Pain point: how to avoid ending up in the hospital after a massage session

In January, a young woman died in the Tver region. Right during the massage session, the client felt unwell. Doctors and law enforcement officers are investigating what caused the death. Today, there is a massage room in almost any beauty salon, hairdresser, or fitness center. For a reasonable fee, massage therapists invite clients to their place and are ready to come to the ends of the earth themselves. How not to make a mistake when choosing a master and for whom massage is strictly contraindicated - read the material in Izvestia.

Chronic case

Investigative Committee carries out an inspection after the death of a woman during a massage session near Tver

The session in the city of Konakovo, in the Tver region, was the third in a row. The massage therapist worked at his home, and the girl signed up for a therapeutic massage procedure. At some point, the client felt unwell - the man called an ambulance and tried to provide first aid, but the girl died before the doctors arrived. The Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of the client, but among other things, a detail is given: several years ago the girl underwent heart surgery, but the massage therapist did not consider this a reason to refuse the procedure.

In fact, anything could have happened - a fatal coincidence, a coincidence, an unknown author's technique that caused an irreversible reaction of the body (after all, massage puts a serious strain on the cardiovascular system), but the fact remains that there are contraindications to massage, and there are quite a lot of them.


There are contraindications to massage, and there are quite a few of them.

Photo: Depositphotos

The door to the massage room is closed to everyone who has gynecological problems; oncology, thrombophlebitis, purulent infection, dermatitis have been identified... And this is not the whole list. Don’t even think, experts warn, of lying down on the couch with a fever or being slightly tipsy.

Awkward scalpel movements

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“Whatever the temperature - high or 37.1, 37.2 - this is always a contraindication for massage,” beauty salon massage therapist Anna Strakhova, who has been working in this field for 17 years, explained to Izvestia. — In oncology, even after completion of treatment, we still require permission from the oncologist. When a patient comes, I personally collect anamnesis: what chronic diseases, how often are exacerbations. If you have cardiovascular diseases or hypertension, then, accordingly, the massage will be different, so as not to provoke a rise in pressure, but rather to reduce it a little.”

Hypertension as the main cause of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a common disease found in middle-aged and older people. The cause is:

  • Age;
  • Heredity;
  • Inactive lifestyle, such as sedentary work;
  • Having a lot of weight;
  • Bad habits such as alcohol or smoking.

Important information: How to lower blood pressure: three herbal medicine recipes

In the presence of such a disease, massage is prescribed extremely carefully and only after preliminary treatment. Nervous tension and constant stress have a negative impact on your general condition. If your blood pressure rises after a massage prescribed by your doctor, you should interrupt the course of therapy and undergo additional examination and treatment.

Vaccination against crooked hands

“Professionals should teach, treat and kill,” an experienced massage therapist once said in an interview with an Izvestia correspondent. Some fellow massage therapists will nod in agreement: a massage therapist must have a medical education. And a certificate that needs to be confirmed every five years. Although, by law, medical education is not required for all types of massage, clarifies the President of the Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Folk Medicine Specialists Vladimir Egorov.

“There is order, and it’s quite strict. To conduct a medical massage, you must have a secondary medical education, and the medical center that employs the specialist must have a license for medical massage,” explains Egorov. - Another thing is that there are two more types of activities that also include massage, but not medical - physical education and health activities and spa services. There is no compulsory medical education for them, but training in certain types of health massage is required.”


To conduct a medical massage, you must have a secondary medical education, and the medical center that hires the master must have a license for medical massage

Photo: Depositphotos

Manicure entered into GOST

The new standard requires refusing clients with nail diseases

Spa services are subject to SanPiN of hairdressing and beauty salons. I got a health record book (it’s a matter of conscience and honor how you got it), completed the courses and went ahead - kneading your sides, bringing beauty to the masses. The market for massage services is huge. In Moscow alone, on the official website for finding specialists from various fields, over 2,600 massage therapists are ready to get to work.

“How to find your massage therapist? On the recommendation of friends. Word of mouth worked and always works. Look for someone who completed some courses and came out with this diploma... I was at those courses, I know who graduates there. If there is a document, then there may be absolutely no brains. A document is not a guarantee against crooked hands,” says Oleg Khazov, a master with 30 years of experience. But he adds: it happens that someone can do more in five days than some people can do in ten years. It all depends on desire, aspiration, hands and, of course, head.

“When I finished my first courses, our teacher said that a massage therapist is chosen “by hand,” recalls Alexey Trumpe. - Yours or not yours. Maybe he’s a high-level specialist, but his hands are “not yours”, it’s uncomfortable.”


They offer to feel like “a little bit of a healer” in all kinds of courses, and without even leaving the couch - according to a video on YouTube

Photo: Depositphotos

Half of the tested cosmetologists work with violations

Roszdravnadzor expects that test purchases will correct the situation

They offer to feel a little like a healer in all sorts of courses, and even without leaving the couch - via videos on YouTube. It is interesting that statistics in the field of massage sound optimistic: according to Vladimir Egorov, out of 7,000 complaints to supervisory authorities regarding poor quality medical services, only a few are related to massage. It may be rare, but who would want to be included in these statistics. And not every master will take on the “remodeling”.

“Clients came in a couple of times with neck problems. “I had a massage, they clicked something on me, and my neck wouldn’t turn.” Most likely, this is some kind of myositis (inflammation of one or more muscles). The unfortunate chiropractor pulled the unheated muscle, it contracted and pinched. I advise you to go to the medical center, get an x-ray and only carry out any physiotherapeutic procedures as prescribed by the doctor,” said Anna Strakhova. - I don’t undertake to correct other people’s mistakes. Firstly, I do not have the right to do manual correction. Secondly, from a legal point of view, whoever last touched with his hands is to blame. You never know. This is not hair, and a massage therapist is not a hairdresser; you can’t easily correct a wrong haircut. After all, we are talking about human health and life.”

Methods for treating hypertension

In addition to traditional methods of treating hypertension, massage techniques are also prescribed. But they should be carried out extremely carefully and only by professionals.

When the procedure is carried out correctly, the patient’s condition improves significantly, relaxation helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and therefore the cardiovascular system. Breathing normalizes and high blood pressure returns to normal.

Often the doctor advises you to massage yourself; there are techniques that will help normalize the body’s functioning without causing harm.

For those with a can

Russians consider paid medical services to be of higher quality

Every third patient turned to a paid specialist in 2021

From September to February, those who crave quick beauty rush to massage therapists-aestheticians: there is neither time nor extra money for a large number of procedures, but you really want to take the weight off your tired shoulders at least for a day.

“They go for some one-time procedures: relax with a massage, lie down with a body wrap, undergo the same thalassotherapy - not to go to the sea, but at least to recharge with algae in the salon. They come with tired backs - they’re sitting at their computers, they need to stretch,” says Anna Strakhova.

In winter, some experts note an influx of skiers and snowboarders. Regulars of fitness centers who have not calculated the load come in; again, for professional athletes, a massage therapist is like a member of the family - with constant loads, they are constantly needed. In spring and autumn, patients with neuralgia, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis sign up for therapeutic massage. And from March, and as according to the calendar, until September 1, people come in orderly rows for figure correction, buying up subscriptions for 10, or even 20 sessions.


Vacuum massage with cups, designed to save the body from cellulite, sometimes frightens unprepared clients

Photo: Depositphotos

Back pain: how to become chronic

A neurologist talks about why overprotection and suspiciousness can lead to lifelong torment

Speaking of beauty. Vacuum massage with cups, designed to save the body from cellulite, sometimes frightens unprepared clients. As well as the gua sha technique - a type of Chinese massage using scrapers. “Spotted” clients cry on forums, presenting photographs of huge red spots and stripes on their back, hips, and face. The masters are in a hurry to reassure: the technique is this: if the tissues are warmed up properly before the procedure, the redness quickly goes away. That's if it's ok.

“When they work with a can “cold”, from the frost, God forbid, fabric with such a good “orange peel”, the client will gnaw on the massage table from pain,” says Anna Strakhova. With pain, the reward is painted bruises as a result of vascular injury.

And if only the master was a charlatan, then no, it’s new. What is called, not knowing the ford...

“A silicone jar costs 100 rubles at the pharmacy. Where did the bruises come from? And then he remembers: here I am sitting at home in front of the TV and doing the procedure for myself,” says Anna. - You need to know how to use the jar correctly. We rubbed ourselves under a hot shower with a hard washcloth - blood circulation began. Or after playing sports, apply any cream and place the jar.”

Contraindications to facial massage

For facial massage, the list of contraindications is shorter:

  • — Acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and sinuses (acute sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, carious mouth)
  • — Herpes
  • — Acne above grade 2 (inflammatory elements more than 10 pieces) or furunculosis
  • — The period after deep peelings and cleansing (up to 1 month)
  • — Oncology.

Facial massage is not recommended after Botox and other injections, and installation of gold threads


Self-massage is performed if it is not possible to visit a specialist. Convenience lies in the ability to conduct it anywhere and at a time convenient for you. It is best to massage the desired areas in the morning, when the body is in a relaxed state.

Choose a comfortable position so that nothing interferes with the procedure. The most comfortable way to do this is lying on your stomach or standing. Since performing a massage yourself is not as convenient as a specialist, it is worth taking short breaks.

It is necessary to start the massage from the back; in this place there are the main points that require stimulation. The technique used is stroking the areas, followed by frequent rubbing and warming up. Start massaging your back from the lumbar region, gradually moving upward.

Then move on to the buttocks, massage procedures help to gradually get rid of cellulite, which accompanies all hypertensive patients. Relax the leg being massaged, this way the effect will be better.

Start with stroking, then rub your leg vigorously to warm up the muscles. Then proceed to light tapping with fists and finish the procedure with gentle rubbing of the leg.

The next area for self-massage is the abdomen. Massage it clockwise, gradually approaching the navel area.

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