Causes and symptoms of low heart pressure, what to drink to increase it

The average normal blood pressure is not ideal for everyone. Deviations from the notorious 120/80 can be either upward or downward. But if high blood pressure is considered clearly dangerous to health, hypotension does not always signal a threat. For some people it is familiar and is a variant of the norm. However, extremely low numbers are a reason to be wary. Especially if accompanied by dizziness, weakness and lightheadedness.

What is heart pressure

Blood pressure is determined by two numbers: the upper (commonly called systolic) and the lower (diastolic). Hypotension (may be called arterial hypotension) is a definition that refers to a decrease in diastolic value. In this case, diastole is observed - the state of the heart muscle when it relaxes in the interval between systoles (contractions). As a rule, such a pathology is diagnosed when the minimum indicator drops by 20 percent from normal. If the value falls below 90 to 60, then this indicates the presence of hypotension.

There is an acute and chronic form of arterial hypotension. Acute appears abruptly and is characterized by life-threatening symptoms. Chronic is accompanied by a regular drop in performance and often occurs due to disruption of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. The deviation is also classified into primary and secondary hypotension.

Main symptoms in men and women:

  • headaches, fainting;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • low blood pressure causes general malaise, severe weakness, drowsiness;
  • chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • aching pain in the heart area, rapid heartbeat;
  • pale skin is also a sign of low diastolic pressure;
  • blurred vision;
  • feeling of irritability, nervousness.

Safe and effective medications for low blood pressure (hypotension).

May 2, 2021



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With hypotension, a person feels dizziness, malaise and deterioration in general well-being. Low blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure numbers fall below normal values.

We speak of low blood pressure when its value is about 90/60. Some people feel great with this pressure (no treatment is required), while others experience unpleasant symptoms. If you feel unwell with hypotension, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition and get the right treatment.

What does a low diastolic reading mean?

After a series of studies, doctors found that the nature of the pathology in different people can differ significantly. There are three types of deviations that help to understand what problems are in the body's functioning. Types of arterial hypotension:

  1. Orthostatic. This type of pathology may mean that the human body cannot quickly and correctly regulate indicators. This disease is characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure (blood pressure) downwards after a change in position. At the same time, the head may become dizzy, and in some cases the person loses consciousness. The main reasons: pregnancy, dehydration, use of certain groups of medications.
  2. Postprandial hypotension. The main symptoms are a sudden rush of blood to the lower extremities after eating. This type of malaise indicates disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, mental disorders (neurasthenia, neurosis, etc.), organic changes in the brain (Alzheimer’s disease may threaten).
  3. Vegetative-vascular. This diagnosis means that the cardiovascular system is developing or functioning incorrectly. Often diagnosed in teenagers.


There are many causes of hypotension: genetic pathology, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or endocrine systems. The selection of effective drug therapy depends on the underlying mechanism of the disorder. The general recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle used (physical activity, sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements in food) are aimed at increasing vascular tone. Raising blood pressure with medications is only allowed after consulting a doctor due to the risk of side effects.

Author of the article: Vera Aleksandrovna Fedyunina, cardiologist, City Clinical Hospital 1, Orenburg


The main provoking factor for a drop in the indicator is a weakening of vascular tone. Through veins that have lost elasticity, blood moves much more slowly, and this leads to a deficiency of oxygen in all organs. As a result, many serious diseases develop. Other reasons:

  • poor heart function, thyroid disease;
  • large loss of blood due to injury;
  • dehydration, excessive exercise and abuse of diuretics;
  • may be caused by disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalance, menopause;
  • anemia, adrenal gland diseases;
  • the indicator may fall due to the development of oncology;
  • Hypotension is also often observed in pregnant women;
  • acute infectious ailments.

Decreased diastolic pressure with normal systolic

There are many reasons that influence the difference between the upper and lower pressure numbers. One of them is low vascular resistance, often observed in older people. This is explained by the fact that as the body ages, the walls of the large arteries and aorta narrow and thicken. In this case, the diastolic pressure drops significantly, while the upper pressure remains normal or rises very slightly.

Hypotension and low pulse

If the frequency of movement of the arterial walls decreases, this is due to a decrease in heart contractions. Main reasons:

  • excessive use of medications without doctor's prescription;
  • injury to the neck, sternum;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • severe forms of infection or inflammation in the body;
  • serious intoxication with nicotine and chemical substances.

Arterial hypotension and high pulse

Often, the deviation appears due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, which progresses according to the mixed or hypotonic type, or is provoked by the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • loss of copious amounts of blood;
  • some types of medications;
  • alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • state of shock (traumatic, anaphylactic, cardiogenic, toxic shock);
  • respiratory, renal failure;
  • diseases of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems;
  • severe forms of infectious diseases.
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Pathological factors of low pressure

If hypotension leads to insufficient blood circulation, hypoxia, heart rhythm disturbances, headaches and fainting, you need to sound the alarm. The critically low blood pressure limit is 85/55, which may be followed by loss of consciousness and vascular collapse. And regular attacks can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Primary pathological hypotension is rare. Its cause is a special form of cardioneurosis, usually congenital. Secondary is not an independent disease, but a symptom of deeper health problems. The most common:

  • Hypovitaminosis. Low blood pressure may be a sign of a lack of ascorbic acid, vitamins B12, A and E.
  • Difficult pregnancy: with frequent attacks of toxicosis, dehydration, decreased hemoglobin levels.
  • Inadequate nutrition: strict diets, fasting.
  • Dystonia often causes a sharp drop in blood pressure, accompanied by tremor, dizziness, bradycardia, and loss of strength.
  • Iron deficiency anemia: leads to hypoxia and systemic disorders, including a decrease in vascular tone.
  • Diseases of internal organs: pancreatitis, hepatitis, stomach ulcer.
  • Endocrine diseases. Hypotension is often accompanied by insufficiency of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. Damage to the central nervous system often manifests itself as a persistent decrease in blood pressure.

Vascular tone decreases in various acute conditions: massive blood loss, toxic shock, severe poisoning.


To combat arterial hypotension, complex therapy is used. Before treatment, the patient must undergo a detailed examination to determine the causes of the disease. Standard medications used in this case are:

  1. Analeptics are used to restore psychological and physical condition.
  2. Psychomotor stimulants allow you to “revive” the nervous system and increase vascular tone.
  3. Nootropic drugs always activate the brain and improve memory.
  4. Adrenergic agonists are prescribed in emergency cases. These medications instantly constrict blood vessels.
  5. Dietary supplements, vitamin complexes. These funds help the body recover from daily stress of various types.
  6. Another excellent method that is used to treat cardiac pathology is physiotherapy (massage, cryotherapy, magnetic therapy).

During pregnancy

There are many reasons that cause hypotension during pregnancy. The main one is the formation of the uteroplacental circulatory system. When a pregnant woman experiences symptoms indicating the presence of arterial hypotension, urgent measures must be taken. Here are some effective ways to fight:

  • aromatherapy, it is worth doing a massage using basil and rosemary oils;
  • plant-based toning products;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine (herbal decoctions);
  • proper rest, sleep, frequent walks outside.

In the elderly

To eliminate symptoms in older people, a full medical examination is carried out and optimal treatment is prescribed. The following types of therapy are used:

  1. Medicines: Piracetam, Glycine, Saparal.
  2. Walking outside, which can be replaced with daily physical therapy (morning or evening).
  3. Taking decoctions or infusions made from herbs (for example, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea).
  4. Refusal of black tea, coffee and similar strong drinks. You can gradually reduce their amount in the diet, the most important thing is not to overuse them, especially at night. Allowed to drink 1-2 cups.
  5. Do not make sudden movements that lead to a surge in pressure, for example, get out of bed gradually, do not suddenly raise your head.
  6. Stick to a healthy diet.

How to increase diastolic pressure

There are many effective ways that stabilize the diastolic indicator:

  1. Special breathing exercises. You need to take a deep breath, hold your breath a little and exhale forcefully through your nose. It is recommended to perform such manipulations up to 10-15 times a day.
  2. Self-massage of the cervical vertebrae, gentle gentle bends to the sides.
  3. A diet that includes foods with folic and pantothenic acid, iron, citrus oils:
  • meat, liver;
  • legumes;
  • Rye bread;
  • nuts;
  • broccoli, celery, boiled potatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • bitter dark chocolate;
  • fresh fruit and vegetable juices;
  • spices (cinnamon, curry, ginger).

How to raise heart pressure without raising blood pressure

Sometimes it happens that the lower indicator may decrease, but the upper one remains normal. If there is a big difference between the values, then you should urgently contact a specialist who will prescribe individual therapy. When the gap is small, you can stabilize the indicator yourself. Taking herbal tinctures and doing gymnastics will help. Even with hypotension, a contrast shower, massage, and giving up bad habits help a lot.

Very low pressure value

When a person has a significant deviation, urgent measures will be needed. If the patient is in critical condition, he has another attack of chronic arterial hypertension, then you should immediately call an ambulance. You can do the following on your own:

  1. Measure diastolic pressure with a tonometer (check to see if this indicator continues to drop).
  2. Perform acupressure on the back of the head and upper shoulder girdle.
  3. You can take ascorbic acid, which is considered the most harmless means for lowering blood pressure.

How to choose medications for low blood pressure?

Medicines for hypotension are rarely prescribed. Usually, to improve the condition, it is enough to change your lifestyle: adjust your daily routine, eat right, drink more fluids and increase the amount of salt.

If drug support for low blood pressure is needed, drugs that increase the volume of blood circulating in the body or drugs that spasm peripheral arteries are prescribed. This helps increase blood pressure because blood will flow through narrower vessels under greater pressure.

All medications for low blood pressure are prescribed only by a doctor, having previously ruled out pathological causes of low blood pressure. Usually, drugs of synthetic or plant origin are used - tonics and vasoconstrictors.

Here are the safest and most effective pills for low blood pressure.

What to take

If the doctor has determined for sure that a person has hypotension, then he prescribes a number of medications. The treatment complex includes the following means:

  1. When a patient with hypotension experiences fainting, frequent dizziness, and vision deterioration, the doctor prescribes Fludrocortisone. The medicine relieves symptoms well and improves general condition.
  2. For severe deviations in vascular tone, the drug Deoxycorticosterone helps.
  3. Epinephrine tablets quickly increase the diastolic reading due to active vasoconstriction.
  4. Heptamil tablets effectively combat arterial hypotension. This drug is harmless; it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. The drug Dopamine (drops, intravenous injections) tones blood vessels located on the periphery.


This drug for the treatment of hypotension is available in drops and tablets and is sold by prescription. The active substance of the drug is midodrine (a group of adrenergic agonists that tone blood vessels).

“Gutron” is prescribed for hypotension, orthostatic hypotension (a sharp decrease in pressure when a person takes a horizontal position), and for weather dependence. The medicine moderately constricts blood vessels, improves their tone, which increases blood pressure and removes blood stagnation in the veins.

Contraindications include: high blood pressure, overactive thyroid gland, severe kidney disease, urinary retention and prostate adenoma.

When taking Gutron, the following side effects are possible: skin rash, tachycardia, nausea. This drug should not be taken with alcohol.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Japan

Gutron is a remedy for increasing blood pressure, and is also recommended for use in patients with urinary incontinence caused by bladder dysfunction.
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