Mildronate: description and instructions for use

For each disease, it is necessary to choose a drug based on the individual characteristics of the body and the doctor’s prescription. Mildronate is an innovative remedy that helps with many diseases. Patients have a question: is Mildronate and alcohol compatible?

Several years ago, Mildronate was subjected to serious testing, and a placebo study was carried out on the territory of the former CIS countries. The main purpose of testing was to analyze the effect of the medication on the ability to engage in physical activity and sports, as well as the compatibility of Mildronate and alcohol. The effectiveness of Mildronate has been fully confirmed.

Compatibility of Mildronate and alcohol

? The instructions do not provide specific recommendations on the compatibility of Mildronate with alcohol. Due to the mechanism of action of the drug, it is not recommended to combine it with alcohol-containing drinks during the course of therapy.

The active substance of the drug affects blood circulation. Impaired blood flow can lead to many dangerous conditions.

The mechanism of interaction of Mildronate with ethanol:

  • Organs, especially muscles, cease to function normally;
  • Carbon dioxide accumulates in tissues;
  • Internal organs are poorly supplied with nutrients and oxygen;
  • The movement of blood through the vessels is disrupted.

Disturbances in the circulatory system of the extremities can cause numbness. Poor blood circulation to the brain and heart can lead to stroke or heart attack.

Under the influence of ethanol, blood flow increases, but after a while the vessels narrow. When used together, this will lead to sudden jumps in blood pressure.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated in case of pathologies of the cardiovascular system; ethanol disrupts the blood supply to the brain, heart and other internal organs.

The drug can be prescribed to healthy people to eliminate chronic fatigue and enhance performance. Alcohol suppresses the action of the active substance and the effect does not occur.

"Mildronat" for a long term without a doctor's prescription: dangerous or not?

Metabolic drugs are one of the components of complex therapy for neurological and cardiovascular diseases (sometimes during the recovery process in oncology, surgery and traumatology). The peculiarity of the use of drugs in this group is a wide range of dose-dependent effects on various organs of the body, therefore a specific amount is selected for each patient in a short course (maximum 6 weeks).

Uncontrolled use of Mildronate is accompanied by the risk of:

  • development of arrhythmias;
  • formation of cardiomyopathy (due to restructuring of the heart muscle);
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • violations of the excretory function of the liver and kidneys.

If it is necessary to take the drug for a long time (according to indications), it is recommended to take 30-day breaks every 2 weeks.

Brief characteristics of the drug

The active substance of Mildronate is meldonium. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, tablets and injections.

Used to treat the following conditions:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Ischemic myocardial disease;
  • Alcohol withdrawal, when coming out of a long binge;
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Rehabilitation of the patient after surgery;
  • Periphery of arteries;
  • Chronic pulmonary obstruction;
  • In case of physical stress;
  • Stroke;
  • For pain and tingling in the heart area.

Meldonium stimulates the restoration of immune system cells, which increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.


All dosage forms (capsules, tablets, injections) of Mildronate are intended for the treatment of adult patients. A doctor may prescribe the drug in the following cases:

  • IHD (in combination with other drugs and treatment methods);
  • peripheral arterial disease;
  • reduced performance;
  • encephalopathy;
  • physical overload (including in sports);
  • postoperative period (to speed up the recovery of the body);
  • chronic heart failure;
  • cardialgia (pain in the left side of the chest) caused by dishormonal myocardiopathy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • COPD;
  • alcohol withdrawal (as an addition to specific therapy);
  • stroke.

Additional indications for the use of drug injections:

  • hemorrhage into the vitreous cavity of the eye (hemophthalmos);
  • hemorrhage in the retina of the eye;
  • thrombosis and occlusion of the central retinal vein or its branches;
  • retinopathy of various origins (for example, hemorrhagic or diabetic).

Indications: what is it prescribed for and for what purpose?

The instructions for use of Mildronate highlight a list of pathologies for which the effectiveness of the drug has been proven in clinical studies and approved by recommendations.

Conditions for which the use of the medication is recommended are presented in the table.

Affected organIndications for the use of Mildronate

  • chronic circulatory failure (CHF, CHF) in compensated and subcompensated form;
  • diffuse or post-infarction cardiosclerosis (chronic form of coronary artery disease - IHD);
  • stable and unstable angina;
  • microvascular ischemia (coronary syndrome X),
  • dishormonal myocardiopathy (more often in women after 40 years) - due to a decrease in the endocrine function of the ovaries, a decrease in the protective properties of estrogens
  • dyscirculatory and dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • rehabilitation period after acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA): ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • cerebrovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia
Respiratory system
  • bronchial asthma, controlled course (immunomodulatory agent)
  • post-traumatic hemophthalmos (vitreous hemorrhage);
  • non- and preproliferative retinopathy in diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombosis, embolism of the central vessels of the retina

General indications include:

  • withdrawal syndrome (“withdrawal”) and hangover in patients with alcoholism;
  • decreased exercise tolerance, chronic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • decreased memory and performance, which are accompanied by headaches and tinnitus;
  • in children – cardialgic variant of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition, Mildronate is often used among athletes (boxing, powerlifting and others) to achieve high results in competitions, improve endurance and strength.

Use of the drug for alcoholism

Alcohol abuse causes mental and physiological dependence, resulting in withdrawal syndrome.

It appears only in the chronic form, when the body is not able to independently remove toxins from the body. Relief occurs only when drinking another dose of alcohol. Used in complex drug treatment of alcoholism.

Mildronate is consumed in the form of syrup. The course of therapy is at least 10 days. The specialist calculates the dosage taking into account the stage of alcohol dependence, the characteristics of the patient’s body and the presence of contraindications.

The drug is not addictive. The composition of the medicine does not affect the reaction, so during treatment it is not prohibited to engage in usual activities and drive a car.

When treating alcoholism with Mildronate, there have been no cases of overdose when taking the drug in the form of syrup or capsules.

For athletes

The main advantage of Mildronate is its ability to improve metabolism in cells. This leads to accelerated elimination

from organisms of free radicals and breakdown products. The drug can be safely called an antioxidant, which improves well-being, slows down the aging process of cells and helps rapid muscle recovery.

Athletes are recommended to take the drug to reduce pain after training and speed up recovery.

The components included in the composition eliminate the symptoms of overtraining and help fight physical fatigue. This has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the athlete and his personal performance.

The product is most effective during heavy physical activity and active training. It is recommended to take the drug

in situations where the body does not have time to rest between workouts. For example, when preparing for competitions. However, Mildronate is not a prohibited doping drug.

You can take the drug for no more than 6 weeks without a break. Longer use causes addiction, that is, the body stops responding to the incoming substances.

But Mildronate alone is not enough to increase the effectiveness of training and endurance of the body. It only works in

complex with proper nutrition and a rational daily routine, when rest alternates with hard work.

Using medicine for a hangover

The drug has shown high effectiveness in relieving hangover syndrome. It stimulates the removal of toxic products of ethanol breakdown and restores oxygen deficiency in the body's cells. Doctors use the medicine when a patient is recovering from prolonged drinking.

Binge drinking can cause visual or auditory hallucinations. The drug quickly eliminates these manifestations.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the correct dosage, which is selected individually. Initially, the drug is prescribed to bring a person out of binge drinking and eliminate symptoms of withdrawal.

In the treatment of alcoholism, the drug has the following effects:

  • Metabolism is stabilized at the cellular level;
  • The risk of heart attack and stroke, as a consequence of alcohol intoxication, is reduced;
  • Cells affected by ethanol poisoning are restored;
  • The body's energy potential improves.

Pharmacological properties

Mildronate is a structural analogue of the substance meldonium, which is present in the cellular structure of the human body.

In conditions of complete exhaustion of the body, when all systems work at an accelerated pace, Mildronate can restore the following functions:

  • Maintains a balance between the need and supply of oxygen to cells.
  • Helps eliminate toxic compounds.
  • Protects cellular structures from deformation.
  • Tones the body's defenses.

After a course of treatment with the drug, energy reserves are quickly restored, the person becomes able to withstand any physical and mental stress. Thanks to these qualities, Mildronate is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases, especially those associated with disorders of the circulatory system and impaired cerebral blood supply. In cardiology, the drug is used after myocardial infarction to inhibit the formation of necrotic areas and reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period. In case of heart failure, the drug can increase the contractility of the heart muscle and increase its susceptibility to physical activity.

Mildronate eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system in alcoholism, when a person has a severe withdrawal syndrome.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

The interaction of ethanol with the drug is considered neutral; combination can cause the following side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea;
  • Blood flow slows down;
  • An allergic reaction in the form of itching, swelling and redness of the skin;
  • Accumulation of carbon dioxide in soft tissues;
  • Sudden changes in pressure;
  • Disruption of internal organs.

Alcohol is not recommended to be consumed during any drug therapy.


Valery, 40 years old I used to suffer from alcoholism, but after successful treatment I quit, now I don’t take alcohol in any form. Recently I felt a significant deterioration in my condition; after work I felt severe weakness, dizziness, and pressure changes. I contacted my doctor. He diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia due to severe fatigue. I prescribed a course of taking Mildronate, after 14 days of use, sleep normalized, blood pressure stabilized, and most importantly, the body became more resilient to stress.

Marina, 32 years old Due to sedentary work and lack of physical activity, I developed osteochondosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. After a series of studies, the neurologist prescribed me a drug treatment regimen. Mildronate was on the list of medications. During 2 weeks of inpatient treatment, I was given intravenous injections of Mildronate. I didn’t immediately feel any improvement in my condition, but my sleep became stronger and I didn’t have any problems with dizziness. Perhaps everyone has their own individual sensitivity to the product, but at least I didn’t find any side effects.

Evgeniy, 30 years old, I started taking Mildronate on a regular basis, as I began to actively engage in sports. I take a tablet of the drug 2 hours before training at a dose of 1 mg. The effect is noticeable within a week, the body’s endurance has increased several times. However, I do not recommend combining the product with alcohol, because I drank beer once, after which I developed severe nausea and diarrhea.

Mildronate and beer

Mildronate is not compatible with beer. The drug itself has few side effects and few contraindications to its use.

In combination with ethanol, the medicine is no longer harmless and can cause:

  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • acute allergy;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

Combining the components of a medicine with an intoxicating drink is especially dangerous in the presence of diseases:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Associated with cerebral circulatory disorders.

Treatment, supplemented by taking even a small dose of alcohol, will negate the entire therapeutic effect and increase the chances of developing a recurrent disease.

Adverse reactions of combination

The consequences of the combination are oxygen starvation and surges in blood pressure, which can result in a cerebral stroke in the elderly. If a patient suffering from mental disorders uses the drug together with alcohol, the progression of the disease is observed. The least dangerous complication is short-term changes in behavior. Excessive excitement and the development of mental pathologies are likely.

Side effects of the combination include standard manifestations of alcohol intoxication in the form of nausea, weakness and apathy, increased heart rate and vomiting, and tachycardia. The consequences appear regardless of the form of medication used. Ethanol significantly strains the heart and liver, so complications include damage to the excretory system and problems with blood supply to the brain. Alcohol in high doses can cause short-term allergic reactions in the form of swelling, itching, and redness.

One of the side effects of Mildronate is an increase in sexual desire caused by stabilization of metabolism. The mechanism of the process is that blood flows to the male genital organ, tissue trophism improves, and toxins that affect potency are eliminated. The effect of the medication on the muscular apparatus of the reproductive system can manifest itself both in a sober state and after relieving nervous tension with alcohol. Post-alcohol potency occurs at the first stage of treatment of chronic alcoholism.

A year after starting a new job, I began to get tired faster than usual. To solve the problem, I used Mildronate in syrup form for a couple of weeks. He did not refuse alcohol, but the dose was small (200 g of wine in the middle of the course). A few hours after drinking, the blood pressure increased, but the next day the condition returned to normal.

Out of curiosity, I started using Mildronate after training. As a result, less time was spent on rest, which made it possible to return to everyday activities faster. Alcohol consumed casually did not cause any complications, but the effect of the capsules was significantly reduced. I had to completely eliminate strong drinks.

Regular physical activity was becoming increasingly difficult, but Mildronate injections helped restore normal working capacity. I tried not to combine it with alcohol, but at the end of the work week I drank a little. In the evening, the heart rate increased, pain and nausea were felt. I had to reduce the dose and choose a weaker drink.

Organs affected by the toxin

The combined use of pharmacological agents and alcohol has a toxic effect on the internal organs and environments of the body. Alcohol, entering into a chemical reaction with a medicine, leads to poisoning, disrupts physiological processes, enhances or weakens the healing properties of drugs.

The liver suffers more than other organs. She gets hit twice. Many medications have a side effect - hepatotoxicity, destroy cells, and disrupt the physiology of the organ. In the liver, alcohol breaks down to ethanal, a substance 20-30 times more toxic than ethanol, which causes the death of hepatocytes.

Dangerous groups of drugs for the organ in combination with alcohol:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Hormonal;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antifungal;
  • Glucose control agents for diabetes mellitus;
  • Antituberculosis;
  • Cytostatics (chemotherapy drugs);
  • Tranquilizers (anti-epileptic, psychotropic).

In second place among the internal organs exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol together with medications are the heart and vascular system. Strong drinks during drug therapy constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure. The simultaneous intake of alcohol and chemical substances leads to failure of the myocardium and increases the risk of developing an attack of angina pectoris and a heart attack.

A mixture of ethanol and pharmaceuticals disrupts the quality of the blood and reduces clotting. This is dangerous due to internal bleeding and strokes.

The effect of meldonium on the human body

Meldonium was discovered by the Latvian scientist Ivars Kalvins in the mid-70s of the last century. It turned out that this substance helps the body recover after heavy loads, including sports.

If there is a lack of oxygen due to peroxide, fatty acids are not fully oxidized, creating decomposition products that are harmful to the heart. Fatty acids are delivered to the heart muscle by carnitine. The message inhibits the activity of the enzyme γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, which synthesizes carnitine and prevents the intake of carnitine from food.

Thus, meldonium plays a cardioprotective role: it provides the heart with energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates rather than fats during oxygen deficiency.

  • improves oxygen supply to cells;
  • gives energy to the body;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a corrective effect;
  • helps remove toxins from the blood;
  • stabilizes mental performance.

Rules for taking medications and alcohol

Drinking alcohol during treatment minimizes the clinical effect of therapy and creates a risk of developing complications of the disease.

If this cannot be avoided, follow the rules of behavior that will reduce the consequences:

  1. Do not drink strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey), choose dry wine (100-150 ml), beer (no more than 300 ml). Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  2. The interval between taking the medicine and alcohol should be at least 2 hours.
  3. To reduce the toxic effect, take medications that protect the liver (hepatoprotectors), pancreas (pancreatin), and stomach (antacids ─ Rennie, Almagel).

If a person takes antiviral medications for colds, anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol in moderation does not pose a threat to the body.

Alcoholic drinks during treatment are contraindicated in cases of liver cirrhosis, severe infectious diseases, and during a course of chemotherapy.

Medicines, alcohol and chronic diseases

If a person has chronic diseases, simultaneous use of alcohol and medications is potentially dangerous for the functioning of vital organs. Since patients systematically take prescribed medications, the influence of alcohol can lead to negative consequences.

People with chronic heart disease (angina pectoris, heart defects) develop arrhythmias of varying severity. Heart attacks with severe pain syndrome develop, which is not relieved by Nitroglycerin, and the risk of developing myocardial infarction increases significantly.

In case of chronic liver diseases (viral hepatitis, hepatosis), alcohol during treatment will become a trigger in the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (cancer).

Drinking alcohol during cirrhosis leads to the following consequences:

  • Bleeding into the abdominal cavity;
  • Liver decomposition, infection, peritonitis;
  • Hepatic coma;
  • Death.

If a person is on long-term treatment with sedatives, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, he is contraindicated in drinking alcohol. This leads to severe depression and the appearance of obsessive states (hallucinations, phobias). Suicidal feelings develop. The patient needs constant monitoring and assistance from a psychiatrist.

The most dangerous combinations and consequences

The combination of alcohol and chemical-based drugs leads to serious disorders in the body, and sometimes to fatal consequences.

List of medications and their side effects in combination with alcohol:

Name of group, drugNegative results of interaction
Neuroleptics (tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, hypnotics)Severe intoxication, up to cerebral coma
CNS stimulants (Theophedrine, Ephedrine, Caffeine)Rapid increase in blood pressure, hypertensive crisis
Antihypertensives (Captofrin, Enalapril, Enap-N), diuretics (Indapamide, Furosemide)Sudden drop in pressure, collapse
Analgesics, anti-inflammatoryIncreased toxic substances in the blood, general poisoning of the body
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)Acute gastritis, perforation of gastric ulcer and 12-PC
ParacetamolToxic liver damage
Hypoglycemic (Glibenclamide, Glipizide, Metformin, Phenformin), insulinA sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, hypoglycemic coma
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