throughout their body. Only in most cases they are securely hidden under the skin. But there are situations when they appear, and sometimes they also hurt.

Arm veins are a group of blood vessels that carry blood directly to the heart. One of their main functions is reverse circulation. That is, blood from tissues is collected both at the superficial and deep levels and sent to the heart.

In this orderly system, which works normally without interruptions or any symptoms, malfunctions may begin due to one reason or another. And then the person experiences a fairly diverse set of negative manifestations - pain, heaviness in the hands, a feeling of tightness, etc. Naturally, living with such symptoms is difficult, since hands are one of the main tools in everyday life.

Therefore, if any problems appear with the veins in your arms, you should not delay it - you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. You can start with a therapist, but most often this problem is dealt with by a phlebologist or angiosurgeon. Despite the fact that arm vein disease is a rare phenomenon, it can significantly reduce the quality of life of the person experiencing the problem.

told about why the veins in the hands begin to cause discomfort to a person .

Varicose veins - an aesthetic defect or a serious disease? More details

Why do the veins in the arms expand?

Hands are the second most important part of the body (after the face), which is paid attention to during visual contact. At the same time, after performing a rejuvenating procedure on the face, the hands can show the real age of a person.

Dilated veins on the arms of famous artists

The most common reasons for the appearance of dilated veins in the arms are: increased stress on the arms due to the characteristics of professional work or sports and age-related changes associated with hypotrophy of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, as well as a decrease in the number of elastic fibers in the vein wall.

Is there a way to improve the appearance of your hands and remove unsightly, crooked, bulging veins on your hands? Yes, there is a way! The technique of sclerotherapy of veins in the arms in Moscow has been successfully used for a long time in our phlebology center. It is also suitable for eliminating enlarged veins and spider veins on the legs, face and other parts of the body. Hands are no exception to this technique, but its implementation has a number of subtleties, and therefore, it is performed only by highly professional phlebologists who have extensive experience working with sclerotherapy drugs.

The disease progresses: main symptoms

Very often, we mistake early manifestations of the disease for signs of leg fatigue: the symptoms of varicose veins on the legs really resemble the condition after prolonged exercise. However, you should be wary of the fact that the “fatigue” of the legs repeats again and again.

If varicose veins enter the subcompensation stage, then convoluted, convex veins and bluish venous nodules become clearly visible under the skin. Pain is added to the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs. Swelling of the legs, which at an early stage went away during a night's sleep, now persists even after rest. Night cramps are becoming more common.

Seeing a doctor with such symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities requires more serious treatment. You may need not only sclerotherapy, but also laser treatment (EVLT) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA). For each patient, the phlebologist develops an individual comprehensive therapy program.

What methods exist for eliminating unsightly veins on the arms?

To remove veins in the arms, classical techniques can be used - phlebectomy in its cosmetic version (removal of veins through mini-punctures) or endovenous laser obliteration (suitable only for straight venous areas of large diameter). However, these techniques are quite traumatic, expensive and in some cases not very cosmetic - after the operation, bruises persist for several weeks, and scars from punctures may remain.

Sclerotherapy is a method of removing dilated veins in the arms

In contrast to these procedures, sclerotherapy is effective, safe, its implementation does not require serious financial costs, and the ability to work is not impaired during this manipulation.


To treat identified diseases, minimally invasive methods are used: sclerotherapy, phlebectomy and laser therapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also included in the treatment: electrophoresis with venotonics and angioprotectors, darsonvalization, magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment (destroys blood clots), balneotherapy (whirlpool and contrast hand baths with bischofite, radon, hydrogen sulfide), massage compression. Another popular method is hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). They produce a special enzyme that has a positive effect on the circulatory system and increases the elasticity of tissue in the affected area. Despite the somewhat unconventional nature of the method, it is considered quite effective.

To choose a specific method (including surgery), it is first necessary to find out the original causes of the pathology and eliminate provoking factors. In this case, the treatment will be effective.

Question answer

Why might my arm hurt after taking blood from a vein?

How is sclerotherapy for varicose veins on the hands performed?

No special preparation is required for this procedure. The procedure itself can be performed in a treatment room (manipulation room). After treating the patient’s hands with an antiseptic solution, the phlebologist performs a puncture of the dilated vein on the arm with a needle and injects into it with a syringe a solution or foam form of a pre-prepared sclerosant (a substance that causes “sticking” and subsequent “resorption” of the target vein). The vein is punctured to administer the sclerosant using a thin needle of very small caliber, which ensures virtually no pain during the injection. After administering the drug, the hand is bandaged with an elastic bandage or a special compression glove is put on and the patient is sent home. Occlusion (“gluing”) of the vein occurs within a few days; resorption of the dilated vein usually takes several weeks.

Injection of sclerosant into a dilated vein in the arm

Is varicose veins inherited?

It is now known that varicose veins are hereditary. Scientists even believe that they were able to isolate a separate gene responsible for the development of varicose veins. It is not yet clear whether this gene causes malformations of the venous valves or malformations of the vein walls themselves. But there is no doubt that these studies will help develop a gene therapy technique - perhaps the most promising way to prevent and treat varicose veins. Unfortunately, this is still a matter of the rather distant future, and gene therapy is not yet available to patients with varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy (scleroobliteration) of unaesthetic veins on the arms - cost of the procedure

Service Treatment category Price
Sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (one session) Reticular varicose veins and spider veins 8000₽
Postoperative sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (one session) Reticular varicose veins and spider veins 4000₽ 8000₽
Sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy) on one lower limb (course of treatment) Does not depend on the number of sessions 35000₽
Removal of unaesthetic veins on one arm (one session) 10000₽
Laser removal of spider veins on one lower limb (one session) 10000₽

Payment by Visa and Mastercard is possible. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient is given a package of documents to submit to the tax office for tax deduction.

Symptoms of varicose veins at a late stage

If the disease has reached the stage of decompensation, then the symptoms appear so clearly that seeing a doctor becomes vital. At a late stage, varicose veins are dangerous for the development of dangerous complications, so treatment should be started immediately.

If varicose veins are in the stage of decompensation, then in addition to the existing symptoms: pain and heaviness in the legs, swelling, cramps, itching, a change in skin pigmentation is added, it acquires a bluish or brown tint. Stagnation of blood in the veins leads to disruption of tissue nutrition, resulting in trophic disorders. Ulcers, weeping spots, poorly healing or non-healing wounds appear on the skin.

If such changes begin, then varicose veins can be treated only after the wounds on the skin have been healed. Thus, the total duration of treatment increases markedly. As for varicose veins, they may require surgical removal.

Hippocrates said: “Both success and failure in treating a disease must be attributed to both the doctor and the patient.” If you are attentive to your health, then do not miss the first symptoms of varicose veins, consult a doctor in time and you will be able to maintain the health and beauty of your legs for a long time.

Results of removal of unsightly veins on the arms in our clinic. Photos before and after.

The result of removing unsightly veins on the hands of our patient

Before a sclerotherapy session on your hands

2 months after the sclerotherapy session on the hands

The results of treatment 1 month after the procedure are presented in the photo.

Veins of the right arm before and after sclerotherapy (before and after photos)

Until recently, patients had to travel to Europe with similar problems. Hand sclerotherapy is now available in Moscow, in our clinic. Doctor Semenov Artyom Yurievich, one of the first in Russia to use this technique, and his results are in no way inferior to his foreign colleagues. Today, he has extensive experience in sclerosing veins in the arms in our country.

Stages of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease that develops gradually, going through several stages:

  • compensation stage - the body independently copes with varicose veins using internal resources.
  • subcompensation stage - the body’s resources for independently combating varicose veins are coming to an end, the disease begins to cause constant discomfort.
  • stage of decompensation - the body cannot cope with the problems that arise as a result of varicose veins, the disease is fraught with serious and even life-threatening complications.

If you pay attention to the very first symptoms of varicose veins, then treatment will be most effective and will not require serious intervention in the body. If you miss the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs at an early stage, you will need longer therapy and, possibly, even surgery to remove the veins.

Frequently asked questions from our patients on the Internet about sclerotherapy for veins in the arms

Tamara from Yekaterinburg asks: where is the best place in Moscow to do sclerotherapy for veins in the arms?

Dear Tamara! Sclerotherapy of veins in the arms in Moscow is best done in a good modern phlebological center. The procedure for sclerotherapy of veins in the arms differs from scleroobliteration of the veins of the lower extremities and it is better to trust an experienced specialist. In our Innovative Phlebology Clinic, sclerotherapy of the veins of the arms is carried out by the head of the center, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Artyom Yuryevich Semenov. Dr. Semenov was one of the first in Russia to begin sclerotherapy of veins in the arms and has the most extensive experience in performing this procedure in our country.

Elena from Moscow asks: how effective is sclerotherapy for arm veins?

Dear Elena! Sclerotherapy of arm veins is a very good procedure for removing unaesthetic vessels of the upper extremities. In order for the effect to live up to expectations, you need to contact specialists who understand all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure. The Moscow City Phlebology Center is one of the leading centers in our country for this aesthetic procedure.

Violetta from Moscow is wondering: is it safe to remove veins on the hands?

Dear Violetta! Removal (sclerotherapy) of veins on the hands is an effective and completely safe procedure, but only when performed professionally. This manipulation has its own specific characteristics, so it is better to trust a specialist with good experience in performing it.

Olga from Moscow is interested in: where in Moscow is hand sclerotherapy performed effectively? Where can I read reviews?

Dear Olga! Over the years of practice, a significant number of successful sclerotherapy procedures for veins in the arms have been carried out at the Moscow City Phlebology Center. You can read patient reviews on our website page: .

Natalya from Moscow is interested in: how much does sclerotherapy for arm veins cost in Moscow?

Dear Natalia! The price of good sclerotherapy of veins in the arms in Moscow is slightly higher than scleroobliteration of the venous vessels of the lower extremities. In our Moscow city phlebology center, the cost of one session of sclerotherapy for veins in the arms is

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Pregnancy does not cause varicose veins, but it is often a trigger for the appearance of varicose veins in those women who are predisposed to it. For example, in people with congenital insufficiency or even absence of venous valves. This fact has already been established quite definitely, because many pregnant women do not develop any varicose veins. Sometimes varicose veins appear only during the fourth, fifth or tenth pregnancy.

And in some women, they appear during pregnancy and disappear immediately after the birth of the child. Pregnancy acts as a triggering factor for varicose veins due to the fact that during pregnancy the content of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - in a woman’s blood increases sharply. These hormones, in high concentrations, help soften the venous walls, the veins stretch, and the valves cannot close normally because of this.

Other causes of varicose veins

Such a widespread prevalence of varicose veins in highly developed Western countries is probably associated with the lifestyle of the population. For example, we spend a lot of time sitting on chairs. From kindergarten until graduation, a person sits for at least 40 hours a week (counting approximately 5 hours during the day in class, 3 hours in the evening doing homework, watching TV, and so on 5 days a week). Now let's multiply these hours by 10 months a year, and so on - up to 17 years. Then - work in some institution where you have to sit even longer. When a person sits in a chair, the veins running along the back of the thighs are compressed, and the calf muscles (the rhythmic contractions of which help move venous blood to the heart) do not work.

Another important factor is nutrition. In Western countries, people prefer a low fiber diet. With such a diet, fecal matter becomes denser, and constipation often occurs. When straining to move hard stool, the abdominal muscles tense and the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases significantly. High pressure spreads to the veins running along the back of the abdominal cavity and to the veins of the legs, which dilate, causing the venous valves to leak.

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