Why veins are blue and blood is red: an explanation of the amazing paradox

Why is human blood red?

Science knows that different living organisms on the planet have different blood colors.

However, in humans it is red. Why is blood red? This question is asked by both children and adults.

The answer is quite simple: the red color is due to hemoglobin, which contains iron atoms in its structure.

What makes blood red is hemoglobin, which consists of:

  • From a protein called globin,
  • The non-protein element heme, which contains the ferrous ion.

There are four hemes in hemoglobin molecules.
Their number is 4 percent of the total mass of the molecule, and globin accounts for 96 percent. The main effect in the activity of hemoglobin belongs to the iron ion.

Ferrous oxide makes blood red.

The metal that promotes the reproduction of red blood cells is continuously produced by the human body.

Nitric oxide, in turn, plays an important role in regulating blood pressure.

Types of blood

Rich in oxygen, comes from the heart. A bright scarlet hue distinguishes arterial blood from venous blood. Gives oxygen to organs and returns to the heart. The dark red tint is a distinctive feature. What makes this blood dark is the carbon dioxide that fills it.

Unusual vaginal bleeding – when to contact a gynecologist?

If unusual bleeding occurs, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an interview and order an examination to determine the type of bleeding.

You will have to answer questions about your last menstrual cycles, how much bleeding you have had, and whether blood stains appear on your bed linen. Information indicating the pharmacological treatment and gynecological procedures being carried out is important for the doctor. Issues related to sexuality, forms of contraception used and possible sexually transmitted infections are important.

The doctor will also perform a gynecological examination. During the examination, the gynecologist uses two fingers to check the condition of the organs, determining the size of the uterus and its sensitivity to touch. The doctor also uses a speculum to gently open the vagina and examine the cervix.

During a gynecological examination, a smear of the vagina and cervix is ​​performed. This sample is then sent to a laboratory to determine whether the discharge is the result of an infection. After receiving all the results, the gynecologist, in collaboration with the patient, decides on the need for further tests, including ultrasound.


Blood is a rapidly renewing connective tissue that continuously circulates throughout the human body.

It was possible to find out what gives the red color, but its elements turn out to be no less interesting. What elements give it this color is an equally interesting aspect.

Blood contains:

  • Plasma. The liquid is light yellow in color, with its help the cells in its composition can move. It is composed of 90 percent water, with the remaining 10 percent made up of organic and inorganic components. Plasma also contains vitamins and microelements. The light yellow liquid contains many beneficial substances.
  • Formed elements of blood cells. There are three types of cells: white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells. Each type of cell has certain functions and characteristics.


These are white cells that protect the human body. They protect it from internal diseases and foreign microorganisms penetrating from the outside.


This is a white element in color. Its white tint cannot be ignored during laboratory tests, so such cells are identified quite simply.

White blood cells recognize foreign cells that can cause harm and destroy them.


These are very small colored plates whose main function is coagulation.


These cells are responsible for ensuring that the blood:

  • It coagulated and did not flow out of the body,
  • Coagulates quite quickly on the surface of the wound.

Red blood cells

More than 90 percent of these cells are in the blood. It is also red because red blood cells have this hue.

Red blood cells

They carry oxygen from the lungs to peripheral tissues and are continuously produced in the bone marrow. They live for about four months, then are destroyed in the liver and spleen.

It is very important for red blood cells to carry oxygen to various tissues of the human body.

Few people know that immature red blood cells are blue, then acquire a gray tint and only then turn red.

There are quite a lot of human red blood cells, which is why oxygen reaches peripheral tissues so quickly.

It is difficult to say which element is more significant. Each of them has an important function that affects human health.

White blood cells - leukocytes

Leukocytes perform protective functions; as soon as an infection enters the body, white blood cells - leukocytes - come into play. Leukocytes are constantly on guard. Some white blood cells (lymphocytes) produce protective antibodies - proteins that neutralize or destroy viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

The life cycle of leukocytes is relatively short - from several days to several weeks. One cube of blood from a healthy person contains from 4 to 8 thousand leukocytes. If the body is fighting an infection, this number may increase. A persistently too high or too low number of white blood cells in the blood may indicate the presence of serious illnesses.

Explanation for the child

Children often ask questions regarding the components of the human body. Blood is one of the most popular topics of discussion.

Explanations for children should be extremely simple, but at the same time informative. Blood contains many substances that differ in function.

Consists of plasma and special cells:

  • Plasma is a liquid that contains useful substances. It has a light yellow tint.
  • The formed elements are erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets.

The presence of red erythrocyte cells explains its color. Red blood cells are red by nature, and their accumulation leads to the fact that a person’s blood is exactly this color.

There are about thirty-five billion red cells that move throughout the human body in the blood vessels.

How hemoglobin releases oxygen

The main feature of hemoglobin is that it is capable of attaching carbon dioxide and oxygen. In this way, hemoglobin in red blood cells transports oxygen in the body. It moves it from the lungs to every cell of the body.

The transfer of oxygen to tissues is a complex process. There are iron ions in the center of hemoglobin. These are four oxygen binding points. As soon as hemoglobin binds to one oxygen molecule, its shape changes in such a way that it is convenient for its other hemogroups to attach oxygen. Due to these properties, hemoglobin, when moving through the pulmonary capillaries, is a good acceptor of oxygen.

In the vessels of the lungs, oxygen joins hemoglobin and is transferred to tissues in the form of oxyhemoglobin, where it is split off. If there is an acidic environment - carbon dioxide, oxygen can be released. In the human body, tissue cells are very active in the quadriceps muscles. They release a lot of carbon dioxide into the capillaries. This substance attaches to hemoglobin. A chemical reaction occurs. Oxygen begins to be released exactly where it is needed in the human body.

When muscles use oxygen, tissue cells release carbon dioxide. Therefore, venous blood darkens, becomes purple, dark red. It has a blue tint because it lacks oxygen. Hemoglobin in red blood cells picks up carbon dioxide in the tissues and delivers it to the lungs. Here carbon dioxide passes into the tissues of this organ. The brain receives a signal about this. The center of the nervous system gives the command and the body exhales. As a result, carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is released into the surrounding air.

The red blood cells then reabsorb pure oxygen. As hemoglobin combines with oxygen, arterial blood turns bright red again.

Red blood, enriched with oxygen, is sent to the heart muscle. Here, as a result of contraction of the left ventricle, blood is pushed into the systemic circulation, which carries oxygen throughout the human body.

Without hemoglobin, life is impossible, since tissues lack oxygen when the level of this protein is low. This type of blood is liquid and carries little oxygen. There are not enough nutrients, the person feels tired. All internal organs are not working well. Anemia develops.

Iron-containing substances supplied with food are of two types:

  1. Hemic iron. Contained in the heme molecule. It is present in fish, poultry, and red animal meat.
  2. Non-hemic iron. Contained in plant products.

It is believed that the body's absorption of hemic iron is more efficient than non-hemic iron.

Why are veins blue

The veins carry burgundy blood. They are red, like the color of the blood that flows through them, but not blue. The veins only appear blue.

This can be explained by the law of physics about the reflection of light and perception:

When a ray of light hits the body, the skin reflects some of the waves and looks light. However, it transmits the blue spectrum much worse.

The blood itself absorbs light of all wavelengths. The skin gives a blue color for visibility, and the vein is red.

The human brain compares the color of the blood vessel against the warm tone of the skin, resulting in blue.

Blood of a different color in various living creatures

Not all living organisms have red blood.

The protein that gives this color in humans is hemoglobin, contained in hemoglobin. Other living beings have other fat-containing proteins instead of hemoglobin.

The most common shades besides red are:

  • Blue. Crustaceans, spiders, mollusks, octopuses and squids boast this color. And blue blood is of great importance for these creatures, as it is filled with important elements. Instead of hemoglobin, it contains hemocyanin, which contains copper.
  • Violet. This color is found in marine invertebrates and some mollusks. Typically, such blood is not only purple, but also slightly pink. The blood of young invertebrate organisms is pink. In this case, the protein is hemerythrin.
  • Green. Found in annelids and leeches. The protein chlorocruorin is close to hemoglobin. However, iron in this case is not oxide, but ferrous.

The color of blood varies depending on the protein it contains. Whatever the color of blood, it contains a huge amount of useful substances necessary for a living organism. Pigment is important for every organism, despite its diversity.

Infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause bleeding between periods

If you see blood before the approximate start date of your period, it makes sense to see a doctor.

During pregnancy, bleeding may or may not be a cause for concern. Sometimes this can be a sign of a miscarriage, sometimes not: every case is unique , so you should see your doctor whenever you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.

Another cause of heavy bleeding during menstruation or other phases of the menstrual cycle can be polyps or fibrosis. These benign growths can cause these symptoms, as well as pressure and pain.

Important! If you notice any unusual discharge from the vagina, be it blood or not, during menstruation or not, then it is better not to worry yourself by looking for possible causes on the Internet, but to consult a professional doctor for advice.

Any unusual discharge (unusual structure, smell, or occurring at an unusual time) may be signs of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Take care of your health, you only have one and remember: it is easier and easier to treat any disease if treatment is started as early as possible after it is discovered!

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