Denis Vladimirovich
16 years of experience
Cardiologist of the first category, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Asute Cardiovascular Care Association (ASSA)
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Bradycardia is a pathological decrease in heart rate observed in patients of various ages. Develops against the background of acute or chronic heart disease. The threshold value for diagnosis is 60 heart muscle contractions per minute. Patients suffer from weakness, systematic loss of consciousness, dizziness and changes in blood pressure. Severe sinus bradycardia (40 heart rate/min) can lead to the development of heart failure. To prevent this, a pacemaker is implanted in the patient.
To combat the manifestations of hypertension and high blood pressure, a number of effective medications are isolated. Most often these are compounds of chemical components that have a whole list of side effects. Based on this, experts give preference not to drugs, but to biological supplements - this is an excellent option for periodic disruptions in the functioning of the body.
Many patients already know the remedy for treating hypertension and normalizing blood pressure “ReCardio” . The composition includes components that have a beneficial effect on health. High blood pressure is reduced naturally thanks to dietary supplements in ReCardio.
Important! The drug Ricardo for blood pressure eliminates the cause that provokes arterial hypertension.
Men are at risk
As part of Heart Day 2021, it is planned to hold a conference for doctors of various specialties, during which cardiologists will tell what complications from the cardiovascular system may be encountered by patients who have recovered from coronavirus. To minimize risks, experts advise citizens to follow simple prevention rules.
— You need to walk at least 5,000 steps every day. 5-6 thousand steps a day are beneficial. Get enough sleep, 6-8 hours at a minimum. As it turns out, people watch TV or the computer until 1 am, and go to work at 7 am. Sleep disturbance is an increase in blood pressure, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and fat metabolism. Sleep well, move more, and a very important point is nutrition. You need to add plant foods to your diet. Vegetables, fruits, and cereals are not instant, but legumes are peas and lentils,” notes Albert Galyavich.
As for restrictions, especially during a pandemic, you should reduce your sugar intake and completely eliminate alcohol.
— It is necessary to limit carbonated and sugary drinks. You need to eat less sweets, this does not have a positive effect on the immune system. The best drink for today is boiled water. Alcohol lowers your immune system, no matter how much you consume or what drink you consume. No matter what alcohol advocates say, alcohol suppresses the immune system and suppresses the heart, warns the cardiologist.
To minimize risks, experts advise citizens to follow simple prevention rules. Photo: Maxim Platonov
As for smoking, according to the doctor of medical sciences, it was the reason for the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 among young people:
— The virus attacks the walls of blood vessels and the endothelium. And smoking damages the walls of blood vessels. You need to know these things too. They began to hospitalize young people. We began to find out - firstly, these are mass gatherings, secondly, most of them smoke, thirdly, drinking alcohol. This needs to be talked about, it needs to be explained to the population.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on reducing the number of patients with both cardiovascular diseases and coronavirus infection. Olga Radchenko, professor of the Department of Hygiene of KSMU, chief freelance specialist in medical prevention, spoke about this. At the same time, she notes that the population of the republic has begun to treat a healthy lifestyle less responsibly:
— Today, the Republic of Tatarstan has dropped from 21st place to 31st in terms of commitment to a healthy lifestyle. If we lead a healthy lifestyle, then we will spend much less money, effort and resources on treatment. Almost a quarter of the people who took part in the action to measure blood pressure turned out to be elevated, above 140 to 90.
Olga Radchenko emphasizes that men are at risk. Very often they ignore pain and poor health, seeking medical help only in the most extreme cases:
“You need to pay attention to the health of men, they are “bad” patients, they have more risky behavior, they are more tolerant of pain and do not complain when you need to see a doctor at an early stage and start treatment.
Olga Radchenko. Photo:
The drug for hypertension is made from natural ingredients . These are extracts of hawthorn, viburnum, rose hips, Rhodiola rosea, chaga, turmeric and ginkgo biloba.
ReCardio contains a number of elements beneficial to the body:
- natural substances of ReCardio – zinc and selenium ;
- vitamin complex A, E, PP, D3. Vitamin B is also included in ReCardio;
- the amino acid lysine is present in ReCardio ;
- bioflavonoids from larch bark and resin - use in ReCardio helps normalize the central nervous system, reduce capillary fragility, and increases blood clotting. Patients experience normalization of heart rate and blood pressure after taking ReCardio.
Treatment of pathology
A moderate course of the disease without pronounced clinical manifestations does not require therapy. Organic, toxic and extracardiac forms of bradycardia require mandatory treatment of the underlying pathology. Patients with a drug-induced disease are prescribed reduced dosages of drugs that slow the heart rate.
In case of severe bradycardia with seizures, surgical intervention is performed. The patient is implanted with an electrical pacemaker, which serves as a replacement for the pacemaker. The frequency of impulses generated by the implant corresponds to the age norm of the patient. A stable heart rhythm leads to normalization of hemodynamics and elimination of oxygen starvation of organs.
Effect of the drug
Among the main causes of disruption of the normal blood circulation process are cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine - this is a group of stress hormones.
Disturbances associated with their production affect increased breathing and heartbeat disturbances. Vascular tone is observed, in which peripheral vascular resistance increases.
This condition has a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being and health. After all, this is an additional burden on the heart. After a certain amount of time, the dilated blood vessels narrow. Spasms are observed to a greater extent.
Let's look at how the drug Recardo acts on the body for blood pressure and hypertension . Suppresses the chemical reaction, normalizes the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. After using ReCardio, your health improves and your blood pressure normalizes.
The main advantages of using Recardo for hypertension include:
- Neutralization of consequences caused by disturbances in the release of stress hormones. They provoke increased heart rate, increase vascular tone, and blood flow.
- The blood pressure medication contains additives that increase insulin sensitivity . You can also note the regulation of hormonal levels and the process of cell regeneration. When using ReCardio, the patient also observes normalization of metabolic processes.
- Another advantage of choosing ReCardio is the normalization of natural CO2 and O levels . The biological supplement prevents the narrowing of arteries.
You can buy the drug “ReCardio” for hypertension only on the official website using this link.
Main components of ReCardio
- Let's look at the main components that make up the antihypertensive drug:
- a natural cardiotonic in the drug ReCardio. Its main function is the ability to normalize heart rhythm ;
- Ginkgo biloba - affects the tonification of the circulatory system . The positive effect is noticeable in the area of cerebral circulation. A common practice is to prescribe ginkgo biloba for preventive measures. Its use minimizes the risk of stroke or heart attack . Doctors prescribe ReCardio to patients for regular migraines, dizziness, or atherosclerosis. The unpleasant symptoms can be supplemented by male impotence, an anxiety state that torments the patient. You can get rid of all this with the help of the drug ReCardio for hypertension;
- ReCardio is considered a powerful adaptogen Rhodiola rosea. The component is recommended for use by people suffering from blood pressure disorders (BP);
- Rosehip fights excess cholesterol;
- Selenium in Recardio helps with secondary cardiac arrhythmia ;
- lysine lowers the content of triglycerides in human blood. This component in the drug does not allow vascular, sclerotic formations to increase in size. Spastic reactions stop completely;
- zinc in the ReCardio preparation ;
- The plant components also contain a vitamin complex . The presence of which helps enhance the effect of other chemical compounds. In particular, this concerns stimulation of the removal of excess fluid from the body. Beneficial effect in the fight against swelling. Vitamins also help lower blood pressure.
The most common heart diseases and how to avoid them: The cardiologist gave recommendations
Cardiologist Serebryansky named the main reasons for the development of heart disease. These are heredity, excess weight and poor lifestyle.
Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common. Honored Doctor of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, general practitioner, cardiologist Yuri Serebryansky spoke about the most dangerous of them, as well as how to notice them in time and take action.
According to him, cardiovascular diseases are usually divided into two large groups. The first includes heart disease and cardiovascular diseases. The most common in it are myocarditis, that is, inflammatory diseases.
Myocarditis often occurs and is a complication after diseases of the nasopharynx and oropharynx: these are chronic and acute tonsillitis, as well as diphtheria,
- the doctor noted.
The second group of heart diseases includes cardiomyopathy, which, in turn, is divided into congenital and dilated. In the first case, the volume of the heart decreases due to changes in the heart cavity. In the second - due to inflammatory diseases or alcohol damage.
In addition, many heart complications arise due to diseases associated with metabolism, the specialist notes. We are talking about disruption of the thyroid gland, as well as its damage to autoimmune diseases.
But, unfortunately, the leader is coronary heart disease, which occurs in middle-aged and older people. But the appearance of this disease in young people cannot be ruled out.
— Yuri Serebryansky said in an interview with Nation News.
He added that the main symptom of this disease is compressive pain, but stabbing and cutting pain is also possible. In this case, the pain usually spreads to the left arm or left shoulder blade.
Sometimes pain due to coronary artery disease can imitate stomach diseases, sometimes it can radiate to the jaw area, in which case a person is admitted to the hospital with suspected dental disease,
- the doctor noted.
The specialist emphasized that in the case of coronary heart disease, it is very important to diagnose it in time. In the case of its most severe manifestations, myocardial infarction or necrosis of the heart muscle, time is literally counted by the clock.
Help should be provided in the first four hours, and up to six hours after the onset of myocardial infarction, the person should be operated on,
- Yuri Serebryansky emphasized.
According to the doctor, heart health depends largely on genetic inheritance. However, regular exercise can reduce the risk of problems with this organ. Proper nutrition also plays a significant role. Excess weight often leads to early heart disease.
Indications for prescribing ReCardio for hypertension:
- presence of weather sensitivity;
- high risk of vascular disease. This is due to increased cholesterol levels;
- impaired functional functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- surges in blood pressure.
buy the drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure on official website .
Contraindications to changing ReCardio for blood pressure:
- Pregnant women are prohibited from using ReCardio during lactation.
- For patients who have individual sensitivity to substances included in the biological supplement .
- People suffering from disorders associated with carbon metabolism.
- Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to take ReCardio.
Coronavirus has increased the number of “heart patients”
Cardiologists are alarmed; COVID-19 has seriously increased the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases. This happens for both direct and indirect reasons, said the chief freelance cardiologist of the Volga Federal District, head of the Department of Cardiology of KSMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences Albert Galyavich:
- First, covid itself can cause heart complications - not many, but they exist. If we talk about statistics for Russia, this is approximately 10% of people. 7.5 million people got sick, plus 700 thousand people suffered heart complications due to Covid. This is a huge burden for healthcare, for the economy, for doctors. Second, risk factors have become more pronounced. Firstly, stress. On television and radio they say, don’t go there, wear masks, get vaccinated. This, of course, is a certain stress. There are also factors that influence heart disease - people began to move less, especially last year when there was a lockdown. This is deposited as fat. This is physical inactivity, weight gain, this increases blood pressure, disrupts metabolism in the body, in particular, cholesterol accumulates. We see that there are more patients with cardiovascular diseases precisely because they have more risk factors. A sedentary lifestyle, obesity, some people's blood pressure has begun to rise, and morbidity and mortality are correspondingly increasing.
Cardiologists are alarmed; COVID-19 has seriously increased the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Photo: Maxim Platonov
All of the above factors led to an increase in mortality. However, in Tatarstan this figure is lower than in other regions of the district. Albert Galyavich emphasizes that this is the result of smart investments in the healthcare system:
— Until 2021, everything was fine with us, as it turned out. Over the past 10 years, mortality from cardiovascular diseases has declined rapidly. This was especially visible in the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 2005, there have been huge investments in resources, excellent centers have been created. Now the mortality rate of the population is increasing, something we haven’t seen for about 10 years. Since I oversee the entire Volga Federal District, of the 14 regions, the lowest mortality rate is in the Republic of Tatarstan. This is understandable, they were already low for us. This is a very favorable moment, but there is no need to calm down, because it is unknown when Covid will end.
Reception features
Let's take a closer look at the instructions for using the drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day for a month . Doctors' recommendations: do not exceed the duration of the treatment course.
ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure should be taken with meals.
In general, it is better to repeat this course of ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure three times a year to achieve positive results.
“We also encounter damage to the cardiovascular system in children”
Cardiovascular diseases in the form of complications can also occur in children, although such cases are much less common than in adults. Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of KSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatric cardiologist Dina Sabirova provides statistics:
— Children get sick with coronavirus less often. Today, according to the Covid hospital, this is about 700 children. We also encounter damage to the cardiovascular system due to coronavirus infection in children. This may be myocardial damage, coronary vascular damage and pericardial damage.
Control over cardiovascular diseases in children in Tatarstan is very strict. According to Dina Sabirova, innovative diagnostic tools can help significantly reduce mortality.
— In our republic, since 2021, newborns have been screened for critical conditions using pulse oximetry. First of all, this is screening for congenital heart defects. Our republic can be proud that we were the first in Russia to begin this screening. We examined more than 100 thousand newborns. 151 children were diagnosed with congenital heart disease that was not diagnosed antenatally. Of these, 31 were children with critical congenital heart disease. Timely detection of heart defects contributed to early transfer to the cardiac surgery department, early targeted surgical intervention and a minimal number of complications. We carry out screening using pulse oximetry in the third hour of life. In this way, we detect not only critical congenital heart defects, but also other conditions that the doctor cannot visually see.
Dina Sabirova. Photo:
Reviews of the drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure
Most reviews of ReCardio for hypertension are positive, indicating high quality, natural composition and user trust in the product.
You just have to remember to be careful. This concerns individual intolerance to the ReCardio blood pressure remedy. Doctors also advise not to buy the product in large quantities.
One bottle of ReCardio will be enough for the first time. After taking it, it is best to measure the pressure, then draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of the drug.
Price table for the drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure.
City | Price of the drug ReCardio for hypertension and pressure |
Russia | 990 RUR |
Ukraine | 399 UAH |
Belarus | 29 RUR |
Kazakhstan | 5390 tenge |
Kyrgyzstan | 1399 som |
Armenia | 13,990 dram |
Georgia | 49 GEL |
Portugal | 49 euros |
Belgium, Italy, France | 39 euros |
Greece, Estonia | 29 euros |
Latvia and Lithuania | 24 euros |
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Other options
You may also want to consider other options. A short list of medications consists of:
- Antithrombotic agent Acekor cardio (analogue of the drug ReCardio). It is used to minimize the risk of acute heart attack, stroke, and is used for prevention. This is a means for secondary prevention of stroke.
- Another analogue of the drug Recardio, to normalize the functioning of the cardiac system - Cardiostron. Taking it lowers cholesterol levels and increases the body's ability to resist the effects of adverse meteorological factors. The drug is actively used for complex therapy, courses of treatment, and for preventive measures. It was noted that when using Cardiostron, reviews are mostly positive. Patients indicate a beneficial effect, normalization of health.
- Valerine is used as an additional source of substances important for the body as an analogue of ReCardio for hypertension. Valerine contains natural elements that are soothing in a gentle form. Helps normalize sleep and the functional functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is also a vitamin complex, magnesium.
- A drug Cardioics used as part of complex therapy. It is necessary for cardiac dysfunction and nervous excitability. The positive thing is that it can cope with unpleasant, painful manifestations. This applies to a greater extent to rapid heartbeat, heaviness in the heart area, and lack of air. The drug stabilizes fluctuations in blood pressure.
- The dietary supplement Cardiohealth is added to food as a source of quercetin, L-carnitine, and folic acid. The composition contains glycine, grape seed extract, water, valerian and many other natural ingredients. buy Cardiohealth at the pharmacy, the price ranges from 2300 to 2700 rubles. There are 90 capsules in a package. It is used to carry out a course of treatment and preventive measures against atherosclerosis. For coronary artery disease and impaired cardiac conduction, as well as hypertension.
- ACE inhibitor drug (an analogue of the drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure). Helps normalize blood pressure. It is also used for kidney diseases. The main indications for its use are the course of treatment of various forms of hypertension. Also, heart failure, kidney failure, and heart attack complete the list of indications. During pregnancy, during the lactation period, people with hypersensitivity are prohibited from using the ACE inhibitor Cardiopril .
- Vitamin and mineral preparation Cadioace. It contains fatty acids, as well as Omega-3. The product is known for its pronounced antioxidant effect. The drug normalizes metabolic processes in the body and reduces the severe form of atherosclerosis.
- The biological food supplement Forte, as an analogue of ReCardio, replenishes the body with magnesium and highly active biological substances of ginseng. It is recommended to be used to restore strength after heavy physical activity and to strengthen the immune system. This biological supplement is also useful during the recovery period, when the body is weakened and requires an additional source of strength.
You can also highlight Nikovit; the drug Cardiosafe has a beneficial effect on the human body in case of hypertension.
Cardiovid is considered a heart tonic ; it controls cholesterol levels in the blood. Cardiovid contains natural extracts. The drug helps to cope with the problems of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Helps strengthen blood vessels and improve the functional functioning of the heart. This biological supplement contains natural ingredients. The drug significantly reduces the load on the heart, the heart rate normalizes, and hypertension goes away. The energy balance in the heart muscle area improves.
Diagnostic procedures
Diagnosis and treatment of bradycardia is performed by a cardiologist. The doctor examines the child or adult and collects data for the medical history. Close attention is paid to the patient's pulse, the sonority of heart sounds and the frequency of respiratory movements. If there are appropriate indications, the cardiologist can refer the patient to a neurologist, neurosurgeon, or infectious disease specialist.
The organic form requires an ultrasound of the heart. Ultrasound examination allows one to evaluate changes in the size of the heart muscle and identify foci of degenerative lesions. Load bicycle ergometry is aimed at determining the increase in heart rate under various volumes of physical activity.
Hypertension is considered a fairly serious pathology. You must take special medications throughout your life. Elderly patients do not want to use chemicals. In this case, biological food additives come to the rescue. The drug ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure is just such a remedy. Its manufacturer is Alina Pharma.
ReCardio helps cope with high blood pressure. This remedy is considered a revolution in the field of medicine. Among the main advantages of ReCardio is the reduction in the risk of heart attack and stroke. The good news is that there are no negative side effects. The use of ReCardio for hypertension and blood pressure is safe.
With the help of the biological supplement ReCardio, hypertension disappears completely, no matter what its degree. At the same time, the body becomes healthier, other pathological diseases are also gradually cured after ReCardio.
CardiASK® (CardiASK)
When used simultaneously, CardiASK® enhances the effect of the following drugs
; if necessary, use with the listed drugs should consider the need to reduce the dose of these drugs:
— methotrexate
by reducing renal clearance and displacing it from connection with blood plasma proteins (increasing the incidence of side effects of methotrexate on the part of the hematopoietic organs);
— indirect anticoagulants
due to the displacement of the latter from connection with blood plasma proteins;
- when used simultaneously with anticoagulants, thrombolytic and other antiplatelet agents (ticlopidine, clopidogrel)
there is an increase in the risk of bleeding as a result of the synergism of the main therapeutic effects of the drugs used;
- when used simultaneously with drugs that have anticoagulant, thrombolytic or antiplatelet effects
, there is an increased damaging effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
— selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
, which may lead to an increased risk of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (synergism with acetylsalicylic acid);
— digoxin
, due to a decrease in its renal excretion, which can lead to its overdose;
— hypoglycemic agents for oral administration (sulfonylurea derivatives) and insulin
due to the hypoglycemic properties of acetylsalicylic acid itself in high doses and the displacement of sulfonylurea derivatives from communication with blood plasma proteins;
- when used simultaneously with valproic acid
its toxicity increases due to its displacement from connection with blood plasma proteins.
— NSAIDs (including ibuprofen and naproxen) and salicylic acid derivatives
in high doses (increased risk of ulcerogenic effect and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract as a result of synergistic action); with simultaneous (within one day) use with ibuprofen and naproxen, antagonism is observed in relation to irreversible platelet inhibition caused by the action of acetylsalicylic acid. The clinical significance of this effect is unknown. The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with ibuprofen is not recommended in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease due to a possible decrease in the cardioprotective effects of acetylsalicylic acid;
— ethanol
(increased risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and prolongation of bleeding time as a result of the mutual enhancement of the effects of acetylsalicylic acid and ethanol).
Concomitant use of acetylsalicylic acid in high doses may weaken the effect of the following drugs
; If it is necessary to simultaneously prescribe acetylsalicylic acid with the listed drugs, you should consider the need to adjust the dose of the listed drugs:
— any diuretics
(when used together with acetylsalicylic acid in high doses, a decrease in glomerular filtration rate is observed as a result of a decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins in the kidneys);
— angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
(a dose-dependent decrease in the glomerular filtration rate is noted as a result of inhibition of prostaglandins that have a vasodilatory effect, respectively, a weakening of the hypotensive effect. A clinically significant decrease in the glomerular filtration rate is observed with a daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid of more than 160 mg. In addition, there is a decrease in the positive cardioprotective effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, prescribed to patients for the treatment of chronic heart failure. This effect is also manifested when used in conjunction with acetylsalicylic acid in high doses);
— drugs with uricosuric action - benzbromarone, probenecid
(reduced uricosuric effect due to competitive suppression of renal tubular excretion of uric acid;
- when used simultaneously with systemic glucocorticosteroids
(with the exception of hydrocortisone or other glucocorticosteroid used for replacement therapy of Addison's disease), there is an increase in the excretion of salicylates and, accordingly, a weakening of their effect;
— indomethacin, piroxicam
due to a decrease in plasma concentration.
With simultaneous use of antacids containing magnesium and/or aluminum hydroxide
, slow down and reduce the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid.
With simultaneous use of blockers of “slow” calcium channels
, drugs that limit the intake of calcium or increase the excretion of calcium from the body increase the risk of bleeding.
When used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, the effect of phenytoin
When used simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids
the risk of ulcerogenic effects and gastrointestinal bleeding increases.
When used simultaneously with gold preparations
acetylsalicylic acid may induce liver damage.
If you are using the above or other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before using CardiASK®.